Warm Dragon

Chapter 199 Old Charlie's Troubles

That night, Russell found another excuse to camp in the courtyard of Langtou Village in Digutun, and then explored the snowfield at night to search for snow ghosts.

No matter what.

The snowfield was vast and pitch black, and no trace of the snow ghost could be found.

"It's the warm season. Ice cream and snow ghosts have all retreated to the ghost den... If you ask me where the ghost den is, I don't know where it is. Anyway, it's probably a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from here." Russell looked at Looking at the dark world outside Youmeng's clone, he sighed helplessly.

It is said that snow ghosts also have their own nests. It is said that some snow ghosts still retain some memories of their lives and built their own castles in the snow.

It can even collect the treasures left by the dead on the snowy fields and hide them deep in the ghost lair.

Russell had read a lot of knightly novels. The protagonist led the knights to fight in the snowy field, and then found the ghost den and immediately became fat. After returning to China, he was promoted to a high official position, married a princess, and was even favored by the dragon, and he reached the pinnacle of his life.

It's a pity that he doesn't like to dream, otherwise he would often miss the snow ghost's haunted house and cook it all in his dreams.


"It's okay, don't be impatient. Sooner or later we will fight on the snowfield and prepare the ghost den, and we will make you eat until you are full!"

When he woke up early the next morning, Russell confirmed that there were no more lone snow ghosts around the Youguang River Valley, so he did not plan to continue camping in the caves.

"Come to think of it, all the snow ghosts in the surrounding area were wiped out by Mr. Ross." He thought silently while riding on his black horse, "This clay dragon often goes out for a walk. It is obviously not looking for trouble, but to hunt snow ghosts."

The flying dragon does not eat Ice Grael Beads, let alone Ice Soul Beads.

But perhaps it is because of nature. The power of the earth and the power of the snow demon are polar opposites. The two-legged flying dragon loves to hunt the snow demon.

This is also the reason why bipedal flying dragons can become the vanguard of mankind in opening up trade routes and conquering snowfields.

After a while, the war horse ran along the charcoal road and arrived at the small market.

Most of the land in the small market is deserted, but with the renovation of the farmer's market and Russell's continuous giving of money to the serfs, more and more people are selling goods, including eggs, goat's milk soup, hare meat and even And bugs.

However, the targets they sold were not serfs to each other, but officials such as Charles and Eric and their families.

The cook from the manor's annex will often come here to do shopping.

Seeing Russell's arrival, the serfs stood up one after another and bowed to Russell. They had to bow at a ninety-degree angle. If they bowed less than one degree, they would be caught by the law enforcers and then beaten - except for the elderly who were in poor health.

Russell just glanced at the bowing serfs and then drove away.

It wasn't until he left for a long time that old Charlie, who was standing and bowing outside the temporary office gate, carefully stood up.

The last time he failed to bow properly, he was caught by members of the security patrol and whipped several times, leaving bloody marks on his buttocks.

"Phew, praise the master." Old Charlie looked at Russell and his entourage who had gone away, and breathed a sigh of relief, "The master is so generous and kind, but why did he recruit all the local scoundrels into the security patrol team? These minions are really vicious!"

"Old Charlie, what are you hiding over there muttering about?" Suddenly a serf recognized Old Charlie.

"Ah, I have something to do when I come to the office." Old Charlie looked around guiltily to make sure there was no one from the security patrol.

Then he put on a smile and said to the visitor: "I'm busy with you."

Then he walked into the temporary office.

"Who are you, who are you looking for?" The clerk asked immediately when he saw old Charlie.

"Ah, I'm looking for...I'm looking for Mr. Charles. Mr. Charles said that if the villagers are in trouble, they can come to him."

"Master Charles solves all the big things. He has no time to care about your trivial matters. He goes to find your village commander."

"Chief Black Pete doesn't care!" Old Charlie got angry when he mentioned the headmaster. "I said that my yard occupies the land of the lord, so I won't cut down the strange trees growing in the yard, but I won't cut them down. The house is covered by strange trees.”

"What kind of strange tree?" The clerk was confused. "It can even lift your house."

"It's a really weird tree. It was just so big at first, but soon it grew several meters high. It grew everywhere. It was no longer possible to grow vegetables, and it even grew in the corners of the house." Old Charlie tried his best to describe the terrifying nature of the weird tree, but It’s a mess to describe.

The clerk didn't understand at all, but he didn't take this kind of thing seriously: "Go back to your serf manager and ask the serf manager to repair your house."

"They don't care about anything. They help you with things in the fields, and they don't care about things at home." Old Charlie begged, "Young man, can you call Mr. Charles for me? The last time Mr. Charles inspected our village, we made an agreement. Come to him if you have any problems.”

"How can Mr. Charles have so much free time to help you cut down the tree?" the clerk said impatiently.

While he was pulling, Charles had already finished draining the water and came back. When he saw this, he yelled: "What's going on!"

"Ah, sir, this old man has enclosed the lord's land as a vegetable garden. There are trees growing in the vegetable garden and it is getting in the way of his business. He wants to come and ask you to help him cut down the trees. I am sending him away." The clerk explained immediately. road.

"No, no, that's a strange tree, not a normal tree!" Old Charlie waved his hands quickly, "I didn't occupy the land of the Lord either. That land was allocated to us by the village for growing vegetable gardens."

"Strange tree?" As a clerk, Charles is very sensitive. "What kind of strange tree?"

Old Charlie made gestures with his hands and feet and described the strange tree, which successfully aroused Charles' interest.

I immediately decided: "It can grow several meters high in a few days, which is interesting. Come and prepare the horses. I will go to Xiaomaitun to see this strange tree."

When I arrived at Old Charlie's house in Xiaomaitun.

I saw a small area of ​​strange trees described by Old Charlie. They were straight up one by one, several meters high, not thick, but slightly thicker than a finger. Although this strange tree also has branches, it does not have the branches of a big tree, but thin branches.

"What kind of tree is this?" Charles approached these strange trees curiously, but did not recognize what kind of plant it was.

But as he reached out and touched it, and mobilized his fighting spirit to carefully sense it, he soon exclaimed: "Cordyceps, this is Cordyceps!"

"Quick, quick, report to the lord... No, no, no, you stay here, where is the village chief, go and call Black Pete over, protect this strange tree, don't touch a single leaf!" Charles jumped on the horse, "I will report to the lord in person!"

The horse galloped wildly, and in the blink of an eye, it came from the wheat village to the manor courtyard, no, it was the Cigar Courtyard after the name change.

"Sir!" Charles jumped off the horse and ran to Russell who was practicing fighting spirit, "The dragon is watching, the dragon is watching, sir, another Cordyceps has been born on the manor territory!"

"What?" Russell was stunned.

Charles shouted, "It's a very strange tree, with a strong magical aura, it must be Cordyceps!"

Russell raised his eyebrows immediately: "Has it bred fairy insects, or is it bred in the process? Have you protected the fairy insects?"

"Uh... whether there are fairy insects, you still need to find them yourself." Charles was so happy that he didn't even think of checking whether this strange tree had bred fairy insects. "I have asked someone to protect the Cordyceps."

Russell immediately straightened his clothes after hearing this: "I'll go and see it myself!"

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