Warm Dragon

Chapter 224 Entering the Ice

At the Dragon's Birthday, Russell announced his promotion to Grand Knight, which undoubtedly added more atmosphere to the festival.


It just adds some atmosphere, and there aren't many surprises. After all, the Great Knight is just a stage of fighting spirit practice.

Maybe countless knights with ordinary backgrounds can only reach the ceiling of great knights in the end.

But for Russell, who was born in a family of fluorescent mushrooms, as long as the seeds of fighting spirit bloom, promotion to the Phantom Beast Knight in the future is a sure thing. Therefore, it is not surprising that Russell was promoted to Grand Knight three years in advance.

Everyone already knows that His Excellency Medikalen gave him a breath of original dragon breath.

Feast till midnight.

The lights in Youguang Town are still bright, and there is no sleep tonight. The common people, like the nobles, celebrate the birth of the Shadow Flame Dragon. I am grateful for the warmth brought by the Shadow Flame Dragon and all the resources it provides for people's survival.

"What are you looking at, Russell?" Uncle Rosen came over holding a red wine glass.

"Take a look at the happy parade in Youguang Town." Russell replied.

"These ordinary people are really carefree." Rosen took a sip of red wine and sneered vaguely at the corner of his mouth, "Without our protection for them, how could they have such happy days? Soso.”

Russell smiled and said nothing, and had no comment on the custom that on the Dragon's Birthday, the people must send eggs to the lord.

The uncle and nephew stood by the window, enjoying the cool breeze, chatting casually.

"The Ice Age is probably coming soon, especially if the Snow Giant Da awakens, it will speed up the arrival of the Ice Age." Rosen frowned.

Russell nodded: "I guess so. The temperature has dropped a lot in the past two days."

"Sigh, now I can only pray that the Shadow Flame Dragon's injuries have completely recovered and the Snow Giant Da can be driven out."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"It is indeed difficult. After twenty years of rest and recuperation, the Grand Duchy's national strength has not been able to improve further. We have two fewer flying dragon knights than twenty years ago... It would be great if either eldest brother or Roland can ride on Sir Ross. ”

"Sir Ross..." Russell looked at the happy parade in Youguang Town in the distance and didn't know what to say.

My predecessor thought deeply about riding a dragon, and my father and eldest brother also thought deeply about riding a dragon.

But Lord Ross said nothing.

Rosen drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp and sighed: "I even had doubts. Mr. Ross simply doesn't want to be ridden again."

"Uncle, what does this mean?"

"You should know that in the early years before we were ennobled, I had the same thoughts about Mr. Ross as you did. But no matter how much my eldest brother and I try to please Mr. Ross, no matter how close Mr. Ross is to us, we will never let anyone ride on us."

Rosen said quietly: "I think it is normal for my talent not to be recognized by Mr. Ross. But my eldest brother, your father, as a third-level advanced fantasy beast knight, has first-class talent and conduct, and Roland , they are also talented knights...why are they not recognized?"

"Maybe it has something to do with Mr. Rose's compatibility."

"No, I don't think so." Rosen put his hands on the window, overlooking the lawn below the castle, "I think Lord Ross may have been frightened out of his courage. The Battle of the Fall twenty years ago scared him. "


"I have speculated on this a long time ago." Rosen turned around with a serious expression, "I also told my elder brother... Mr. Ross may not want to face the situation twenty years ago again, and would rather not be ridden by others. I don’t want to face that kind of battle again.”

Surprised when I first heard it.

But Russell thought about it carefully and had to admit that Uncle Rosen's inference might not be a reasonable explanation.

The bloodline of the Fluorescent Mushroom family has been infiltrated with the power of the contract passed down by the great-grandfather and grandfather.

In fact, with such bloodline blessing, the probability of future generations riding dragons will greatly increase.

For example, Count Merlin's horse, the manganese steel dragon Mercedes, has already recognized Cousin Mel as its next partner. This definitely has the influence of the power of blood on the contract, not just because of compatibility.


Baron Roman and his eldest brother Roland were both outstanding men of their time, and their attitude toward Mr. Ross was the same from beginning to end.

Flying dragons are not green tea. With a two-pronged approach, Baron Roman or Roland should have been recognized.

"It seems really possible." Russell said softly.

Rosen smiled and shook his head: "But so what if I know, I can't expose Mr. Ross's little thoughts... The family still needs its protection, and the territory also needs its continued protection. Perhaps it is best to maintain the current situation. the result of."


"So, if Lord Medikalen can give you a breath of original dragon breath, you may not be able to ride a dragon in the future." Rosen suddenly mentioned Russell, "Your parents and I have the same view. To be able to ride a dragon, you must Go ride."

Russell smiled: "But after riding Lord Medikalen, I have to go to the mouth of the Sancha River."

"So what, you are always a descendant of the Fluorescent Mushroom family. If there is trouble in the Netherlight Valley, will you just stand by and watch, haha."

"That's right, then I'll try my best."

"Ride a dragon when you should, Russell, that's a bipedal flying dragon, a dragon!" Rosen's tone was full of longing, "Dragon breath covers the fighting spirit, and magic reshapes the body. What kind of state is that? As a knight How can you miss it?”

Not only Rosen is envious.

Russell also has the same dream, but his dream is bigger. He looks forward to actually riding the little dream dragon and becoming a dragon knight in the future.

Not to mention immortality, at least you have to live for more than 200 years.

The uncle and nephew were looking forward to it, and suddenly saw sporadic snowflakes falling outside the window, flashing under the light.

"It's snowing." Rosen said, "The ice age has come, and the prediction of the Great Scholars Round Table is right."

The sign of the warm season and the ice age is a clear-cut snow.

In fact, the temperature in the Youguang Valley is not very low at this moment. Even at night, it does not reach below zero, and it can reach 7 or 8 degrees during the day.

But the temperature above the sky has already entered below zero, otherwise it would not snow.

It is the power under this warm land that is still supporting the Youguang Valley and not being shrouded by the cold brought by the power of the snow demon.

So even if it snowed all night, there was still no snow in the Youguang Valley the next day, only wet ground and gurgling water.

On the lawn, every step can splash water.

Russell didn't care about these. He stood on it and kept trying to practice the Dou Qi Chain. If it didn't work once, he would practice ten times. If it didn't work ten times, he would practice a hundred times. If it didn't work a hundred times, he would practice a thousand times, until it reached tens of thousands of times.

Of course, he didn't just practice the Dou Qi Chain.

The content that the Great Knight can practice also includes Dou Qi toughness, Dou Qi shield strength and Dou Qi round strength. These three kinds of strength are all Dou Qi force-generating techniques.

Adding the Dou Qi penetration strength, Dou Qi cyclone strength and Dou Qi instant strength practiced in the armored knight stage, basically all Dou Qi force-generating techniques are included.

After Dou Qi penetration strength, Dou Qi cyclone strength and Dou Qi instant strength are integrated, Dou Qi sword light can be used.

If Dou Qi toughness, Dou Qi shield strength and Dou Qi round strength are integrated, the six strengths are complete, and Dou Qi Chain can be used.

So this is a complementary system.

Russell stepped forward with his left foot, splashing a pool of water, and swept his fine steel sword forward. A semicircular white sword light flew out from the tip of the sword, and the sword light swept over the splashed water. The powerful force directly evaporated the water.

A cloud of white mist burst out instantly.

As the cold wind blew, the sword light reached its limit and dissipated, and the white mist also dispersed, leaving only Russell's figure as upright as a javelin.

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