Sunier slowly opened the bow in her hand, and the screaming screaming over the plain of the white bones also had a great impact on her. She didn’t know if she could release the attack, but she always tried it. No one wants to. Waiting for you. However, Sunier is more aware of one thing, that is, Gao Bing repeatedly smashed her, a top or super-order big elf shooter, the most terrifying place is not the number of enemies that the arrow can kill, but not released before the attack The threat and pressure formed! To put it bluntly, her longbow has been completely opened, the arrow will be unsent, and all the enemies will be scrupulous, and one arrow will shoot out, regardless of whether she can kill the opponent, she has lost the threat, unless She can prepare for the second attack in a very short time.

What should I do? Sunier’s heart is ups and downs. If she is alone, she will be much more relaxed, but now her choice can determine the life and death of several companions, which is an unbearable weight.

“Is it useful?” Mantel saw the action of Sunier: “The abandoned land was created by the great Denver adults. For you, I have spent a very precious magic scroll. If I don’t have enough confidence, how can I Willing? Hahaha…”

“Mant is a big man.” The abyssal man suddenly said: “I have a small request.”


“Give her to me.” The abyssal man pointed Yalina with his hand.

If it is Yalina who has just left the capital of the element, seeing someone so provocative to her, maybe she will be mad and tremble, and she will attack everything, but in the past few years, she has experienced too much, when Sunier used Looking worried, I saw an unusually calm Yalina, but Yalina’s eyes had become cold.

“No problem, who makes us friends?” Mante looked very generous, and then said in a hoarse voice: “Premier powerhouses, before Raphael arrived, don’t you mind coming to a prelude? Ha… Of course, this is a heartbreaking prelude.”

“I can’t wait.” The abyss of the abyss screamed, and the body slammed out and flew straight to Yalina.

In fact, the species of the Abyssal Devils appeared later, and the number is very rare, because they are the products of the giant dragon that masters the ultimate metamorphosis combined with other life. It can also be said that they are hybrids.

There are two types of hybrids, one is the dragon, the other is the devil, and when the dragon and the devil are born, there is not much difference between the innate talent and the physique in all aspects, but because the education received is different, the result It evolved into two kinds of existence with huge differences in status.

Dragon Race’s power is powerful, but the number is scarce. It has been a boring thing to watch those familiar faces for thousands of years, so the giant dragon that has mastered the ultimate deformation technique mostly likes to travel around and the ultimate deformation. They provide them with a good camouflage, but some things can’t be disguised. For example, powerful power, arrogance, etc. They also like to release their own strength. The fear and worship of low-level creatures make them feel satisfied. And in this powerhouse-respected World, wherever they go, they can easily win a lot of things. Aventure is just a trivial one.

Their eyes shrouded the entire continent, and they generally did not stay too much in one place. Sometimes the spring breeze left, sometimes it was boring for half a month and a month, and then they started looking for the next target. The child born in this case is the devil, and some even do not know who owns the father. Even if a giant dragon really likes an ordinary woman, she will never bring her back to the colony of Dragon Race, which will be ridiculed by her companions.

The mother dragon who travels abroad is much more reserved in this respect. Although she will not bring back the favorite male surname, but the child is different, Dragon Race has a long and long pregnancy. In the long time, I feel the belly. The new life in China, what kind of feeling is that? It can even be said that child has become a part of her life, no one can separate them, they can protect themselves and protect children in the most extreme way without thinking, without any rational name. In this case, the dragons were born. They were able to get the care of Mother when they were born. They learned how to strengthen their strength. The well-know figure can even master the dragon language magic. These are the magic people’s mother. Taught.

Yalina immediately lifted the magic wand and released a lightning bolt, which was extremely impressive on the body of the abyss. Just releasing a mid-level magic, even let Yalina have a feeling of splitting his lips, which is the result of barely condensing mental power.

The deep-eyed demon has a careless breakthrough lightning ball, letting the arc flow around him, the devil and the dragon are the descendants of the giant dragon, they are not only powerful, but also have strong physical and magical defense. The lightning ball could not hurt him at all.

Yalina took a step back and raised his magic wand again, but his face suddenly became pale.

Sunier took a long breath, she wanted to work hard to drag the time, but the current situation has not allowed her to think too much, the arrow on the string, pointed finger towards the abyss.

“Sunier, your opponent is me!” Mante 裘said with a big smile, with his gestures, the boundless white bone plain suddenly appeared a wave of hiking the sky and covering the earth.

Several people, such as Sunier, were all rolled up by huge waves and scattered in all directions. Although they tried to control their body shape and steadily fell, the surrounding scenes have changed greatly, and the entire plain has begun to growl. The million and ten million calculated skeletons are flying around and hovering, completely obscuring their vision.

“Yalina!!” Sunier screamed, she couldn’t see anything, and the arrows in her hand didn’t know where to launch.

“I said, your opponent is me, or care about yourself!” Mante’s yin laughter came from the front.

The big Lich Denver, who has been unable to live for many years, has worked hard to create this abandoned land, just to be an eternal king. No one can fight Lich here, so Mante is full of confidence and can thoroughly The only thing that destroys the abandoned land is the light of creation. But Angel, who can release this ultimate magic, one is Angel Alpha, the other is Angel Catherine, the former is in heaven, the latter is behind him, he still What is terrifying?

Yalina barely released the magic shield and released the floating technique. At this time, she felt the blackness in front of her eyes, and the mental power that was close to the collapse was warning her, and she could not release the magic again! Her feet had just touched the ground made of white bones, and suddenly saw the abyss of the abyss rushing out of the bones without any hindrance, quickly approaching her.

Yalina’s eyes are round and round, and the magic wand is once again. No one knows what happened. As a senior magister, she doesn’t know how long it has not tasted the magical failure. She couldn’t help but stay there.

When the abyssal demon was less than two meters from Yalina, Yalina woke up and struggled to swing the magic wand and slammed into the head of the abyss.

The Depth of the Devil is much faster than Yalina. He gently extends his left hand and grabs Yalina’s magic wand. The right fist moves forward, and Yalina’s magic shield collapses in an instant, then the Abyss of the Abyss The fist fell on the chest and abdomen of Yalina, and the heavy blow made Yalina’s body bend like a shrimp, and the sweat on the head also appeared.

The abyss of the abyss left up, forcibly dragged Yalina up, blaming said with a smile: “Is it painful? But I have no strength at all…”

There is no anger in Yalina’s eyes, only indifference, and a few unwillingness, a magician, but can not release his combat power, will not be willing to change to anyone.

Next moment, Yalina felt a pain in her hand, and the abyss demon was slowly twisting her wrist backwards, so that her back was almost touching her upper arm.

“Do you have a pain now?” The abyssal demon is still laughing and laughing: “Are you crying, are you shouting out?”

Yalina clenched her teeth and her body shivered slightly, but she didn’t make any noise, because she knew that Sunier was fighting with the enemy, and the unnecessary shouting could only make the companions chaos, she would rather be silent. Die, not willing to drag others.

A trace of blood slowly oozes out from the corner of Yalina’s mouth. Seeing that Yalina doesn’t match, the abyss of the abyss shook the head, sighing: “A good little girl, hehe… a beautiful face, so exquisite… Little hand.”ton barely fell, a slight crack in the bones, Yalina’s back was finally attached to the arm.

Yalina was so upset that she was fainting, but she still tried to squint her eyes and looked at each other coldly.

“Okay…” Seeing Yalina is not a sound, the abyss demon reveals a helpless expression: “Reassured, I will not hurt you anymore, after Raphael appears, we still have a lot of things to do, now… …you’d better take a break first.”

Yalina’s heart stopped beating at this moment. She already understood how vicious the other was. When Han Jin appeared, whether it was hurting her in the face of Han Jin or insulting her, it was enough to make Han Jin feel confused. Understand that Mantel’s ultimate goal is Han Jin, everything he did before is to completely eliminate Han Jin.

Yalina felt desperate. It was a kind of desperation deep into the bone marrow, which made her almost unable to breathe. She wanted to die, but the death has become a luxury for her now. Suddenly, a spark of light emerged from her heart and then burned. The flames are so fierce that they will burn her body to ashes.

“I am going to die…” Yalina slowly closed her eyes and muttered to herself.

“You can’t die, I promise.” The abyssal man said with a smile: “Here, you can’t release the element to blew.”

“Why… I feel my blood is boiling…” Yalina’s eyes reopened and she regained her color, but her look was weird, as if a struggling person who had struggled for a lifetime had finally gotten rid of it. It seems that a self-cultivator who has been painstakingly verified has finally waited for the moment of great understanding.

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