Warm Dragon

Chapter 206 Hundred Ton King

"When did you become the Grand Knight?"

"Two years ago, my lord."

The sun shone on Big Bear Grove's body, making his 1.9-meter-iron tower-like body look even more burly.

In fact, when Russell accepted Grove as his follower yesterday, Russell didn't care about Grove, he was just a knight in costume. Maybe he had some talent in the past, but after wasting away in the Savage Cave for so long, he should have languished long ago.

Not much nurturing value.

What Russell wants now is to train a group of children and wait three to five or even ten years to train a group of great knights.

At that time, they can lead these great knights to gallop freely on the snowy fields.

Who would have thought that the big stupid Bear Grove, who was recruited at will, would have become a Grand Knight, and he was also a Grand Knight as a freeman in the underground cave.

"Teacher Eric, try Grove." Although Russell had already guessed last night, he still had to verify it.

Eric nodded, immediately shook hands with Grove the Big Stupid Bear, and then circulated his energy, making a circle in the meridians in Grove's body.

Then he nodded: "Sir, Grove has indeed been promoted to a great knight. His meridians have been connected as a whole, and his fighting spirit has been twisted into a rope. The promotion time will not be short."

Russell smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, but Grover, why didn't you tell me yesterday."

Big Stupid Bear Grove said truthfully: "Sir, you didn't ask."

Howles hurriedly said: "Sir, I only found out last night that Grove had been promoted to Grand Knight. His temperament is a bit too... too easy-going. It may be that the incident that year had a huge impact on him. "

Then he told all about Big Bear Grove and his blessings to his object, Jenny.

Grove didn't react and didn't mind Howles' exposure.

After listening to the report, Russell's mouth twitched and he felt that the word "lying flat" in his hometown on Earth was the most suitable to describe Grove.

"Groff, you don't have any family anymore?"

"Yes, sir, I have an uncle and two cousins. They all live in the volcanic oasis and are not involved in my matter."

"Okay." Russell shook his head.

For someone who has chosen to lie flat and has been lying flat for many years, he has no good way to PUA the other person.

However, he planned to take advantage of this trip to the snowfield to observe Grove carefully. If Grove's character and strength satisfied him, he would marry Grove a wife after returning to the territory and let the family inspire him. fighting spirit.

If my wife can't inspire her, she should be able to inspire her in the future when my son is born.

After all, everyone on earth knows that his weak spot is his son.

Maybe after having a son, Big Stupid Bear Grove will be able to rekindle his fighting spirit, and he might have the opportunity to advance to become a Phantom Beast Knight in the future.

at this time.

In Russell's ears, a familiar strange murmuring voice came again: "Eat, eat, eat, eat, it's so delicious, eat, eat, eat, eat..."

Patting his ears, Russell said simply: "Okay, let's get ready. Let's quickly join the caravan."

I don’t want to hear the ghostly light black scorpion’s thoughts for a moment.

At this time, Mrs. Meryl's personal maid Mei Zin came over and said: "Master Russell, Madam asked me to remind you to be careful in the snowy field. Do not rush in, let alone leave the caravan and act alone."

At this time, Mrs. Meryl most likely hasn't gotten up yet, so maternal love can only be conveyed through the personal maid.

Russell smiled and responded: "Tell my mother that I never do anything rash, please rest assured."

Laura had also finished breakfast and walked over quietly: “Russell, be careful.”

"When did you get up?" Russell smiled and rubbed Laura's hair, "It's just escorting the caravan, there will be no danger."

"Don't mess up my hair." Laura's eyes widened and she said angrily, "Besides, we had breakfast together just now!"

"Oh, really, I didn't notice."

"Humph, you can't always see me!"

"How is that possible, little Laura, I'm just teasing you." Russell comforted his little transparent sister, "When I come back, I will definitely bring you a fun gift. Okay, the second brother is gone, 豼Let's go back."

Waving his hand, Russell walked out of the Fluorescent Castle without looking back.

Soon, they met the caravan pulled by the Thunder Beast on the Cinder Avenue outside the castle.

"Good morning, Lord Marcus." Russell rode on a black horse and greeted another knight guarding the caravan, Lord Marcus, the lord of Windmill Manor.

Lord Marcus did not ride his contracted phantom beast today - the Iron Thunder Beast. Instead, he rode on the back of another phantom beast he contracted - the Pangolin King - he is a level 2 advanced phantom beast knight, contracted with two phantom beasts. Beast, you can ride it instead.

As for the Steel Thunder Beast, it is at the forefront of the Thunder Beast caravan.

As a phantom-level thunder beast, it can pull twelve extremely large carriages. A carriage can carry as much as four tons of cargo, and it is now fully loaded with specialties from the territory. In other words, the Iron Thunder Beast pulled nearly fifty tons of cargo.

To be honest, this is not the limit of the Iron Thunder Beast.

If Marcus hadn't been worried about his fantasy beast, it would be more than enough to hang twelve extra large carriages behind him.

The Hundred Ton King is nothing more than that.

Facing Russell's greeting, Marcus just replied coldly: "Yeah."

He was relieved that Russell looked down on Malena. Russell, who had been favored by the dragon, had reason to choose a better socialite. But this does not prevent him, as Malena's father, from thinking that Russell sucks.

Russell smiled and kept a certain distance from Marcus.

One of them was in front of the team, the other was behind the team, one was on the left, and the other was on the right. Out of sight, out of mind.


The steel thunder beast roared, and its mammoth-like body moved, spreading its thick limbs and stepping firmly and powerfully on the road.

Squeaky, clattering.

Twelve carriages made a sound in unison, being quickly pulled by the steel thunder beasts, and moving easily along the road without the guidance of the coachman.

With the roar of the steel thunder beast, the twenty thunder beasts following behind took steps in unison.

Each of them looked like a rhinoceros, but their size was not inferior to that of an elephant. They pulled five or six super-large carriages, as stable as horse-drawn carriages.

One super-large carriage after another, connected in series, was like a slow-moving train.

Behind the thunder beasts, there were endless horse-drawn carriages, but the carriages pulled by mules and horses were much smaller and carried less cargo.

Passing through the Red Bat Cave.

The caravan slowly drove into the snowfield, and then saw the magnificent Great Wall of Ice and Snow, like a long snow-white dragon, plunging into the endless white snow.

The palm of his hand was hot.

Russell raised his hand and took a look. The M-shaped mark was burning. This was Xiao Menglong's desire for the snowfield, longing for those delicious green and blue skins.

"Grove." Russell called.

"Sir." Big Bear Grove, riding a warhorse, responded softly.

"Before that happened, have you fought in the snowfield?"

"Fought." Grove is 35 years old this year. He has fled to the Valley of the Dark Light for seven or eight years.

In the past seven or eight years, his childhood sweetheart has given birth to three children.

And he has been hiding in the cave of the Savage Cave, living a miserable life of hunger and fullness. The will of the knight has been completely wiped out.

"From now on, you will have to fight in the snowfields frequently." Russell had nothing else to do, so he just chatted with Grove. "Jenny has already found happiness, and you have to fight for your own happiness too. Perform well, and I will find you a wife later."

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