Warm Dragon

Chapter 11 Magic Pearl

Early in the morning, the sun shone through the gap in the curtains onto the bed, forming a bright streak.

Russell stretched and woke up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he felt no fatigue or stinging, but refreshed and full of energy.

Perhaps it was the feeling brought by his young body, or perhaps it was the feeling given by deep sleep, or perhaps it was the fighting spirit that was constantly improving his physique. In short, he was quite satisfied with his current body.

Full of health!

Pulling the rope bell at the head of the bed, the other end of the rope led to the servant's lounge, and another bell with the sign "Master Bedroom" rang.

It was impossible for a servant to follow his master all the time.


The rope bell is an indispensable device.

"Ah, it's such a good sleep. Even though I have to toss and turn in the dark dream for a long time every night, it not only doesn't affect my sleep, but it makes me sleep more comfortably than before." Russell was happy in his heart. The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Clams!"

Last night in the dark dream, he found a clam that seemed to breed magic pearls, but he couldn't get out of the dark dream.

Even if Xiao Menglong was tired and the dark dream was gone, he would fall into a deep sleep and couldn't wake up at all.

"Fortunately, I didn't forget my clam... I don't know if the clam ran away after a night."


There was a knock on the door, accompanied by the voice of the head maid: "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, come in." Russell had already got out of bed.

The door was pushed open, and the head maid Leona brought three maids, Irene, Phoebe and Olivia, just like the maids in the fluorescent castle, each doing their own job.

Some made the bed, some cleaned the table, and some prepared toiletries.

However, it can be seen that the movements of these three young maids are a little less familiar than those of the maids in the fluorescent castle.

And the quality of the maids themselves is also slightly worse. Irene has freckles all over her face, Phoebe has buck teeth, and Olivia looks short. Only the head maid Leona is tall and beautiful. Russell still remembers that when she bends over, her butt is round.

After Russell finished washing, Leona took the maids to leave one by one.

The male servant Ram knocked on the door and came in: "Master."

"Yes." Russell did not refuse the male servant to help him dress. These aristocratic lifestyles have been engraved in the bones of this body.

"Master, do you need to practice fighting spirit in the morning? If so, you can wear this training suit." Ram was serving Russell for the first time. He did not understand Russell's rules and asked nervously.

Russell said lightly: "Training suit."

He did not show his friendly side. If you are friendly, you will be intimate, and if you are close, you will be rude. How to master the balance is a learning.

Put on your training clothes and go downstairs for breakfast.

"My lord!" Eric, the knight class teacher, and four knight attendants are having breakfast.

Russell sat down at the table: "Good morning."

"Master, your breakfast." Butler Morris personally brought the breakfast over. Compared with the breakfast buffet at Fluorescent Castle, the food here is a bit more shabby, with only fish balls, rice, bread, milk, and a small dish of jam.

Halfway through the meal, Charles yawned and went downstairs: "Good morning, Russell, it seems that self-discipline has become your instinct."

Russell responded casually: "Good morning."

Breakfast was over.

Butler Morris came to report: "Master, the old Hans foreman brought five village chiefs to listen to your instructions."

"I was just about to find him for something." Russell said with a move in his heart.

Walking out of the manor, the sun was shining, driving away the cold left over from last night.

Old Hans and the five village chiefs immediately greeted Russell, and then followed Russell step by step to the Dim Light River under the earth slope.

"Old Hans, are there clams or shells in the Youguang River?"

"Yes, sir, there are not only clams in the Youguang River, but also large snails. Sometimes the baron will send people to collect a batch of river food, and the serfs can also take the opportunity to touch a few clams and large snails and enjoy the delicious river food."

Everything in the territory belongs to the lord, so even the fish and shrimp in the river belong to the lord's private property.

Unless the lord allows, serfs cannot go to the river to fish privately.

"Is that so... Old Hans, I want to eat some river food today. Can you help me go to the river to catch some clams and large snails?" Russell smiled and ordered.

If he touched the clams himself, it would not only be inconsistent with the behavior of the nobles, but also the behavior itself would be very abrupt.

Old Hans rolled up his trouser legs without hesitation: "It is an honor for Old Hans to serve you, sir."

The five village chiefs were naturally unwilling to lag behind, and they all rolled up their trouser legs and followed Old Hans into the cold Youguang River barefoot.

The ice age retreated late, and the water in the Youguang River was still very shallow, with the water level at the riverside just above the ankles.

In a short while, several people caught a lot of river clams and big snails - they were skilled, and it was obvious that they must have stolen fish and shrimps from the river on weekdays.

"Wow, what are you doing?" Charles also finished his breakfast and came over curiously, "Are you fishing for river clams?"

Russell smiled and said, "I want to eat river food tonight."

"Hehe, river food, this time I have a good taste, the river food in the Youguang River is a local delicacy." Charles not only likes wine, but also likes food. "On weekdays, river food is only supplied to Fluorescent Castle, it's rare to see it."

On the slope, Eric brought four knights and followers to practice fighting spirit seriously, and did not come to join in the fun.


Old Hans held up a black clam the size of a basketball and shouted excitedly: "Master, praise the dragon, my God, look at this clam, I have never touched such a big clam."

As he said that, Old Hans ran over with the clam in his arms to offer his treasure.

Russell's eyes lit up. He seriously suspected that the magic light he saw last night was emitted from the body of this clam, and there must be magic pearls inside.

Before he could remind him, Charles shouted: "Russell, hurry up, open it, such a big clam, maybe there are magic pearls inside! Legend has it that some big shells can breed magic pearls like gem dragons!"

Gem dragons can nourish gem veins and are magical creations bred by the earth.

Magic pearls are obviously not comparable to gems, but they are also rare magic creations with magical effects.

"Can you pry it open, old Hans?"

"I don't have a knife, master."

At this time, a fine steel sword was handed over, and Eric came over at some point and handed over his sword.

But Old Hans pried it open for a long time, but he still couldn't pry open the big river clam.

"I'll do it!" Eric couldn't bear it, so he squatted down, poured his fighting spirit into the fine steel sword, and stabbed it hard at the gap of the clam shell. The tightly closed clam shell could no longer bear it and was pierced by the tip of the sword.


As soon as Eric exerted force, the big river clam cracked open.

He abandoned the fine steel sword, stretched out his hand to pry the opening, and suddenly pulled the two halves of the clam shell apart, revealing the golden clam meat inside.

Scrape the clam meat to reveal a layer of mantle, under which there are five irregular round protrusions, the largest is the size of an egg, and the smallest is only the size of a marble.

"Wow, pearls, there are really pearls!" Charles said excitedly, "This time I really have to praise the dragon, Russell, there are really magic pearls in it!"

There are no ordinary pearls in this world, and all pearls must have magic.

Just like the gem mines nourished by the dragon, all have magical magic. Once the magic is exhausted, the gems will break.

The same is true for pearls.

"Well done!" Russell clapped his hands gently. Although he had guessed it last night, he was still excited to actually catch a pearl.

After all, this was the first benefit he got by relying on his golden finger.

He immediately ordered: "Butler Morris, ask the kitchen to prepare a batch of milk tea to warm up Old Hans and the others."

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