Warm Dragon

Chapter 178: Fierce Battle

The night was as clear as a mirror, and the light of the gem lamps illuminated a small area around the patio. Two knight teams were gathering.

One was the knight team led by Knight Commander Karis, and the other was the knight team led by Lord Stephen.

The roar of the snow demon came from the south.

Gradually, the figures of the snow demons rushed out of the darkness. They were two huge monsters, one tall and one short, both of which looked like humanoids, without too many abrupt places. The tall snow demon held an ice crystal battle axe, and the short snow demon held two ice crystal long swords.

"Karis, I will lead the team to attack the tall snow demon, and you will lead the team to attack the short snow demon!" Lord Stephen's voice came coldly.

Knight Commander Karis immediately responded: "No problem."

"Then charge!" Lord Steve raised the knight's lance in his hand high, and the nightmare ghost horse under his seat neighed and rushed out.

A dozen knights behind him, stirring up their fighting spirit to form a resonance, followed Lord Steve and launched a charge.

Knight Commander Karis did the same, quickly leading the team to charge at the short snow demon.

Russell stood on the edge of the patio, on the sentry tower built with ice and snow, and watched the two charges with a serious face.

The charge was not gorgeous, nor was it novel or hesitant.

When cleaning the business road, he himself had participated in many charges, and the Knights had also fought against the snow demons.

On the sentry tower in the patio, there were several other knights dressed as merchants. Some of them were caravan managers, and some were small bosses themselves. Many people who can often run business roads have bred the seeds of fighting spirit, and some have even bloomed fighting spirit.

However, not everyone can dig out all the meridians and practice fighting spirit smoothly.

Most knights will be eliminated during the practice process, and only knights who have the hope of being promoted to great knights will continue to be supported by the lord.

These eliminated knights either work as local security guards, or do some small business and run business roads.

Tonight, snowflakes fell, and soon covered Russell's cloak.

In the dimness ahead, two knight squads have already fought with the snow demon. The knights resonate to ensure that the knights are like a whole, quickly and maneuverably around the snow demon, charging, turning, and then throwing knight spears.

There are also fantasy knights who use fantasy beast photo skills and even magic to directly resist the attack of the snow demon, creating opportunities for the knight squad to sprint.

The battle is not exciting, but it is very intense.

As for the snow demon.

They do not have magic or fighting spirit, but the flow of ice soul power in their bodies makes them have a body like a copper wall and iron wall, and their bodies are infinitely powerful. They wield sharp and unmatched ice crystal weapons, which can be described as human-shaped killers.

On one side is the original single burst, and on the other side is the tacit team battle cooperation.

In this snowy night, it is in full swing.


From a long distance, Russell can hear Lord Stephen's cold shout.

There is not much emotional change in the shout, just like the instructor's cold instructions in an ordinary training.

But Russell couldn't help but hold the hilt of the green ceramic sword, with a boiling feeling that he couldn't hold back. He wanted to join in, resonate with the knights, fight side by side, and hunt down this four or five-meter-tall monster.

The Red-Eyed Rat King seemed to feel his emotions, and bared his teeth, eager to try.

"Sir Russell, don't be nervous." A small caravan boss next to him saw Russell's posture and thought he was nervous.

So he couldn't help but comfort her: "This kind of thing is very common in the snowfield. Not to mention just two blue skins, I have even seen blue skins on horseback, but I am still alive... Lord Stephen and Knight Captain Karis will protect us."

Russell couldn't help but ask curiously: "Can you survive if you encounter blue skins on horseback?"

"Of course." The young boss smiled, "Although blue skins on horseback are powerful, the fantasy beast knights are also not weak. We just need to lead the blue skins on horseback away, and our caravan can move quickly, and then the fantasy beast knights can turn back."

"Can the fantasy beast knight withstand the blue skins on horseback?"

"No, but the fantasy beast knight can fly. Oh, sorry, it seems that the two fantasy beast knights today can't fly." The young boss teased.

Russell quickly understood.

High-level fantasy beast knights above the 2nd turn can master the ability to fly, but ordinary 1st turn fantasy beast knights need to be divided into different situations.

If you contract a flying fantasy beast, you can obtain the flying ability of the fantasy beast by taking a photo with the fantasy beast.

If you have contracted a land-based fantasy beast, then even if you take a photo with the fantasy beast, you can only run like a wild beast and cannot fly.

Knight Captain Karis's fantasy beast is the Ice Crystal White Wolf, and Lord Stephen's fantasy beast is the Nightmare Ghost Horse, both of which are land-based fantasy beasts.

"It doesn't matter if you can't fly." Another caravan boss said, "Sir Stephen's Nightmare Ghost Horse is the best at running. After performing the fantasy beast photo, the man and the horse merge, and no snow demon can outrun Sir Stephen."

"Who said that!" A tough man retorted in a low voice, "I have seen a long-legged snow demon, running as fast as flying, and the nightmare ghost horse can never outrun it... The caravan suffered heavy losses that time..."

The business road on the snowfield is always dangerous.

The people on the sentry tower here are still discussing who runs faster, the snow demon or the fantasy beast. Russell has noticed that the battle in the distance is about to end.

But Lord Stephen jumped high, and then the Nightmare Ghost Horse turned into a beam of light, draped over Lord Stephen, as if Lord Stephen was wearing a set of black armor, and then black light bloomed from him.

Like tentacles, it pierced into all the joints of the tall snow demon's body.

In an instant, the tall snow demon's limbs stiffened, and his body could not move, and the huge ice crystal battle axe held high was instantly frozen.

"Battle spirit into armor, and magic!" Russell exclaimed in his heart, Lord Stephen performed two major killer moves in an instant.

The knight team behind him took advantage of the moment when the magic fixed the tall snow demon and began to switch formations to attack.

"Scattered Arrow Formation!"

The knight team quickly divided into four smaller teams, two teams raised their knight swords high in their hands and slashed the left and right arms of the tall snow demon; the other two teams bent over and swung their swords to cut the two legs of the tall snow demon.

The first person couldn't cut it, the second person continued to cut at the incision, and the third person also cut at the incision.

After three consecutive heavy slashes, the limbs of the snow demon were finally cut off.

At the same time, Lord Stephen, wearing black armor, also fell from a height and swung his sword at the snow demon's neck.

The blooming sword light rushed straight to ten meters, cutting off most of the snow demon's neck head-on, leaving only a trace of skin hanging on the head.


The behemoth fell to the ground, and the moment it fell to the ground, it was torn into pieces, and its hands, feet and head were separated from its torso.

Then Lord Stephen aimed his sword at the snow demon's still roaring head, stabbed it hard, hit the center of the eyebrows, and the entire blade went in, and then nailed it into the ice under his feet, firmly fixed.

"Hehe!" The subsequent knights aimed at the hands and feet, and imitated Lord Stephen's actions, nailing the hands and feet of the snow demon to the ice cover.

A powerful and cruel snow demon fell under the butcher knife of the knight team.

"Do you need help, Karis?" Lord Stephen turned his head to look at the other side. Knight Commander Karis was still struggling with the short snow demon.

However, seeing that Lord Stephen had already killed his opponent, Karis also got angry: "No need!"

Then he roared: "White Wolf, put on the ice crystal armor for me, I want to fight this damn snow demon to the end!"

"Awoo!" The fantasy beast ice crystal white wolf quickly pounced on Karis and turned into a thick layer of crystal-like dazzling armor.

This set of armor made Karis grow more than one meter taller.

At this time, he and the short snow demon were almost the same height, so a fist-to-flesh fight began.

"Show off." Lord Stephen saw this and snorted disdainfully.

Then he turned around and ordered the knight team: "Hurry up, peel off this guy's ice soul bead, I'll go help Caris to prevent him from being killed by the snow demon!"


On the skylight sentry tower, watching Lord Stephen and Knight Captain Caris meet up and cooperate with the knight team to quickly kill the short snow demon.

The caravan boss who was chatting with Russell couldn't help but sigh: "This is the fantasy beast knight, powerful and efficient. It is with their protection that we can move freely on the snowfield."

Russell also sighed: "The knight team also played a big role."

"Yes, it was the knights who jointly protected our safety." The boss nodded repeatedly and laughed heartily, "When they come back, I will treat them to the strongest ice burn!"

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