Warm Dragon

Chapter 140 Jealousy

Clam pond, black snake brick kiln factory, 1,500 acres of fluorescent mushroom magic potion field, government office, court and dormitory, as well as the trading market in Dikutun...

Russell gave detailed instructions. He was about to leave the Black Snake Manor for more than a month, and he was reluctant to leave.

He had too many prospects for the future on this land.

Of course.

It was just a short separation, not a long absence, so Russell gave his instructions and dispelled a trace of reluctance.

"Charles, Eric, Old Hans, the manor is handed over to you."

"Sir." Eric said in a muffled voice, "Do you really not need my protection?"

Although he was the chief of security of the Black Snake Manor, his primary identity was Russell's guard knight, protecting Russell's safety at all times.

"No, I have Red Eyes following me." Russell said with a smile, "and this trip is with the family, what danger can we encounter."

"But the Baron and his party will return first, and you will be alone when you come back."

"Don't worry, Bluebird Castle will send someone to escort me back. Besides, even if I am alone, I can still come back safely with the caravan." Russell was not worried about safety. Several battles in the snowfield gave him great confidence.

Before, he was still very afraid of snow ghosts and snow demons, fearing that he would lose his life in the snowfield.

But now.

In his eyes, snow ghosts and snow demons are gold coins, which are the appetite of Xiao Menglong.

Charles interrupted and said, "Sir, in my opinion, if Bluebird Castle does not send someone to escort you back, you must not follow the caravan. You can write back and ask Lord Eric to escort you."

"Yes, sir, your safety is more important than all of us. You are everything in the Black Waist Snake Manor!" Old Hans also advised.

Russell accepted everyone's concern and said with a smile: "Okay, I promise you."

"Sir, otherwise take Kevin with you." Eric said again.

"You and Kevin should get along well at home, I only need Red Eyes." Russell patted the Red Eyes Rat King lying at his feet. Now the Red Eyes Rat King has completely lost the timidity of mice and is becoming more and more like a dog.

After evolving into a fantasy beast, its life level has surpassed the low-level mice and become a magical creature.

"Chiji!" Red Eyes seemed to understand what everyone was saying, and chirped with its head raised, as if to show loyalty.

Russell smiled and said: "Now Red Eyes and I have established an emotional bond, and it will protect my safety."

Red Eyes nodded repeatedly: "Chiji!"


Rush went to Fluorescent Castle the night before and reunited with his parents without waiting for September 3. He was accompanied only by his personal servant Ram and the Red Eyes Rat King.

The package was also very simple, with only a few sets of clothes and a disc-shaped jade box. Inside the jade box lived the fluorescent mushroom bird Rosie and Russell's other six elf bugs.

Bring them along to attend the elf gathering.

At that time, the elves of the fluorescent castle will also travel together, gather with the elves of the bluebird castle, share pheromones with each other, and accelerate the growth and evolution of each other.

"Ram, your horsemanship is getting better and better." On the way, Russell chatted with his personal male servant.

Most nobles would bring their own servants when they socialize.

Ram responded: "Master, when you went to the snowfield to fight, I practiced riding in the manor every day, and I also asked Sir Tom for swordsmanship."

As he said, he patted the sword on his waist.

Next, he will follow Russell across the snowfield, and naturally he will choose to wear weapons to prevent the snow ghosts from attacking.

"Study hard and practice hard." Russell said.

"Thank you for your encouragement, Master, I will practice hard!" Ram nodded excitedly. He prefers riding and practicing swordsmanship to serving people.

From the perspective of housekeeper Morris, Ram is not a qualified valet. He is not diligent, not considerate, and most importantly, he is too playful and cannot serve the master wholeheartedly.

But Russell is very satisfied with Ram, and he is satisfied with Ram's lack of consideration.

After all, he is a time traveler. No matter how much he integrates into this world and this era, it is still difficult for him to accept the service of a valet.

"In the Dream of Red Mansions, it is clear that the servants serve the young masters, and only when they go out are there servants!"

Russell often complains like this.

It is also a feudal society, with nobles, and the nobles of Longmian Continent also have extraordinary powers. As a result, he is served by a valet, which really makes him difficult to adapt.

For example, the valet of the original incarnation, Thomas, who is a bit gay, has left Russell with many bad memories.

Fortunately, Thomas dislikes the remoteness of the Black-waisted Snake Manor and is unwilling to follow.

The current personal servant Ram, whose service is not considerate enough, has become Russell's advantage. He doesn't want a servant who is like an old woman, who has to rub against him when changing clothes... Just helping him pass clothes is enough.

"Master." Ram's question brought Russell back to his thoughts, "Are there many snow ghosts on the snowfield?"

"Not many."

"Oh, I thought there were snow ghosts everywhere on the snowfield. Sir James always said that a weak chicken like me would be eaten by snow ghosts when he went to the snowfield." Ram trembled uncontrollably when he spoke.

Obviously, he was scared by the knight's squire James.

Russell smiled and said, "He lied to you. Don't be nervous, Ram. If the snow ghosts are really everywhere, it is impossible for a caravan to pass through the trade route and reach the Valley of the Dark Light. The knights will clean up the trade route every year and eliminate all the snow ghosts that threaten the trade route one by one."

"I see, then I feel relieved. Huh... Sorry, sir, I am too timid."

"It's nothing." Russell smiled.

Before he went to the snowfield, he was also full of fear of the snowfield like Ram, fearing that he would be eaten by snow ghosts by accident.

With more experience, he became more open-minded.

After running and chatting all the way, they arrived at the Fluorescent Castle at dusk two hours later. Just in time for the dinner at the castle.

"Today is the 2nd, and we will set off tomorrow. If nothing goes wrong, we should be able to reach the Sancha River Mouth in three days, and it will take another day to reach the Bluebird Castle, which is the night of the 7th." At dinner, Mrs. Meryl kept muttering.

Baron Roman comforted her, "Don't worry, Meryl, the old earl's birthday is on September 9th, and we can go there in time to celebrate."

"I know, I'm just afraid of being delayed on the road."

"What can delay us? Unless there are snow giants blocking the way, even if a few blue skins come, they are not enough for me to deal with." The baron boasted a little. In fact, when the Knights fight the real snow demons, they often have to rely on Lord Ross's breath.

This time, Lord Ross did not accompany them and chose to stay in the Valley of the Glow to guard the territory.

"Mother, you must be a little nervous because you haven't seen grandpa for many years." Russell said with a smile, "I haven't seen grandpa for many years either, and I miss him very much."

"Yes, since your grandpa went to the Red Castle to govern, I have seen him twice, both times at court banquets. We met and said a few words in a hurry before parting." Mrs. Meryl sighed, "Your grandmother passed away early, and your grandpa has had a hard time in the past few years."

Eldest brother Roland said jokingly: "When I was in the Dragon Blood Knights, I often saw grandpa, especially at the dance, grandpa was very popular. The noble ladies of the Red Castle often competed for grandpa's favor."

Mrs. Meryl rolled her eyes: "Your grandpa has been handsome all his life, of course he is popular."

The worried and nervous emotions were quickly relieved.

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