Warm Dragon

Chapter 132 Stubborn Stone

Youguangji, a manor market that looks like a small town, is not the territory of the Fluorescent Mushroom family.

In fact, this place was originally just a wasteland.

However, with the opening of the mountain and river trade routes, people gradually gathered here, and the Fluorescent Mushroom family also invested heavily in building the Youguangji as a supply and transfer station for the trade routes.

It can be said.

Except for the land, which belongs to the Grand Duke, all the properties on it belong to the Fluorescent Mushroom Family. It is like an enclave of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family.

The knights dispersed after entering the Dark Light Collection. The knights flocked into taverns or brothels to find happiness. The poorer knights had solved their problems in the Ceramic Crypt before. A little high.

Of course, there are also some with a more elegant style. For example, several lords and lords have long purchased small courtyards here and raised one or two little confidants.

We haven't seen each other for more than half a year now, and seeing each other again is as warm as a wedding.

The same goes for eldest brother Roland.

He led Russell and knocked on the door of a small courtyard. After the old servant opened the door, a young woman rushed over and threw herself into Roland's arms. Then there was another long and breathless passionate conversation. kiss.

They kissed until their lips turned black before they separated.

The little woman almost hung on Roland's body like a koala, and Roland's hand reached into the little woman's skirt dishonestly.

After a while of exploration, he pointed at Russell who was so bored that he rolled his eyes, and said to the little woman in his arms: "Ba'er, this is my brother Russell. How about it? He's quite handsome. He's not much worse than me. ”

"Ah, are you Russell? I often hear Roland mention you." The little woman Ba'er covered her mouth and smiled, "You two brothers are equally powerful, one is tough, the other is handsome, you are truly worthy of the fluorescent mushroom family. Where’s the bloodline?”

"You're too polite." Russell narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "Compared to big brother, I'm still far behind."

His talent is indeed much worse than Roland's, and of course, Roland's appearance is also much worse than his.

Therefore, the little woman Ba'er's evaluation is quite accurate. Roland is talented and tough, and Russell is handsome.

After a pause, Russell said again: "Brother, you and Ba'er... Madam, if you are busy, I will go to the market first."

"What's better about the market? It's far worse than Youguang Town." Roland directly pulled Russell into the small courtyard, "We'll stay here tonight. I asked Ba'er to call some little sisters over, and we'll be together tonight Have a drink."

"No need, right?" Russell is a clean and self-sufficient person.

"Stay here. It's a rare gathering of light. How can I ignore you?" Roland said without refusal.

"I can go to my father's place."

When Roland heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes: "There is no difference between my father's side and my side. Just listen to me."

Russell opened his mouth.

After understanding the subtext of Roland's words, I wanted to be surprised, but there seemed to be nothing to be surprised about - after all, even Roland, an unmarried person who needed to maintain a good reputation and seek marriage, dared to keep a mistress in such an open and honest manner.

This kind of thing has probably become the norm.

"No." Russell finally shook his head, "I took the red eyes and went to the market to see the excitement. Later I will go to the Knights camp to spend the night. Brother, you and Ms. Ba'er, enjoy yourself. "

After saying that, he patted the red-eyed rat king at his feet, and Russell turned and left.

The little woman, Ba'er, stretched out her head and looked curiously: "My brother is gone like this, then do I still need to call my little sisters?"

"Forget it, this guy is still high." The expression on Roland's face was not very good, but he quickly focused his eyes on the little woman Ba'er's buttocks, and said with a smile, "It's better if he leaves. , come on baby, let’s..."

He picked up the little woman Ba'er and rushed into the room amidst Ba'er's exclamations.

The old servant, who was left with a stooped back, shook his head helplessly and closed the courtyard door.

Russell took the Red-Eyed Rat King and walked on the streets of Youguangji.

Many passers-by cast curious glances at this big rat with red eyes that was comparable to a hunting dog, but they were just curious.

Phantom beasts are indeed rare, but they are not uncommon.

Especially at transit stations on trade routes like Youguangji, there are often phantom beast knights guarding caravans heading to the mountain and river trade routes. The phantom beasts of these phantom beast knights are all kinds of strange. Not to mention a mouse phantom beast, even insect phantom beasts are not uncommon.

"Selling smoked rat meat, selling smoked rat meat, authentic Stormrage City smoked rat meat!"

"Five Red Hound, the finest Five Red Hound pups, look at these pups' noses, ears, throats, feet, and the tip of their tails. They are all covered in red hair!"

"Potato pie, potato pie, delicious and filling potato pie!"

"You handsome knight over there, come and play~"

"A must-have for traveling in the snowy fields, a sherpa coat is on sale in the warm season. If you pass by, don't miss it!"

Although Youguangji is not as big as Youguang Town, it is no less lively. Shop owners and stallholders are selling goods along the street. There are even women with heavy makeup standing on the corner, constantly waving to passers-by.

Passing by a barbecue shop, the red-eyed rat king's mouth watered.

Seeing this, Russell bought some fatty barbecue steaks and fed them to the Red-Eyed Rat King.

"Sir, is this the fantasy beast you contracted?" The shop owner looked at the red-eyed rat king and asked curiously.


"What a... what a mighty big rat!"

The shop owner thought for a long time, but couldn't think of any better lines. The image of the Red-Eyed Rat King was really too rough.

Rat, as a creature, is indeed not very relevant to positive adjectives.

Of course, this is also the reason why Russell only chose the Red-Eyed Rat King as a candidate for the contracted fantasy beast - the Red-Eyed Rat King's bloodthirsty flashing magic is indeed very strong, but its appearance cannot match Russell's handsomeness.

Russell hopes that the fantasy beast he contracts is both powerful and cool.

For example, Baron Roman's Silver-Winged Wind Fox, Uncle Rosen's Golden Light Lynx, and Knight Commander Kendall's Aurora Falcon.

All of them are high-looking and powerful fantasy beasts.

After feeding the Red-Eyed Rat King, Russell left the barbecue shop and continued shopping.

On the way, he would also meet knights from the Knights' Order who came to shop, but they would only greet him with "Master Russell". These knights were not his subordinates, they only needed to maintain superficial courtesy and did not need to really respect him.

Unknowingly, Russell walked to the door of a stonemason's shop.

There were a lot of stone carvings at the door of the shop, ranging from tables, chairs, benches to millstones, stone tablets, and stone pillars.

There was even a giant stone dragon with its wings spread, ready to fly.

Russell was not interested in these, and was about to pass by when his palm suddenly felt hot, as if it had been scalded.

He raised his hand and saw that the "M"-shaped mark representing Xiao Menglong was burning violently.

"Is this... Xiao Menglong sending me a message?" Russell was confused. He could not detect what information this mark was conveying. After all, there was no contract between him and Xiao Menglong, and they could not establish a spiritual level of induction.

He took a step while looking at the mark on his palm, but as soon as he took a step, the "M"-shaped mark became even hotter.

When he took a step back, the "M"-shaped mark cooled down slightly.

At this moment, Russell understood something: "Xue Gao, you found something and want to remind me, right?"

He looked up at the stonemason shop in front of him. The name of the shop was written with the words "Wanshi", which was obviously the name of the shop.

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