Warm Dragon

Chapter 153 Rain Dragon Cigar

In Russell's hometown on earth, when selling a product, especially a product with some luxury attributes, you must tell a good story.

The most typical one is a small pot of tea.

It took 3 years, 400,000 kilometers, and 8 masters to create a masterpiece of Chinese tea. Let good tea have standards, make tea buying more worry-free, and make tea drinking more simple...

But not to mention, small cans of tea are really popular. Even Russell bought small cans of tea when he was looking for someone to give gifts to in his previous life. Everyone knows that this thing has an IQ tax, but when you go out to do errands, buying it can really show your sincerity.

Just like luxury goods, rich people don't know if it's expensive, but they don't care, they buy it because it's expensive.

How can I prove that I have money if it’s not too expensive?

In today's Shadowflame Grand Duchy, it is obvious that small businessmen and vendors do not know how to do business by telling stories, and they only shout about how good their own products are.

Russell came up with this "purely hand-rolled cigar", which really beats everything else conceptually.

"Grandpa, the beauty of burning cigars matches the noble man like you, who has devoted his life to the country, and complements your temperament." Russell said, passing a whole box of cigars to Earl Merlin's valet.

He took a puff of cigar and accompanied Earl Merlin to ride in the clouds.

Compared to other cigarettes.

Russell is not averse to cigars, because smoking cigars does not require passing through the lungs and will not cause any harm to the body. Of course, in this world with extraordinary power, even if a cigar passes through the lungs and there is fighting energy to nourish the body, there will be no harm.

"It really has a unique flavor." Earl Merlin was quite satisfied with Russell's "burning beauty".

The cigar may have been average, and since he was used to smoking pipes, it was indeed a bit awkward to smoke cigars at first.

But after Russell praised him so much, he suddenly felt that the cigar in his hand was worthy of his status as the head of state who had been in power for ten years.

Smoking a cigar is equivalent to savoring the life of a knight, which is really a bit high.

So he took a light puff of the cigarette and then exhaled it. Earl Merlin couldn't help but said: "I didn't realize it at first, but after tasting it carefully, I felt more and more that this cigar was indeed like the life of a knight like me. Light the cigar, bloom the fighting spirit, and the smoke rises , Burn your whole life!”

After sighing.

Lao Huai comforted him and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, Russell, you are interested. Grandpa is very happy that you can give him such a special gift."

Russell said modestly: "It's just a little thought from my grandson."

"Having this kind of intention is better than anything else." Earl Merlin smiled brightly, and then waved his hand, "How can it be beautiful to enjoy such a fine product alone? Dylan, take the remaining cigars down, all smoke lovers. , please taste it yourself.”

"Yes, sir." The valet Dylan immediately held the cigar box and walked around the hall.

Viscount Merlin, Baron Roman, Lord Fisher, Cousin Mel, eldest brother Roland, brother-in-law Cooper and others all reached out curiously and took one.

In a short time, a box of more than thirty cigars was snatched up by everyone.

The remaining guests who didn't get a cigar could only watch others light their cigars and start to smoke them in a decent manner.

Russell stood aside and saw everyone's expressions after smoking cigars. Some people frowned deeply, obviously they couldn't get used to smoking, some people were happy when they took one sip, most likely they were acting, and more people looked confused and couldn't smoke, so they .

There were even people who obviously had lung damage, choked by the thick smoke, covered their mouths and started coughing.

But soon.

Some guests gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's really delicious. This cigar is really unmatched by ordinary tobacco!"

"Yes, as the count said, I'm not used to it at first, but the more I smoke, the better I feel."

"Good smoke!"

"A cigarette is a knight's life."

"The cigars that Master Russell rolled for Mr. Boss himself, both in terms of meaning and heart, are beyond the measure of gold coins."

"Sir Russell, I wonder if these cigars are produced in your country. I would like to take some home to enjoy." Some people even placed orders directly with Russell, obviously finding business opportunities from the rave reviews of the cigars.

"Yes." Russell grinned.

Originally it was just a coincidence, spending a small amount of money to do something big and complete the birthday gift for Earl Merlin, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise.

However, he did not accept the order immediately, but said: "But the production of cigars is time-consuming and laborious. So far, we have barely managed to get this box of qualified finished cigars from a large number of failed products. I'm afraid it will be difficult to supply."

He had never thought that someone would come to buy cigars so quickly, so Russell didn't have much preparation at all.

There were neither tobacco growers nor qualified cigarette workers in the territory.

If you want to sell cigars later, you still have to cooperate with the family, purchase tobacco from the family, or even directly hire the family's tobacco workers to make cigars.

Listen to Russell say this.

Immediately, many guests said they could wait and just hoped that Russell would make cigars as soon as possible and then sell them to them.

Just as Russell was about to nod in agreement, Earl Merlin spoke: "Okay, the cigar is a birthday gift from Russell, and this is not a trading floor. Those who want to do business can discuss it privately, and I will continue to accept gifts."

"Sorry, sir." The guests responded.

Russell smiled and said: "Grandpa, I developed this gift of cigars specifically for you. Now it seems that more people will want to smoke cigars soon, so I would like to ask you to name this cigar. Look back I’ll build a cigar factory.”

"Well, how about a name..." Earl Merlin did not refuse. He looked at his handsome grandson with pleasure.

After pondering for a while, he slowly took out a puff of cigar smoke and said, "It's called Yulong Cigar."

Earl Merlin did not explain the meaning of the name Yulong, but just decided on the name of Yulong cigar.

Russell, who was in the limelight, quietly returned to the crowd.

The cigar in his hand burned slowly, but he didn't take a few puffs, he just let the cigar burn into gray snow.

The eldest brother Roland looked at him with eyes filled with jealousy.

The notes from the author of "Snowflake Rhapsody" that he painstakingly searched for were not as good as Russell's casually rolled cigars. Moreover, he also smoked this bullshit cigar, and he didn’t think it was any easier to smoke than a pipe. It also had a strange smell, but it was actually praised by his grandfather.

"This boy!"

Roland narrowed his eyes.

He paid more and more attention to his biological brother: "You even praised me for telling stories. I think you are a better storyteller than me... What about the beauty of burning to your heart's content, about the life of a knight? How can a sixteen-year-old kid understand this? ?”

"It's all nonsense!"

But whether Russell understands it or not, the reputation of Yulong Cigar has been successfully spread, and when these guests return to their respective territories, it will spread further.

"Cool." Cousin Mel came over.

Whisper in Russell's ear: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​inventing the cigar? Smoking this cigar is much more handsome than smoking a pipe."

"Because of my love for grandpa."

"Thumbs up!"

"I will ask the territory to produce more Yulong cigars later and give them to grandpa, and I will send another batch for you and uncle to smoke."


"So here at Sanchahekou, if someone wants to imitate my Yulong cigars, you have to help me suppress it." Russell whispered his plan, "When the time comes, I will sell the cigars, and you will get a commission... The account will not go to Bluebird Castle, you can keep it privately."

"This...how can you be so embarrassed, hehe." Cousin Mel narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Don't worry, we only sell Yulong cigars produced by you at Sanchahekou!"

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