Warm Dragon

Chapter 212 Packing

"Your Highness."

Russell bowed 15 degrees, bowed with a gentlemanly demeanor, and saluted the fairy-like little Princess Kunlaya.

Although the title of Grand Duke Shadow Flame is only the title of Grand Duke, one level lower than the King. But the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame is an independent Grand Duchy without a sovereign. Naturally, the daughters or sisters of the Grand Duke are all called princesses.

"Who are you?" The little Princess Kunlaya looked at Russell curiously. Such a handsome noble is really rare.

Among the young nobles who often walk in the Red Castle, there are few who are so handsome, and they are not much different from her brother.

"My name is Russell Fluorescent Mushroom, a lord of the Valley of the Dark Light." Russell introduced himself.

Eldest brother Roland immediately rushed to say: "Your Highness, he is my younger brother. He just came of age this year. I brought him here to see the world."

After the introduction.

Grand Duke Kunstan said, "Okay, Kunlaya, you've seen it, my brother has to entertain guests, so I won't have dinner with you and mother today. Go back and have dinner with mother, don't let her wait anxiously."

"Oh, okay, brother." Little Princess Kunlaya nodded, and left the small manor surrounded by servants.

Russell watched the back of Little Princess Kunlaya disappear around the corner, and felt a little lost in his heart.

Roland seemed to understand what he was thinking.

He put his arm around his shoulders and led him to the living room of the small building, whispering to him, "The Grand Duke doesn't like to see someone coveting his sister, you kid, please restrain your eyes, let's go in and enjoy dinner."

Although the small manor building is much simpler than the palace in the inner castle, the interior decoration is very gorgeous, and precious gem lamps are everywhere.

Even at night, it is still as bright as day.

The richness of the dinner also refreshed Russell's cognition, with dozens of precious dishes filling the table.

And most of them are magic dishes.

"Your Highness, I won't be polite." Russell greeted him, and then he no longer paid attention to the noble demeanor, and he devoured them like a whale.

Roland looked at Russell with contempt, and smiled at Grand Duke Kunstan: "Russell's talent is not very good, and he can't stand magic food. It's not that he deliberately disrespected you in front of your Highness."

"Haha." Grand Duke Kunstan was happy.

The sense of superiority and contempt in his eyes flashed, and he said while chewing slowly: "Russell, eat slowly, there are still many magic dishes, no one will snatch them from you, enough for you to eat."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Russell looked up and smiled.

He is quite pragmatic, and he will not give up these expensive magic foods for the sake of noble demeanor.

It is really good to eat it in your stomach.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head and asked, "Your Highness, can I pack up the food if I can't finish it?"

Roland heard this and immediately scolded, "Russell, pay attention to your identity. You are a nobleman. Don't be rude in front of His Highness."

"Don't be nervous, Roland." Grand Duke Kunstan laughed, "You can pack up, Russell. I'll ask the servants to pack up the dishes you can't finish. You can take them back and eat them slowly. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Hearing that it can be packed, Russell didn't have to wolf it down.

With Roland, accompanying Grand Duke Kunstan while eating and chatting, they were all young people, and soon they couldn't help but point out the country.

"This year, the serf trade will be liberalized, and each territory will be strengthened. I hope to launch a big sweep next year." Grand Duke Kunstan said with high spirits, "The territory has been shrinking in recent years. It's time to expand outward!"

"Yes, it is to expand outward and stop the decline in recent years!" Roland immediately agreed loudly.

Russell nodded.

However, through the conversation between Grand Duke Kunstan and Roland, he secretly pondered the future development of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.

Apparently, during the twenty years of the Senate's rule, the Grand Duchy chose to recuperate, and the Shadow Flame Dragon was also in hibernation to recover from its injuries, which led to the decline of many territories and the continuous shrinkage of the territory. This caused dissatisfaction among Grand Duke Kunstan.

It was decided to have a big battle in the near future to clear the snow demons and snow ghosts, compress the space of the snow demon power, and thus expand the warm land.

The more warm lands there are, the more feedback there will be to the Shadow Flame Dragon, which can accelerate the recovery of the Shadow Flame Dragon's injuries.

Moreover, Russell keenly realized that the reason why Grand Duke Kunstan was anxious to start a war was probably to get the recognition of the Shadow Flame Dragon.

"He still wants to ride a dragon!"

Russell chewed a piece of farmed Yuan beast barbecue, watching Grand Duke Kunstan and Roland, the monarch and his minister, singing the same tune, and thought silently.

"To expand the territory, the more dragon knights the better." Grand Duke Kunstan looked at the little transparent on the table, "Russell, if you have the opportunity to ride Medicaron, you must seize the opportunity. I can speak for you about the resistance from Earl Merlin."

"Thank you, Your Highness. If I really have the opportunity, I will not miss it."

"Very good." Grand Duke Kunstan smiled with satisfaction, "Roland, you too, your Ross, you must make more strategies, and don't waste the power of the two-legged dragon in vain. Now, with every additional dragon knight in the Grand Duchy, we can open up more warm land!"

"Your Highness, please rest assured, I will strive to get the approval of His Excellency Ross as soon as possible, and help Your Highness expand the territory as soon as possible!"

"I trust you." Grand Duke Kunstan raised his glass, "Come, you two brothers, drink a glass with me!"

"Drink to win!"

"Drink to win!"

Half an hour later, Russell and Roland left the manor building with a little bit of drunkenness.

On the way, the two brothers circulated their fighting spirit to dissolve the drunkenness and refresh themselves again. Then, the cool breeze at night made them energetic.

"You are really embarrassing today. You have disgraced the family, Russell!" Roland couldn't help getting angry on the way.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong!" Roland pointed at the big bag of food that Russell was carrying, "Does the family really lack this little magic food? Do you have to pack it from the Grand Duke's banquet?"

"Brother, refusing to waste food should start with you and me." Russell said, "And the tradition of packing has a long history, and I am not the only one packing."

At the noble banquet, there are two ways to deal with the unfinished food.

One is to reward the servants, and the other is to pack it for the guests to take away. After all, these foods are all high-quality materials.

"Who are the people who pack it? They are all small nobles and poor people!" Roland roared.

Russell glanced at Roland and said, "So do you think I am a great noble or a small noble? If you are willing to give up the inheritance of the Baron of the Dark Light, I don't mind being a great noble and inheriting the Dark Light Valley Territory."

"Uh..." Roland was speechless.

Judging from his origin, Russell seems to be a great noble. After all, the Fluorescent Mushroom Family is one of the five baron families in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy.

But in fact, Russell is only the second son of the family and has been enfeoffed as a lord.

There are hundreds of lords and nobles in the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. Obviously, the title of lord does not reach the threshold of a great noble.

After looking at the packed food in Russell's hand with disdain, Roland decisively changed the subject: "Grandpa's Lord Medicaron, do you really have a chance to ride?"

"I don't know. Grandpa and cousin should be willing to give me a chance to contract, but my aunt obviously doesn't like our family, and Lord Medicaron is my aunt's dowry... Who knows, maybe we have to wait until the day when cousin Mel takes charge of the family."

"Ha, doesn't that mean we have to wait until fifty years later?" Roland laughed, but soon realized that he shouldn't laugh.

So he said with a straight face: "Anyway, the Grand Duke hopes that you can ride a dragon, so you can go and conquer Lord Medicaron with this goal."

The implication.

You can conquer Lord Medicaron, but you can't conquer Lord Ross at home.

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