Warm Dragon

Chapter 157: Good Guy Card

That night, Russell couldn't sleep alone.

Although he didn't want to get married and have children so early, the hormones in his body made him restless, especially the excitement of the dance.

Xiao Menglong didn't appear, and the dark dream didn't come.

Russell was dreaming all night, all kinds of strange dreams, making him feel that he had been busy all night. It was not until dawn that he felt a little more stable, no longer running around, but holding the beauty in his arms.

Sometimes Malena, sometimes Julia, sometimes... I even dreamed of the lady who was weird about me.

But when I got up, I forgot everything.

Only the hazy and charming atmosphere was left, which made him savor it for a long time.

"Good morning, Master Russell, it's a new day again." The maids in Bluebird Castle always have enthusiastic smiles.

"Good morning." Russell sighed.

There is no harm without comparison. Originally, he always felt that the maids in the villa of his own manor were a little ugly, but at least the head maid Leona was very pleasing to the eye.

Now, in comparison, even Leona was eclipsed.

"I don't know how cousin Mel can stand such a high-quality maid... But he grew up among maids since he was a child, so he should be immune to it." Russell's imagination was interrupted when his personal servant Ram came in.

After changing clothes, he went downstairs to have a buffet breakfast.

Just like before, he only picked magic food to eat crazily. After eating, he went to the castle's martial arts field to practice "Yaoguang Sword Technique".

With the blessing of the sword butterfly amber worm, his understanding of "Yaoguang Sword Technique" became more and more profound, but Russell's goal was not limited to this. He hoped that he could break through the shackles of fighting spirit martial arts and find the mystery of swordsmanship by swinging the sword thousands of times.

Legend has it that there are some amazing dragon knights whose swordsmanship destroys the world.

It is the constant attack of these geniuses that has created one volcanic oasis after another for mankind. Otherwise, relying solely on the power of the dragon, it is easy to be short-lived.

When Russell wiped his sweat and finished the morning class of knight training, the guests of the castle were already ready to leave.

Of course.

The Romans and Cooper Rowlings were still planning to stay in Bluebird Castle for two days, and Russell was going to stay for a month.

"Go change your clothes, and then come down to see you off." Mrs. Meryl wiped the sweat off Russell's head with a handkerchief, "It's a good thing to practice hard, but you have to give yourself a break occasionally. You can't be tense every day."

"I know, mother."

Russell quickly changed his clothes and came down, following his parents to see off many guests, and received another batch of verbal orders for cigars.

Until seeing off Lord Junos of the Principality, Julia couldn't help but walk up to Russell.

"I'm going back."

"Have a nice trip, Julia."

"I saw you didn't dance much last night. Maybe you really don't like to attend dances." Julia said goodbye to Russell, and her parents said goodbye to Baron and Baron Roman. They turned their heads and glanced at Julia, but didn't come over.

Let Julia and Russell talk alone.

"I really don't like dances very much. Maybe it's because I'm not good at ballroom dancing." Russell said softly.

"Then..." Julia took a deep breath, "My birthday is coming soon. If, I mean if, I hold a dance in the small castle and invite you to attend... Sir Russell, will you come?"

Russell looked into her big eyes, which were filled with too much hope.

But he sighed slightly in his heart.

He felt that he might hurt this girl's heart, but some words must be said. He didn't like to give others uncertain hope.

"Sorry, Julia, I am now obsessed with fighting spirit training. I only blossomed fighting spirit before the coming-of-age ceremony, and I am far behind others. Thank you for your kindness, but I will not consider emotional issues in the short term."

"Is that so?" Julia's eyes dimmed quickly.

"You are so beautiful, there must be many excellent suitors. Please don't worry about me. I wish you find happiness soon."

"Okay." Julia's smile was bitter for a moment.

But soon she smiled brightly again: "Thank you for your honesty. You are a good person, Mr. Russell. May the dragon always watch you."

"Uh, thank you..." Russell didn't expect that he would receive a good person card even though he took the initiative to reject the other party.

Julia waved and got on the carriage with her parents.

Russell watched the carriage go away. When it was about to pass the city wall gate, the curtain of the carriage opened, and Julia leaned out and waved to Russell.

Russell also waved.

"Ahaha, my cold-blooded brother." Sister Rowling appeared behind Russell at some point, and heard all the conversations between Julia and Russell. "How can you bear to hurt a lovely lady!"

"I didn't hurt her. It's the abandonment after having sex with her that hurts."

"No wonder she calls you a good person."

"At least I'm not a bad person."

"Then why don't you like her? I think Julia is also a pretty girl, not much worse than Marlena from Marcus's family." Rowling didn't know what her brother's taste was. He didn't like this or that.

She wasn't even as pretty as Marlena, but Cooper Tian Zicao still doted on her.

Russell said lightly, "At least...she should be prettier than me."

Rowling rolled her eyes.

But taking a closer look at her increasingly handsome and mature brother, she had to admit: "This may be a bit difficult."

After seeing off the guests, only Baron Roman's family - Aunt Melinda's family, were the first to leave in the morning.

"Your grandpa is stubborn, and your aunt is even more stubborn than your grandpa." Mrs. Meryl sighed, "I don't know when I will be able to untie my knot. I think Seth Luo is a good person and has a good son and daughter. "

Baron Roman and his eldest brother Roland didn't care much about their aunt's family, so they didn't answer the call.

The same goes for the Rowlings.

Only Russell spoke to his mother: "Cousin Mel seems to be very kind to my aunt and family. Maybe he can help aunt and grandpa solve their problems."

"Mel is nice to everyone, but that doesn't mean he is willing to help your aunt." Mrs. Meryl shook her head and felt relieved without Russell's explanation. "Life in a country manor may not be happy. As long as they are loving as a couple."

At this time, Cousin Mel came over: "Grandpa has woken up from his nap. Please go to the study and have a chat."

By the time the family entered the study, Earl Merlin had already signaled to the castle steward to pour tea for everyone.

"I was very happy about my birthday yesterday. I haven't had such a lively birthday in nearly ten years since I took office in the Red Castle." Earl Merlin said with a smile, "I am also very satisfied with your gifts, Roland's notebook, Russell's cigar, It's all good."

"Father, as long as you like it." Mrs. Meryl said happily. She had been worried that the gift from Russell would not please Earl Merlin.

After all, Russell had no money and couldn't prepare any good gifts.

The reading glasses I gave to my grandmother, Mrs. Ingrid, relied on trickery. Unexpectedly, I still relied on trickery this time to win the jackpot.

Earl Merlin said: "I called you here this time because I have returned from the Red Castle and brought some gifts for the children. Roland, Rowling, Russell, Laura, and Cooper, you all have a share of the gifts!"

(Add a picture of Julia~)

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