Warm Dragon

Chapter 106 Bumblebee Swarm

In the warm season, the snow line of Jiandao Mountain and Wanren Mountain will continue to rise, and it has already climbed to the halfway point of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is covered with snow and the foot of the mountain is lush.

The area near the snow line was dominated by shrubs. At this moment, the Red-Eyed Rat King stopped in front of a shrub, then carefully pushed aside a few clusters of shrubs and got in.

Kevin quickly followed, and after making sure there was no danger, he whimpered softly.

Russell squeezed into the bushes and immediately saw an exposed rock in the bushes. The red-eyed rat king was sniffing under the rock. Some round bees could be seen coming in and out from the small holes under the rock. out.

"Chiji!" Red Eyes shouted anxiously, trying to get into the cave under the rock.

However, after evolving into a fantasy beast, its size has doubled and tripled, and it can no longer fit into this small hole.

Kevin also stretched his head over, but it was bigger than the red eye, and it was impossible to get into it.

Russell was not in a hurry to explore what was in the cave. Instead, he reached forward with one hand and caught a round bee between his index and middle fingers.

This bee is covered with downy hair, like a tightly wrapped bear.

The thick and short hind legs are covered with nectar.


Russell was surprised.

He actually felt a faint, vague aura of magic from this little bee.

"Is it the magic power carried by the nectar? Is this the pollen collected from the magic potion?" He first guessed whether it was the magic power carried by the nectar. After all, the magic potion will also bloom and rely on bees for pollination. It is normal to have magic power.

But after carefully sensing it, his eyes suddenly widened: "No, it's not the magic power of pollen. These pollen are just the pollen of ordinary flowers... In other words, this little bee itself carries the magic breath!"

In an instant, he realized something.

First he looked at the struggling bee in his hand, and then at the red-eyed rat king, and his thoughts were already perfected: "No wonder the red-eyed can evolve into a fantasy beast... It found a primitive beast bee colony, and then stole magical food every day Honey!"

Without these magical honeys, it would be impossible for a hungry rat in a cave to evolve.


The evolution of Red Eyes is not accidental, but inevitable... Of course, to be able to evolve, Red Eyes must first have this talent.

Without talent, no matter how much magic honey he eats, he is still just an ordinary big mouse.

His own talent, coupled with this opportunity, eventually led to the fact that Red Eyes evolved into a phantom beast.

"Huh, you're such a big rat, you're so lucky!" Russell exclaimed, "Original beasts are generally bred and raised artificially, so all we see on the market are farmed yuan beasts. Wild yuan beasts like this , almost non-existent!”

The conditions in the wild are difficult, and there is no long-term and stable nutritional supply. It is difficult for wild animals and insects to maintain the long-term brewing of magic.

It can be said that this swarm of bees was Russell's first time seeing wild beasts.


He slapped the red-eyed rat king's butt in a hurry: "Don't be in a hurry to eat the honey. I will give you extra food later to reward you for your good behavior of buying one and getting one free."

I thought that a fantasy beast would be the biggest gain.

Unexpectedly, it also comes with a group of beast bees. It is really a buy one get one free promotion.


"Get out of the way, let me take a look." Russell bent down and looked at the cave under the rock. Because it was too dark below, he couldn't see clearly where the bee's nest was, but the bees coming in and out could prove that there was indeed something inside. honeycomb.

He stood up and looked towards the vineyard down the hill.

He touched his chin: "My father's territory is the Youguang River Valley, which is the valley between Jiandao Mountain and Bend Blade Mountain. The mountains are not technically my father's territory, so the bee swarm is ownerless." ”

Thinking of this, he muttered with peace of mind: "In this case, it is a gift from my red eye to honor me, so I will accept it with a smile!"

He decided to go back first and then bring people to dig out the hives and cultivate them.

"When I succeed in raising bees, I will distribute part of the bee colony and give it to the family together with the raising technology."

Waving to Kevin and Hongyan, Russell took the lead to get out of the bushes, thinking happily: "I gather the wool at home every day. As a son of a man, I should make some contribution to the family. These bees should be regarded as filial piety to father and mother." ”

Half an hour later.

Russell came back with a group of men, chopped down the bushes, then lifted up the rocks and dug out the caves where the hives were.

In an instant, he saw a brown-gray honeycomb that looked like a huge dinosaur egg.

Stand at least two meters high.

Except for a few small holes for entry and exit, other parts are completely sealed, which is very strange.

At this time, the hive was shaken, and the bees inside quickly flew out and fell densely on people.

Fortunately, everyone was wrapped tightly and were not afraid of bee stings.

"It's hard to imagine that such a small thing can build such a big nest." Charles marveled, and then laughed and said, "Sir, if you move this thing back, you will have endless magic honey. "

"It still depends on whether we can successfully raise it... Anyway, let's move it back first." Russell waved his hand.

Everyone immediately carried the huge beehive and returned to the Black-waisted Snake Manor happily.

"Sir, these bees don't sting, and they look cute, round like little bears." Charles kept talking along the way, "Why not raise them in the magic potion village and let them collect pollen for the potion."

"Okay." Russell nodded.

Charles said again: "I don't think I've heard of any farmed Yuan beasts that are bees. Sir, these bees may be the first. Why don't you give them a name."

"Yes, please give the bees a name." Old Hans also joined in the fun.

Russell smiled and said: "Then I'll give them a name... These bees look like little bears, so let's call them... bear bees."

"Good, really nice!" Old Hans praised.

"The name you gave is very appropriate for these little bees!" Charles agreed very much.

Hearing the two people praising each other like this, Eric on the side wanted to roll his eyes. He didn't think there was anything nice about bear bees. This is no different from farmed Yuan beasts such as brown cows, short-haired rabbits, and long-legged ducks.

At this time, Russell suddenly looked at him, as if asking for his opinion.

Seeing this.

Eric nodded without hesitation: "Very good."

"Okay, since everyone agrees with this name, this group of cute Yuan Beast Bees will be called Bear Bees in the future."

"Sir." Charles said, "No one in the territory knows how to keep bees. Maybe we should go to Fluorescent Castle for consultation. The Baron has beekeepers under his command. We can hire a beekeeper to keep bees for us."

"Well, yes, you go and arrange this."

"As you wish."

Everyone has his own expertise. Russell doesn't know much about beekeeping. In his previous life, he often saw videos of catching bees and selling honey on Douyin.

So he can only hire beekeepers from outside.


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