Warm Dragon

Chapter 217 Walking in a Dream

They didn't finish the big meal, but they ate three or two shrimps. Russell and Little Menglong ended their trip to the snowfield.

At dusk the next day, the thunder beast-drawn caravan drove out of the Red Bat Cave and entered Gale Manor.

"Marcus, Russell!" Rosen Fluorescent Mushroom personally came out to receive the two of them, and put down his group of serfs.

Then he soon discovered that Russell was riding a distinctive white horse: "Is this... a phantom beast?"

"Polly the Unicorn, my friend I found in the snow forest." Russell introduced generously.

"Found in the snow forest?" Uncle Rosen was surprised.

Lord Marcus said calmly from the side: "In the snow forest just outside the second cold spring point, without any fighting, Paulie recognized Russell."

As the day went by, he had corrected his attitude.

Russell, who was under the gaze of the Shadow Flame Dragon, was destined to take off in the future. It was already a certainty. All he could do was accept this fact, and then modify his attitude and give Russell the same respect as he gave Roland.

"The dragon is watching, this is really a family blessing!" Uncle Rosen patted Russell heavily on the shoulder after being surprised, "Russell, you and Roland are the future of the Fluorescent Mushroom family, you are a pair of twin stars! "

"Royal and Royle will also shoulder the burden of the family in the future." Russell smiled.

Uncle Rosen smiled and said: "Haha, when Royal and Royal become adults in the future, I hope you can give them some advice."


After the handover of the serfs belonging to Gale Manor, Russell and Marcus had to rush back to Fluorescent Castle, so they did not stay longer in Gale Manor.

Russell did not see his grandmother, Mrs. Ingrid: "Uncle, please say hello to my grandmother. I still have a task to do. I will come to visit my grandmother after I finish my work."

"Okay, I won't keep you anymore. Come and play when you have time."

Under the moonlight, the caravan continued to set off until it arrived at the Fluorescent Castle.

Lord Sally and Lord Atlas, who had received the news in advance, were waiting at the Fluorescent Castle. Just outside the castle arch, the thunder beast-drawn caravan separated directly, and the lords each escorted the serfs they bought home.

Russell also arranged for Eric to escort the more than a thousand serfs he bought back to the Black-rumped Snake Manor overnight.

However, he himself was pulled by Mrs. Meryl and stayed at the Fluorescent Castle.

When the Thunder Beast pulled the cart and dispersed, the castle became quiet again. Baron Roman looked at the unicorn Baoli carefully and couldn't help but admired: "It is really a divine war horse, no worse than the Nightmare Ghost Horse!"

"Hmph!" Baoli snorted disdainfully. It didn't think it was a war horse.

Russell touched its horn to calm Paulie's mood. After entering the warm place, Paulie was somewhat nervous.

It lives alone in the snowfield and is not used to contact with humans.

"Father, Baoli is a very unique fantasy beast. It may not have evolved from a horse." Russell said.

Along the way, he had figured out most of Baoli's situation.

Especially with the help of the whispers of the phantom beasts, he quickly understood the difference between Baoli and ordinary phantom beasts.

First of all, Paulie's IQ is obviously higher than Kevin and Jerry, close to the level of normal humans. Secondly, Baoli's magic is very special, and it is a solidified passive type of magic, named Wind Movement by Russell.

The wind magic is running all the time, allowing Baoli to run in the void and come and go like the wind.

Finally, Baoli also has a second kind of magic, which is her talent to see through dark dreams, and was named Dream Walking by Russell.

When Paulie activates Dream Walk, its body will disappear.

Russell used the Ice Grain Bead to activate Dream Gaze, and he could see Baoli's body, as if he was hiding in a dark dream.

However, after hiding in the dark dreamland, it lost its wind movement magic and could only walk on the ground. Its vision still sees the real world, not the light of magic. But when the dark dream of the little dream dragon came, it could see the little dream dragon and Russell on its back.

In short, Youmeng's walking magic is amazing.

In Russell's view, Paulie's body, with the blessing of magical power, may have escaped into the interface between the real world and the dark dreamland. It was a step into the dark dreamland with one foot, but it did not completely step in.

Either way, this is an incredibly powerful skill.

With the two magics of Wind Movement and Youmeng Walking, its value far exceeds that of Jerry, the Red-Eyed Rat King.

"How could it not evolve from a horse?" Baron Roman refuted Russell's speculation. "Looking at its appearance, it is obvious that it evolved from a horse. All phantom beasts evolved from wild beasts. There is no doubt about this."

"Humph!" Paulie resisted this argument.

Russell changed the topic and looked at Mrs. Meryl: "Mom, is dinner ready? I'm so hungry that my chest is touching my back."

"Come in quickly, dinner is ready." Mrs. Meryl felt sorry for her son and hurriedly pulled the father and son into the hall.

Paulie and Jerry, of course, had servants from the castle coming to feed them.

The Baron and his wife had already had dinner, so they just sat at the dining table and watched Russell wolfing down his meal.

"Have you met your eldest brother?" Mrs. Meryl asked.

"I saw it." Russell replied without raising his head, "I stayed in my eldest brother's small courtyard for one night. Oh, by the way, after I presented the Bailu Yulong cigar to the Grand Duke, the Grand Duke liked the gift very much. I was given a banquet.”

"Really, how was your chat?"

"It's OK. The Grand Duke described a blueprint for the future, and I responded with a few words." Russell said briefly.

Baron Roman also asked: "Did you only see the Grand Duke? Where did Princess Anxia and Princess Kunlaya?"

"Well, I didn't see Princess Anxia, ​​but I saw Princess Kunlaya." Russell's eyes sparkled slightly as he spoke, and the delicate and beautiful appearance of Princess Kunlaya, as well as her crisp and milky voice, flashed through his mind.

"Although you didn't see Princess Anxia, ​​your trip was not in vain." Baron Roman nodded with satisfaction.

"I am indeed very satisfied with this trip." Russell said, "Not only did we buy more than a thousand serfs, but we also recruited more than a hundred free people in the cave to join us. Of course, the most surprising thing is that we found the unicorn Polly in the snow forest."

Baron Roman smiled. What he said was worthwhile was not the serfs and fantasy beasts.

After dinner, Russell's Red Castle trip was almost over, and the baron and his wife went back to their room to rest.

"Russell is really watched by the Shadow Flame Dragon wherever he goes." Lady Meryl sighed while letting the maid remove her makeup.

Baron Roman held a newspaper and looked at it boredly: "Indeed."

The couple chatted casually, and when the maids left, he said: "It was right to let Russell go to the Red Castle this time."

"It is indeed a good thing to let him broaden his horizons."

"No, I mean Russell met the little princess of Kunlaya." Baron Roman said excitedly, "I can see that Russell's eyes are shining when he mentioned the little princess of Kunlaya. This is something that no girl has done."

"Isn't it, dear, you really want to let Russell go to the little princess of Kunlaya to have a chance to develop?" Lady Meryl frowned.

Then he said worriedly: "You are not still fantasizing about letting Russell ride the Shadow Flame Dragon, are you?"

"What's the harm in thinking about it?" Baron Roman said, "Besides, this boy is too picky and doesn't like ordinary girls. It's rare that he likes one... Who knows what will happen in the future, just let it go."

"Princess Kunlaya is only ten years old."

"Russell is only sixteen years old. He should concentrate on training in the next few years. When he becomes stronger, the Red Castle will naturally see him."

"I'm not as optimistic as you." Lady Meryl sighed, "I still have to find a suitable lady for Russell. He has only met a few girls now. Maybe he will meet true love next time."

"It's up to you."

"But you are right about one thing. Russell's current status is different from before. The daughter of an ordinary lord is no longer suitable." Lady Meryl soon fell into distress, "But there are only a few ladies in the baron and earl's family, and they may not be able to look up to Russell..."

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