Warm Dragon

Chapter 128 Four Seasons Flower Sea

On August 13, 5581 of the Dragon Calendar, the Knights of the Valley of the Dark Light set out again, heading for the snowy plains where the wind and snow were howling non-stop.

With the last experience, Russell had adapted to the battle in the snowy plains.

However, he was still assigned to the support formation, responsible for picking up leaks during the Knights' battles. This was Baron Roman's protection for him.

After all.

Russell was only sixteen years old this year, and had just held his coming-of-age ceremony. It was really cruel for him to face the icy edge of the snow ghost.

If it were another teenager, he might feel aggrieved and ashamed, and then try his best to prove that he could do it, and rashly attack the snow ghost.

But Russell would not.

He honestly and happily accepted the care of picking up leaks, and had a lot of fun killing the small group of snow ghosts that the Knights missed.

Occasionally, he would ask Eric and others to release a snow ghost for him to fight alone.

The tiny mark of the sword butterfly burned in the palm of his hand, and every sword technique that Russell used in the battle would become its food, silently accumulating strength for it. When its power reaches its limit, it may also transform and evolve like a mushroom worm.

As for what it will evolve into, it is still unknown.


After performing a set of "Yaoguang Sword Technique", the snow ghost in front of him was instantly cut into dozens of pieces of meat, which kept wriggling on the ground.

Without Russell's help, the knight's squire Jack squatted on the ground and crushed the snow ghost's head, and then picked out the ice hail beads.

The ice hail beads of ordinary snow ghosts are almost the same.

Whether they were armored knights or ordinary people in their lifetime, as long as they have the power of cultivation, they will be converted into the power of ice hail. Then in the heavy snow, the snow ghosts constantly absorb the power of ice and snow to strengthen their own ice hail power.

Over time, the strength of the snow ghosts will also tend to be close, so the condensed ice hail beads are almost the same.

Only those who have just died and have just revived and been killed again will condense inferior ice hail beads.

"The sixth ice hail bead, sir." Jack said with a smile.

It was only the first day of the march, and they had already picked up six snow ghosts' heads, which was a good start. Originally, because the warm season this year was particularly fierce, the snow ghosts retreated too quickly, and everyone didn't have much hope for the harvest of this trip.

"It's really good, I hope more snow ghosts will come." Russell smiled and wiped the sweat on his forehead that had been cooled by the wind and snow.

He looked at the white skyline in the distance, looking forward to the harvest in the next few days.

This trip out was to find food for Xiao Menglong.

To replenish the loss of Xiao Menglong's continuous spitting of dragon flames.

Compared with magical creatures such as elves and fantasy beasts, Russell must be more distressed about Xiao Menglong, because this is a young dragon. Only when Xiao Menglong grows up can he follow Xiao Menglong and reach the peak of his life.

The future is destined to be bright and brilliant, but now it is difficult to survive.

He had to rely on Xiao Menglong to hoard elves and fantasy beasts and strengthen his own strength, so that he could better earn ice hail beads and even ice soul beads to provide nutrients for Xiao Menglong's growth.

"Give up, give up... Only by giving up can you gain!" Putting the green ceramic sword back into the scabbard, Russell jumped on the horse.

The team left quickly and chased most of the knights.

On the way, Eric did not forget his identity as a knight class teacher and discussed the practical skills of "Yaoguang Sword Skill" with Russell.

"Should I learn a few more sword skills?"

"My lord, my suggestion is not for the time being." Eric had a different opinion, "Your "Yaoguang Sword Skill" has reached perfection. Before you are promoted to a great knight, you can't release your fighting spirit. It's enough to learn it well."

"Yaoguang Sword Skill" originated from the Holy Yaoguang Empire, which was the first country established after humans rode dragons.

Although it existed for a short time, it had a wide and far-reaching impact on later generations.

The title system was created by the Holy Yaoguang Empire. Similarly, "Yaoguang Sword Skill" was also passed down from the Holy Yaoguang Empire.

However, after more than 5,000 years, the current "Yaoguang Sword Technique" has changed beyond recognition. It has been improved and optimized countless times and has become the best basic fighting skill for knights to practice fighting spirit. Every knight has practiced "Yaoguang Sword Technique".

"Yes." Russell nodded in agreement, "Most of the high-level fighting skills now require fighting spirit to cooperate. I should continue to study "Yaoguang Sword Technique"."

His attainments in "Yaoguang Sword Technique" come from the sword butterfly amber worm.

But he had a vague feeling in his heart that the attainments provided by the sword butterfly were not the apprehension of the pinnacle of "Yaoguang Sword Technique". It was more like "great success" rather than "perfection". If he wanted "perfection", he had to rely on himself to comprehend it.

The sword butterfly was just a magical ancient butterfly, buried deep under the earth for countless years, drawing strength from the power of the earth, rather than comprehending strength by himself.

Naturally, he could not comprehend the ultimate mystery of swordsmanship.

After all.

Swordsmanship is dead, but people are alive.

After setting up camp, Russell rode on Xiao Menglong at night and began to wander aimlessly on the snowfield, hoping to find the magic light of the snow ghost.

Unfortunately, he did not encounter the snow ghost after searching all the way.

In desperation, Russell could only feed Xiao Menglong with a few ice hail beads he harvested during the day, as a partial interest repayment.

“Ga!” Before leaving, Xiao Menglong warned Russell not to forget to pay the remaining debt, including the principal and interest.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

After getting up early in the morning, Russell recalled the things in the dark dream and laughed: "This ice cream is getting harder and harder to fool... It seems that eating more ice hail beads is really helpful for its growth and intelligence has improved a lot!"

In the next two days, he and Xiao Menglong failed to find the snow ghost, and could only feed Xiao Menglong with a few ice hail beads harvested during the day.

Back and forth.

In the first few days in the snowfield, Russell could be said to have gained nothing.

Including the material preparation and the ice hail beads that needed to be rewarded to the subordinates, if there is no harvest in the next few days, it will be a big loss.

"Hurry up and meet the big snow ghost, no, ride the big green skin... No, no, no, directly meet the blue skin, ride the blue skin, let Xiao Menglong eat enough at once! In this way, you don't have to worry about the few ice hail beads that I picked up during the day."

With such expectations, Russell followed the Knights and arrived at the most important cold spring point on the Shanhe Business Road.

Sea of ​​Four Seasons Flowers

The Great Wall of Ice and Snow was like a long white dragon, slowly plunging under the never-melting ice cap, and then entering the Four Seasons Flower Sea, an ice hole that was larger than any cold spring point. Then its body slowly poked out from the other end of the ice hole.

It continued to crawl and meander on the endless snowfield.


Lord Ross was soaring in the sky.

It lowered its head and looked at the Four Seasons Flower Sea Cold Spring Point where the Knights were pouring in, as if it saw a colorful eye growing on the white ice cap.

The color in the eye was the flowers that covered the entire cold spring point.

"It's really hard to imagine that there is such a place full of flowers in the snowfield." Russell turned over and dismounted, handed the reins to the knight's squire, and looked at the entire Four Seasons Flower Sea Cold Spring Point curiously.

Ordinary cold spring points are ice holes that melt under the ice cap. Although the residual heat of the ground veins warms the ice holes, the temperature basically hovers around zero degrees.

And only the skylight can shine in, making the cold spring point very dark.

Only in this Four Seasons Flower Sea Cold Spring, the ice cap has been mostly melted, and the sun shines through the wind and snow, keeping the temperature around 10 degrees, and the flowers can grow freely.

There are even bees and other insects buzzing in the flowers.

"The Baron has ordered that no one is allowed to step on a flower or grass, including mosquitoes. It is also forbidden to kill them... Enter the camping area in an orderly manner, and do not walk around in the flower garden at will... The Baron has ordered that no one..."

The messenger knight ran throughout the Four Seasons Flower Sea Cold Spring, repeating Baron Roman's orders loudly.

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