“Adult, you said that the holy arm can still…” Adolf whispered.

At the moment, Han Jin has already been outside the world. He did not hear Adolf’s words. He faintly saw a lot of secrets. It turned out that the place full of glory is not as pure as people think!

After Catherine recognized Lennon, her reaction was very weird. She did not fight back even in the case of heavy losses, and Lennon’s power and Catherine were not at all a level! Of course, this alone proves nothing. The problem is that when Lennon wants to make a fatal blow, Han Jin suddenly notices that Lennon’s body within the body hides a very secret seal!

He has completely controlled Lennon by the Tao, and he did not find the seal. What does this mean?

Lennon didn’t want to hurt Catherine, his willpowered to fight against the seal, and finally even took advantage, otherwise Catherine had already been killed! The seal that can survive Han Jin is undoubtedly very powerful. Lennon can fight against the power of Han Jin. It is conceivable that he is sealed with a deep and heavy emotion! What does this mean?

Han Jin is more aware that although he did not find the seal, his Taoist law has already affected the stable surname of the seal, and then straightforwardly said that if he did not control Lennon, today’s Catherine must be killed under Lennon’s sword. ! With the power of Lennon, it is absolutely impossible to compete with that seal!

Han Jin made a hypothesis that Lennon was only a vicious trap for Catherine!

Who will do this?

Catherine’s last whistle has already answered this question, right Angel Alpha!

Angel is not as pure as the legend, but a paradise full of glory, but also has its own shadow, or has its own dirt.

If his judgment is not wrong, Angel Alpha has already demonstrated his patience and ingenuity through this trap.

The term “intellectuality” can be completely dismantled and analyzed. Wisdom, of course, is derogatory. It is used to describe the talents of life and intelligence, and what it represents is an art, an art of killing people without blood, whether it is conspiracy or Yangmou is art.

Is the wisdom of Angel Alpha really given by the Lord God of Light? The facts have subverted Han Jin’s definition of the Angel group. However, the first thing that surprised Han Jin was not the right to Angel Alpha, but Lennon, because Lennon knows how to deceive.

Reminiscent of the story heard from the Gaelic director, Han Jin is almost certain that Lennon should be Catherine’s husband, because a small child can’t have the kind of emotion that almost broke the seal.

After Catherine’s husband was killed, Alpha stripped the soul in some way, and made Catherine’s husband Angel, so that the question of why Lennon had a name was solved.

Thinking of this, Han Jin has a chilling feeling.

In order to protect her husband and child, Catherine defies the call of the Lord of Light and fights against Angel Alpha. When Lennon makes a fatal blow, Catherine’s heart will be broken and it will really break. The existence, her resistance, her disappointment, her nostalgia, and even her all turned into an absurd farce. If this is a punishment, its intention is to be vicious to the extreme!

Having said that, what is the right to Angel Alpha? Will you set such a vicious trap in advance?

In the past, Han Jin only paid attention to Angel’s strength, but he was dismissive of Angel’s intelligence. He believed that when he had the power to decide the surname, he could just, open and honorable the breakthrough of the door of heaven and fight with Alpha. Now, He has given him 120,000 points of vigilance against Angel Alpha, it can’t be that simple!

Han Jin was squatting in the room, his brain was thinking nervously. Adolf couldn’t answer, and he quietly closed his mouth and bowed his head. His ultimate goal in life was to become God’s most loyal servant. Of course, you need to be recognized by God. Now I use the ‘adult’ to call Han Jin and Han Jin to call him ‘Mr.’ because Han Jin not at all reveals the true identity, and Adolf’s code of conduct is not to propose each and everyone, but to take the initiative. He tried his best to understand Han Jin’s intentions, and even if he couldn’t understand it, he would never ask.

Han Jin’s sight falls on the lion’s shield. What secrets does the holy armion have? This question can’t be asked about Adolf. After all, the legendary sacred arm is made by the Lord of Light, but perhaps someone can give him the answer, increase Green!

“Let’s go, let’s go out.” Han Jin slowly said.

Adolf hurriedly reached for the door and then stood by the door.

The atmosphere on the deck was very lively. Only a few rigorous schemes and deep foresight guys knew that this victory brought great worries. The Abyss and the Great Devil Donald was very likely to adjust the overall deployment, focusing on the attack on Holy Crown City, and most of them. People’s eyes are not so far, victory is always a victory, and Han Jin defeated the legendary invincible powerhouse and fallen Angel Catherine. If this is not worth cheering, what else is worth celebrating?

Han Jin ignored the others and went straight to Guevera, sitting down in Hogan’s seat, straight to the point: “Mr. Guevera, telling Lang Ning, cleaning the battlefield overnight, tomorrow noon, we return to Holy Crown City. ”

“So urgent? Going back and doing?” Guevera looked a little surprised.

“I want to make Holy Crown City a real, never-lost city.” Han Jin whispered, Catherine gave him a Major Sect training, he couldn’t take it lightly, he thought it would give him a while, he laid it down. The great array is enough to block the attack of Dragon Field and Dragon City. Now it seems that it is not enough!

Guevera showed a happy smile. He understood the meaning of Han Jin. He was worried about this or not. Catherine’s sudden appearance made all the plans of Holy Crown City become waste paper. What should I do in the future? Since Han Jin also thought of this problem, he was relieved. In power, he never doubted Han Jin. As long as Han Jin said that he could do it, he could definitely do it.

“Mr. Green,” Han Jin’s gaze turned to Geng Green.

“Adult?” Geng Green slowly stood up and bent over to Han Jin, looking at Han Jin with a questioning look.

Han Jin did not think that the attitude of Geng Green suddenly became so cautious and could not help but stunned.

In the battle between Han Jin and Catherine, Catherine bluntly said that after this battle, Han Jin will become an immortal Legendary. You know, Catherine didn’t think he could beat Han Jin at the time, and Han Jin, who lost his life, could become immortal. Legendary, then defeated Han Jin?

Geng Green’s heart was subjected to an indescribable impact. He once thought that Xiongguang’s Emperor Nikolay was the most powerhouse of mankind. Now it is too early to understand that Han Jin will not be at least for the moment. Inferior to Nikolay, if you add age factors, Han Jin is more qualified and more hopeful to take on the glory of ‘the most powerhouse’.

Can lie to the dragon dragon of the dragon domain, that is nothing, can use a magical way to rescue him from the dragon domain, it is nothing, create a War God number that subverts the common sense of magic, still nothing. However, the matchup degenerates Angel Catherine and defeats Catherine, which is a brilliant record that can make all the powerhouses bow down, no one dares to ignore.

Nikolay relied on more than a decade of struggle and step by step to gain the current prestige, and Han Jin relied on this battle to be side by side with Nikolay!

Han Jin quickly returned to the normal state, took off the shield of the Lion King and placed it in front of Geng Green: “If you give you enough time, can you make a similar Knight shield?”

Geng Green’s eyelids jumped a bit, and if he looked at Han Jin nothing, then he smiled: “I will try my best.”

Don’t look at the fact that Geng Green has been hit hard in recent years, and even fallen into the servant of Dragon Race, but he is also a guy who is a good man. When Jedice was a reliant follower of countless believers, he could not suppress him. Competing with Jeddes, this has proved his ability from the side.

The sacred arm is the work of the Lord God of Light, and it cannot be copied at all. However, Han Jin cannot let him do something that cannot be done. There must be deep meaning. Geng Green believes that it should be promised first, so as not to attract the attention of others. Look for a suitable time and talk to Han Jin carefully.

Han Jin laughed, look at the next sweep: “Yalina and Sunier?”

“Yalina went to study the drawings.” Guevera said with a smile: “She said that she wants to make the konjac in the shortest possible time. When the fallen Angel Catherine appears again, she must shoot Catherine with the 湮 湮honeycomb.”

“That’s too exaggerated.” Geng Green also smiled: “If you can really shoot Catherine, a scorpion scorpion is enough to cause a fatal blow, hehe…”

Han Jin heard the subtext of Geng Green, not a problem with enough forformable power, but a problem that could not be shot.

“However, Yalina Young Lady is the most diligent girl I have ever seen. It is embarrassing. When I was young, it was far less than her hard work.”

This time, Guevera also felt the change of Greene. In the words of Green, there is a hint of good taste, and the method is appropriate. Praise Yalina, of course, more effective than praise of Han Jin himself.

As Guevera expected, Han Jin smiled, smiled a little, and felt a little distressed. Then he said, “What about Sunier?”

“Sunier has been with Yalina,” Guevera said.

“hehe…Yalina is studying the drawings of the konjac, what is she doing there?” Han Jin said with a smile: “As far as I know, her rumors on this conventional magic array seem to be no better than me. How much.” This is the downside of lying. I can’t forget the lie at all times. He always stressed that the Magician and other students of Yalina learned only conventional magic, and what Han Jin mastered is another completely different. Magic, so every time he talks about magic, he can’t forget his definition.

“What do you say I am doing?” Suddenly, Sunier’s voice was heard.

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