Warm Dragon

Chapter 110 Mill Opening Ceremony

Russell had seen the style of the Black-waisted Snake King contracted by Baron Roman. He could not only command all Black-waisted Snakes, but also other types of snakes. He would occasionally be driven by the Black-waisted Snake King. He could be called the first-generation snake king in the Youguang River Valley.

In addition, the pangolin king contracted by Lord Marcus and the giant-horned deer king contracted by Lord Etrus are both beast kings, and they can control ordinary pangolins and giant-horned deer.

Even some beast kings who have not evolved into phantom beasts can still drive their own kind.

It's just that the Beast King is very rare. Once a Beast King is discovered, he will be captured and tamed quickly. The reason is also very simple. Every beast king has the ability to become a fantasy beast and has a high probability of evolving into a fantasy beast. It is a strategic resource.

"My father used the Black-rumped Snake King to build a snake garden near the Fluorescent Castle...Lord Erthras used the Big-horned Deer King to breed a group of big-horned deer...Even Lord Marcus often sold pangolin meat. "

The development potential of Beastmaster is huge.

Russell comforted Kevin and Hongyan, returned to his bedroom, and leaned on the bed thinking about how to use Hongyan's identity as the Rat King.

"You can't really raise a group of rats and sell rat meat, right?" He has tasted rat meat, and it does taste good, but if he is asked to eat it often, he is not willing to do it, and he can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Besides, if there are delicious pork, beef, mutton, and chicken, duck and goose meat, why do you have to eat rat meat?

"So, not only is the output of rat meat low, but the price is also unsaleable, making it uneconomical."

As for forming a rat army and then stealing things everywhere, Russell denied it. He would not be so contemptuous of his identity.

"Perhaps we can form a treasure-hunting rat team?"

Thinking of this, Russell became interested and carefully considered the feasibility of the treasure-hunting rat team: "Ordinary rats have relatively low IQs. If you ask them to look for Cordyceps or phantom beasts, they will definitely not find them. But let them find a honeycomb or a rabbit nest. Class, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Touching his chin, he nodded affirmatively: "It's feasible. I'll talk to Hongyan later and see how to form a treasure-hunting rat team..."

"Actually, you don't necessarily need to search deliberately. Rats are everywhere. Red Eyes just needs to gather information. If there are good treasures like Bear Bees, just let me know." He benefited from Bear Bees and wanted to get more. several times.


He also thought that Red Eyes lived in a cave. The rats must know the passages of the cave very well. Perhaps they could completely control the Xiangshui River Cave through Red Eyes.

"It even extends outward to monitor every move of the snow ghosts in the snowfield. Once a snow ghost invades, rats are the best sentinels." Russell got tired of thinking and simply lay down, "Let's do this for now and discuss it with Charles tomorrow. "

Soon, I fell into sleep.

That night, I rode the Little Dream Dragon and carried the Sword Butterfly around the territory again, familiarizing myself with the roads and various landmarks. I also wanted to see if I could get lucky and find a gestating cordyceps or other treasures.

Russell believes that there are actually many gestating Cordyceps in the wild.

It's just that most people can't find it, and it's too difficult to breed elf bugs, causing most cordyceps to abort naturally.

Now with him and Xiao Menglong, these cordyceps will never miscarry again.


I was busy all night and found nothing.

After the knight's morning class the next day, Russell sent someone to call Charles over and briefly communicated with him about the Treasure Hunting Rat Team and the Border Police.

"Sir, this is a good thing, a great good thing." Charles praised, "I support the establishment of a team of treasure-hunting rats to search for treasures everywhere; and also the establishment of a team of sentinel rats to patrol the caves!"

"Well, you also need to post a notice on the manor, prohibiting any serfs from hunting rats privately."

With the presence of the Red-Eyed Rat King, all rats in the territory will no longer be pests, but important resources.

"I will post notices later and issue orders to each village." After Charles finished speaking, he said with a smile, "Sir, there is good news. The windmill mill has finally been completed. I want to hold an inauguration ceremony."

"Oh, has it been built? This is indeed good news!"

"The big carpenter tried grinding flour last night, and the effect was very good. It was only a little worse than the ordinary waterwheel mill. This is when the wind speed is not enough. When the wind picks up, the effect of the windmill will be absolutely great."

"Okay, tomorrow you will hold an inauguration ceremony and let all the idle serfs in the territory attend the ceremony... Then I will announce at the ceremony that there is no need to pay for grinding flour in the first month, and after that, you will pay at the market price. how do you feel?"

"My lord, you are too generous, but I think half a month, no, seven days for free is fine." Charles said, "You don't need to be too kind to the people. They are all humble serfs. You don't have to go to town." The trouble of going to the market should be charged a little more. ”

"Looking at the long term, Charles, I don't want the territory to be filled with serfs... Maybe in a few years, a group of serfs will redeem themselves and then engage in small business and handicrafts. At that time, the territory will be more vibrant."

After all, it is his own territory, and Russell is satisfied with everything in Black-waisted Snake Manor.

The only dissatisfaction is that it is too boring here.

So far, there is only a bakery, a blacksmith shop, and a small farmer's market. All the people in the territory are serfs, and they can cultivate endless fields all day long. At night, not even a light is turned on.

If the territory could have more free people engaged in handicrafts and small businesses, perhaps the territory would be more lively.

"Perhaps we can attract some freedmen from other places?"

"It's difficult. How can the territory attract free people to settle? Serfs can't keep any money by farming. How can they spend money if they don't have money?"

"Now that the potion fields are expanding, many serfs have turned to planting potions. When the potion harvest is good, you can appropriately exempt the serfs from part of the tax, so that the serfs can have some savings."

After a pause, Charles added: "But if you ask me, there is no need to develop handicrafts and small businesses. It is enough for the serfs to farm safely and provide food for the lords. If you are short of money, you can buy it from the snowfield Hunting the Snow Ghost."

This is also what most nobles think.

The territory provides food and training resources, and then the lord works hard to train knights, and goes to fight in the snowy fields to perform meritorious service and make money. After returning, he will expand the territory, plant more fields, obtain more resources, and train more knights.

This cycle repeats itself from generation to generation.


The inauguration ceremony of the windmill was held in front of the windmill in Alfalfa Village. The huge windmill blades rotated with the wind, and a large number of serfs gathered around it.

Old people, women, children, and strong men carrying hoes and shovels were all watching the ceremony.

"The lord is here!" Tom, the knight's retinue, shouted loudly.

Immediately, the crowd turned around with cheers, faced Russell and his party, bowed and saluted, and kept shouting "praise the master", "say hello to the master" and other honorifics in their mouths to welcome the arrival of the lord.

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