The banquet is very rich, and it is impossible to see that Cold Shadow City is a city with scarce resources. Of course, as a lord, Chesham鈥檚 life is much superior to other people, even if the people of the whole city are using wild vegetables to feed their hunger. Chesham’s dinner table will still be full of big fish and big meat. If power cannot satisfy the lust, people will not win you.

When Chesham blocked Adolf, he looked very arrogant, but in front of Han Jin, he became more enthusiastic. If you can choose, no one wants to be enemies with Han Jin. The most terrifying thing on World is to face An enemy who can’t kill, the feeling is like a bone in the throat, making people restless. Although Chesham’s face has a happy smile, but the heart is entangled, he did not think about it, simply do not endlessly, just in the Killing Han Jin here can be calculated and calculated. He finally gave up, too dangerous! When Longcheng and Prundens of Fine Spirit Race gave Han Jin a ruin, Han Jin could be safe and even killed Maxwell. Chesham did not think he had the ability to stay Han Jin, let alone A bitter cultivator Adolf’s respect for Han Jin, his heart hangs in the air, everything has a cause, why a pure believer will lower the proud head?

Han Jin didn’t sit at the same table with Chesham. It wasn’t Chesham’s rudeness. Because of his size, Chesham’s desk was almost two meters high. The giant chair was enough for several Han Jins to sit side by side. If Chesham insisted that Han Jin sit next to him, it was a deliberate insult to Han Jin.

After eating almost, Chesham couldn’t help it. He wiped the shiny mouth and laughed. “Raphael, I… the surname has been more urgent, let’s not circle, confess Say, you come to me…” Slave Business Group, Chesham has never mentioned it since the beginning, because that is no longer meaningful.

“I am coming for peace.” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“Peace?” Chesham snorted: “Can you elaborate?”

“Break the battle with Dip City, we don’t have to kill each other.” Han Jin straight to the point said, he noticed that his tone was a bit tough, in order to avoid irritating the patient, added: “Of course, this is just me. Personal advice.”

“The war with Dip City…” Chesham looked up at the ceiling of the hall, muttering to himself, not knowing what he was thinking, half awkward, hehehe smiled, squinted look towards Han Jin: “If I really want to If you take down the city of Dip, you only need three days to kill the people in Dip City. Are you believing or not?”

鈥淥h?鈥?Han Jin snorted and immediately said with a smile: 鈥淲hy are you going to let Ma Lishen go? Do you have personal relationships with him and can鈥檛 bear to hurt him?鈥?/p>

“Personality? What is he, and he is also talking to me?!” Chesham looked a little restless, forced to open his own clothes, revealing the chest muscles as hard as steel, and then looked at Han Jin seriously. Slowly said: “The key is… I don’t know, what should I do when I take down the city of Dip.”

Han Jin was silent for a moment and understood the meaning of Chesham. After Chesham attacked Kubu City, he had successfully opened the traffic line, but he did not take advantage of the big attack on Dipu City that year, only sent small units to harass. Combat, because the cold film city is very large, and he does not know much about the external situation, so on the one hand sent the slave Business Group to show his power, on the one hand to test the strength of Dip City, to prepare for the coming year, he It also takes a year to cultivate and raise.

By the second year, Chesham is preparing to launch an offensive in the winter, but the situation has changed dramatically. The Elf Alliance was established, and the human race joined the battle group, which greatly swept the momentum of the entire continent, which made Chesham feel Someone is overwhelmed. After taking down the city of Dip, he will face the army of the Spirit Race and the human race. He does not want to show his cockroaches in front of the enemy. Therefore, Chesham has started according to his own plan. The war, but not playing resolutely, did not even send the main force, otherwise Chesham will not say this.

“In fact, after I and the elves annihilated the army of the human race, I also thought about attacking Dip City.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Oh? Then why didn’t you send troops? Is it that you have a personal relationship with Ma Lishen?” Chesham asked hehe.

鈥淣o.鈥?Han Jin indifferently said: 鈥淚 have the same concerns as you, what should I do after I have taken the city of Dip?鈥?/p>

Chesham stayed, then burst into laughter, smiled forward and back, even laughed with tears, then raised a large glass, gestured to Han Jin, and then drank it.

Han Jin’s potential is obvious. He admits that Chesham is a strong opponent, so he does not want to attack Depp City, so as not to directly confront Chesham. This is a kind of respect, respect from the enemy, of course, than clansman. And the fear of the Snow Masters is even more precious. Chesham is very satisfied and very happy. He thinks Han Jin is much more pleasing than when he first met.

“To tell the truth, Raphael adults, I thought that your Holy Crown City can last up to half a month, and it will be captured by the Spirit Race and the human race. I didn’t expect it…” Chesham sighed: “You It is the last winner.”

“hehe… I want to thank the human race, they used the Spirit Race as an enemy from the beginning, didn’t put me in the eye, gave me a winter, let me grow and grow.” Han Jin said with a slight Smile : “I am still very young, almost nothing, just lacking time.”

Chesham can’t smile a bit. In the winter, Han Jin’s power can be so powerful. How many years have passed? And now that Han Jin is already a powerhouse for the Half-God Level, what will happen in the future?

There is no half-threat in Han Jin’s words, but Chesham feels a huge crisis. The eyes of the silver are flickering, obviously thinking about something.

“You should ask me, why should I say… everyone should not kill each other.” Han Jin quietly shifted the subject: “This is the real reason for me to fight for peace.”

鈥淲hy?鈥?Chesham asked.

“Because the Abyss World is about to launch a war of aggression.” Han Jin slowly said.

“What do you say??” Cesham stayed for a while, then almost jumped up and asked sharply.

“I said that the second World War will break out.” Han Jin said.

Chesham’s figure turned into a stone sculpture, staring at Han Jin, and several Titan giants around the banquet and dozens of ice and snow mage were also stunned, and the atmosphere has become dead.

“This is a war that will not have any compromise. All races on the ground must abandon stereotypes and unite to fight against the abyss race. Otherwise, we can only be completely destroyed.” Han Jin slowly said: “Of course This is also a brilliant war, a war that tests people’s hearts and tests people’s surnames. Among us, there may be some powerhouses to be heroes to save World. Maybe some powerhouses will become ridiculous cowards, no matter what. We have no retreat, or let the abyss race go down, or, we…”

“Raphael, where did you get the news? Is it accurate?” Chesham suddenly cut off Han Jin’s words.

鈥淒o you think I arrived here just to tell a joke?鈥?Han Jin asked.

鈥淲hy is this at this time? I have heard that it seems that Abyss World has been in chaos, where did the forces come to launch a war of aggression?鈥?/p>

“We don’t seem to be strong anywhere.” Han Jin laughed: “And, your news is out of date. Abyss World has a powerful and powerful demon. His name is Donald, although he has not yet turned the abyss. World is united, but the influence he has is unimaginable. At least, he can form an alliance and call on all the abyss races to be involved in this war.”

“Donald… World leader?” Chesham also knows the Elves. The name sounds ridiculous. It鈥檚 just that Chesham doesn鈥檛 want to laugh, and he can鈥檛 laugh. Han Jin just said it right, the power of the ground race. Because of the years of melee, I am at the lowest stage: “Raphael, you know the abyss race?”

“Yes.” Han Jin nodded: “In Donald’s original plan, he didn’t want to start the war so quickly.”

“Why did he change the plan?” Chesham hurriedly asked.

“Because the Holy See.” Han Jin whispered: “No one can deny that in the war against the abyss race, the Holy See can play a role in determining the surname. What is sad is that Nikolay launched a war against the Holy See, and he united Long domain, the big attack, the mountains are not falling, countless believers who are loyal to the Holy See have been killed. You also know that the Holy See has moved to my Holy Crown City. Now there are only a few hundred people left in the Bright Knights, and the priests… There are only a dozen cardinals left. If you are Donald, will you miss this opportunity?”

Adolf鈥檚 eyes showed a mournful color. What he wanted to do most was not to reorganize the Holy See in Holy Crown City, but to go to the southwest and let Nikola pay the price, but he could not escape the responsibility of the cultivator, compared with the future of the Holy See. After all, revenge and hatred are secondary, and he must not let the seeds of faith go out.

“No.” Chesham’s eyes fell on Adolf. He had no feelings about the believers. He wanted to take the opportunity to ridicule Adolf a few words, but then think about the future war. He took pleasure in other people’s misfortune. Nothing: “So, is the war really going to break out?”

“Yes.” Han Jin nodded said: “Maybe, they are lurking underground at the moment.” When Han Jin said this, not at all thought that he could be a word.

“I heard that the abyss is a boring and hot World. I want to know how they fight against our Titans on the ice sheet!” Chesham laughed at Hehe. At this moment, he has calmed down. This is Telling Han Jin, I am not afraid, I am afraid of you! The Early-Stage and Middle-Stage of the War, the Abyss race is unlikely to come to the Cold Shadow City idea.

“This is World War, there is no life to avoid anything.” Han Jin indifferently said: “Is the ice sheet really your barrier? I remember that a long time ago, the Titan family’s Holy Land was Genting City, located in At the top of Snow Mountain, that is also the most prosperous age of the Titans. What happened? Hehe… Genting City has become a ruin, and the endless Snow Mountain has become a burning hell!”

Chesham complexion greatly changed, and stood up, the silver awning in the eyes was getting brighter and brighter. Through the angle, Han Jin knew that Cesham was staring at him, or he was staring at him.

Everyone has their own hidden pain, and every race is the same. The Battle of Genting City is the untouchable wound of all Titan giants, and the Titans have turned from prosperity to decline, and it is also the watershed of the Battle of Genting City.

“I didn’t mean to offend you, but I was telling you that since Donald deliberately launched the World War, Black Dragon Van Loulding will also take his Black Dragon family to fight.” Han Jin’s tone is still very indifferent, as if ignoring Chesham. The anger: “Ice is not able to stop those Black Dragon.”

Chesham took a long breath and sat down a little. He tried his best to control his anger. Some of the Titans around Chesham were shaking, not because of fear, but because of fear. Because of hatred, I went deep into the bone marrow and accumulated countless years of hatred.

Black Dragon and the Titan are a pair of enemies. Just like Angel and the devil, no matter what time, anywhere, they will immediately break out.

The Titans have enough reason to hate the Black Dragon. It is the pride of the Black Dragon that destroyed the Titans: Genting City, there are countless clansman falling in the breath of the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon family has enough reason to hate the Titans, if not Titans. Arrogant and conceited, repeatedly offending the adults of Fan Luding, even to the extent that they can’t bear it, how can the Black Dragon family fall into such a situation?

In fact, in the original unified Dragon Race, Black Dragon has the greatest voice, and the Black Dragon is born with absolute magic immunity. The strength exceeds the same level of gold dragon. The Golden Dragon will be harmed by the curse, while the Black Dragon can ignore it. All magic, that is, the Golden Dragon and the Black Dragon broke out, the Golden Dragon can only use the minions to hurt the opponent, and the Black Dragon can release the magic to the Golden Dragon, this battle is completely different!

It was because of the Black Dragon family’s battle in Genting City that the casualties were extremely fierce, and the Golden Dragon was given the opportunity. The battle of Genting City was just over, and the Golden Dragons suddenly turned their faces. As a result, Black Dragon not only lost the words of Dragon Race. Right, and finally was driven into the ground, although the area of 鈥嬧€媡he continent is not small, but there is no place for them to stand.

“Fan Lun Ding…” Chesham whispered to himself.

“Since your surname is so straightforward, then let me tell you the truth.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “You want to avoid the war and save the strength. It is impossible. I am here, I really want to You are allied.”

“It’s too late today, Raphael.” Chess came back to his senses, barely said with a smile: “Give me some time, let me think about it, and give you the answer tomorrow.”

“That’s it, tomorrow!” Han Jin slowly said: “I can’t wait here, because the war may just erupt tomorrow.”

“I understand.” Chesham’s tone is very low.

The banquet ended in a hurry. The rooms in the castle were very tall, but there was also a place for Han Jin to rest. Several snow and ice masters took Han Jin to the front of a room, and Adolf鈥檚 room was arranged next to Han Jin. After looking for a few waiters, they politely retired.

Han Jin sat in a chair, quietly thinking about today’s gains and losses, and the possible surname of the covenant tomorrow. Adolf did not return to his room to rest, in fact, he did not need to rest, always silently followed Han Jin’s side. Han Jin is nothing. He only suffered from Harley. He has a strong desire to express his feelings. He has never had the opportunity to show his face. He does not dare to show his face. At this moment, his heart is constantly cursing Adolf.

“Adult, do you think Chesham will form an alliance with you?” I don’t know how long it took Adolf to whisper.

“There are six or seven points to grasp, but the most important thing is to look at tomorrow.” Han Jin said: “hehe… I can understand Chesham’s mood.”

“His mood?”

鈥淲hen the Titans were the strongest, the rest of the vulnerable races tried to get the protection of the Titans. It can also be said that the Titans need nothing, and they don鈥檛 have to do it themselves. In a word, someone will rush to send them.鈥?Han Jin Said with a slight smile : “And now? They are trapped in the cold shadow city, but also to seize the survival resources with humans, ha … think about today’s suffering, and then think about yesterday’s triumph, the Titans hatred of Black Dragon has reached “Adult, you have some…” Adolf can see that Han Jin seems to have some pleasure in other people’s misfortune, which is not in line with his feelings. Taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune is a human emotion.

鈥淲hat happened to me?鈥?Han Jin asked with a smile.

“Nothing.” Adolf didn’t know what to say. He had to avoid it. He was not the same as Jedice. He should lie when he lie.

Han Jin frowned slightly and used the battle of Genting City to stimulate Chesham. It should have achieved its goal. Even if Chesham still wants to take advantage of it and save the strength as much as possible, the rest of the Titans will not agree. Sem forced the Titans to avoid involvement in the war, which would certainly damage his personal prestige and may even lead to guilt.

Of course, reaching the alliance is only the First Step, and what kind of alliance is reached is the most crucial thing.

The so-called alliance needs an alliance lord. Otherwise, if you talk to yourself and do it yourself, what is the significance of the alliance? Chesham will never give in easily in this regard.

The contradiction is here. Han Jin hopes to control the alliance. Chesham has the same hope. Even if he knows that he is not as good as people, he hopes to retain absolute autonomy.

Han Jin pondered for a long time, and felt a burst of incitement in Devouring Soul Bead. Harley had something to say… but he didn’t dare to come out. He realized the existence of Adolf. He looked up and said, “Lord Adolf, the sky. Not too early, you can go back to rest.”

“Okay, adult.” Adolf complied, walked slowly outside the door, after he gently closed the door, not at all left, so straight and standing outside, he really prepared to rest, as before, Standing can also go to sleep.

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