Warm Dragon

Chapter 221 Military Preparedness

Snow giant reaches!

As soon as the name was called out, everyone in the hot spring house changed their expressions.

Even though Russell and others had not experienced the Battle of the Fall, they did not know the cruelty of the battle at that time. But over the years, almost everyone in the Grand Duchy has grown up listening to scary stories about snow giants, and everyone has a shadow of the snow giants.

"Snow Giant?" Rosen asked with wide eyes, "What do you mean, what are you talking about about Snow Giant?"

"I don't know, my lord didn't say anything." The messenger knight shook his head.

Mrs. Ingrid quickly regained her composure: "Rosen, Russell, don't ask any more questions, go to the Fluorescent Castle."

"Yes, mother." Rosen nodded.

Russell also quickly got up and followed his uncle Rosen, walking towards the small castle of the manor. Then Rosen rode the phantom beast - the golden lynx. Russell rode the unicorn Baoli and quickly left the Gale Manor and went straight to the Fluorescent Castle.

The golden lynx is not very big, smaller than a war horse, but its appearance has the cool and domineering appearance of a feline.

However, running side by side with the unicorn Paulie seems a bit awkward.

"This magical beast you picked up in the snow forest is indeed quite handsome. I used to envy my brother and Chris's nightmare horses, but now I have to start envying your unicorn again." Uncle Rosen's eyes couldn't help but glances at the unicorn.

It can gallop in the void without even having its hooves touch the ground, combining the wonders of a war horse and flying.

"Uncle, when will you be promoted to rank 2?" Russell asked.


"is it hard?"

"You haven't contracted a fantasy beast yet, so you don't understand how difficult it is to practice Yuanxi." Rosen sighed, "Yuanxi is the fusion of fighting spirit and Yuanli. The most important practice is the fit between souls. If you can't achieve perfect synchronization, it will be difficult." Unable to maintain spiritual balance."

Rosen has been contracted to the Golden Lynx for many years. As the younger brother of Baron Netherlight, it is not difficult for him to contract a second fantasy beast.

But if you don’t practice at home, everything will be in vain.

Rosen lowered his head and glanced at the golden lynx, which was concentrating on running, and said in a lonely tone: "I have been contracted with Cobb for more than ten years, and so far I still can't synchronize our minds perfectly, and it probably won't be possible in this life."

If the hearts cannot be perfectly synchronized, new contracts cannot be opened, and naturally it is impossible to advance from the ordinary 1st-turn fantasy beast knight to the 2nd-turn advanced fantasy beast knight.

"Is that so..." Russell frowned slightly.

He doesn't need to worry about contracted fantasy beasts. He can choose from the unicorn Baoli or the red-eyed rat king Jerry.

When other great knights contract with phantom beasts, they must develop a tacit understanding and gain the phantom beast's approval.

As the master of Jerry and Paulie, it goes without saying that he has a tacit understanding and recognition. As long as he cultivates the Dou Qi Chain well, he can complete the contract.


Russell could not guarantee whether he could achieve perfect mental synchronization with the contracted fantasy beast.

"However, I think it shouldn't be difficult for me. After all, I have the whispers of the phantom beasts, and I can listen to the phantom beasts' voices at any time... and I also have the little dream dragon as a solid backing. Not to mention contracting one, I contract five phantom beasts. , it is not difficult to reach the limit of the 5th level high-level fantasy beast knight!"

Of course, this is only an ideal state, and Russell must prepare himself mentally for failure.

Dafeng Manor is not far from the Fluorescent Castle. The uncle and nephew chatted and then arrived at the arch of the Fluorescent Castle.

Then quickly enter the Fluorescent Fort.

"Sir Rosen, Master Russell." Old Butler Carter greeted the two of them, "The master, Sally, Utteras, and the two knight captains are already waiting in the conference room."


After entering the conference room, Russell frowned.

He saw Mr. Ross's big head leaning in through the window. Apparently, Mr. Ross was also a member of the meeting.


Just as Russell frowned when he saw Mr. Ross, Mr. Ross also had smoke coming from his nostrils when he saw Russell, but it was probably used to Russell's new existence, so it did not provoke Russell again this time.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have the meeting." Baron Roman sat down at the main seat of the conference round table.

"Brother, what's going on?" Rosen spoke first, "Did the Snow Giant appear, or was there something else that happened?"

"You guessed it right, the Snow Giant Da has indeed appeared." Baron Roman's face was as dark as water, "And it's not just as simple as showing up, it's not far away from us at all, sleeping in the snowfield in the northwest of the Grand Duchy. "

"Northwest? How far is that from the fire ant swamp?" asked old Lord Sally.

The Fire Ant Swamp is located northwest of the volcanic oasis and is the fiefdom of the Swan Baron Quimbeef Shadowflame.

"It's not far. It's only about a hundred kilometers away from the fire ant swamp, and it's within the range of the mine triggering point."

"Trigger point?" Russell didn't know why.

Baron Roman explained: "The power of the earth is evaporating all the time. After evaporating, it condenses in the clouds and returns to the earth with the release of thunder and lightning..."

Therefore, the Red Keep sends dragon knights to draw thunder outside the existing territory of the Grand Duchy every year, hoping to bring in enough power of the earth.

First, it will increase the power of the earth within the scope of the Grand Duchy and help the territory breed more magical creations.

Secondly, I also hope that one day, new hot springs and flying dragons will breed outside the territory, opening up another warm enclave like the Youguang River Valley.

"No one would have thought that the seriously injured Snow Giant Dar was lurking within the range of the lightning detonation point, and he just broke out of the ice now." Baron Roman glanced at everyone, "Although the Snow Giant Dar has not invaded the territory of the Grand Duchy, but... this is Sooner or later."

Old Lord Sally immediately asked, "How will the Red Castle decide?"

"In the Red Castle, the Grand Duke has personally entered the volcano and awakened the Shadow Flame Dragon to state the matter. At the same time, he sent messengers to inform all noble lords to go to the Red Castle for discussion. After the meeting, I will take Lord Ross to the Red Castle."

"Is there going to be another ice and fire war?" Lord Atlas said solemnly.

"Whether there will be a war depends on the actions of the snow giant, but in any case, the Grand Duchy must enter a state of military readiness."

Baron Roman said, stood up, walked to the clay dragon head by the window, and said seriously: "We in the Valley of the Glow must also prepare for war immediately... Everyone, go back to your respective fiefdoms and summon the knights immediately."

"Yes, sir!" The lords responded one after another.

Russell also responded.

Baron Roman glanced at Russell. If possible, he did not want Russell to participate in such a battle immediately.

After all, Russell had not even successfully trained to be a great knight.

But the crisis brought by the snow giant Da is the responsibility that every knight in the Grand Duchy cannot escape, so he said no more and ordered: "After the knights gather, Rosen will lead the team and practice every day until my order is transmitted back!" "Yes, sir!" "Okay, adjourn." Baron Roman waved his hand. Then he touched Mr. Ross's head again: "I need you to escort me along the way. It's a good opportunity to meet your old friends." Everyone left the meeting room one after another and returned to their respective manors to summon knights. Russell was no exception. The awakening of the snow giant Da is related to the safety of the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. As a knight, whether he is loyal to the Grand Duke or to Baron Roman, he must contribute to this matter. "Ice cream, I hope the Shadow Flame Dragon can hold on." The unicorn Polly was running fast, and Russell felt the M-shaped mark on the palm of his left hand began to heat up, and he couldn't help but pray secretly. "The Shadow Flame Dragon can hold on, so that we can buy time to develop!"

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