Warm Dragon

Chapter 181 The magpie is calling on the treetops

"The Lord is back."

Clerk Charles was in the temporary office of the small market, sorting out information forms on the newly cultivated tobacco potion field, when he heard the clerk coming to report.

"My lord is back?"

Charles was stunned, then threw away the form in his hand and shouted loudly: "Prepare your horses!"

"My lord, your horse is ready." The clerk was very discerning and had predicted Charles's movements in advance.

Charles put on his coat, got on his horse, and went straight to the manor.

Arriving at the gate of the manor's courtyard in a flash, he turned over and dismounted before the horse stopped, and then straightened his clothes a little.

Then he showed an extremely bright smile and shouted loudly: "My lord, are you back? Haha, why did I hear a magpie calling on the tree early this morning? It turns out that my lord is back!"

Russell had just changed into clean clothes and was in a good mood when he saw Charles: "Teacher Charles, you came so quickly."

"Hey, I haven't seen you for more than a month, and I really miss you in my heart. So when I heard about your return, I hurried over to see you." Charles flattered you without any psychological burden. .

"Sit." Russell motioned.

William, the valet, brought the tea. Russell had just raised it to his mouth, but before he could drink it, he heard someone cheering loudly at the door again.

"Sir, you are back!" He saw Old Hans walking in with a flattering smile, "Sir, you have missed Old Hans so much these days since you left. When I saw that I was still handsome and handsome, Old Hans' heart finally fell. La."

Russell was delighted and laughed: "Come on, old Hans, let's have a cup of tea together first."

"Hey, hey!" Old Hans sat down in the living room with a poop.

Seeing this, Charles curled his lips and dismissed Old Hans' flattery. But at the same time, there was a sense of crisis in my heart, and I secretly thought that this old Hans was a dangerous opponent, and he would not lose the slightest bit in flattering him.

Russell did not notice the hidden confrontation between Charles and Old Hans.

The familiar subordinates and familiar atmosphere allowed him to regain the happiness of being a lord. He asked with a smile: "I have been away for a month and a half. How is everything in the territory? Nothing happened?"

"Sir, the territory is booming, and while you were away, we also collected the first batch of fluorescent mushrooms and sent them to the Fluorescent Castle to make magic potions. Although the quantity is not very large, with the first batch, soon There will be a second batch.”

Speaking of the situation in the territory, Charles began to talk non-stop: "Of course the biggest good news is from the Fluorescent Castle, saying that you got a tobacco elf at the mouth of the Sancha River. Oh my God, the dragon is watching and hearing When I heard this news, I almost fainted with happiness!”

Russell smiled and listened.

Although Charles liked to talk in a roundabout way, and every few sentences would be mixed with a flattery, he didn't find it annoying.

Because this is his own territory, Charles is reporting to him the situation in the territory. Moreover, he is also flattering himself, which sounds happy to hear.

"...Fluorescence Castle sent people to guide us in cultivating the tobacco potion field, so before you come back, sir, we reclaimed 1,500 acres of tobacco potion field, right at the edge of the potion village. superior."

The Black-waisted Snake Manor has an area of ​​approximately 300,000 acres.

Except for some rocky slopes that are not suitable for farming, most other places are suitable for farming, but a lot of land is not cultivated.

Even after the land was cleared, there were not enough serfs to farm it.

"This fifteen hundred acres of land will cost a lot of serfs to cultivate. Charles, can the remaining serfs cultivate enough food?" Russell asked. Magic potions are important, but food is equally important.

"Well..." Charles hesitated and then said, "The serfs in the territory did complain a lot. The cultivation of the tobacco potion fields has delayed a lot of farm work time... But don't worry, sir. In accordance with your instructions, the Office has paid extra subsidies to the serfs! "

Old Hans also added: "Yes, sir, although the serfs are a little tired, they are very energetic in their work. The more they work, the more money they will make. If they have a head, the fatigue will be nothing." The children are all working enthusiastically.”

"Oh, yes, sir!" Charles thought of something and smiled, "I almost forgot to report to you that the first batch of manure has been provided at the septic tank and composting site, and every household has received a batch of manure."

"How's the effect?"

"We haven't seen it yet. The manure was buried in the soil not long ago. But what's different from the previous root burning is that this time, no crop has any root burning due to the manure."

"That's good, just wait, slowly the manure will show its power, let you see that the manure also has powerful power."

We haven’t finished talking about the development of the territory yet.

Many people arrived at the door one after another, and the knight captain Eric was also there, as well as Russell's four knights' retinue.

As well as the Wildcat Sisters, Rudy the Red Nose, Ranger Howles and others.

Territory officials arrived.

After a while of compliments, Russell called over Nico, the tobacco elf, and Rosie, the mushroom bird, also came over. The two of them were very familiar with each other now, and they were always in pairs wherever they went.

"Let's go, everyone, let's go to the tobacco potion field first and plant Neeko's cordyceps." Russell stood up and signaled.

Everyone gathered around Russell and soon arrived at the Potion Village.

You can see that along both sides of the Youguang River in the Potion Village, most of the trees that were planted before have survived. With the help of the suitable climate in the warm season, they are growing rapidly and vigorously, and they have begun to look like a forest.

The tobacco potion field is located some distance away from the woods to leave enough area for the woods to expand.

With Rosie's presence, more and more fluorescent mushrooms will be born in the territory, which will naturally require more forests for parasitism.

When we arrived at the place, the tobacco seeds had just been sown and had not yet germinated.

Therefore, the entire fifteen hundred acres of land was a barren land with no grass growing on it. Russell walked to the center of this barren land.

He chose a central location, held Nicole up, and said with a smile: "Niko, just spit out the cordyceps here."


"Don't worry, a large area of ​​tobacco will grow around you soon." Russell smiled. "In the future, the potion version of Yulong cigars will be produced by you."

Tobacco has ordinary crops and magic potions.

Many of the cut tobacco smoked by the nobles were made from potion tobacco. Of course, most of the magic potion tobacco will still be used to make magic potions, and only a small part of the magic potion tobacco will be made into shredded tobacco and ignited by the nobles.

For example, Earl Merlin has only smoked potion tobacco. If he is provided with Yulong cigars in the future, he will naturally also get potion Yulong cigars.

Otherwise, he would be sorry for sponsoring Russell’s tobacco elf with so much money.

"Gugu." After receiving Russell's instructions, Nicole quickly opened her small mouth and gently spit out a glowing seed.

The seeds were very small, but after they landed on the ground, they quickly took root and sprouted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then grew into a tobacco plant that was taller than a person. The huge tobacco leaves were green and green, and the rich magical aura was constantly flowing on them.

"It's so beautiful!" Charles exclaimed.

"Jack." Russell named the name of his knight's retinue, "You are the captain of the cordyceps guard in the birch forest. This tobacco cordyceps plant is also yours to patrol, so protect it."

Jack immediately beat his chest with his right hand and saluted: "Please rest assured, sir, Cordyceps is more important than my life!"

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