“You…” Seeing Han Jin’s wording is so blunt, the deeds can’t help but fall.

“Really dead?” Weber asked suddenly.

“Yeah.” The deed is answering Weber, but his gaze has been nailed to Han Jin. Among the several dragon guardians, the appearance of the deed is the most peaceful, and can even be described with kindness, but at the moment it sinks. The face, however, became extraordinarily cold, and even the temperature in the air seemed to drop.

“It’s good to die.” Weber said slowly: “Deed, I wanted to warn you a few years ago. We should have removed him and left him. I don’t know when it will become a scourge.”

“Weber, you are too careful.” Deich frowned: “Don’t we even control the Dragon Field?”

“Raphael, calm down!” Xia Zu smiled at the end of the hand and went to Han Jin’s shoulder: “Did you hear the old fellow? He said that you are a compromise, hehe, he hates you because you The relationship with us is too close.”

Han Jin was surprised and looked down at something. The strength of his heart was venting, and his straight body became loose. He no longer resisted Xia Zuo and slowly returned to his chair.

Look at the body of Zeng Green, and look at Xia Zuo. Han Jin has a very complicated expression on his face. He understands that he seems to be doing something wrong, but he does not want to admit his mistakes and want to explain anything, but he does not know what to do. Explain that Han Jin interprets this complex emotion vividly and thoroughly.

“Controlling the Dragon Field?” Weber said softly: “Deed, in fact, what we can really control, only ourselves, the more we want to control, the greater the disappointment.”

“I am not a Scholar and I don’t want to discuss this with you.” The deed is replied.

“You are too impetuous.” Weber smiled: “If you can’t even restrain your own desires, it’s a sad thing.” It seems that Weber’s temper is very good and he is not angry at all.

“Where is the World of Warcraft group lost, why do you bow down under Dragon’s Prestige? Because this is a powerhouse respected World.” The contract is reciled: “As a member of the Dragon Race, I lost my fighting spirit, which is even more tragic. ”

“Enough! You are enough!!” Xia Zuo finally couldn’t help but anger: “What are you doing? Let Raphael adults see our jokes?!”

Han Jin has seen something. Several dragon guardians are not monolithic. Maybe they can be consistent in some big guidelines, but because of their personal habits and their surnames, they don’t have the style to do things. The same, just like the attitude towards the increase of Green, Weber’s opinion is to kill the Greens earlier and get peace of mind early, but the deed should think that it is too cheap to increase the Green, and must make some tricks.

Or, the attitude of the deed will become so indifferent, and more importantly, because the toy is destroyed.

“Our jokes are made by your Raphael adults.” Debut not at all to Xiazo face, after he finished, he turned and left.

Antoine always has a refinement, but Han Jin’s every move has not escaped his observations. Seeing the deeds leave, he finally said: “Raphael, don’t care, the temper of the deed has not been good. So, let’s sit for a while, I will persuade him.”

Decoat not at all, he stood outside in the great hall, staring at the door of the temple, his face was not as cold as he was.

Antoine walked slowly behind the deed, whispered: “Deed, you are a bit too much, Xia Zuo certainly knows your intentions, he will not blame you, but you … then to Weber, always not very good. ”

“If we think like Webber, I doubt that there are still Dragon Races on World after thousands of years.”

“You think too much, no one will give up the pride of Dragon Race, Webber does not always support Xia Zuo? This is enough to prove his attitude.” Antoine said with a slight smile.

“Weber always said that my ambition is too big. I used to let him always. This time I was in front of a human being…” The deeds put out a breath and immediately changed the subject: “Do you think that Raphael has any problems? ”

“What do you mean?”

“Just just met, he killed the Green, I always feel … there are some abnormalities!”

“Young and handsome that’s all.” Antoine said with a smile: “Change to you, if humans spit at you, is it estimated that you will destroy the whole city in anger?”

“Just a young and full of life?” Deco shook the head.

“If Raphael admits to us, then I will doubt him, but he doesn’t, hehe… Did you pay attention to his wonderful expression?” Antoine couldn’t help but said with a smile: “The judgment of Xia Zuo is not wrong. Raphael is just a little smart human that’s all. Just in his early twenties, he became the lord of the hegemony. It seems that he has not experienced any setbacks. The young and flamboyant is understandable. He doesn’t even know how to properly handle it. The relationship between loved ones, do you still expect him to maintain his demeanor here?”

“Family? Xia Zuo said that Raphael’s parents have long been… Are you talking about Solomon?”

“Yeah.” Antoine nodded: “In the beginning, Solomon trusted Raphael very much. After Raphael got Solomon’s appreciation, he didn’t put anyone else in his eyes. Once Solomon’s 嫡eldest son Jared And a guy named Tony went to Yalina, and there was some conflict between the words. As a result, Raphael hit a big shot, seriously wounded Tony, and drove Jared away, which made Solomon very disappointed.”

“I hope to be disappointed.” Deco paused: “Does it say… Solomon really wants to entrust the capital of the elements to Raphael?”

“Solomon did not take care of Xia Zuo. He did have such an idea, but Raphael’s rudeness made Solomon change his mind.” Antoine said: “Solomon’s greatest wish is to let several children live peacefully. Raphael is just a guest, and he can’t tolerate Jared. If you really hand over the elements to Raphael, Jared’s fate…can be imagined, no matter how Jared is, he is after all It is Solomon’s flesh and blood, he wants to think about his own son, isn’t it?”

“If Raphael knows why Solomon will change his mind, his face must be more exciting.” The decoy whispered.

“So…you have a chance to explain it to Weber, don’t make it too stiff.” Antoine changed the subject.

“I know.” The deed was nodded: “He is the oldest, I know what to do.”

The two guardians were speechless for a moment, and for a moment, Antoine was lightly sighed: “In the future, you have to play a bad guy all the time. Remember, your performance will directly determine how well Xiazo will get.”

“hehe, this is cheap summer.”

“Xia Zuo got it, wouldn’t he share it with us?” Antowan smiled and asked, if even thousands of years of friendship can’t be relied on, there is really nothing to trust on the continent.

“I really look forward to that moment…” Deco muttered: “What kind of miracle is it that allows a young man to break through the super-step barriers in just a few years and become a Half-God Level powerhouse.” If we can get…”

If Han Jin hears the deed and Antoine’s conversation, it will definitely turn pale with fright. It turns out that Long Tian is not only using him to control the continent, but also spying on his way!

In fact, this is completely understandable. It can make an ordinary person break through the mysterious power of the super-order barrier in just a few years, which will surely cause the madness of all parties! However, Han Jin has been growing at a rapid rate. Before he caused others to pay attention, he already had enough power to protect himself at least. Therefore, snoopers can only put greed in their hearts.

The biggest headache for the snoopers is Han Jin’s two exclusive ‘magic’, one is the cellar, the other is the sacred murder, in fact, before the invitation of Han Jin to the dragon domain, the four guards There was a fierce quarrel between them. Xia Zuo and Weber advocated a soft method, deeds and Antoine thought that they should not hesitate to control Han Jin, but in the end, Deci and Antoine Being convinced, it’s much harder to kill than to kill. The fiasco of Longcheng Elder Maxwell is a forerunner and definitely not an adventure.

Moreover, Xia Zuo reiterated that Han Jin is now much more powerful than defeating Maxwell. Xiazzo stayed on the War God for a few days. He found that the core figures of Holy Crown City are full of confidence in the future. The most important reason is that they believe that Han Jin and Han Jin are not rumored, and his strength is rapidly improving every day.

Therefore, Han Jin has already shown that there should be some reservations. If Han Jin is not able to be held, then the dragon’s nephew will not be too good. Since he can become a friend with Han Jin, why must he become an enemy? ?

“We are all looking forward to the same.” Antoine’s face showed a sorrow. If Han Jin appeared hundreds of years ago, if they could master that power, his wife might not be depressed and reach their level. The powerhouse, there is no experience in the front can be borrowed, because that belongs to God’s taboo. Originally they thought that this was their end, but Han Jin’s growing experience ignited their hopes.

“I see… the key is on the War God.” The deed was suddenly.

“What happened to Raphael’s War God? War God?”

“Xia Zuo said that in addition to Raphael’s ability to despise the War God, there is also an undead creature called Harley, a servant named Steelberg who can despise the War God.” The deed whispered: “If I didn’t guess If they are wrong, they all get the power of Raphael inheritance.”

“You don’t want to…” Antoine said, hurriedly said: “Deed, you can’t mess! How to get in touch with Raphael, we have to listen to Xia Zuo!!”

“I know.” Deco Laughed: “Otherwise, with my temper, I have already gone to Holy Crown City. Even if I can’t deal with Raphael, I want to take the servant named Steelberg, it’s okay?”

“Do you want to force the War God number?”

“There is no need to conflict with the War God. Will they never disembark?” Deci’s eyes flickered.

“Deed, I warn you! Never mess!!” Antoine grabbed the shoulder of the deed: “We don’t understand Raphael’s magic system at all. Why do you judge that he will not pay attention to Steelberg’s safety?”

“I just want to say, what are you nervous about?” said the deed.

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