“Welcome back.” Jedish smiled and opened his arms.

Although Guevera did not describe all the battle scenes in the battle report, Jedice and Gao Bin knew that Han Jin’s power is unlikely to be stronger than the fallen Angel Catherine, which must have all kinds of experiences of death and death, so Jedice and Gaobin took people out of twenty li or so, which is also a kind of condolence.

Han Jin and Jedisi gently hugged, and the eyes swept in the welcome crowd: “Do you engage in such a large scale?”

Not only the left-behind Legion and the generals greeted the city, but also hundreds of aristocratic family representatives. What’s even more surprising is that the crowd behind the crowd is filled with girls who are dressed up in the hands of each girl. Flowers, bright flowers and seas are endless, Han Jin knows that the Holy Crown City is a relatively rich city under the control of Dismark, and the population base is not small, but he did not expect that there are so many girls, is it Jedice? A city mobilization?

“This is the residents’ willingness.” Jeddes said with a smile.

“Dog.” Han Jin didn’t believe it at all. Even if Jeddy didn’t force the civilians in the city, he certainly made a call in the name of the Holy See.

“Don’t you want to get countless girls? Congratulations, you are doing it.” Yalina said behind Han Jin’s ‘sinister’.

“You…what did you listen to?” Han Jin said.

“Sunier elder sister said.” Yalina narrowed her eyes: “Are you very happy?”

“I just said casually that she was too sensitive.” Han Jin sighed: “I guess… you should be equally sensitive.”

“What’s wrong with sensitivity?” Where can Yalin hear the pun of Han Jin, swaying his head in a smug manner, and then in a slightly unbelievable voice: “Be sure to look at you…”

“Jedice, don’t tell me, we have to go back like this all the time?” Han Jin is too lazy to take care of Yalina. Anyway, his clutches can reach Yalina at any time, which really irritates him. Yalina has a bitter taste.

“Go back, there are many people who want to see you with their own eyes.” Jeddis said: “It’s really the residents who greet you voluntarily, I never…”

“I know, you never lie.” Han Jin looked helplessly at the vast crowd in front.

“Raphael, how is your cloak?” Yalina noticed that Han Jin’s cloak was sideways and asymmetrical. She said that she would help Han Jin.

“It’s too hasty when I came out, didn’t pay attention.” Han Jin said.

“What have you done? So busy?”

“I…” Han Jin paused, complaining: “How can I think that you will run to this place to meet me!”

“Raphael, are you supposed to say something?” Gao Bindao.

“What?” Han Jin’s heart jerked, and Gao Bin hinted at himself, changing his name to big brother? No… Sunier didn’t come out, how did Gaobin know?

“You beat the news of fallen Angel Catherine, the repercussions in the Holy Crown City, can not be described as a sensation, but an earthquake! The abyss race launched the invasion war, everyone lives in the panic of the future Now, everyone thinks that you can protect them!” Gao Bin said: “In the face of this double-eyed eyes, shouldn’t you say something encouraging?”

“I don’t have any preparations…” Han Jin’s expression became a bit weird.

“No need to prepare at all.” Gao Bin laughed: “As I said, you raise your right hand over your head, clench your fist, and shout with the loudest voice, Holy Crown City will win!”

“big brother, you spare me!” Han Jin’s expression is even more bizarre: “It’s too nauseating, I can feel a goose bump on my back.”

“Raphael, compared with Nikolay, you lack the charm of a leader.” Jeddis said: “What is this? If you change to Nikola, he must be much more than you! Don’t hesitate, you know, Everyone is waiting for your voice.”

“Jedice, are you still very interested in interjecting? I said why you are so intimate today, it is to show it to others to prove your status of Jeddis, you guy… really sinister!” Han Jin slanted Jiedi Si glanced: “And, the thinness of the face is not related to the charisma of the leader?”

“Useless, whether you want to transfer the topic, or want to divert attention, it is useless, shout… Raphael!” Jeddes said with a slight smile: “Unless, you can ignore everyone’s feelings “”

Han Jin’s face is full of smiles, but his heart is very entangled. Facing the dangerous strong enemy, he can rush to the first one. However, it is too difficult for him to make a show under the eyes of countless eyes. He is.

“I can explain this to your previous accusation.” Jeddis said: “We have shown the contradiction between us through various illusions a few days ago. Now you have defeated the fallen Angel Catherine, our plan. There is no value anymore, hehe…even, we have to be prepared to face the abyssal demon Donald, in this case, we must tell everyone that we are united!”

“The nobles like to use ‘fools’ to describe the civilians and slaves living in the bottom. In fact, not civilians and slaves have thought about ignorant life, but we are deliberately playing with them and deceiving them.” Han Jin indifferently Said: “Yesterday, we told them that I am with you as an enemy. Today, we tell them again, I am a friend with you?”

“Raphael, this topic, we have more time to explore today.” Guevera whispered: “Now, do what you should do!”

“Yeah, Raphael.” Gao Bin said: “Actually, what you see is only a small part. The girls are specially selected by us. There are more people gathered in the city. Your return date is not certain. Do you know? There were a lot of Acropolis people who rushed to Holy Crown City last night. They had no place to live. They had to sleep on the street. Thousands of absolutely people put down their work and gathered them from all directions, just to wait for you, etc. Your promise!”

“The cold shadow city’s mission is also coming.” Jedice whispered: “The guy in the white magic robe is that. Raphael, they shouldn’t have come because their object of allegiance is cut. Sum, not you, but… this belongs to the war of two Worlds, your victory is their victory, so they are willing to cheer for you!”

“Okay, okay.” Han Jin succumbed to the collective will, wasn’t he yelling at the scorpion? !

Han Jin came out of the crowd and walked slowly. Guevera, Gael, Gerdes and the others stood behind Han Jin, like all the stars cup themselves around the moon, but they walked together. Only Yalina stood on the left side of Han Jin, and no one on the right seemed to be somewhat empty.

“What about Sunier?” Gaobin whispered.

“Raphael said that she has something and will come out in a minute.”

“When is this? I don’t know how important it is!” Gao Bin was anxious. The significance of this appearance was extraordinary. On other occasions, Sunier could not come, but it must be at the moment.

Suddenly a scent of wind swept past everyone, Sunier quickly stepped over the second echelon and stood on the right side of Han Jin.

“Sunier!” Gaobin whispered.

“Brother? What happened?” Sunier turned.

Gao Bin immediately became stunned. In his impression, Sunier always maintained a beautiful temperament. When walking, talking, and sitting, he always showed a faintly discernable arrogance, but now Sunier has become very beautiful, especially It’s the eyes, the watery, and the unspeakable happiness and satisfaction.

Seeing Gao Bin’s expression, Sunier seemed to understand something, panicked away from Gao Bin’s line of sight, and then turned back.

Han Jin continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the crowd. When the distance was less than 50 meters, Han Jin’s footsteps suddenly stopped and quietly stopped there.

The crowd became absolute silence, a path of sight all fell on Han Jin.

Perhaps, Han Jin really does not have the leadership charm of Nikola, but Han Jin is handsome, sunny, and friendly, and his merits Nikolay can’t learn.

Han Jin slowly raises his right fist: “Holy Crown City… wins!!”

Han Jin’s voice rang through the plains like a thunder, and the crowd stayed for a moment, and immediately boiled, making a burst of cheers. People laughed, jumped, shouted, and accumulated anxiety and fear in their front section. Release without reservation, and then abandon it.

They have no chance of becoming aloof and remote professional, and they have not been able to get along with the nobility. For thousands of years, they have always lived in a humble way. They never want to be extravagant or dare to ask for it. They just hope to get a simple and ordinary happiness. There are meals, houses, and wives and children. They spend their lives in obscurity and are oppressed. They endure and get used to it. In the natural disaster [***], they always lose the most and suffer the most. They recognize it. The life is not good; the hard work of the hard work is given a part, in exchange for protection, they willingly accept this unwritten contract, of course, the protection does not protect them, the superiors have the final say, whether they Whether the results of labor must be given, or the superiors have the final say, it also means that this contract can be torn from top to bottom, from the bottom up, it is a big reversal. Some nobles are very open-minded. They also know the civilians and slaves who are grateful for his work. They like to use hard work and hard work to praise those who have supported him. But is it really a derogatory term for diligence and hard work? Unfortunately, the fools never thought about why the nobles were not diligent. Why do they have to work hard and still have to complain?

The generals at the forefront of the ranks are more wild. Unlike the civilians, their worship of Han Jin has gone deep into the marrow, and in their eyes, Han Jin is an invincible lord who is invincible! Under the leadership of Han Jin, they will come from victory and will surely move on to the next victory.

The cheers have been spreading to the Holy Crown City. A poncho of flowers has been thrown up and scattered on the ground. It has become a tapestry of up to twenty li or so. Han Jin’s heart is somewhat disapproving. This is purely Labor and people are hurting money. Maybe people are voluntarily concentrated in the Holy Crown City, but too many flowers have clearly revealed the deliberate traces.

After almost two hours, Han Jin’s face was a little stiff, and it was close to the South Gate of Holy Crown City. Who knows, in a blink of an eye, countless heads appeared on the city wall, and the cheers reminded me again.

In the end, everyone finally came to the front of the night of bliss, others are okay, Yalina has a row of tiny sweat beads on his forehead, left the casual dozen li, and always keep Upright Sect graceful. People who have never experienced can’t imagine the hardships. It’s still good. Yalina has come over. As for whether or not to leave repercussions, it is only her own. After all, Yalina is the first time to experience such a big scene.

“A banquet is held in this place?” Han Jin asked.

“Yeah, it’s not very convenient anywhere else,” Jeddy said.

“Occupy my place, use my people, spend my money, then welcome me?” Han Jin feels helpless.

“Do you still care about this?” Jeddes said with a smile: “If you allow me to expand the parish in the Acropolis, I can take the money for this banquet.”

“Forget it.” Han Jin shook the head, he worried that Jeddes misunderstood, added: “Jedice, I did not deliberately restrict the development of the Holy See, look at your current Holy See, only a few people? Know what is the destructive encouragement What?”

“Listen to your story.” Jedisi sighed.

“You know it.” Han Jin noticed that Yalina’s face was a little white, and turned back and grabbed Yalina’s hand, whispering: “Is it tired?”

“Not at all tired!” Yalina replied very simply, physical strength, physical strength, her heart is extremely happy, today’s appearance is another form of wedding, even Pope Jeddis is also behind her, What this means, all the people who are witnessing are clear.

At this moment, Hillester strode out from the night of bliss, followed by more than twenty beautiful women wearing white gauze skirts.

“Adult, I didn’t go out to greet you, wouldn’t you blame me?” Hillester accompanied him with a smile, then his eyes looked naturally at Han Jin’s side, and when he saw Sunier, his expression was Hey, then immediately bow your head and move your eyes away.

“Don’t look at it!” Han Jin squeezed a word from his teeth. I heard that, of course, listening to Chitke said that Hillester is extremely feminine and extremely capable. Hillester is on the night of bliss. After serving as the head of the general manager, there was even a lady from the city of Lonely City who came over to find him. I heard that there was a woman who was still in a blissful night, and even almost accidentally, because the woman and the lonely cliff city The Chamber of Commerce has a deep connection. Hillester is not good at using violent methods. Finally, Duye Sam of the Dragon Roar Mercenary Corps came forward to mediate, and it was impossible.

It is for this reason that Han Jin doesn’t like Hillett and Keeley coming together. Keeley’s surname is too simple, and he is worried that Keeley will be hurt.

In the face of the smashing of Hilster, Sunier’s changes cannot be concealed.

“No, adult.” Hillester still laughed at hehe, but he lowered his tone and said in a voice that only Han Jin could hear: “But… today’s Sunier Young Lady is so fascinating, adult, You are amazing!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Han Jin waved his hand with a smile, and he wore it all, and he did not wear it. Hillett’s compliment was scratching the itch of Han Jin, and it was naturally dangerous.

For the present welcoming banquet, Hillett deliberately closed a whole building. For Holy Crown City, this is a scorpion that celebrates the day. There are many people attending the banquet. The generals and middle- and lower-level officers who stayed in Legion will also participate. The officials of the city hall, the emerging dignitaries headed by the general security officer Schumann, and the local aristocrats are concentrated in this building.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very warm. Some things, Guevera, Gail and the others can do it, and there are things that can only be done by Han Jin, for example, the declaration issued in countless lines of sight. And now Han Jin is not needed, Guevera, Gail’s director and the others are all old, and there is no chance of a cold spot.

Sunier can still support, Yalina let Hillest find a room for her for more than half an hour, then returned to the table, and Han Jin finally seized the opportunity to sit next to Gaobin.

Gao Bin’s table is mostly elves, including Lydia, Branzi, Constance, etc. After Han Jin sat down, the line of sight first fell on Constance, said with a slight smile: “Your injury How’s it going?”

Constance’s expression was a little scared. The relationship between Master and slave should be between the two. Although Han Jin never mentioned it, Constance couldn’t forget Han Jin’s rude method, so she was scared, even though it was Han Jin. Saved her.

“Her strength has recovered seven, 80%, Raphael, thanks to you.” Gao Bin whispered.

“This is what I should do.” Han Jin said with a smile, then poured a glass of wine for himself, hesitated, slowly said: “big brother, come, I will give you a cup.”

In fact, when he first met, Han Jin had already called a ‘big brother’, but Gao Bin didn’t care. At this moment, he couldn’t be sloppy.

Gao Bin quietly looked at Han Jin, brief remark, half a slap, he waved, indicating Lidia and the others temporarily left.

“This glass of wine, I will wait for a while to drink.” Gao Bin gently pressed his palm to the glass, and the cynical sorrow in the shackles had long since disappeared. The expression on his face was extraordinarily serious and dignified: “Raphael, You should know that I hate Rory, very much… I don’t ask Sunier how happy I will be in the future, nor do I care what we can get in Spirit Race. I just ask you to do one thing, you. Things!”

“You say it.” Han Jin put down the glass and looked at Gao Bin.

“Don’t let Sunier be wronged, can you…do it?” Gao Bin whispered.

“How do you say…” Han Jin laughed: “I cherish Sunier better than cherish my life. No matter what the circumstances, I will do my best to prevent her from being wronged.”

Gao Bin was silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled: “Let you shout a slogan, you said numb… If you said it, you are not numb?”

Han Jin is angry and laughing, I don’t know how to respond to Gao Bin.

“However, I believe in you!” Gao Bin slammed on Han Jin’s shoulder, then raised his glass and drank it.

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