On the promenade, Han Jin thought about it and walked to Yalina’s room. If Guevera’s judgment was really correct, he hoped that Yalina could immediately know the good news.

I tapped twice on Yalina’s door and waited for a moment. No one responded. Han Jin asked the surname to open the door and walked in. I was lying on the bed on the side of Yalina, although I was immersed in my dreams, Yalina There are still a few tired eyes on his face, and his face is not very good-looking. Obviously, studying the drawings of the konjac is not an easy task, and it takes a lot of energy from Yalina.

Han Jin took a light footstep and sneaked away. He was a little distressed. At this time, he should do something, such as gently covering the sheet with Yalina, in order to conform to the current atmosphere, but he is worried that Yalina will be awakened, so Just standing silently by the bed, staring for a moment, then turned and walked lightly.

Going outside, Han Jin slowly closed the door and turned around and saw Sunier standing at the door opposite the room, smiling at himself.

“Get up so early?” Han Jin said with a smile. He was caught by Yarier from Yalina. He felt more or less uncomfortable, but since the relationship between Sunier and Yalina has eased, his mentality has also It has become much easier.

“Yalina hasn’t started yet?” Sunier asked.

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded: “It is estimated that she was busy again in the middle of the night.”

“Why must I study it myself?” Sunier looked around and saw no one. This said: “Let Geng Green guide her, isn’t it easier?”

“Geng Green… I have been watching out for me, I can’t open it.” Han Jin said with a bitter smile.

Just then, the huge hull of War God trembled fiercely and suddenly, and the tremor was so large that Sunier, who was standing at the door of the room and talking to Han Jin, almost hit the door frame, the mountain warrior on the deck. They were also each and everyone being swayed, and a few thunderbirds were simply taken off the hull. Han Jin felt a stir in his heart. He didn’t have time to explain with Sunier, immediately formed hand seals, and the figure came from Sunier’s eyes. Disappeared, next moment, he has come to his ‘Magic Lab’.

The heart of the giant array, the pure sacred crystal, is emitting dazzling rays of light, the rays of light are shining to the extreme, the starlight has disappeared, and even the three Angel’s silhouettes are covered. It is.

In the ray of light that is so bright and inexplicable, a voice laughs insanely: “The despicable sorcerer, you dare to steal the great sacred crystal, now, prepare for the punishment of the Lord God. ……”

The crystal is getting brighter and brighter, the flashing light waves are getting denser and denser, the whole space becomes solidified, and the diffuse atmosphere makes people feel very uneasy, as if there is something in it that can explode at any time, all in all. The fried smashed.

Han Jin expression is still very calm, I don’t know why, I don’t know when it started. He is getting more and more difficult to get angry. Even if it is angry, it is often done for others. His heart has become a calm and waveless. Deep and unfathomable deep water.

“You forgot a word, I am the owner of my site.” Han Jin indifferently said, then formed hand seals, loudly shouts: “Flock!”

Although it is only a shouted in a low voice, but with an imperial decree world of majesty, the surviving rays of light seems to really understand Han Jin’s orders, like the tide of the sea, and in a blink of an eye, The sacred crystal has become pure again, and the sly starlight has also restored its original appearance.

The Angel in the middle has been stunned all the time, only looking at the pure sacred crystal, even though he can’t see his appearance, it can clearly sense a kind of sadness, incomprehension, doubt, and even despair.

“I fell down on you.” Han Jin slowly said: “Tell me, how did you trigger the Holy Crystal?”

“Impossible!” Angel, who looked very bleak, suddenly burst into hysteria: “How can the power of the Lord God be sealed?! This is impossible… it is impossible…”

“I have already said that this is my World. Here, I am the only master.” Han Jin sneered, he stopped looking at Angel, and asked the other two Angels: “He just said What did you do?”

“Like…” An angel said, “He is burning his life…”

“It looks like you are not an ordinary light Angel.” Han Jin deep took a deep breath: “Do you have your own name?” At this time, Han Jin realized that he was sloppy, before he got a brilliant pendant, brilliant Angel in the pendant struggled with Zaganide and Alquite, and it was exhausted. Before he got the shield of the Lion King, Angel in the shield of the Lion King directly protected the release of Jedice in order to protect Dismark. Cursing, so he conquered easily. But the bright shirt has been sealed, and it has been quietly hung in the ground for countless years. Angel’s power is kept at Peak-Stage status. What’s more, this guy’s origin is definitely not simple, because he can trigger the Holy Crystal.

“Who are you? How can you have the power to seal the Lord God?!” Angel is still screaming. In his eyes, Han Jin’s Tao has subverted common sense, just like a small ant suddenly has divine power. I was able to fall the lion to the ground.

“Angel holds three forces, order, wisdom and life. Right Angel Alpha is a symbol of order. Wisdom Angel Catherine holds wisdom. So who are you?” Han Jin coldly said: “Someone told me when I got a full set. After the Holy Armed Forces, the six Angels will merge into one. I thought it was just a simple fusion. Now I know that I guessed wrong, you are the subject, right?”

Han Jin disinclined to pay attention, and Angel was only concerned about his own doubts. Both sides did not answer. After a deadly confrontation, Angel suddenly made a sneer: “Despicable sorcerer, I admit you. Have powerful power, but don’t think that you can fight against the Lord God, the Lord God has already sensed the fluctuations of the Holy Crystal, your end… not far away!”

“Islamic.” Han Jin smiled and revealed Bai Sensen’s teeth. Then he waved his hands. The two Angels on the left and right sides disappeared, as if they had never appeared: “I will destroy the door of heaven one day and lose. Time and space nodes, your Lord God will never find a way home, let alone think about yourself before my last arrival, hehe… you are still yourself, but you have lost all your memories. See your companion? You will become like them.”

“The first time I heard, a human being wanted to challenge Angel Alpha…” Angel laughed.

“I can do it, please believe me.” Han Jin replied softly, he seems to be persuading a friend to join his camp, but his smile and tone are full of a repressed self-confidence.

That Angel can’t smile. When the language is pale, powerhouses often choose another way to solve the problem, violence! Angel’s light wings slowly opened, and the lightsaber was also on his chest.

“I was also the first to see Angel who would deceive. When you appeared, you realized that it was protected by a magical enchantment that you can’t understand, so even if you are facing a sorcerer, you don’t have it. Unleash all the power, want to paralyze me, find the way out? Originally, Angel not at all is as pure as I imagined.” Han Jin said with a sneer: “Now, your last chance, come on, don’t keep it, so You can have no regrets, and I will be very satisfied.”

Angel’s light wing suddenly skyrocketed, and the lightsaber in his hand only crossed the distance of seven or eight meters and handed it to Han Jin.

If you really understand Han Jin, then Angel may not resist. There are of course many unexpected factors in the continent, but here, no one can escape the control of Han Jin, and Han Jin repeats too much. After that, he is the owner of his territory.

Han Jin’s figure disappeared, and then a black thread like a snake came out of the starlight. While the black line appeared, he touched Angel’s legs and wrapped them tightly.

The Angel bird rushed, then blasted open, trying to break free from his own breath.

However, the most terrifying is Han Jin, not the magical magic props. Han Jin’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Angel, throwing his fist to Angel’s face.

Angel’s reaction speed is extremely fast, and the combat experience is extremely rich. The lightsaber in his hand is immediately picked out. Even if Han Jin continues to attack, his lightsaber will unscrupulously smash the arm of Han Jin. Han Jin puts the back of the box and his lightsaber will pursue in a straight line, piercing Han Jin’s body.

At this moment, the starlight suddenly trembled a little, then Angel immediately found that his time was lost in a plain, his lightsaber could clearly smash Han Jin’s arm, but now the lightsaber only provoked a little bit, Han Jin’s fist has arrived.

Bang… That’s Angel’s figure flew out, and Han Jin’s figure flashed again, suddenly appearing above the Angel, a hand knife, licking Angel’s chest.

Another bang, Angel fell heavily in starlight, the whole magic laboratory seems to tremble, the violently swaying light wings, there are countless light feathers scattered, turned into free light spots, and finally Disappeared in the air.

Compared with the Argentine, who was known for his spiritual strength at the time, Han Jin was only a skill. His attack power was much more fierce than that of Arquette. He had been hit twice, and Angel was unable to resist. The bundle of fairy ropes released by Han Jin was tightly wrapped around the body of Angel.

Maybe, in just a short half second, Angel can recover, but Han Jin will not give any chance to the enemy, his fist straight down, and once again hit Angel’s face.

Bang… That Angel’s head, made up of pure rays of light, instantly collapsed, even being squeezed into a thin piece of paper, and the body that was tied into a body was not swayed by the control.

Bang Bang… Han Jin’s punch is extremely fast, and he fell on Angel’s head. He once advised the other party. Without reservation, there is no regret. In fact, he will definitely not think about the enemy. The point is that he wants satisfaction.

Steelberg can only be regarded as the original Scholar of the Dao, and Harley is also a half-baked. In other words, if the crystal is not in the War God when the crystal is generated, the consequences are unimaginable.

Guevera also sensed the War God’s mutation. The first thing he thought of was the magic lab. When he opened the crowd and rushed into the magic lab with Sunier and Yalina, who was awakened from sleep, he was seeing Han. Jin is like a madman who is struggling with the poor Angel.

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