Warm Dragon

Chapter 195 Mysterious Little Creature

At night.

Beside the bonfire, Russell rested his head on the back of the red-eyed rat king who was chewing bones, chatting with Eric, Catherine, the four knights' retinue, and Charles who had left and returned.

"The husband gently greeted his wife who was in labor pains and said to her, 'It's all because of me that you're in such pain, I'm really sorry'..."

The bonfire made a crackling sound, and Charles showed off his joke: "But his wife said, 'Don't worry, it's not your fault', hahahaha! Do you understand, it's not his fault, it's It’s someone else’s mistake, hahaha!”

"Haha!" Jack, the knight's retinue, understood instantly.

Then Tom and others also laughed and praised Charles loudly for his talent.

"Vulgar!" Knight Commander Eric commented in a muffled voice, then turned his head and the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably.

Catherine's pale face was flushed with red blood, and she said angrily: "I don't understand."

Only Russell, holding a piece of foxtail grass plucked from nowhere in his mouth, did not participate in the joke.

But Charles asked shyly: "My lord, what do you think of this joke?"

"It's not bad. It's a little more elegant than those colorful jokes before." Russell said casually.

"It seems that you are not satisfied with this joke. I will continue to think about it later and try to come up with a joke that will make you laugh." Charles said, and then continued to tease Catherine with some vulgar and colorful jokes.

Through the Wolf Head Patio, Russell could see the stars in the sky.

The brilliance of the stars is no less than the night view enjoyed on the snowfield. It's a pity that Russell can't identify a single constellation. Obviously, the planet Longmian Continent is not in the same star field as the earth.

It doesn’t even have to be at a point in time, or even in a universe.

"However, I remember there was some theory of quantum entanglement. It said it was faster than light or something. When one quantum rotates, the other quantum will also rotate no matter how far away it is?" Russell thought with some uncertainty. He watched short videos in his previous life. There is a lot of popular science like this.

However, most of the popular science knowledge has only been passed through the mind. Where it came from and where it went back, very few can be remembered.

"Maybe my time travel was caused by quantum entanglement. The me on earth and the me on Longmian Continent are entangled with each other!"

one way or another.

Russell is quite satisfied with his current life. With a mortal body and mastery of extraordinary power, he feels like he is on par with gods.

Besides, he is also a lord.

"Master, your soup and tea are ready." Ram, the valet, picked up a pot of hot soup and tea from the bonfire and poured a cup for Russell.

Then he poured a glass for everyone else.

Drinking hot soup and tea, a group of people chatted until the bonfire gradually extinguished, and then they each got into the tent to rest.

Russell stopped thinking about where he was in the universe, lay down in his sleeping bag, and soon fell asleep.


The voice of Little Menglong announced the arrival of a dark dream.

Turning over and riding on it, the magic light around him instantly lit up, but Russell did not stop at all, and flew out of the cave on the little dream dragon.

"Go to the snow forest. Let's take a look in the snow forest to see if there are any elves or fantasy beasts hidden in it. If not, we will go for a walk in the snow field. We just hunted five snow ghosts during the day. Don't eat the ice graupel beads yet. oh."

"Gah?" Xiao Menglong wondered why he didn't eat the ice beads first.

"If you encounter it on the snowy field, you can have a feast. As for these few in my pocket, I have to keep a few ice beads ready in case I need to activate the Youmeng Gaze skill. "

After hearing this, Xiao Menglong seemed to agree with Russell's statement and no longer bothered about the five ice beads in Russell's pocket.

He flew straight to the snow forest not far away.

"Speed ​​it a little faster, scan it with one glance, and make a circle. If there is no obvious light of magic, retreat." Russell did not have high expectations.

Even though there was a dim light of magic power, which meant that elf bugs were gestating, he didn't pay much attention to it.

There is only one elf at home, one mushroom bird, and even the magic potion field cannot be grown. There is really no shortage of elf bugs. Therefore, there is no need to waste Xiaomenglong's Dragon Flame to save wild elf bugs that are likely to miscarry.

However, things often end in a bleak ending with great hope, but without hope, one can gain unexpected joy.

Not long after flying into the snow forest, with the help of the three-meter range of the dark dream clone, I saw a thick snow fir tree, the trunk of which shone with a very dim magical light. The magic light is so dim that it would be impossible to detect it in a normal environment.

But Youmeng's clone is only so big, and the trunk of this cedar tree is so thick that no matter how dim it is, it is extremely conspicuous.

"I'll go, isn't it? Such a big cordyceps?" Russell's eyes widened.

In my own birch forest, the thickest birch tree, Cordyceps sinensis, is only about 20 meters high. A child can hug the trunk of the tree. The height of the cedar tree in front of me was unclear, but the base of the trunk was unbelievably huge.

It takes at least a few people to hug him.

"I have seen this tree during the day. It should be the thickest cedar tree in the snow forest. I even took pictures of the trunk at that time, but I did not feel the magical atmosphere."

Russell rode the little Dream Dragon, ascending slowly around the glowing cedar tree, carefully checking its condition.

"Gah." Xiao Mengyu was also very curious about this snow fir tree.

"So it has become Cordyceps, but the light of Cordyceps is not so dim, or is it because it is too big, so the light is so dim?" Russell was a little confused, saying that it was Cordyceps and it was not bright enough. Elf bugs are being bred, but that's not right either.

When a plant is breeding elf bugs, only the part where the elf bugs are breeding will bloom with magical light. The other parts are no different from ordinary plants.


Little Menglong stopped in front of a branch of the snow fir tree, and then roared like a grin.

"Huh?" Russell looked over.

But where the branches grew from the trunk, I saw a small creature outlined by the light of magic, lying inside and sleeping soundly.

Its light is several times brighter than the magical light of the cedar tree itself.

"It's a very slender little thing, lying on its back inside. Well, it has no arms, but there are three thin willow-leaf-like structures on each side of its left and right sides. These are... hands." Russell observed carefully, "It has a small head, like It’s thin willow leaves stacked together..."

Its two slender legs also have tiny willow leaves growing on the crooks of the legs.

In addition, the slender body has a tail that is longer than the legs, and is as thin as a longer needle.

"What a strange little thing, this is definitely not an elf!" Russell exclaimed, "Look at the ice cream. There are curly magic lines on its thin willow leaves and body. The light green light is very soft... I have never seen it before. this!"

"Gah." Little Menglong also tilted his head and looked carefully at the sleeping little thing.

It must be a magical creature, but Russell couldn't tell what kind of magical creature it was: "Let's say it's an elf. It's a bit similar. This cedar tree can glow, like Cordyceps, but it's dimmer than Cordyceps's light, and this The little thing doesn’t look like an elf at all!”

"Gah?" Xiao Menglong didn't know why.

"Could it be... that it's a big elf?" Russell's thoughts came to his mind and he denied himself, "The little palm-long thing is much slenderer than the plump elf. How could it be a big elf... Your Excellency Weiwei It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

(I borrowed a picture from the internet~)

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