Warm Dragon

Chapter 203 The Baron's Fantasy Time

In Fluorescent Castle, Russell stood on the corridor, looking at the sky with white clouds in the distance.

Mr. Ross is not here, and he probably went out for a walk again, which made the atmosphere in Fluorescent Castle much more relaxed.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat..." Weird murmurs started to sound from time to time since he stepped into the castle.

This annoyed Russell a little.

There is no other reason. This is the whisper of the phantom beast, but it is the phantom beast belonging to the Fluorescent Castle, the Dark Light Black Scorpion. It's the phantom beast that eldest brother Roland said has relatively low intelligence. Not only does it have relatively low intelligence, but it also has a shabby personality.

Many great knights tried to get along with it and make a contract, but they failed.

But from its attitude towards its elder brother, it can be seen that if Roland wants the contract, he should be able to succeed, but Roland doesn't want the Gloomy Black Scorpion.

Moreover, Roland is still waiting for his virginity to be recognized by Sir Ross.

"It's a bit of a show-stealer, Scorpion." Russell sighed speechlessly, "Since entering the castle, you have whispered it many times, and every time it's "Eat, eat, don't eat," making me listen to the whispers of the phantom beast. Give the opportunity to other fantasy beasts."

He brought Charles here today to discuss the serf trade with his father.

It's already afternoon.

Baron Roman summoned several lords and vassals, and then they were discussing the share of the serf trade, the minimum transaction price of the serfs, the safety escort of the thunder beast-drawn caravan, and even the subsidies for the caravan.

It was all nonsense. Russell directly delegated power to Charles and came out for some air.

The other one was also annoyed by the whispers of the Netherlight Black Scorpion.

"This ability to extract berries is completely passive, which is really annoying when there are many fantasy beasts... Also, never contract insect-type fantasy beasts in the future. They have low IQs and talk a lot of nonsense... You say you Just eat, why are you always thinking about it?"

During the period of abdominal slander.

Another strange murmur floated by: "Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat delicious eat eat eat eat eat eat..."

Russell rolled his eyes.

After walking back to the conference room, everyone in the conference room was smoking cigars. The cigarette factory had sent a batch of experimental sample cigars.

Of course, the Yunmist and Fengshuang series of Magic Yulong cigars have not yet been produced. Now, all the Bailu series Yulong cigars smoked are ordinary cut tobacco.

"These White Dew cigars are so comfortable to smoke. Russell, do you have any in stock at the cigar factory? Give me twenty boxes and take them to the snowy fields to smoke. How about it?" Lord Atlas, holding a White Dew cigar in his mouth, asked with a smile. .

Russell replied bluntly: "No."

"It's just twenty boxes, don't be so stingy."

"The production share for this year's warm season has been fixed. Only three hundred boxes of White Dew cigars can be produced in total. One hundred boxes are given to the Grand Duke, one hundred boxes to my grandfather, and one hundred boxes to my father. I can't even keep a single box in my hands. "

"No, so little?" cried Lord Atlas.

A box of ten cigars and a box of ten cigars are all packed in wooden boxes. Calculating the full production capacity of the cigar factory this year, it will only be 30,000 cigars.

Russell said: "Lord Atlas, if you want shredded tobacco, the tobacco factory can send you any amount. But you also know that Yulong cigars are made of the finest tobacco leaves, and they are rolled by girl cigarette workers." When it came out, the yield was too low.”

Old Lord Sally stroked his beard and suddenly asked: "What about that batch? The finished products will be smoked by the Grand Duke, the Earl and the Baron. We can just smoke some defective products."

"There are no defective products." Russell shook his head, "We do not keep defective products. All defective products will be destroyed immediately and cut into ordinary shredded tobacco for sale... We can't let the citizens of Youguang Valley not even be able to buy shredded tobacco. "

"So cruel?" Lord Marcus frowned, "Destroy the inferior products directly? The citizens of the territory will not die if they smoke less."

"This is to ensure the brand. I must let everyone know that Yulong cigars do not produce inferior products." Russell smiled and said, "Of course, the share in the warm season is gone. Let's wait a moment for the ice age to come. , a large amount of tobacco will mature.”

"Haha, yes, you have a tobacco elf now!" Lord Atlas laughed.

Russell also smiled and said: "When the time comes, each of you lords, I will give you twenty boxes of white dew, no, I will give you twenty boxes of cloud cigars directly!"


"Russell, you are so generous!"

"The dragon is watching, this is the young and promising knight!"

"Your Excellency Ross is really blind if he doesn't give you a ride!" Old Lord Sally relied on his old age to speak without fear.

Baron Roman smiled slightly and said nothing, but looked at Russell with somewhat complicated eyes. I never imagined that my second son, who was as transparent as a child, would have many adventures and harvest elves and fantasy beasts as soon as this coming-of-age ceremony was over.

Just a few days after returning to the territory, I discovered another bamboo fairy insect.

Is it true that as Earl Merlin said, the Shadow Flame Dragon may have taken a liking to Russell? If that's the case, he really needs to think about it.

When did he propose marriage to Princess Anxia and let Russell marry the little Princess Kunlaya?

"What if I could ride a giant dragon... hiss, how terrifying!" The more Baron Roman thought about it, the more excited he became. Reason told him that it was impossible, but there was always some unrealistic expectation. What if, just what? Just one!

"Sir, what do you think?" Marcus asked, bringing the distracted Baron Roman back to reality.


"We have just discussed that the 20 thunder beasts in the castle will be raised. Each of us lords will bear two of them for all the expenses during the period of pulling the cart, which means ten thunder beasts. The remaining ten will be borne by you, sir."

"Okay." Baron Roman had no objection.

He even felt that the serf trade was a trivial matter, and compared with the dragon knight, it was not exciting at all.

So when the serf trade was almost discussed, he said: "Russell, this year the thunder beasts will pull the cart, and you and your knight leader will also go for a run, go to the volcanic oasis, and it would be best to go to the Red Castle to see the world."

Princess Anxia's daughter, Kunlaya Shadow Flame, lives in the Red Castle. Although Kunlaya is still young, what if she falls in love with Russell?

While speaking, Baron Roman carefully looked at his second son.

Although he always felt that he did not inherit the family's way of survival - low-key, but now it seems that being beautiful is also good, at least for young girls, it is still very lethal.

"Okay, father." Russell did not refuse. He wanted to run more times in the snowfield.

The green and blue skins on the snowfield are all food for the growth of the little dream dragon. The meager output of farming in the territory alone cannot raise a big dragon.

"Then it's settled." Baron Roman stood up, "It's getting late, everyone should go back early to avoid walking at night."

"Yes, sir!" The lords and the trusted officials they brought stood up and saluted Baron Roman.

Then they left the Fluorescent Castle.

On the way back, Charles reported to Russell some details of the previous discussion.

"The current price of serfs in the market may be between 20 and 30 silver coins; the price of female serfs is much higher, up to 50 silver coins per person; as for serf technicians, it ranges from 80 to 150 silver coins."

"It's a bit expensive." Russell said.

His plan was to take out 500 gold coins for the serf trade, but at the current market price, these 500 gold coins could only buy 1,000 female serfs.

"So the result of the negotiation was to buy half male serfs and half female serfs. If children are cheaper, you can buy more children. It just so happens that you also need to train knights, and these children are just right."


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