Warm Dragon

Chapter 183 The Rat King Returns

"Today, there is a scholar named Russell who invented reading glasses. The wisdom in them is admirable and will benefit all the elderly who suffer from presbyopia. The Great Scholars Round Table has passed the evaluation and recognized him as a scholar. The report is submitted to the Grand Duke for review."

Captain Lucas, standing on a high platform built with wooden tables, read out the decree of the award aloud: "The Grand Duke's reply is as follows..."


Glancing at the bewildered serfs around him, Lucas knew that these serfs probably didn't understand what he was saying.

First, there was a deviation in the accent, and second, the official documents and spoken language obviously used different words, and many of the words the serfs had never heard of.

But this did not prevent him from continuing to read: "Thanks to the great grace of the dragon, the Grand Duke of Shadow Flame, the steward of the King of Shadow Flame Volcano, and the only owner of the warm land of the snowfield, Grand Duke Kunstan Shadow Flame, officially grants Russell Fluorescent Mushroom the title of polymath."

"The way of erudition is full of mysteries. Russell, now, should explore it. Admonition!"

After reading the last sentence of the award letter, Lucas handed the letter to Russell.

There was no need to kneel down. The Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame did not see the official document. Just like the rules of meeting the king, Russell took the award letter and just bowed.

Then he made a few generous speeches: "Thank you for your trust in me, thank you for the recognition of the Great Polymath Round Table, the way of erudition is vast and infinite, I Russell Fluorescent Mushroom will definitely live up to the expectations of the Grand Duke and the trust of the Great Polymath Round Table, and continue to study the way of erudition!"

Then, he handed the award letter to Charles.

Charles immediately understood and shouted loudly to the serfs: "The dragon is watching, the light is blessing, the Grand Duke has sent a decree to confer the title of polymath to the Lord!"

"Polymath!" The serfs looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Charles continued to shout: "What is a polymath? Polymath means great, and scholar means wisdom. A polymath is a person with great wisdom! The status of a polymath is equivalent to that of a lord. One is civil and the other is military, and both are the cornerstones of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame!"


The serfs quickly realized that their master was a lord, and this polymath was equivalent to a lord, which meant two lords.

So the clever serfs immediately came to the conclusion: "The master has got another manor!"

"Oh my God, the master must be the illegitimate son of the dragon. The master has two elves and now has two more manors!"

"The master will lead us to a good life!"

"Praise the master!"

"The master is a polymath, it's incredible!"

The serfs cheered one after another. The lord was honored, and as serfs, they naturally felt proud. The most important thing was that they knew that they would get the reward money later.

As expected.

Russell was in a good mood and immediately ordered Charles: "The people of the territory will get two copper coins each!"

Instantly, the small market was boiling.

"Praise the master!"

"The dragon is watching, and the master can ride the dragon immediately!"

"The master is the most kind and generous master in the world!"

"Old George praises the master!"

The serfs' praise this time was more sincere than before, and the atmosphere of the small market was more lively than before.

Russell was happy for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and said, "Captain Lucas, three envoys, let's go back to the manor for a cup of tea."

"Okay, thank you for bothering me."

"What are you talking about? You have come a long way to bring me this award letter, and I should express my gratitude to you." Russell greeted the delegation to return to the manor, while secretly winking at Charles.

Charles understood, and immediately went down to discuss with Butler Morris, and took out some money as a thank-you gift to give to the delegation.

This time, the delegation not only brought the award letter, but also the clothes and medals of the scholar, and a certificate of the scholar's identity with the seal of the Great Scholar Round Table and the signature of the Grand Duke. With this document, you will be treated with courtesy wherever you go.

The most important thing is that you can go to the Red Castle to seek a job in the academy, and in the future, as long as you have a research topic, you can get sponsorship from the Shadow Flame Family.

Of course, the topic must first be reviewed by the Great Scholar Round Table.

In any case.

The title of scholar is a stepping stone to the upper class. In the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, scholars are generally regarded as members of the nobility.

After drinking tea and accepting the thank-you gift.

Lucas's attitude towards Russell became more and more enthusiastic, but he had no intention of staying at the manor villa: "Sir Russell, I need to return to the Red Castle as soon as possible to report to His Royal Highness the Grand Duke. I really can't stay here for long."

"At least rest for one night before leaving. It will be dark soon."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have to rush to the Gale Manor and leave early tomorrow morning." Lucas insisted on leaving, "When you go to the Red Castle, you must notify me, and we will have a drink and chat then!"

Russell no longer forced to stay: "It's a deal."

The delegation was sent away.

Charles grinned and said, "Sir, your name will soon spread throughout the Grand Duchy, Mr. Scholar Russell!"

"With so many scholars, how can it spread?" Russell smiled.

"In addition to reading out the award to you, the delegation will also publicize your reputation as a scholar along the way. No matter what, it will enhance your fame."

"Such a reputation will disappear in a puff of smoke." Russell has a clear understanding of this. Even among great scholars, few people can become famous throughout the country, let alone a small scholar. He yawned and said, "How is the production of Yulong cigars? Are you paying attention?"

"Well, it's all in charge of the Fluorescent Castle. The last time someone came, they asked Old Hans and others how to make cigars, and then there was no news."

"Didn't you ask?"

"I asked once, but... My Lord, you know that my status is a little low after all. As for the cigar workshop..." Charles hesitated.

But the meaning was self-evident.

He was just a clerk of the Black Snake Manor and the person in charge of the cigar workshop. He looked down on him and naturally ignored him.

Frowning, Russell said, "Tomorrow, you will go to the cigar workshop with me."

Charles was delighted: "Yes, my Lord!"

Then he turned his head and saw the rat house outside the manor's courtyard. He immediately thought of something and said, "My Lord, I have something to trouble Sir Red Eyes."

"What do you mean?"

"During the time when Sir Red Eyes was away, the rats in the territory gradually got out of control, and the serfs did not dare to hunt them. It can be said that a lot of food was wasted by the rats."

"Well..." Russell smiled awkwardly.

This was really his mistake. He had been thinking about establishing a treasure-hunting rat squad and a sentinel rat squad, and did not allow serfs to hunt rats.

As a result, he went to Sanchahekou for a month and brought the Red-Eyed Rat King with him. Without the Red-Eyed Rat King's restraint, these rats with little intelligence started to make trouble again, which directly led to the rat plague in the territory.

Fortunately, without the leadership of the Rat King, the rats only stole food and destroyed furniture, and did not form a rat plague of the scale of the previous Dikutun.

The loss was not great.

"Red Eyes!" Russell walked to the front door and shouted softly.

The Red-Eyed Rat King, who was gnawing on a bone, flew to Russell's feet and squatted on the ground like a dog.

Russell bent down and patted the Red-Eyed Rat King's head: "Don't just eat, it's time to announce to your rats and grandchildren that you, the Rat King, have returned!"

"Chiji!" The red light in the Red-Eyed Rat King's eyes flashed.

It didn't make any extra movements, it just raised its head and roared at the sky, the sound was sharp and long, and could be heard for dozens of miles.


Russell saw mice coming out from all directions, one after another, running towards the manor courtyard.

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