Warm Dragon

Chapter 125 Grocery Store

Russell invited William to enjoy a lunch in the manor villa and discussed the construction of the brick kiln in detail.

"My Lord, I suggest building a brick kiln next to the pottery kiln." William had obviously done his homework. "It will be convenient for the transportation of clay slag and the supply of coal. Most importantly, it can hire craftsmen from the pottery kiln."

"You want to poach from the pottery kiln?"

"Ahem, not poaching, my Lord, just asking the workers in the pottery kiln to help out at the brick kiln after get off work."

"Well, that's a good idea." Russell nodded.

He would definitely not want to poach from the pottery kiln, after all, that would be like poaching from his parents.

But if the workers in the pottery kiln were asked to work part-time after get off work, there would be no problem at all.

"Sir, everything about the factory is easy. I have learned all the firing and management techniques, and I can build a brick kiln factory for you. But for the supply of coal, you need to communicate with Fluorescent Castle in person."

Coal is a strategic resource produced by the two-legged flying dragon. It is difficult for private individuals to buy it, and even if you buy it, you can't transport it back.

Russell said: "Don't worry, I have communicated with Fluorescent Castle. Every month when the caravan transports coal, it will transport an additional batch of coal for the brick kiln factory... But the procurement and transportation costs need to be paid by the brick kiln factory."

"The cost of the brick kiln factory may be very high." Little William replied.

"I will take out ten gold coins first. Is it enough to build the brick kiln factory?" Russell said, "Then I will invest another twenty gold coins to buy the first batch of coal, which should be enough to burn for half a year."

Now is the warm season, the power of the snow demon is declining, the trade route is unobstructed, and the caravans are constantly coming and going.

Especially as the warm season gets hotter and hotter, and the hot summer season comes, the power of the snow demon will be compressed to a distant place, and the snow ghost will hide.

At this time, the trade route can run a super-large thunder beast to pull a cart.

Using thunder beasts to pull carts instead of horses, a thunder beast can pull more than ten tons of goods, which is more powerful than trucks on Earth.

However, thunder beasts are very rare, and only twenty thunder beasts are raised in the Fluorescent Castle.

Even every time the thunder beasts are dispatched to pull goods, Lord Marcus has to lead the team. The reason is simple. One of the two fantasy beasts contracted by Marcus is the steel thunder beast evolved from the thunder beast, which can pull hundreds of tons of goods.

It can be said that except for the speed not being fast enough, the thunder beast pulling carts is better than horse-drawn carts in all aspects.

"Enough, enough sir!" Little William said happily. He thought Russell was reluctant to spend money and would invest at most a few gold coins. Unexpectedly, Russell was so generous that he directly invested thirty gold coins.

To be honest, relying on the brick kiln factory to burn slag bricks alone may not be able to make back the capital in a few years.

However, he had heard before that the second son of the Fluorescent Mushroom family was noticed by the dragon and bred a mushroom bird.

This means that Russell will have endless gold coins.

That's why Little William would not refuse Russell's big investment: "Don't worry, sir, I will prepare the brick kiln factory as soon as possible."

"Well, I hope to build the brick kiln factory within half a month, and then spend another half a month to burn the first batch of slag bricks, and then transport them all to my territory. I will digest this batch of slag bricks myself." Russell ordered.

He needs to build houses, and the small market also needs to build dormitories, offices, courts, etc., which require a large number of slag bricks.

Little William silently estimated, and then nodded heavily: "No problem, sir."

Wait until parting.

Little William suddenly thought of a question: "Sir, the brick kiln factory is built, do we need to give it a name?"

The porcelain kiln factory and pottery kiln factory in the Youguang Valley have no names. The reason is very simple. These are unique kiln factories. Only the fluorescent mushroom family can build them, and there is no need to give them an additional name.

Russell thought for a moment and said, "Then let's call it the Black-waisted Snake Brick Kiln Factory."

Compared to the monopoly porcelain kiln factory and pottery kiln factory, the brick kiln factory has almost no technical threshold. It is inevitable that Fluorescent Castle will start a new business and build several more brick kiln factories in the future, so he should name it in advance.

"Okay, sir."

With the initial three gold coins as start-up capital, Little William left the manor villa.

For the subsequent seven gold coins, Russell will send someone to deliver them after the brick kiln factory starts construction, and also send a supervisor to the brick kiln factory.

Just as Little William was sent away.

Another carriage drove into the Black-waisted Snake Manor, but it did not come to the manor villa, but went directly to the small market.

When it was evening, when it was almost time for dinner, Charles brought the owner of the carriage to the manor villa together.

"Sir, let me introduce you. This is Gap-Tooth Miller, a freeman in the town. He wants to open a grocery store in the small market." Charles said as he sniffed the air to identify what delicious food the kitchen had cooked.

Gap-Tooth Miller took off his hat and bowed to Russell: "Gap-Tooth Miller greets you, Master Russell."

"Hello, Gap-Tooth Miller." Russell nodded and looked at him. He was wearing a shiny satin top, and it was obvious that his family was relatively well-off.

But Russell was a little curious: "Gap-Tooth Miller, why do you want to open a grocery store here? It's much quieter here than in the town."

"In fact, I had the idea of ​​opening a store outside the town a long time ago, but there was no suitable place to open a store." Gap-Tooth Miller said, "But Master Russell, you came to the Black-Waisted Snake Manor, I think the right place is here."

"Oh why?"

"To tell you the truth, I only thought this place was suitable for opening a store after I heard that you had a mushroom bird. Under your management, the Black-rumped Snake Manor will definitely develop rapidly, and there happens to be a lack of a grocery store here... …”

Russell nodded and understood what Huya Miller was thinking.

One mushroom bird meant fifteen hundred acres of magic potion fields, which in turn meant that a large number of serfs would become rich as a result.

It will even attract more serfs to settle in the Black-waisted Snake Manor.

Some people are rich, so naturally, the future Black-waisted Snake Manor will have a basis for doing business, attracting Huya Miller.

"No problem, Huya Miller, I allow you to open a grocery store in the small market, but there will be no tax concessions." Russell said calmly. Before, he wanted to attract people to do business, so he might have to pay some tax. Blood.

But now that there is Rosie the Mushroom Bird, small businessmen will naturally take notice, and there is no need to give any more discounts.

The gap-toothed Miller smiled awkwardly: "Master Russell, after all, I am running a small business, and I will definitely not be popular in the early stage. If you can give me a little discount, I think I can run more steadily..."

Russell waved his hand.

He directly ordered: "I will leave you to have a dinner and taste the food here. As for opening a store, you can discuss it with Charles later."

Russell didn't want to personally participate in such a fussy matter, and lost his worth just for those few copper coins.

Charles immediately answered: "Your Excellency has promised you to open a shop here. It's time to have a drink to celebrate. We will discuss other matters in detail tomorrow. Please, Huge-toothed Miller, Mrs. Moore is an extremely creative cook. Will you Enjoy delicious food like no other! ”

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