Warm Dragon

Chapter 174 Half Step

Sanchakou is very big, and it takes a day to run from south to north.

Sanchakou is also very small. In a month, Russell has followed his cousin Mel to run through all the cities, towns, and even manors in Sanchakou.

He has seen different scenery, hunted wild beasts, and tasted wild fruits.

He has participated in dozens of banquets of all sizes, hugged countless ladies, and danced on the dance floor.

He has even won the favor of some noble ladies, who either hooked their hands, put notes in their mouths, or whispered in their ears, hoping that he could stay in the manor overnight.

But Russell refused them all.

It was not that he was afraid of the recurrence of Mrs. Kelly's incident, but that the mere lust could not shake his rock-hard heart. He was not keeping his chastity for anyone, but was just looking for a girl who could make his heart beat.

This day.

In the morning knight class, Russell pulled his reluctant cousin Mel and started fighting in the martial arts field again.

As a great knight, Mel has begun to prepare to contract a fantasy beast.

It can be said that his skill in using Dou Qi has reached the peak of what can be achieved in the Great Knight stage, and his combat power is not to be underestimated.

But there is only one point that he is weaker than Russell.

That is swordsmanship.

After penetrating all the main meridians and mastering the Dou Qi sword light, Russell's main swordsmanship changed from "Yao Guang Swordsmanship" to another "Ying Yan Shura Swordsmanship", a widely circulated high-level Dou Qi martial arts.

All Dou Qi martial arts that require Dou Qi to be released and cooperated are high-level Dou Qi martial arts.

With the swordsmanship talent given by the sword butterfly.

Russell's speed of getting started with "Ying Yan Shura Swordsmanship" is amazing. In just one month, he has mastered it to perfection.

But like "Yao Guang Swordsmanship", they are stuck at the level of perfection and cannot comprehend the mystery of swordsmanship.

"Can't we compete?" Mel yawned, lacking interest.

"Work hard, Mel, knights can't be lazy." Russell casually made a sword flower, and the tip of the fine steel sword pointed at Mel.

"I really don't know why you are so aggressive!" Mel had no choice but to pick up the fine steel sword and jump into the training ground.

Then he complained again: "When fighting with me, your swordsmanship is improving every moment, but when fighting with you, I don't make any progress!"

"It's just that you don't put your heart into it, Mel. Even if you have become a great knight, you can continue to hone your fighting spirit, fighting spirit rotation, fighting spirit instantaneous strength, fighting spirit toughness, fighting spirit shield strength, fighting spirit round strength, and fighting spirit martial arts."

Even if you are promoted to a great knight, all your meridians are opened to form a great Zhoutian circuit, which can continuously refine fighting spirit.

But the great knight still has a place to practice.

Fighting spirit skills are endless.

"Besides," Russell said, and suddenly used his sword skills to attack Mel, "Your sword skills are far inferior to mine!"

"Although my sword skills are not as good as yours, my fighting spirit can crush you!" Mel waved his sword to block, and the sword light of fighting spirit flickered on the sharp edge of the fine steel sword, "One force can defeat ten skills, Russell, even if your sword skills are strong, you are not my opponent!"

As Mel exerted his strength, his attack instantly became fierce, and the fighting spirit gushed out from all parts of his body, as if forming an invisible fighting spirit armor.

This is the skill of using fighting spirit shield.

The long sword opened and closed, and the sword light flashed with every attack.

"Come on!"

Russell has gradually adapted to Mel's offensive. He has sparred with Mel countless times in this month, and knows that he has no chance of winning by fighting hard.

All he can rely on is sword skills.

"Shadow Flame Shura Sword Skill", a high-level fighting spirit martial arts that has been everywhere, is used in his hands, as if it has a new life.

He didn't have Mel's heavy fighting spirit, nor could he release it from other meridians, but he could only release the meridians in his hands, and then extend the sword light with the help of weapons, which was already able to change in a thousand ways, without a trace.

He moved around Mel's offensive, and from time to time he swung a sword, just like an antelope hanging its horns without a trace.

Then he forced Mel to return to defense in a dangerous way.

In the past, he fought with his sister Rowling, who was just an armored knight, and he needed to use the turtle tactics to turn defeat into victory.

However, now he is fighting with Mel, and Mel is already a great knight, but he can defend and attack, and even every attack can make Mel sweat coldly, and the improvement of combat effectiveness is incomparable.

"It's true, slippery!" Mel said angrily, "Russell, stand still and fight me!"

"I always use my strengths to attack his weaknesses, how can I use my weaknesses to attack his strengths!" Russell responded in a deep voice.

The two men turned quickly, swords flashed everywhere, and they had fought for more than 20 rounds.

"On the battlefield, you need to use your strengths to attack the opponent's weaknesses, but this is training, Russell, training is to make up for your shortcomings... Ah, you almost stabbed me to death!" Mel was scared by Russell's attack before he finished speaking.

"Don't be distracted, Mel!" Russell's eyes were like lightning, his attention was highly focused, and he went all out for this fight.


What greeted him was a heavy blow from Mel, and the sword pierced two meters away, plowing a crack directly on the lawn of the training ground.

No more words, the two brothers fought quickly.

Outside the training ground, Viscount Major accompanied Earl Merlin and came here quietly. Without disturbing the two brothers in the fight, the father and son just watched.

"Russell has made rapid progress and can now fight Mel on equal terms." Viscount Major praised.

"Not enough, Mel obviously gave him a break, otherwise, when his fighting spirit was unleashed, Russell's swordsmanship would have been difficult to break his defense." Count Merlin saw the subtle situation of both sides of the battle at a glance.

After a pause, he continued: "However, Russell is indeed a rare genius in swordsmanship."

"Roman is so lucky that both sons are so outstanding."

"Isn't it your sister's luck?"


"Mel is not bad either. This child will definitely achieve more than you in the future, and it is not impossible for him to catch up with me."

"It's a pity that our family has a bit of a stalemate with Grand Duke Kunstan, and Mel is unwilling to go to the Red Castle to assist Grand Duke Kunstan." Viscount Major said with regret, but while feeling sorry for Mel, he was also feeling sorry for himself.

He also wanted to go to the Red Castle to show his skills in the political arena, but because of Count Merlin, the Red Castle did not welcome him.

Count Merlin glanced at his son and snorted, "If Mel can manage the territory well, it is better than assisting Grand Duke Kunstan, and the same goes for you."

"Father is right."

"Let Kunna save her worries and stop worrying about Grand Duke Kunstan. She is already the daughter-in-law of the Yujiuhua family."


The father and son gradually fell silent.

At the same time, the winner in the training ground had been decided. With Mel's full firepower, even if Russell's swordsmanship was exquisite, he could not resist the great knight's fighting spirit.

He had to jump out of the circle and panted, "I lost!"

"One hundred times, you still lose..." Mel also panted, "But you can force me to this extent with the armored knight realm, you are proud enough! The knights who have just entered the great knight realm may not be able to withstand your offensive."

Hearing this, Russell laughed and said, "So, I can say that I have reached... the half-step great knight realm?"

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