Warm Dragon

Chapter 231 Welcome Baoli to join the big family (additional update, please give me a monthly ticket

Promoted to the Fantasy Knight, mastered the magic-Wind Walk, and the Phantom Walk evolved into the Phantom Escape, which can be called a triple blessing.

Under the moonlight, Russell found Eric and returned to the post station together.

"My lord, how are you?"

"Very good, the Fantasy Knight is really powerful, this time I can play a bigger role on the battlefield." Russell smiled.

"After arriving at the Fire Ant Swamp, if the battle is not started immediately, please continue to work hard to practice the skills of Dou Qi Sword, Dou Qi Armor and Fantasy Beast Photo, so that the power of the Fantasy Knight can be fully exerted."

"Okay, I won't slack off." Russell followed suit.

Eric said in a muffled voice: "My lord has been promoted, please take back the command of the support formation."

"No, I still have a lot to learn in commanding the battle. If it is a task to clear the business road, I can practice it with confidence, but this is a battle of life and death, so you will still be in charge."

In this regard, Russell is very self-aware. He is not a military strategist and there is still a lot to learn.

There is no need to mess around.

After returning to the post station, Russell first reported the good news to his father, Baron Roman: "Father, I have successfully been promoted to the Magic Beast Knight."

"Very good!" Baron Roman said happily. He had been looking forward to it for several days. "After being promoted to the Magic Beast Knight, you will have more power to protect yourself. The conditions at the post station are simple. I will celebrate your promotion when we return to the Fluorescent Castle."


"This is undoubtedly good news before the war, but Russell, after all, you have just been promoted. You haven't started to hone your magic and skills yet, and your combat effectiveness has not increased much, so you should still keep a low profile... Remember the survival method of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family?"


"Yes, that's right." Baron Roman earnestly imparted his survival experience over the years, "Don't spread the news of your promotion to the outside world to prevent the Grand Duke from being transferred to fight the Snow Demon and Snow Beast."


"In short, act according to the situation. We should also consider ourselves more when the war is about to start." Baron Roman patted his second son on the shoulder.

He asked Roland to return to the Fluorescent Castle to take charge. Now the only thing he is worried about is Russell.

Russell said softly: "Father, if things are impossible, please consider the future of the family. A temporary retreat is for a more relaxed future."

"Haha, how could I not know this, you don't have to worry about it." Baron Roman smiled and pointed to a water tower not far away. There was a clay dragon Ross perched on the top of the water tower. "Lord Ross and I still have this tacit understanding."

The implication is that when it's time to escape, Lord Ross will never abandon him.

Russell nodded: "Then I'm relieved."

Then, the father and son looked at each other and laughed together. After laughing, they said good night to each other and went to rest.



A ga announced the arrival of Xiao Menglong.

Russell stood in place and waved to Xiao Menglong: "This time you slept for seven nights, which is longer than before, and you also spit out a mouthful of the original dragon flame to Baoli... Ice cream, why are you suddenly generous?"

"Ga!" Xiao Menglong raised his head and didn't explain much.

Its original dragon flame, it can give it to whoever it wants, anyway, it can be replenished, so it doesn't mind one or two bites.

"Okay, whatever you want." Russell smiled, turned over and rode on it, instantly lighting up the entire dark dream, and saw countless blooming magic lights.

This is the magic light of the entire Knights, outlining the images of countless knights.

Patting Xiao Menglong's head, Russell said: "I thought you would have to sleep for three days and three nights after a mouthful of original dragon flame was sprayed out. It seems that your horns have grown a lot after forking... Hey, why did your horns fork again? Now there are three forks!"

At the beginning at the Sancha River Mouth, Xiao Menglong's horns forked once, and now they forked again. There are three forks on one horn, which looks more and more like deer antlers.

The little thorn was wrapped around one of the forks, swaying gently.

The sword butterfly doesn't like to stay on the horns, but likes the empty space between the two horns, which has fine scales.

"Haha!" Xiao Menglong laughed, his pride was beyond words, and then flew directly to the location of the unicorn Polly.

Polly had fallen asleep, lying in the middle of the branches, her body gently supported by the branches, rocking like a cradle.

The wind-walking technique was working day and night, allowing it to sleep without landing.

Russell was a little curious about Xiao Menglong's behavior: "What are you doing, ice cream?"

Xiao Menglong raised his head and shouted at the location of Polly: "Ha!"

The next moment.

The magic light on Polly disappeared, and at the same time, a small unicorn with a pink sheen suddenly appeared in the dark dream.

"Angchi?" The pink little unicorn opened its big eyes and looked at everything in front of it blankly.

It was smaller than Russell in the form of the soul, only ten centimeters long from the horn to the tail, and it was also chubby, completely different from the unicorn Polly in reality.

At the same time, Polly's voice rang in Russell's heart: "What's going on, am I dreaming?"

"Polly!" Russell was shocked.

Looking at the arrogant Xiao Menglong and then at the dizzy pink unicorn, he has completely understood.

Xiao Menglong has also dragged the unicorn Baoli into the dark dream. At this moment, Baoli, like him, is in the form of a soul.

"Russell?" The soul Baoli recognized the chubby little baby, it was Russell, and asked through telepathy, "What's going on? Am I dreaming? Where is this place? Why am I dreaming like this, and this... this scary guy?"

"This is not a dream, this is a dark dream, the territory of ice cream." Russell laughed and waved to Baoli, "Come here, if you can fly, come with us, go around first, let me tell you slowly."

"Ga!" Xiao Menglong flapped his wings, and the speed became faster, at least more than 40 kilometers per hour.

The magic light around him gradually disappeared, and he had already flown into the dark world with the help of the dream clone.

"... That's about it, Baoli, I never thought that the ice cream could pull you into the dark dream... But it's a bit regrettable that the dream clone did not expand because of your arrival, and it still has a radius of three meters."

"It's really amazing." Baoli shouted in her heart.

"Yes, it's amazing. All the magic here comes from ice cream." Russell touched Xiao Menglong's neck.

Xiao Menglong was very proud: "Ga!"

It all started when Russell was eating Menglong ice cream on the eve of his crossing and was run over by a dump truck without slowing down.

Since then, he has had an M-shaped mark and got acquainted with Xiao Menglong.

Let Xiao Menglong become his golden finger.

At first, the golden finger had only one function, that is - dark dream.

Of course, Xiao Menglong's original dragon flame is also a function strictly speaking, but it is not a unique function of dark dream, but an ability that dragons and wyverns have.

Later, the sword butterfly amber worm was added, and a new function was opened - dark dream clone, ghost dream clone.

After swallowing two ice soul beads, he obtained another function that belonged to Russell - dark dream gaze, ghost dream gaze.

Then he contracted the unicorn Baoli and obtained Baoli's innate magic - dark dream walking, ghost dream walking.

It was also today that Xiao Menglong spit out a mouthful of dragon flame, and the ghost dream walking upgraded a new function - escape into the dark dream, ghost dream escape technique.

"Dark Dream, Dream Clone, Dream Gaze, Dream Walk, Dream Escape... We are getting stronger and stronger." Russell laughed, "In short, Ice Cream, Sword Butterfly, Thorn, let us welcome Polly to join the Dark Dream family."

The little dream dragon quacked: "Ga!"

The Sword Butterfly improvised a dance, and the Thorn waved its small thorns vigorously. The shy Polly also responded softly: "Ang Chi."

At this moment, the Dark Dream has more and more family members.

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