Warm Dragon

Chapter 165: Small Zhoutian Completed

"Master Russell, you can use the No. 1 training ground. If you need a knight as a sparring partner, we have ten armored knights of different training levels and three great knights for you to choose from." The person in charge of the martial arts training ground introduced enthusiastically.

Not only because Russell is the grandson of Earl Merlin, but also because the news that Russell has two elves has spread.

When a young lord has two elves.

His hard work will have the probability of winning him a higher title. If the efforts of one generation are not enough, there is still the next generation.

Having elves means hope.

As for whether the Grand Duchy will have one more baron in a few decades, no one can tell, but this does not prevent the person in charge of the martial arts training ground from looking forward to Russell.

"Thank you."

"Please, just tell me if you have anything."

For the rest of the time, Russell was not disturbed.

Baron and wife Roman and Viscount and wife Major took Lola to the nearby hot spring baths to enjoy the warmth given by the dragon.

The eldest brother Roland said he would be back in the morning, but he was obviously in the gentle land and was not seen.

Rowling and the Coopers have not returned from visiting relatives.

So in the entire Bluebird Castle, apart from Earl Merlin, there are only the two brothers Mel and Russell. Mel is also a person who can't sit still. After separating from Russell, no one knows where he went. He may have gone to find Earl Merlin.

The two grandparents must discuss the situation of Lord Medicullen.

But this has nothing to do with Russell.

He is devoted to cultivation.

With a fine steel sword in hand, he continued the previous practice method and practiced every move in the "Yaoguang Sword Technique". The main meridians of both arms have been connected, so the sword moves he is practicing now are mainly to attract the fighting spirit and open the main meridians of both legs.

However, at this moment, just as he started to swing the long sword, he felt the difference.

The fighting spirit in his body was like a trickle. Even with the traction of fighting spirit martial arts, it was still a hard work of dripping water to wear away the stone when digging the meridians.

But now he has a brand new feeling.

The fighting spirit was drawn by the sword moves performed by the long sword in his hand, and at the same time, a large amount of warm breath seeped out from his limbs.

The warm breath directly covered Russell's fighting spirit, and then the trickle turned into a flood.


As the sword technique was performed, Russell felt that his legs were pierced by dense needles, sore and numb.

The fighting spirit covered by the warm breath rushed down, ignoring the blocked passages of his legs, and directly dug out the two main meridians on the left and right. The warm breath continued to repair the damage caused by the violent excavation of the meridians, and completely consolidated the main meridians.

In just a few breaths, the newly excavated main meridians in his legs were as strong as the meridians that had been excavated for months and years.


Russell was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised.

He had been prepared for three to five years of hard training and was moving forward steadily towards the great knight. Who would have thought that with the gift of the two-legged flying dragon, a bright road would be paved in front of him.

"No wonder everyone wants to ride a dragon... Who wouldn't want such an experience!"

Taking a deep breath, Russell stopped distracting himself. Since the main meridians of his legs were already connected, he would continue to the next main meridian.

Taking advantage of the power of the original dragon breath, he would finish it!

With one sword slash, the main meridians of the neck were pierced, and with another sword sweep, the main meridians of the lumbar spine were connected, and then the sword was swept around the body, and the main meridians of the spine were opened again. At this time, the warm breath was still fierce, and Russell did not stop at all, swinging the sword and stabbing continuously.



It seemed that someone had kneaded his face vigorously with his hands, and the sour and numb feeling was really hard to describe, but after Russell endured it, he felt that the main meridians on his face suddenly became clear.

So far.

The main meridians of the trunk, the main meridians of the arms, the main meridians of the legs, the main meridians of the neck, the main meridians of the lumbar spine, the main meridians of the spine, and the main meridians of the head and face, a total of seven groups of main meridians, all penetrated and passed through.

The Dou Qi covered by the warm breath circulated three times in the passage formed by the seven groups of main meridians.

After repairing all the hidden injuries and damaged parts of the main meridians, it gradually cooled down.

The warm breath disappeared, and the Dou Qi no longer had the posture of a flood and beast, and returned to the previous trickle state.

However, the total amount increased by at least ten times.

Both the quality and quantity greatly surpassed the previous situation, allowing Russell's Dou Qi cultivation progress to directly advance to the state of perfection of the small Zhoutian, that is, all the main meridians were connected, and the small meridians began to be dug.

"Three years, at least saved me three years of hard practice!"

Although the warm breath was exhausted and the body suddenly became empty, Russell quickly adapted to the current state.

"Next, I will use a year... no, half a year to dig out all the small meridians, and then connect the big Zhoutian and promote to a great knight!" Russell laughed, wielded the fine steel sword, and fully performed the "Yaoguang Sword Technique".

After all the main meridians were connected, he no longer needed to perform the boring moves thousands of times.

Now he could perform the "Yaoguang Sword Technique" in full.

"After performing it thousands of times, I should be able to not only connect all the small meridians, but I believe I can also understand the mystery of the sword technique!"

Russell's sword technique became faster and faster, and soon he seemed to turn into a flying butterfly.

Every move was integrated.

He had entered a state of ecstasy.

By the window of the master bedroom in the main building of the castle, Count Merlin didn't know when he got up. He was already standing in front of the window, watching Russell from a distance while he was practicing.

Next to Earl Merlin was Cousin Mel.

"Grandpa, Russell's swordsmanship seems to be very good. Although it's not very realistic, his posture is quite elegant."

"It's not great, it's amazing."


"Even my swordsmanship may not be better than Russell's." Earl Merlin has dragon's breath running in his body, and his eyesight is amazing, and he can see far more clearly than Mel. "He is only one step away from those sword masters. ”

"How is that possible?" Mel couldn't believe it.

"This is talent. Your talent is in fighting spirit training, but you are lazy in practicing fighting spirit martial arts. Especially for basic martial arts like "Yuangguang Sword Technique", none of you young people are willing to work hard."

Earl Merlin lamented: "If you blindly pursue the outward display of fighting spirit, how can you consolidate the basic skills of swordsmanship? If you don't even have solid basic skills, let alone improve your swordsmanship."

"Grandfather, it's not that I don't want to practice swordsmanship hard, it's just that the benefits of swordsmanship itself are not high. The release of fighting spirit and Yuanxi spells are far more cost-effective than practicing swordsmanship hard." Mel argued in a low voice.

"Only ordinary knights think so. If you become a dragon knight, you will know the meaning of swordsmanship itself."

Earl Merlin didn't say anything more, but said happily: "I thought Russell only inherited our family's appearance, but I didn't expect that he also inherited our family's talent. I'm so relieved!"

Mel blinked and thought to himself: "Our family doesn't seem to have any talent for swordsmanship, right?"

As soon as the thought came together, it was replaced by surprise.

But in the training ground No. 1, Russell was wielding a stainless steel sword. When the swordsmanship was about to end, he suddenly turned over and slashed forward.

In an instant, a faint white sword light spurted out from the fine steel sword, slashing a distance of more than one meter.

"Let the fighting spirit out!"

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