Warm Dragon

Chapter 227 Aunt Mitchell

The battle ended half an hour later.

The support team that Russell was in did not get the chance to fight the snow demons. They only defeated several groups of snow ghosts and harvested dozens of ice hail beads.

On average, each person could only get two or three beads, which is two or three gold coins.

Russell looked down on this little profit, but the knights were very happy and had already started to discuss how to spend the Phantom Light Collection.

"The snow demon army has begun to invade the trade route. We have to send a messenger back to suspend the operation of the caravan."

Several lord knights met after the battle, and Uncle Rosen, who replaced Baron Roman to lead the Knights, said so.

Marcus, as the most powerful 2nd-level high-level fantasy beast knight, also looked serious: "This group of snow demons are in a hurry. Obviously, they are responding to the order of the snow giant and are gathering in the fire ant swamp. More snow demons will come in the future."

"Yes, the snow demons came earlier this year than in the past. I don't know if the territory can hold on." Old Lord Sally frowned.

Rosen said, "With Knight Captain Chris staying in the Fluorescent Castle, there shouldn't be any problems. There is also a dark scorpion in the castle."

Lord Atlas said, "Not only that, didn't Lord Russell also leave a red-eyed rat king in the territory? There should be no worries in guarding the south gate."

Russell smiled and said, "Indeed, the red-eyed rat king has two rat legions under his command, which are spread all over the cave and the snow forest on the ground. They will immediately call the police if there is any danger."

"Okay, the battlefield has been cleaned up, let's go back to sleep." Rosen yawned, "We have to get up early tomorrow to travel. This delay will definitely make a group of people unable to get up tomorrow morning. Remember to kick the bed and make them want to sleep on horseback."

As he said, Rosen shook the ice soul bead in his hand and sighed comfortably, "One ice soul bead is worth it."

The two snow demons only contributed two ice soul beads.

One was in Rosen's hand, and the other was in Lord Atlas' hand. The knight formations led by them contributed the most.

Of course, they will all be handed over to Baron Roman in exchange for a batch of resources. Baron Roman will hand over the Ice Soul Orb as a merit to the Red Castle, so that the family's title can be promoted from baron to earl in the future, and slowly accumulate military merit.

Russell glanced at the Ice Soul Orb and felt a little sour.

But he soon comforted himself: "Don't worry, don't worry, we can spend the night on the snowfield tomorrow night, and sooner or later we can let Ice Cream eat to our heart's content."

In the second half of the night, the dark dream did not continue to descend. It can only descend once every night. If it is interrupted, it must be reset and it can only descend the next night.



The next night, the dark dream descended again. The little dream dragon, who didn't eat to his heart's content yesterday, flew out impatiently without Russell's instructions.

"Ice Cream, don't worry, this time we fly east and south, preferably in a serpentine route, to see if we can intercept more groups of snow ghosts!" Russell provided new guidance.

The snow giant Da summoned the Snow Demon Corps in the northwest of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.

Therefore, the nearby snow demons and snow ghosts should all run towards the northwest. He and Xiao Menglong searched in the opposite direction to run into these snow ghosts head-on.

Obviously, this decision was quite correct.

Not long after flying, they welcomed the first group of snow ghosts, then the second group, and the third group. When Xiao Menglong happily ate five groups of snow ghosts, he finally saw the long-awaited deep blue light in a new group of snow ghosts.

"Snow demon!"


"Don't be impatient, do as I said, eat the snow ghost first and then enjoy the snow demon." Russell laughed and commanded Xiao Menglong to quickly eliminate the surrounding snow ghosts, and then opened his mouth to suck the snow demon who was waving the ice crystal weapon and was helpless and furious.

Today, Xiao Menglong's body size has not changed much, but his strength has indeed grown a lot.

This bite.

The snow demon couldn't resist at all, trembling all over and trying to struggle, but he couldn't struggle. The deep blue light on his body quickly turned into two ice soul beads as two vortices formed.

"Double yolk eggs, cool!"

"Crunch, crunch..." Xiao Menglong chewed the ice soul beads happily, swallowed them, and then turned to look at Russell.

Russell saw this and naturally understood: "Okay, let's stop here tonight. Two ice soul beads are worth the trip. Goodbye ice cream, goodbye sword butterfly, goodbye thorns, we will see each other tomorrow... I don't know how many days later."

The next moment, consciousness fell into darkness.

The next day.

The Knights continued to set off northward, and walked out of the vast snowfield before ten o'clock in the morning, passed through the ceramic cave, and came to the Ghost Light Collection.

"My lord!" Marcus and others saw a team of knights waiting in the Ghost Light Collection from a distance, led by Baron Roman.

Russell also flew over and saluted Baron Roman: "My lord."

Then he smiled and nodded to the knight next to Baron Roman, who was Russell's eldest brother Roland.

"Everyone has worked hard on the journey. Let's get organized in the Phantom Glow first. We will set off for the Fire Ant Swamp early tomorrow morning." Baron Roman said loudly, "You are allowed to go out freely in the afternoon, and no one is allowed to stay overnight. Okay, disband!"

The Knights dispersed immediately after the word "disband".

Russell followed his father and brother to Baron Roman's small courtyard in the Phantom Glow. The small courtyard was not small, and there were many servants.

Russell even saw a plump woman in her thirties who came to greet him as the hostess.

"Russell, this is your Aunt Mitchell." Baron Roman introduced very naturally.

"Hello, Russell." Aunt Mitchell greeted with a smile on her face.

Russell just smiled reservedly, without addressing the other party, and followed his eldest brother Roland to sit down in the living room.

Aunt Mitchell was a little embarrassed, but she smiled like a normal person: "He's so handsome, Roman. When I saw him, I felt like I saw you when you were young. I was still an underage girl at that time."

Baron Roman laughed: "My style when I was young was really good. I could receive love letters every day at that time."

"That's how I was fascinated by you." Aunt Mitchell looked at Baron Roman infatuatedly.

Baron Roman kissed her on the face without hesitation.

The eldest brother Roland has long been accustomed to strange things.

As for Russell, he looked at his nose and his heart, pretending to turn a blind eye. However, I was sighing in my heart that Mitchell's sweet words and smile really fascinated his old father.

My father, who was usually serious, had never shown such a flirtatious look.

More or less, it's a bit eye-catching.

"Father." Russell couldn't bear it anymore and simply said, "I'm a little hungry after walking all the way. Let the servants prepare some food for me."

Aunt Mitchell immediately broke away from Baron Roman's arms, turned around and walked away: "I'm going to give instructions to the kitchen."

Only then did Baron Roman sit down: "Did you encounter any danger during this march?"

"No, it's just that we encountered the Snow Demon Legion the night before yesterday. I went on to kill more than a dozen Snow Demons."

Baron Roman nodded: "Rosen and Atlas have already handed over the Ice Soul Pearl to me. By the way, how far have you reached in your cultivation now?"

"The great knight is working hard on the fighting spirit chain and is trying to contract Baoli as soon as possible." Russell replied.

"Well, not bad." Baron Roman looked at his second son with joy, "You have become a great knight so quickly. Although the gift from Lord Medikalen is the key, it also shows how hard you have practiced... In fact, in terms of your cultivation attitude, I never worry."

No matter the predecessor or the current Russell, they are very hardworking in cultivation, and they practice every day almost without mercy.

"Are you sure about contracting Baoli?" Roland asked sourly.

He really wanted to say that if Russell couldn't do it, he would replace him, but in front of his father, he didn't dare to say such a thing.

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