Warm Dragon

Chapter 144 Bluebird Castle

The convoy entered the undulating Boundary Mountains, where ice caps and rocks blended and supported each other, forming a complex ice cave structure.

Apparently the Ujiuka family spent a lot of effort digging this cave.

A passage was dug into the rock wall and ice cap that could accommodate several carriages traveling side by side, making it easier for the caravans to pass through the boundary mountains and enter the interior of the Sancha River Mouth territory.

After crossing the Boundary Mountains, looking around, there are still undulating mountains.

Compared with the simple shape of two mountains sandwiching a basin like that of Youguang River Valley, the wider terrain of Sancha River Estuary is obviously richer.

"This area is an undeveloped mountainous area. After passing through this mountainous area, you will enter a smooth river mouth plain." Elder brother Roland said with emotion, "Youguang Valley is short of manpower, and Sancha River Mouth is also short of manpower!"

Then he shook his head and said with a smile: "In these warm enclaves of ours, which one is not short of manpower? After all, the foundation is not deep enough."

"In recent years, the family has probably attracted people from the volcanic oasis." Russell said.

"It's not as much as you think. The main reason is that the food output is not enough, and there are too many serfs. If there is a disaster, a large area may starve to death. The Red Fort attaches great importance to the population. If too many people die in the territory, Serfs will be in trouble."

"I thought the Red Castle wouldn't care about this." Russell has always felt that the lord decides everything in the territory and no one is allowed to interfere.

"How could the Red Castle not care?" Roland tilted his body and said, "Land is closely related to the dragon. Whether a piece of land can be developed and whether enough magical creatures are born will affect the growth of the Shadow Flame Dragon."

Russell asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

"I don't know the specifics. I followed Archduke Kunstan before and learned a little bit about the secrets of the Shadow Flame Dragon... The dragon opens up the warm land, and humans open up the warm land, and in turn, the warm land will replenish it. Dragon."


"The development of the territory must be gradual. If the territory is severely damaged due to the arrival of a disaster year, which affects the growth of the Shadow Flame Dragon, the Red Castle will not tolerate it."

"The volcanic oasis has been resting for twenty years, and the population has increased a lot. The Red Fort should relax some restrictions and allow serf trade, right?"

"I don't know." Roland shrugged and said in a low voice, "This time my father and I plan to find out what grandpa has said. Before the Council of Elders is disbanded, there will definitely be some arrangements for these specific matters."

After a pause, he shook his head and said: "Grandpa has been in power for the past ten years and has been too strict on the serf trade. Even our family wanted to apply for a license, but grandpa denied it several times... How can it be compared to smuggling that small amount of goods? Get the population!”

During the reign of Earl Merlin, he strictly controlled the serf trade and allowed the volcanic oasis to recuperate.

But when it comes to things like smuggling goods, we just turn a blind eye.

Russell thought for a while and said: "Grandpa, by doing this, it can be regarded as catching the big ones and letting go the small ones. Generally speaking, it is in the interests of the Red Fort."

"Of course it is. Otherwise, how could Princess Anxia bid farewell to grandpa in such a grand way! You know, there are still rumors between her and grandpa!" Although Roland complained that Earl Merlin had too strict control over the serf trade, his words still remained Proud of Lord Merlin.

Elders who work for the welfare of the family are certainly amiable.

But the elders who are in charge of the overall situation for the country are equally respectable.

"Yes." Russell also sighed with emotion, "It has been twenty years since the Council of Elders was established, and it has been my grandfather's turn to be in power for the last ten years. He has obviously made great contributions to the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy and the Red Keep."

The two brothers actually didn't know much about the specific current situation.

But this does not prevent them from guiding the country.

"Now that Kunstein is on the throne, it is destined to be a good start. I will also seriously assist Grand Duke Kunstan and make the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy great again!" Roland couldn't help but hammer his chest when he said that he was very interested.

This gesture immediately caused Russell to overlap his figure with that of his hometown on Earth - MAGA!

The roads in the mountainous areas are not deserted. On the contrary, there is a small manor market every certain distance.

The convoy went to these small markets to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables.

By the afternoon, the convoy successfully passed through the mountainous area and arrived at the endless estuary plain. One could see the sparkling Qingshui River and the turbid river reflecting sunlight in the distance, like a jade belt.

Once you enter the plains, you can start running freely.

Finally, before it got dark, we successfully arrived at the Bluebird Castle, a majestic castle located on a low hill beside the river.

Fluorescent Castle covers an area of ​​more than 100 acres including the outer walls. It is already a very large castle, but compared with Bluebird Castle, it is like a small witch compared to a big witch. This castle, whose main body is gray and yellow, covers an area of ​​at least 500 acres.

The main body of the castle was built along the undulations of the low hill, with low surroundings and a high center.

Circle after circle of outer walls, with three floors inside and three floors outside, guard the peak-like fortress on the top of the mountain. On each city wall, there are many arrow towers standing, made of huge stone barriers, thick and immortal.

"There is a dragon!" Laura stuck her head out of the carriage window and pointed to the spire of Bluebird Castle.

There, there were two bipedal flying dragons, each sitting on the top of an arrow tower, overlooking the entire river mouth plain.

One of the two-legged flying dragons is all black, and is obviously Merlin Ujiuka's contract partner, the manganese steel dragon Mercedes; the other two-legged flying dragon is all light blue, as if carved from crystal, and is the blue crystal dragon. Medikalen.

There are two dragons in the Yujiuka family!


The sound of horse hooves broke the silence of the night. A team of knights galloped from Bluebird Castle and stopped in unison in front of the caravan.

A young and handsome knight rode forward and said loudly: "Uncle, aunt, Mel is here to greet you."

Baron Roman rode on the Nightmare Ghost Horse and took a step forward: "Your aunt is in the carriage."

Mrs. Meryl had asked the servant to open the curtain of the carriage. Looking at her handsome nephew, she smiled brightly: "Mel, come on, let your aunt take a good look at you. I haven't seen you for more than a year. You have become more mature!"

"Aunt." Mel rode to the side of the carriage, "You are still as young and beautiful as before."

"After all, I am old. After all, the children are all grown up." Mrs. Meryl sighed.

"Cousin Mel!" Lola also stretched her head and greeted with a smile.

"Haha, it's Lola. Long time no see. You have become...cute again!" Mel almost couldn't find the right words to praise.

Roland and Russell also came over and greeted Mel Yujiuhua.

After a brief greeting, Mel returned to the knight team and said loudly: "Uncle, aunt, grandfather, father, and mother are waiting for you in the castle. Let's go to the castle first and get together later."

There is still a distance from the foot of the mountain to the castle.

It took a full quarter of an hour to walk.

Finally arrived at the gate of Bluebird Castle. At this moment, the Bluebird Castle has raised brilliant lights, illuminating the front of the gate like daylight.

The masters and servants of the castle also lined up in two rows to welcome the arrival of Baron Roman and his party.

The row on the left with a slightly smaller number of people are nobles, the row on the right with a larger number of people are servants, and in the middle stands an elderly noble and two middle-aged noble couples.

When the carriage stopped, Baron Roman immediately led Lady Meryl out of the carriage, and then walked quickly to the front.



The baron and his wife shouted to the elderly noble standing in the middle of the gate at the same time.

This old noble had only one or two strands of gray hair, the rest was still black and shiny, and there were no wrinkles on his face. Even though he was no longer young, he still had a handsome and charming temperament.

He was the former chief ruling officer of the Elders' Council, the lord of the Earldom of Sanchahekou, a 4th-turn fantasy beast knight, and also a famous flying dragon knight. He was one of the most outstanding figures in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, Count Merlin Yujiuhua of Floating Rose.

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