Warm Dragon

Chapter 172 Everyone is like a dragon

"Old sir, who are you?" Russell asked in surprise.

"Franken, my name is Franken, Master Russell." The old administrator took off his hat as a gentleman.

"Are you a scholar?"

"Yes, seventeen years ago, with the "Geography of the Prehistoric Era of the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame", I was recognized by the Red Keep Great Scholar Roundtable and awarded me the title of Scholar." Franken originally had a stooped back, He straightened up unconsciously as he spoke.

"Well." Russell asked curiously, "As a scholar, why do you work as the administrator of the private library of Blue Bird Castle?"

Although the library of Blue Bird Castle may be larger than the library.

But after all it is just a private library.

Franken touched the Scholar Medal on his chest, sighed and said with a smile: "Because I didn't make any achievements later... When I was young, I served the Ujiuka family as a caravan manager, traveled all over the country, and got a taste of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. All corners of…”

It was his experience as a caravan steward that gave Franken a clear understanding of the mountains and rivers of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, plus some personal speculations.

Finally, he wrote the book "Geography of the Prehistoric Era of the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame".

Therefore he got the title of polymath.

"But I am getting old, and my legs and feet are inconvenient, so I can no longer follow the caravan. My biggest wish is to leave the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy and go to foreign countries to see different mountains and rivers..." Franken sighed, "It's a pity that in this life It’s impossible.”

Russell continued to ask: "Then you don't need to be an administrator here. You can teach in the Red Keep or the colleges in Stormrage City. With this geography, there should be many colleges willing to hire you, right?"


Franken coughed unnaturally: "Due to some changes, I was expelled from the academy in Stormrage City... In the end, the Earl took me in."

As for what the change was, Russell didn't ask further.

"Where is your book?"

"Master Russell, please stop calling me 'you'. Although my title of scholar has not been taken back, I am no longer worthy of this status... Just call me Franken, my book On the sixth shelf of the fourth row of bookshelves.”

"Okay, let me take a look first. I'll call you if necessary." Russell said.

"At your service at any time." Franken retreated behind the desk and continued his previous work of maintaining books.


Russell found this "Shadow Flame Geography".

After opening it, I discovered that this was not a pure text book, but a picture book with half illustrations and half text.

The directory is divided into two parts.

The upper part is the geography of the volcano area, and the lower part is the geography of the hot spring area.

Among them, the geographical geography of volcanic areas mainly describes the situation of volcanic oasis, which is divided into eight provinces, namely the Furious Wind Province where the volcano is located, and the seven ordinary provinces distributed around the volcano. Among them, the Turbulent Province is connected to the Youguang River Valley. .

The geography of the Hot Spring Territory introduces the territories of two earls and five barons.

"Gravel Collar, Sancha River Estuary... Populus euphratica Gobi, Fire Ant Swamp, Youguang River Valley, Heiting Mountain, Golden Field..."

Russell focused on the geography of Youguang River Valley.

Sure enough, the map inside even drew the Black-rumped Snake Manor, but in Russell's opinion, the map was somewhat distorted and the proportions were not very refined.

But the general position is correct.

"It is indeed a good geography." Russell returned to the table at the door. "Franken, are there any extra copies of this book? I would like to borrow one to take back."

"Yes, Master Russell." Franken said happily, "There are also several "Geographical Records" collections. I don't even need to inform the Earl, because these books are all kept by me for my personal collection."

"Really? Then I won't be polite."

"It's an honor for me that your book likes it." Frank smiled.

"Okay, I'll put the Geography here first and take it away when I leave. By the way, where is the collection of books about magical creatures?"

"In the twelfth row of bookshelves, the entire row of bookshelves is filled with books about magical creatures. In addition, the upper part of the thirteenth row of bookshelves is also a collection of books about magical creatures. If you want to find books about dragons, then in the seventh row On the bookshelf.”


"We are happy to help."

Soon Russell was wandering in the ocean of books. Compared with Baron Roman's study room filled with bookshelves filled with red wine, this place was a pure storage room of knowledge.

Russell searched for books from bottom to top.

Most of them are books introducing magical creatures such as elves and fantasy beasts, ranging from the magic medicine cultivation of fairy cordyceps, to the medicinal value of fantasy beast bones, from the strange behavioral characteristics of elves, to the precautions for breeding primitive beasts.

Everything you need.

But there were no books about amber bugs that Russell was looking for.

The books were opened one by one and stuffed back. Russell quickly climbed up the ladder and continued to look for books while standing on the ladder.

""The Possible Evolution of Dragons"... Why is this book not classified as dragons, but placed in magical creatures?"

Russell opened a very thin book, less than the thickness of a finger.

After opening the book, I saw the author's preface, and my eyes lit up: "Dancing with the dragon, Adin Lieyang...Adin Lieyang, this is the royal surname of the Blazing Torrent Kingdom, and Princess Anxia is this Last name!"

Princess Anxia's full name is Anxia Lieyang.

In the Blazing Flood Kingdom, the names of male members of the Lieyang royal family all start with "A", and the names of female members all start with "An".

"I have asked Lieyang thousands of times, what is the beginning of the birth of the dragon, Lieyang remained silent, but I have thousands of guesses in my mind."

The style of the preface is a bit strange, which is related to the fact that this book is a translation.

"A fairy worm, when it is born, can affect an entire magic potion field. From ordinary plants to magic potion plants, it only takes a day."

"A fantasy beast, from a wild beast to a magical beast, it also only takes a day."

"A two-legged flying dragon, born in a hot spring, is not the same as a dragon born from a volcano?"

"Besides, I have also studied amber worms, pseudo dragons, and even visited the Dragon Domain Lord West Kinnari in person."

"Looking at the magical creatures, is it possible that magic suddenly blooms."

"So I boldly guessed that the power of the earth always blooms in a day. Overnight, it quietly evolves. If you get the chance to evolve, you can turn into a dragon and be born. Elves, fantasy beasts, amber, pseudo dragons, are all dragons. "

"The variability of dragons depends only on the evolution of the power of the earth. With a coincidence, even a knight can transform into a dragon."

"Giant dragons, flying dragons, pseudo dragons, fantasy beasts, knights can control them and get the chance to transform into dragons!"

"Tsk tsk... This preface is so tiring to read. Is it because the translation level is too low, or is Ading Lieyang's writing level too poor?" Russell read the translation, pondered for a moment, and roughly understood what the author wanted to express.

Basically, the theme of this preface is-everyone is like a dragon.

Russell understood it in his own way: "Probably what Ading Lieyang meant was that the extraordinary power is the dragon. If you master the extraordinary power, you will master the ability to transform into a dragon... Of course, at present, the way to transform into a dragon is to contract a fantasy beast, a pseudo dragon, a two-legged dragon, and finally a giant dragon."

Turn the page.

Russell was ready to take a closer look at how Ading Lieyang would introduce the way of cultivation in which everyone could be like a dragon.

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