A purple light appeared in the gray field and chased the rampant Undying Bird. In the powerhouse of the Holy Crown City, Han Jin was the first to arrive at the scene, such as the rare beast. The hole, can scare others, can not scare Han Jin, he rushed in with the slightest hesitation.

Yalina releases an emergency alert. Once it appears, Holy Crown City will enter the full combat readiness status in the shortest time. Only three people have the right to release this magic scroll. One is Yalina, the other is Hogan, and the other is Jeddy. Huogen is on the boat. Han Jin also senses that the Holy Arrival and Magic Enchantment are first opened one step earlier than the Holy Crown City’s Master Tower. It should be Jedice’s handwriting, then there is only one possible surname, Yalina encounters It is dangerous!

The Undying Bird saw someone chasing, and the wings were moving more quickly. They surpassed the limit speed. Don’t say that Han Jin couldn’t catch up. Even the superior giant dragon who mastered the dragon language magic would be amazed. Undying Bird’s figure. It has been turned into a golden electric light, lasing in the distance, and the bones floating in the air are not exposed to the fire of the Undying Bird, and are washed away by the pressure in the air.

Sunier, trapped by bone waves, suddenly frowned, his body turned sharply, and the arrow in his hand pointed to the rear. At this moment, an old man’s figure showed his way in the bones, but his distance from Sunier was still there. 70 Yu Mi opened, the old man turned a blind eye to Sunier’s arrow, and screamed and turned back.

A washbasin-sized hoe appeared behind the old man, fearlessly greeted the dagger, the next moment, the old man’s dagger passed through the hoe, and the whole arm was deeply trapped, but The hoe is not at all affected, open his mouth and make a heart-rending laugh, then turn it into a black ball, shoot forward with lightning and drill into the eyes of the old man. .

The old man screamed, and then his head swelled like a balloon, banging and bursting into countless splashes of flesh and blood.

“This power… this incredible power…gā gā gā ……” A crazy laugh sounded: “Come on, you little mess, obey my orders! This is the great Harley adult.” will……”

A giant cockroach made up entirely of smoke rose from the bones. His body was getting taller and he reached 100 meters. Then Harley swayed his bones and his body collapsed instantly, turning into a circle of naked. The visible shock wave of the eye swept away toward all directions.

A strange scene appeared in front of everyone, outside the shock wave is the bone wave of the sky, and within the shock wave, countless bones have been rushing to fall, and once again become a quiet white bone plain.

With the rapid spread of shock waves, the scale of bone waves is getting smaller and smaller. People with excellent vision can see that the shock wave is composed of a flue gas. The cheekbones that are still roaring in the past moment, as long as they are exposed to smoke, It immediately became as good as a small sheep.

“How is it possible?!” Mante groaned with a hoarse voice, and it was incredible that someone was fighting for control of the abandoned land!

Mante screamed and waved his hands, chanting the hard incantation. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop the infection of the shock wave After a good rest, I continued to spread to far away places.

Without the influence of bone waves, Sunier has already seen Han Jin, and her heart is not long sighed in relief. For several years, the crisis has been repeated, and Han Jin has repeatedly pulled a strong against a crazy tide. So, as long as I see the man, Sunier will Nothing is scared, even if it is Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, she also believes that Han Jin has the ability to turn things around.

Julia rushed out of the riddled vines, slightly paused, and immediately rushed to the towering bones. At the same time, she shot several arrows in succession. The green glow flashed one after another, immediately from the bone. A clump of vines grows in the pile, and they keep squirming, trying to push the cheekbones aside.

Han Jin gave up the plan to catch Up with Undying Bird. He couldn’t catch up. Some of them were unwilling to look at the Undying Bird. They shot down in the slash and then disappeared and appeared next to Sunier.

“ga ga 嘎…” Although Harley’s silhouette has not been seen, his laughter is getting bigger and bigger, and he is getting more and more crazy: “I am the master! Oh… I am the real master!!”

Han Jin disinclined to pay attention, his vision is locked on Catherine, frankly, he is not easy, although his yuan can be restored to Peak-Stage status, and Catherine was hit hard a few days ago, now should not be restored But he really didn’t have the confidence to beat Catherine.

Sunier discovered at this time that the depressing Angel Catherine appeared on the pedestal, and the heart that had just calmed down, once again, jumped wildly.

“Who are you? Who are you?” Mante suddenly made a hysterical scream.

No one answered, because Mante’s question is too idiotic. Is he already scared to recognize Han Jin?

“How can you control the abandoned land?!” Mante snorted again.

“Who am I?” Harley took a moment and became more excited. This kind of thing has never happened before. The enemy will only notice the master’s terrifying, and often ignore the stalwart of Harley. Today the enemy actually asks him. The name is too proud!

“Who am I?” Harley yelled with the loudest voice, the boundless bones of the plain, and the countless shins shook at the same time, as if echoing Harley: “Little Brat, erect your ears, remember I am a great, noble, noble, brave, noble…”

Harley should have finished it in one breath, who knows that he suddenly paused, and then his tone: “Raphael’s most loyal servant!” After he finished, he was deeply sighed, so many beautiful adjectives that he could easily come up with. With the title of Han Jin, Harley seems to be regretting this.

“How can you control the abandoned land?!” Manter yelled.

“Because my strength is stronger than you, gā gā gā … idiot!” Harley was fully satisfied with the replied.

“Fart!!” Mante screamed like a thunder, and the red light in his eyes flashed insanely: “What do you think is the abandoned land? You can control it if you want to control it!! Unless Lich’s life mark has been engraved on this abandoned land. Otherwise,…” The words of Mante’s voice stopped shortly after the words were not finished.

“Go ahead.” Harley came to curiosity.

“I know who you are.” In the blink of an eye, Mante stunned miraculously and said in a dry voice: “You are a shameless traitor!”

“Treason? Are you fucking say it again?!” Harley was immediately furious. He thought that his greatest strength was loyalty. He would never let anyone smash, so he would rather give up the so-called upbringing, vomiting, and defend his innocence. .

“Among the eleven disciples, Denver adults appreciate you the most, and give the most fertile abandonment to you, Judanla! But instead of knowing your gratitude, you choose to betray!”

“talk nonsense!” Just now Mante was violently walking, now it is Harley’s turn: “The name of Lao Tzu is Harley! What kind of shit is that Denver?! He appreciates me? Hehe… he also matches?!”

“In order to escape the pursuit of Denver adults, you not only destroyed your own body, but also eliminated your own memory. Do you want to start a new life again? Hehe… I don’t even know who I am, it’s really sad!” Mante 裘said with a sneer. In fact, at this moment, Mantee thinks that the most sad person is himself. Although he is not willing to be a Lich, after becoming a new disciple, Denver gave him a lot and let him see hope, but now he suddenly found himself. All in vain, has completely lost control of the abandoned land, obviously, the old master’s life imprint is much deeper than he left.

“You fucking… you fucking…” Harley was incoherent. At first, he thought that this guy who knew his Harley was worthy of respect. Knight spirit, now he can’t wait to tear his opponent into Fragment, even hurt him with such a vicious method! However, on the one hand, he will continue to absorb the power of the abandoned land. On the other hand, he is also worried that Han Jin suspects that he will kill people and kill them.

“Harley…” Han Jin slowly said.

“Master!” Harley defended himself like an electric shock: “You don’t want to hear him talk nonsense! I have memories!! Look, I know how to release the undead magic, I also know my past life, this bastard The guy is deliberately provoking!!”

“Of course you will not eliminate all the memory, otherwise you will be more idiotic than now.” Mante said in a sardonic tone.

“You are an idiot!!” Harley was almost mad.

“I don’t care about your past, understand? I only know that you are now called Harley.” Han Jin indifferently said: “I told you not to ask you anything, just want you to help a group of Julia.”

Julia couldn’t wait for the vines to move the cheekbones a little bit, and began to dig with their own hands. The blood on the fingertips had leaked out. If Harley was mad, then Julia was really crazy.

“Understood, master.” Harley was awake at the beginning of his dream, and his spirit was also uplifted. With the voice, Julia struggled to remove the bones of the corner, and dispersed like a stream of water, blinking. In the meantime, Gibran, who was bruised and bruised, was exposed.

Julia strongly pressed the cry of crying, hugged Gibran, and held it, and Gibran was already fascinated. His physical injury was not very heavy, but the number was too much. There were nearly a hundred long and short wounds that dyed him into a blood. If you change the scene, Julia will immediately ask Han Jin to heal Gibran’s injury, but now he can only be patient.

“Now, it’s our turn.” Han Jin’s gaze once again fell on Catherine and challenged.

This sentence made Mantel in desperation see the light again. Yes, he lost his abandoned land at the moment, but when Catherine killed Han Jin and killed all the enemies here, the abandoned land was still his. He can regain control of the situation.

“Catherine is an adult…” Mante squatted and his voice shook a little.

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