“They are gone.” The coach looked back and saw Schumann’s followers walking away from the street, long sighed in relief.

“Who are those?” asked a white man with a pale beard.

“It’s the follower of Holy Crown City’s general security officer Schumann, right, is there such a person?”

“How did you get rid of him?” The old man showed a shocking expression.

“Not that we got him…” The driver looked at the carriage and wisely shifted the subject: “He is very difficult to deal with?”

“He is Raphael’s faithful running dog! Qian Ning those people… is planted in his hands!” The old man’s face trembled slightly: “No, it’s not safe here!” After the old man turned around Going.

“What are you going to do?” The driver hurriedly grabbed the arm of the old man.

“Put up things, we have to change places now.”

“Don’t worry.” The driver said: “It only takes two days, you can witness a terrible major event, then I will take you away, huh… don’t look at me with this kind of look, Others are afraid of Raphael, we are not afraid.” The driver said while aiming at the carriage, suggesting that the companion, he brought a pivotal influential figure, can fully compete with the Holy Crown City leader Raphael.

“go away?”

“Yeah.” The driver said paused: “How do you hide in this place? Why not go to the Black Pearl Hotel?”

“There have been people who have been monitored by Raphael.” The old man said with a bitter smile: “I am listening to you, come with me.”

Under the guidance of the old man, the carriage slowly entered a large warehouse, but the warehouse was empty, and because of the disrepair, the walls of the warehouse were covered with ivy, and the wall was covered. Covered tightly.

Old man walked to a wall and reached out and pushed it lightly. The ivy opened neatly inward, and it turned out to be a Dao Sect.

The width of the Dao Sect barely allowed a carriage to pass. The driver carefully drove the horse and walked in. There was a laneway behind the door, which led to a small courtyard. The old man carefully closed the door and quickly chased it. Come up.

Carriage Just walked into the small courtyard, a woman named Magician, who was about twenty years old and looked fascinating, hurriedly pushed open the door and rushed outside, trying to stare at the eyes of a pair of souls, staring at the carriage.

The door of the carriage was pushed open, and the two bodies were shrouded in the black cloak and walked down the carriage. Although they were dressed in the same way, the figure was very different, and the person walking in front was slightly petite. The people behind are thin and tall.

The female surname, Magician, was screaming, but the next moment was stunned. The person who came out of the carriage was totally different from her impression.

“Eva, are you okay?” The thin, tall man behind him sighed, his tone sounded very complicated and filled with too many emotions.

“Brother…” Eva sighed and rushed to the man’s arms.

“Listen to friends, when Raphael used the volcano to destroy the dungeon, you happened to be in the city, I thought…” Mante’s voice began to tremble.

“Remember Mamak and David? They have been lurking around Curtini. When Kurtini went to see Raphael, they expected Raphael to adopt Kurtini’s advice, so I warned me in advance. “”

“What about them? I must express my gratitude in person!” Mante groaned.

“They…have been killed by Raphael…” Eva whispered.

“Raphael…Raphael!! Why can I always hear this disgusting name!” said Mante 裘gnashing teeth.

“Eva, do you mean that you already know Raphael’s plan?” The coachman suddenly said, “Why don’t you remind Alquite?”

“What does Alquite have to do with me?” Eva’s face became indifferent: “And, if Alquite made early prevention, wasn’t he telling Curtini, is he guilty around him?!”

“But…” The driver wanted to refute, but knew that it was not the time to argue, he had to close his mouth.

“Brother, how did you become… like this?” After the excitement, Eva felt that Mante’s body had become hard, and there was no softness, and the ridiculous cloak. I almost wrapped Mante’s entire head in it, only showing a bit of chin, the chin was white, it shouldn’t be the color of the skin, and when she talked to Mante, Mante always put the face side Go to the side and avoid looking at her.

“My business will tell you later.” Mante slammed Eva gently and walked a few steps forward: “Adult, you…”

The front silhouette ignored Mante, swept a circle, walked into the room, and then closed the door.

“Brother, who is she? So arrogant?” Eva whispered.

“Small sound!” Mante’s voice almost went away, and the right hand slammed out and grabbed Eva’s mouth: “She is a very powerful existence, do you know? Can we… Eva, what happened to you?”

Before, Mante’s hands were shrunk in the long robe sleeves. Just now, he wanted to hold the baby’s mouth. As a result, the interception of the bones was undoubtedly in front of the Eva.

Eva has understood what her dear big brother has become, her figure is crumbling, and tears are falling.

“Eva, don’t be like this, you should be happy.” Mante whispered: “If it wasn’t for Denver Teacher who saved me, we would have no chance to meet again.”

“Brother, I know, I am not upset, nor… I dislike you…” Eva sighed and once again slammed into Mante’s arms, but her arms were tightened even more, no matter what Mante became. What is still, she will always be her big brother.

“Mante, now is not the time to talk about your siblings feelings.” The driver said: “We have to hurry up! Oh… how can an adult open the curtain and let others see her!” Although complaining, but When it comes to his voice, his voice has become inaudible.

“I also know that this is not right, but who is going to say to the adults? Are you still me?” Mante’s voice was full of helplessness.

“Brother, who is she?” asked Eva.

“I haven’t guessed yet? Hehe… is the fallen Angel Catherine.”

“What?” Eva startedled, stayed for a moment, and whispered: “Yesterday, Holy Crown City held a grand rally, saying that Raphael defeated Catherine?”

“Yes…” When it came to this, Mante was even more helpless. He never dreamed that the fallen Angel Catherine would lose, and the loss was so inexplicable.

“She was hurt? What did it do to the Holy Crown City? It’s dangerous!!”

“Because the adult Catherine was injured, Raphael never thought that the adults would sneak into the Holy Crown City at this time.”


On the War God, Han Jin, who was remembered by countless people, finally opened his eyes. He was awakened because he could clearly feel a slight shock after a while.

Sunier and Yalina are still asleep. Han Jin looks at this and looks at it. He suddenly laughs: “Okay, don’t sleep, get up!”

Sunier and Yalina are unmoved and still sleep, not to mention that their acting skills are good, their bodies have sold them.

Gu gu 咕……gu gu 咕…The low-pitched sound continues to come out. This is the source of Han Jin’s shock. Sunier and Yalina are drunk and sleep all the way to the present. It’s almost close to dusk. I haven’t eaten for so long and I’m already starved.

Han Jin saw that Sunier and Yalina were still sleeping, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Do you both play songs? But… this song is too ugly!”

Sunier knew that it couldn’t be installed. The surname was thick and his eyes opened. Then he said with a sigh of relief: “It’s not blaming you! How come you come here?!”

“I originally wanted to make a joke with you. Who thought that I fell asleep.” Han Jin looked at Yalina and didn’t move. He reached out and pinched Yalina’s nose: “Get up!”

“Why?” Yalina pushed Han Jin’s hand, then Lazily’s sly sleepy eyes, and finally picked up the eyelids a little, saw Han Jin and Sunier, she showed the startled expression: “You…you How come here?!”

“Yalina, give you a suggestion, do you want to hear?” Seeing Yalina’s expression, Sunier feels more relaxed at once. She is not the most embarrassing, and someone else gives her the bottom.

“What advice?” Yalina asked.

“In the future, when you want to lie, you should first go to Moxinke to exercise, you can fool Moxinke, and then go to Lei Zhe and Cessacioun. As for Raphael… it should be your last goal.”

“What do you mean?” Yalina didn’t understand too much.

Sunier and Han Jin looked at each other and both of them laughed and knew that Yalina had a thin face and it was not too obvious. Sunier jumped out of bed, but fortunately, she was sleeping in the evening last night. She didn’t have to pack it up. She sat in front of Yalina’s dressing table and simply finished her hair.

“You… how come you came to me…” Yalina was still muttering.

“You think about it slowly.” Sunier smiled and stood up: “I am going out to eat, oh… I am starving to death!”

When I heard that I was going to eat, Yalina immediately jumped up and shouted in the mouth: “Wait for me, wait for me!” After she finished, she jumped out of bed and didn’t even have time to sit down, just bent down to the mirror. Just picking it up twice, he chased Sunier and grabbed Sunier’s arm.

It’s not long, three people are sitting at the table, but not the same table. I don’t know why, Sunier and Yalina are standing on a front line and bombing Han Jin, and the careful Mi Lien is a few of them. The food was reserved and it was quickly put up.

The relationship between Sunier and Yalina has nothing to do with the lady. It can be described by strong wind scattering the last clouds. In comparison, Han Jin is very gentleman, not because of the difference in tolerance for hunger, but because Dafa, with the improvement of the entry, Han Jin’s requirements for ordinary food have become increasingly indifferent.

“It’s full…” When the unbearable emptiness became satisfied, Yalina leaned back on the back of the chair and made an exclamation.

Sunier smiled and pointed his finger at his lips, indicating Yalina, where there was something shameful.

Yalina immediately woke up, reached out and wiped away the remaining oil juice, and looked around, seeing no one noticed, laughing at Hehe’s eyes at Sunier.

Just then, Harley floated out of the deck and saw Han Jin sitting at the table and shouting: “Master, what have you been doing? I have been looking for you for a long time…”

“I went to listen to Sunier and Yalina singing, something?” Han Jin said.

“Singing?” Harley’s heart was filled with emotion. The owner’s life was so happy… Sunier’s face was red, pretending not to hear, but Yalina couldn’t swallow this breath, grabbing a piece of bread that had not been eaten, and forced Han Jin hits.

Yalina is just Magician. There is no way to attach her own mental lock on the bread. Although Han Jin is only seven or eight meter away from her, the bread is still smashing, hitting the shoulder of a mountain warrior and rolling onto the deck.

She always saw this scene with a smile, and her face changed. She hurried over and picked up the bread on the deck. She turned back and said to Yalina: “Young Lady, this is not good! Do you know? An inconspicuous piece of bread, how many people have to bend their knees, how many people endure hard work and hard work, how many people are running around, how many people risk their lives…” Mirien remembered that she was alone When Yacheng sells flowers, isn’t it hard to get this piece of bread every day? Her eyes are a little red and her tone is getting bigger and bigger.

Steelberg was angry and anxious, and the gas was that Molly was able to tell good from bad. The urgency was that Han Jin was not happy. Even the lessons of Yalina came. Yalina can teach her? ! Not to mention that Yalina just lost a piece of bread, even if it is set fire here, it is estimated that Han Jin just smiled. Steelberg knows how much Han Jin loves Yalina since Yanlin experienced the death of Han Jin.

The surrounding mountain warriors, as well as Harley and Hogan, who have just stepped onto the deck, are all stunned, how big! Is it worth it? Miri is very modest and polite, what happened today? !

Steelberg looked at towards Han Jin with a horrified look, only to find that Han Jin was over the head, his face was clearly smiling, his shoulders were a little bit, and he didn’t sway.

Sunier just took a bite of bread, swallowed it, couldn’t swallow it, laughed, and worried about spitting the bread out, bowing his head, covering his mouth, and being patient.

Only Yalina was the most pitiful. She sat there in a dull moment, listening to the number of Mi Lien’s counts.

After a moment of excitement, Mirien’s emotions finally calmed down, and at this moment she felt uneasy, and the endless speeches came to an abrupt end, whispering: “Yalina Young Lady, I…”

“I am wrong, sorry.” Yalina said honestly: “Milray elder sister, don’t be angry, I promise not to be in the future.”

“No, Young Lady, I was wrong.” Mirien saw Yalina even admit her mistakes in public, and her heart was even more upset.

“I was wrong.” Yalina said: “Let’s do it, I will punish it!” Yalina grabbed the bread from Melia.

“Don’t… Young Lady, it’s dirty!” How can Mellie let Yalina eat the dirty things and immediately grab the bread back.

“I’m going to be a referee.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Mirien is definitely right, Yalina…” When it came to this, Han Jin couldn’t help himself, and laughed loudly.

Yalina was once again angry and angry, because Han Jin, she was hungry for a long time, because Han Jin, she was stopped by the number of people, now Han Jin laughed at her, how can I endure? Yalina touched the plate subconsciously, but then look at the bread in Mirien’s hand. She couldn’t help but be discouraged. The beautifully crafted plate must be much more expensive than the bread, or forget it.

After hearing Han Jin’s mouth, Mirien’s face finally looked better, and Steelberg leaned behind Han Jin and whispered: “Young Master, Mirien is too much! I will definitely teach her a lesson.”

“She is a good steward woman. Only after suffering, she knows the preciousness of happiness. If she takes care of you, I will be relieved.” Han Jin laughed: “Steelberg, have you discovered that Molly’s temper seems to be more than before? Already?”

Steelberg was a little confused. Listening to the words in front, Han Jin didn’t seem to care about the matter just now. He could listen to the words behind it. There is obviously a subconscious: “Young Master, she…”

Han Jin looked up at Steelberg and sighed, “You…is too careless.” Before switching to it, he needed to listen to the pulse to determine the change of Molly. It is no longer so cumbersome.

“I?” Steelberg scratched his head and tried to reflect on himself.

“In the future, let Molly pay more attention to rest.” Han Jin paused: “This is up to you, pick a few diligent from the maid and let them help you.”

“Young Master, you are not… hate Molly?” Steelberg felt a horror.

“Stupid, you will understand after a few days.” Han Jin said helplessly, then transferred the topic: “Harry, come over, what are you looking for?” The change of Mi Lien was seen by his hope. Maybe even Molien didn’t know it. He was the first to pick it up. It felt a bit weird. It was still a few days, and Steelberg and Mirien knew it.

“Master, those vampires have already got it!” Harley said: “Hogen, hurry, give the vampires a report to the owner.”

Hogan glanced at Harley in the back. He was too lazy to hare with oneself to somebody’s level. Too Harley was too serious. Harley would be very happy. Harley would not take it seriously. Harley would still enjoy himself. He didn’t have any way, so whenever Harley had a good attitude in front of him, he would keep turning a blind eye and not listening.

“Master, it’s all here.” Hogan put a roll of paper in front of Han Jin.

Han Jin gently picked up the paper roll and slowly flipped it while eating.

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