I don’t know how big the abandoned land is. I don’t know how fast the speed of the Undying Bird is. Anyway, after only a moment, the Undying Bird disappeared in the distance and flew back. This time, it didn’t try to fly. In other directions, the gray world is full of dead mists. There are only a few lives here. Maybe it has realized that if you want to leave this place, you can only find opportunities in Han Jin and the others.

Undying Bird keeps circle around thousands of meters. In fact, it is very nervous. Sunier and the others are not enough to make it fear, and Han Jin, who is quietly adjusting, seems to be an ordinary person. However, there is also a Catherine here, probably except for the right to Angel Alpha, there is no life to ignore the existence of Catherine.

This is also a blessing. If Undying Bird hovered over their heads, the constant flames would cause great trouble.

Harley is still trying to absorb the power of the abandoned land. This world does give him a very familiar feeling, but he refuses to admit it and does not want to have any connection with that Denver.

After almost half an hour, Han Jin’s eyes didn’t know how many turns he followed the Undying Bird’s silhouette. Suddenly, the Undying Bird made a scream, perhaps because he was too young to know how to hide himself. Han Jin can Clearly felt the sound of the song filled with happiness and joy.

Next moment, a silhouette slowly stood up on the back of the Undying Bird, it was Yalina, but at this moment Yalina’s image is very different from the past, the whole body is wrapped up in the ray of the rays of light, swallowing the fireworks, without Any effort brings a golden star that is full of fluffy blooms, and it’s like a goddess.

Han Jin set up Heavenly Dao and slowly greeted Yalina. He deliberately slowed down his speed so as not to stimulate the Undying Bird.

Yalina looked down and seemed to be observing her right hand. For a moment, she lifted the right hand and kept loosening and clenching. Han Jin and Sunier and the others didn’t know what Yalina was doing because they didn’t watch. By the time of the battle scene, only Catherine showed a faint smile.

“Raphael!” Yalina saw Han Jin and made a joyous cry. Then she flew away from Undying Bird and quickly greeted Han Jin.

Han Jin’s figure is not stopped. Although he left the Undying Bird, Yalina is still wrapped in the fire of Xiong Lie, which makes him in a dilemma. Is it to embrace Yalina’s hug, or to shun?

The Undying Bird behind Yalina made a rushing cry, it seems to remind Yalina to be careful, and the following Sunier and the others are also sucked in a cold breath, Undying Bird’s formidable power. They have already seen it, and now Yalina seems to be no better than How much is Undying Bird safe?

“Yalina, the fire on your body!” Sunier screamed.

Yalina should have heard Sunier’s reminder, because her smile is more joyful. At the moment when Undying Bird was truly reborn, although her consciousness was somewhat vague, she also learned a lot.

In a few moments, Yalina has leaned in the arms of Han Jin, and he likes to extend his little hand and show: “Look!!”

Yalina is showing off her new strength, but Han Jin is shocked. He just confirmed that the fireworks wrapped in Yalina did not harm him. He didn’t know what Yalina had experienced. He asked: “What?”

“Nothing.” Yalina laughed at Hehe and said that Han Jin did not celebrate her. It was somewhat tangled. However, she did not intend to complain to Han Jin. The past passed, and Yalina poked her head from Han Jin’s arms. Look down: “Sunier, are they all right?”

Yalina didn’t look okay, this eyes saw Catherine, her figure immediately became stiff and her fists clenched.

Han Jin felt the tension of Yalina and whispered: “It’s okay.”

“Nothing?” Yalina looked at Han Jin with surprise.

“I will talk to you later,” said Han Jin. “She is half herself.”

At this time, the Undying Bird flew over from the side, hovering the wings and hovering in the air, and looking at Han Jin with his head tilted.

Closer, Han Jin can see the Undying Bird through the fireworks. In appearance, the Undying Bird is like a giant peacock, with seven long shackles on the back and a golden bulge on the head. It seems to be with a crown, but its eyes are very naive, or pure, if the baby is just a few months old, there is always a deep curiosity.

“Fortunately, only Gibran suffered some injuries.” Han Jin said: “You… aren’t you going out for shopping? How come here?”

Mentioning this, Yalina became swallowed and sneaked into Han Jin from time to time, naturally forgetting the threat of Catherine.

“Forget it, let’s go out and say it.” Han Jin swept the Undying Bird: “Yalina, can you completely control it?”

“The baby is very embarrassed!” Yalina said.


“Well, this is the name I gave it.” Yalina laughed at Hehe’s overhead and cried, “Baby, isn’t it?”

The Undying Bird saw Yalina talking to it, and the speed of the wings was immediately increased, followed by a loud scream.

Han Jin relaxed, he understands that the relationship between Yalina and Undying Bird is similar to his relationship with Harley. When needed, he can communicate on a certain level of consciousness.

“Baby, look at me!” Yalina cried, then took a deep breath and wrapped her body fireworks, gradually shrinking away from the body: “Let me learn, do you know?”

Seeing the change of Yalina, the Undying Bird seems to understand what it is, and actually nodded, but its control ability is much stronger than Yalina, only a low scream, the raging fire will retreat like a tide, and it will change in the blink of an eye. Become a very ordinary bird.

“Hare?” Han Jin called.

Harley slowly raised his head, his body has undergone a very significant change, below the neck, still foggy, but a hoe is reflecting the cold rays of light, as smooth as glass, and as hard as steel. The flashing red light in the eye becomes very small, but it is very bright and glaring like a needle tip.

“Turn off this abandoned land.” Han Jin has no nonsense, he can sense how much power Harley has taken.

“Yes, Master.” Harley seems to have forgotten, not long ago, he was still asking others how to close the abandoned land.

With Harley’s incantation sound, the humerus all over the plain is gradually disintegrating, turning into countless tiny dust, the gray world is quickly dissipated, more and more colors are infiltrating from the outside, there is a light blue sky, there is faint The setting sun, there is a fresh air.

Then, the whole World trembled violently, next moment, they have returned to the Holy Crown City.

“Raphael, you are finally out! If you can’t wait for a few minutes, we will rush in!” Guevera’s voice came to Han Jin and the others, and then Guevera became stunned: “You … Catherine?!”

Katherine’s name is like a curse, Guevera raises the Knight gun, Gaobin pulls the longbow, and Green adds a magic shield to him. The Holy Crown City’s powerhouses are almost here, at this moment. They instinctively made preparations, and as long as Catherine showed a slight change, they would go all out to release the attack.

Catherine looked indifferent, only looking at Han Jin seriously, whispered: “Three days!”

“Three days!” Han Jin ordered nodded.

Katherine’s black light wings swayed gently, and the figure was lifted up and directed straight into the sky.

The Master Tower of Holy Crown City has already released the magical enchantment that hangs over the city, blocking Catherine’s road. Catherine didn’t stop. When she approached the magic enchantment, her fists alternated.

Bang… Bang… With the formidable power of Catherine First Fist, the magic enchantment has begun to violently shake up, and then under the strands of Second Fist, immediately turned into a flowing light, a deafening sound wave rolled through the city, professional Fortunately, the pedestrians in the city have been covering their ears, and their faces are also showing pain.

Han Jin shows a bitter smile, this girl is too violent! Forcibly destroying the magic enchantment of Holy Crown City will inevitably cause damage to the Master Tower and cause great trouble to the Magician. They need to spend a considerable amount of time and considerable energy to repair.

However, Han Jin has to admit that he can not afford to offend the other party for the time being. Of course, if he is still in the hostile status of your life and death, he is not afraid of a fierce battle, now… no need.

The so-called sorrowful, embarrassed fear of life, many times, people with concerns always have to make concessions to those who do not care.

“She…she just left?” Guevera showed an incredible expression.

Han Jin cares about the damage caused by the Master Tower because he is ready to work with Catherine, but for Guevera, this is almost the best ending. What is the Master Tower compared to the heavy casualties of friends?

“Don’t leave still here? Are you responsible for hosting her?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Raphael, what happened inside?” Guevera knew that there would have been some unimaginable things in the black hole enchantment, otherwise Catherine would not leave like this.

“Go back to the boat and talk slowly,” Han Jin said.

Just then, a shadow swept over people’s heads, and Guevera looked up and saw a giant bird hovering over them.

Although the owner is below, the Undying Bird is always vigilant to strangers and prefers to leave the Master for the time being and is not willing to integrate into the crowd.

“Great big… turkey!” Schumann said dumbly.

“What are you talking about?!” Yalina immediately became unhappy.

“That’s not a turkey!” Or more insights from Green: “Undying Bird…hehe, I actually saw the real Undying Bird!”

The eyes of everyone are concentrated on Yalina. The mount of the Grand Duke of Solomon is Undying Bird. It is not a secret. If an Undying Bird suddenly appears in Holy Crown City, it must be related to Yalina.

“Schumann, lift the martial law.” Guevera said: “Go, let’s go back and talk.”

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