Warm Dragon

Chapter 201 Letter from Roland

Russell did not plant bamboo in the Magic Potion Village, but planted it near the Cigar Courtyard. It was not only because he liked bamboo, but also because there was only one Cordyceps sinensis at the moment.

In the entire Youguang Valley, bamboo has not been found yet. Even when he had walked around the Sancha River Mouth before, he didn't seem to have seen any bamboo-like plants in his memory. So it is difficult to plant a bamboo garden.

He could only ask the caravan of Fluorescent Castle to help him go to the Volcano Oasis or other warm enclaves to find bamboo.

Then bring back the bamboo seeds.

Of course.

If one day the bamboo Cordyceps sinensis blooms and bears fruit, new magic potion bamboo can be propagated with bamboo rice. However, in Russell's memory, bamboo flowering means death. He doesn't want bamboo Cordyceps sinensis to bloom, so he just keeps it like this.

"But then again, bamboo can form a forest by itself. If I keep this bamboo Cordyceps sinensis, will it spread directly into a bamboo forest one day?"

Russell looked at the newly planted bamboo Cordyceps sinensis.

Hundreds of bamboos slightly thicker than fingers grew out, which looked like a small bamboo forest. Moreover, the bamboo whips underground were still spreading, with no signs of stopping.

Ordinary Cordyceps basically stopped growing after growing to a certain extent, without blooming, bearing fruit or withering.

But according to Old Charlie, this bamboo Cordyceps was discovered about a month ago, and there were only a few sporadic ones at first.

Because there was wasteland behind his yard, according to the rules of the territory, these trees were the property of the lord. So Old Charlie ignored these bamboos, and who knew that in a month, the bamboos spread to his house.

It almost arched the corners of the wall.

So he had to find the temporary office.

"That is to say, this bamboo Cordyceps can continue to grow... Tsk tsk, I want to see if you can grow into a bamboo forest, no, a bamboo sea!" Russell thought happily. If so, even if it does not produce magic potions or magic materials, it is a pleasure to just keep it for appreciation.

The ancients said that it is better to eat without meat than to live without bamboo.

Now Russell's cigar courtyard can be regarded as having bamboo.

"Come on, little guy." He put the bamboo elf worm into the shelf of the elf room. Although he was happy, he was not too excited.

After all, he had two elves in his hands.

"Huh?" The tobacco elf Neeko, who had just woken up, saw the new friend and flew over.

Then he grabbed the bamboo elf worm and started flying around in front of Russell.

I don't know if it was welcoming the friend or bullying the friend. Soon, the noise woke up the fluorescent mushroom bird Rosie, who also flew over, chirping and joining the welcoming team, and occasionally pecking the bamboo elf worm.

"Okay, okay, Neeko, Rosie, stop tossing bamboo...bamboo worms." Russell always felt a little awkward when he spoke.

Bamboo elf worms are naturally referred to as bamboo worms.

However, the bamboo worms in the Earth's hometown seem to be a delicacy - of course, Russell is not interested in delicacies such as insects.

"Eh." After listening to Russell's instructions, Nicole threw the bamboo elf worm directly into the shelf.

Fortunately, the elf worm is very tough and doesn't feel pain when it falls down. It turns over and crawls around curiously in its new home.

When it meets other elf worms, it will curiously touch them.

However, these old elf worms are not as active as bamboo worms. They lie lazily on the shelf and are too lazy to respond.


"Master, are you going to hold a celebration banquet at noon today?" Butler Morris asked with a smile, "The dragon is watching, Master, you have got another elf worm, which is a rare and happy event in the territory."

"Rare? It doesn't seem to be rare." Russell's expression was indifferent, "It's just an elf worm."

His heart was indeed calm.

But after thinking about it, it seems that getting an elf worm is indeed a happy event. Even if the Fluorescent Castle gets an elf worm, a banquet will be held.

For any lord, fairy bugs are strategic resources.

It's just that Russell's fairy bugs come too many and too fast, so that the potion field can't be planted, and naturally there will be a happy trouble of "too many fairies".

"Then hold a banquet." Russell said, and suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way, you notify James and ask him to go to Xiaomai Village to invite Old Charlie to come and invite Old Charlie to attend the lunch banquet."

Bamboo Cordyceps was discovered by Old Charlie. Russell hopes to let the people share his glory in this way.

It is also to further encourage the people to search for possible Cordyceps.

After all, discovering a magical creature can not only get a large amount of reward money, but also have lunch with the lord, gaining both fame and fortune. Who can not envy and look forward to it.

"As you wish, sir." Butler Morris responded.

At the lunch, Old Charlie was trembling with fear. He ate many delicacies that he had never enjoyed before, drank the pink wine that only nobles could taste, and even got a new set of clothes rewarded by the lord.

After eating and drinking, he changed into new clothes and was sent back home by the carriage of Cigar Courtyard.

Old Charlie's wonderful experience today spread quickly throughout the Black Snake Manor like wings.

"Have you heard that Old Charlie from Wheat Village found a fairy bug!"

"That's right, the lord rewarded him with a gold coin!"

"That's just the beginning. Old Charlie was invited to the manor house to have dinner with the lord. He ate snow-white bread and drank orange wine. It was so beautiful!"

"The dragon is watching. Old Charlie is really lucky!"

"It's the lord's generosity and kindness. Old Charlie just ran into Cordyceps. He didn't do anything and made a fortune."

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to take a walk in the fields."

"Well, I'll take a walk too. If I run into Cordyceps, the lord can give me a gold coin!"

"You're dreaming. The dragon is watching. The gold coin reward should come to me!"

On that day and the next few days, the serfs were not focused on their work. They wanted to go to the wasteland to see if they could find some strange plants. If they could identify Cordyceps, wouldn't their lives be perfect immediately?

There was a long queue at the entrance of the temporary office. Regardless of whether the plant they found was Cordyceps or not, the serfs wanted to try their luck.

If they were unlucky and were punished by officials, they would get two whips at most.

If the dragon of the Grand Duke opened his eyes and looked over, he could immediately live a life of worry-free food and drink like old Charlie's family.

Ten thousand copper coins, how much black bread can you buy with this!

Such days lasted until November. The hot summer gradually passed, and the territory began the hot harvest season. Wheat, barley and lentils can be harvested. After harvesting this batch of crops, a short-term crop can be planted.

Before the ice age comes and the earth freezes again, another crop can be harvested.


The horse galloped over. It was Raphael, the messenger of Fluorescent Castle, who brought three letters to Russell.

One was a daily letter from Fluorescent Castle. Baron Roman knew that Russell had harvested another elf insect, so he naturally came to congratulate and encourage him.

The other one was sent from the Red Castle, signed by Roland Fluorescent Mushroom.

"Well, big brother has replied." Russell quickly opened the letter and smiled with satisfaction after reading it.

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