Warm Dragon

Chapter 188 White Dew, Clouds, Mist, and Wind and Frost (Additional update, please give me a monthly

In the manor courtyard, officials were flying in the clouds, smoking low-quality cigars, and discussing the candidate for the head of the cigar factory in the smoke.

After a short discussion, it was decided that the court president, Old Hans, would go to the factory to be the head.

First of all, the workload of the court president was very small. The manor court was held once a week to deal with some trivial disputes between neighbors. Apart from that, the manor court was resting, and Old Hans really didn't need to do much work.

Secondly, Old Hans was an old smoker. Russell had arranged for him to lead people to roll the original Yulong cigars.

"Old Hans, when you go to the cigar factory, you must pay close attention to quality and workmanship." Russell warned, "Never allow any cigar to be rolled with broken leaves. It must be a complete and intact tobacco leaf."

"Don't worry, old Hans, I will definitely pay close attention to quality!" Old Hans responded quickly.

"In addition, the tobacco must be selected from the best sun-dried tobacco, and it must be the best part of a leaf. The cut tobacco cannot be cut with scraps. In addition, you have to recruit a group of young cigarette rollers to make Yulong cigars."

Yulong cigars are destined to be high-end luxury goods. Russell's strategy is also very simple, that is, limited sales, only for distinguished guests.

Ordinary people can't buy them even if they spend money.

Old Hans hesitated and said, "Master, if the standard is set so high, I'm afraid we won't be able to produce too many Rain Dragon cigars."

"I know."

Russell nodded: "I've thought about it. Rain Dragon cigars made according to the current standards will have a label on each cigar... Well, let's put the label 'Rain Dragon Cigar·White Dew'. When the magic tobacco is harvested next year, we will make higher-end Magic Rain Dragon cigars."

He continued: "Magic Rain Dragon cigars are divided into two series. One series is labeled 'Rain Dragon Cigar·Wind and Frost' and is positioned as a special supply cigarette; the other series is labeled 'Rain Dragon Cigar·Cloud and Mist' and is positioned as a VIP cigarette."

Special supply cigarettes are free and are only provided to Grand Duke Kunstan, Earl Merlin, and Baron Roman. They are not sold to the public.

VIP cigarettes do not require ordinary gold and silver coins to settle, and can only be settled with ice hail beads.

"Fengshuang is not for sale, Yunwu only accepts ice hail beads, and as for Bailu, there is no need to restrict consumers. As long as they can afford it, anyone can buy it." Russell's approach is very simple, that is, to learn the strategy of Maotai Liquor and directly make Yulong cigars into "national cigarettes".

Especially the Fengshuang and Yunwu series, which directly make Yulong cigars full of style. One cannot be bought with money, and the other can only be bought with ice hail beads.

And who has ice hail beads? Naturally, only knights can get them.

That means that only knights are qualified to enjoy such Yulong cigars, and ordinary people can't buy them no matter how rich they are.

Of course.

There is also a little thought of Russell in this. He hopes to earn more ice hail beads through the Yunwu series.

First, it can be used as a snack for Xiao Menglong, and second, it is necessary to consume ice hail beads to activate the Youmeng Gaze skill.

For ice hail beads, he doesn't think too much.

"Old Hans, remember everything, right?"

"Remember, sir!" Old Hans' wrinkled face glowed with vigor and vitality, "With your guidance, old Hans will definitely make the best quality Yulong cigars, and never let a low-quality product enter the market!"

"Then let's get going as soon as possible. Sosco has already wasted a lot of time. We must produce the Bailu series as soon as possible and then meet the world!" Russell ordered.

Old Hans didn't dare to waste time, and hurriedly said: "Sir, I will set off early tomorrow morning and go to the cigar factory."


Charles praised loudly: "Sir, your wonderful ideas are so admirable. It can be imagined that in the future, the three series of Yulong cigars, Fengshuang, Yunwu, and Bailu, will definitely become the existence that the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy will flock to!"

Russell has no doubt about this. Yulong cigars have been endorsed by Earl Merlin, and no one can compare to this.

Even if the Red Castle wanted to imitate, it might not be able to compete with Rain Dragon Cigar.

Earl Merlin, who has been in power for ten years, has much greater influence than Grand Duke Kunstan, who has just come of age.

Of course.

The Red Castle cannot compete with the nobles for food, which would be too tasteless and would also cause resistance from the vassals.

"Master Zhu's Rain Dragon Cigar business is spread all over the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame." Although the Wildcat sisters did not smoke, they also flattered him.

Russell smiled slightly: "It's a matter of time."

At this time, Katie was suddenly choked by the smell of smoke and coughed. Her pale face was pale, and even her lips were bloodless.

It must be said that people who have lived in the cave for a long time are as white as ghosts.

"Okay, everyone go away." Seeing this, Russell waved his hand and ordered the butler, "Open the window to disperse the smoke, it's really choking."

Although the knight's physical fitness is strong, Russell still doesn't want to inhale more second-hand smoke.

So when everyone left the living room, he added: "This time, the low-quality cigars are for everyone to taste. In the future, smoking is not allowed in the office, especially in my manor villa. If you want to smoke, go outside."

"Yes, sir." Everyone obeyed.

The Wildcat sisters' eyes lit up at the time, and then they looked at each other, thinking that Russell made this policy entirely for the two of them.

After all, Russell had just smoked a low-quality cigar, and it was obvious that he didn't dislike the smell of smoke. It was because Katie coughed that smoking was banned in the office.

"Your Excellency is so gentle and attentive!" After leaving the manor and riding on the horse, Catherine's pale face turned red. "Sister, Your Excellency is simply the most perfect man in the world, my God!"

"How many times have I told you, don't think nonsense and be disrespectful to adults."

"Just thinking about it, there's no way to be disrespectful."

"It doesn't matter who you and I are. We are from humble underground backgrounds. Just thinking about it is disrespectful to adults." Katie scolded softly.

"Humph." Catherine rolled her eyes, too lazy to continue arguing with her sister.

Instead, he said in a yin and yang manner: "What a pity, my lord, you just thought that sister you were choked by the smell of cigarettes, but you didn't know that you had dissipated your fighting spirit and started to rebuild. Taking such a risk, my sister, didn't you ever think that you would not be able to repair your fighting spirit?"

Without waiting for Katie to speak, she rushed to say: "When the time comes, you will have no fighting spirit, but you will become a loser. Your Excellency will not let a loser become an official!"

There was no expression on Katie's pale face, and she just said calmly: "Don't worry, if I can't rebuild my fighting spirit, I will take the initiative to resign from your master, and then become an ordinary serf on the territory, farming for you."

"Humph!" Catherine said angrily, "Stupid idea, stupid choice!"

"It's just that you don't understand."

"Where did my smart and ruthless sister go? When you were in the Xiangshui River Cave, you would not be fooled easily!"

"I didn't make mistakes before, just because there was no cost for making mistakes." Katie looked up at the sky, where the white clouds were leisurely. Her bloodless lips curved in an arc and she said with a chuckle, "Every fall in the dark is fatal. , Under the sun, even lying on the ground is warm. "

I saw my sister looking very happy.

Catherine was so angry that she said "You won't succeed", then she grabbed the horse's belly and rushed out.

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