Passing through the hole, I couldn’t walk 100 meters, and there was a stone door in front. Gibran couldn’t help but scream: “It’s here! It should be here!”

“Wait a minute!” Yalina hurriedly stopped Gibran, took out the detection potion, poured half a bottle of potion into the palm of his hand, then sang a spell in a low voice, the medicament quickly expanded and turned into a faint mist, and the mist moved forward. Drifting, attached to the stone gate, a series of magic rune appeared one after another, floating in the air, releasing a little bit of Huaguang.

“It turned out to be the Thunderstorm Magic Enchantment.” Yalina said with a smile: “You plug your ears!”

“Yalina, what are you going to do?” Gail’s manager said.

“It takes a long time to get rid of this magic array. It’s better to simply trigger the magic array.” Yalina said: “Reassured, my magic shield can protect everyone.”

“This…” Gail’s general manager coughed: “Yalina, it’s still safer, we have enough time, no need to worry.”

“Yeah, yeah!” Gao Bin’s eyes are very weird. I didn’t see it before. Such a weak woman, in the bones, hides the violent factor and directly triggers the magic array. It is really simple and concise, but it is not necessary now. Choose such a radical approach? Then Gao Bin continued: “The roadway is so wide, and the roadway has collapsed. Do we want to be buried alive? Besides… This stone door may not be able to withstand the formidable power of the thunderstorm, put things inside. It’s not good to be bad.”

“Okay.” Yalina shrugged, both leaders are against, and she is not good at sticking to her opinion, even though she thinks it is not necessary.

It took almost an hour, and Yalina and Kane worked together to completely remove the Thunderstorm Magic Aray. Yalin took Magic Crystal out of the Magic Aray core and looked closely. She recognized that this should be Thunderbird’s Magic Crystal. . However, the current Yalina can be regarded as a rich and imposing little rich woman, and the animal race of the beast, other things, the thunderbird Magic Crystal will charge tens of thousands, she did not force this element More than half of Magic Crystal was in his eyes, turned and handed it to Kane, then went to the floating ash on the stone door: “Sunier, what about your magic seal?”

“Give you.” Sunier took Keeley’s magic seal and handed it to Yalina.

Yalina took the seal and looked at the seal’s pattern. He leaned down and carefully observed the hole in the middle of the stone gate near the left side. It was found that the two patterns were exactly the same. This carefully adjusted the angle of the magic seal and stuffed the magic seal.

Ka-cha …… There was a slight noise in Shimen, Yalina said with a smile: “Okay.” After that, she pushed the stone door hard. Who knows that Shimen still didn’t move.

“What happened?” Yalina looked suspiciously up and down.

“You still need the key, Gibran, come on.” Gael’s director said with a slight smile.

“No problem.” Gibran smiled and walked forward, observing for a moment, finally found a small hole in the lower left corner of Shimen, only half a centimeter square, and Gibran almost squatted on the ground to confirm that it was a keyhole, and then In the arms, a dark brown, shiny Little Jin stick was placed, and it quickly swayed in the palms. Soon, the Little Jin stick gradually softened like a Nasal Mucus Insect without bones, followed by Gibran. Putting the softened metal into the keyhole, his movements were quick and very careful. When nearly half of the metal was stuffed in, Gibran seemed to hear something, suddenly stopped, and then took out a bottle of alchemy. Pour the potion near the keyhole.

The potion quickly condensed into ice and rang, and the frost was spread around the keyhole and spread all around, and the soft metal became hard.

Gibran grabbed the end of the deformed metal rod, tried to twist it to the left and right, and ka-cha again, then he topped it with his shoulder, and the stone door was opened with a slit.

“Yalina, come back to me,” said the director of Gail. Then he grabbed the front and reached out and pushed the stone door slowly.

Oh, yeah… Shimen was finally pushed open, and Yalina poured the remaining pharmacy into the palm of his hand and threw the vial to the side, then the mist that expanded and expanded beyond the Gaelic master, slowly drifting in. inside.

“No danger,” Yalina said.

Gail Explorer first stepped into the hidden treasure room, and then everyone sneaked in, and Gao Bin certainly stayed in the last place.

Before the treasure hunt, everyone inevitably fantasized about the scene of the hidden treasure room in their minds. However, they are all wrong, the accident always comes inadvertently, and the surprise is the same!

It’s not a room, it’s a small square. There are hundreds of magic lanterns on both sides of the square. It extends far away. With their eyesight, they can’t see the end of the square. Of course, it’s too light. It’s too bleak. In the center of the square, there are almost 30 rows of shelves that can’t see the material. Just like a team of neatly arranged soldiers, waiting for the review of the Shangguan, the shelves are full of things, just because the dust is too much. They can’t recognize what those are.

Gail’s head was stunned, and Gao Bin’s eyes were stunned, and all the people here were stunned! They have never seen such a huge storage room, even if the former empire is the most flourishing period, the national treasury may not be comparable to the size of this storage room!

I don’t know how long it took, Gail’s manager walked down the steps, almost rushing to a row of shelves, taking care of the flying dust, grabbing a round thing, and observing it, yes, Magic Crystal ! Then the entire row of shelves should be Magic Crystal, what should be the sum? What is the rest of the shelf?

Gao Bin and the others shouted and rushed to the row of shelves to identify the things above.

“I am fire attribute Magic Crystal!” Sunier called.

“I am Water Element!” Yalina called on the other side.

“God…all Magic Crystal! All of them are Magic Crystal!” Gibran simply lost control.

“Here…” Julia stunned, instinctively took a few steps back and screamed: “It’s Magic Crystal with darkness! It’s all Magic Crystal with dark surname!!”

Everyone rushed to the depths of their shelves, almost rushed out a dozen steps, then check to see if the items on the shelf have changed. In a moment, they have already rushed more than 200 meters. I can see the end of the storage room faintly. The storage room has almost the width of 100 meters, and the length is about one mile.

Going forward is no longer meaningful. In fact, the main purpose of their visit here is to help Han Jin find a glorious shirt. But now, everyone has forgotten the important Divine Artifact, they have been reached by this astronomical number. The number of Magic Crystals is stunned.

Everyone reunited from the interval of the shelf. With the experience of the Gail manager, I also wanted to cheer, but because of my age and identity, I was so excited that the rest of the young people did not have to worry about them. It was a laugh and a jump. Yalina even hugged Sunier with impulsiveness. The screams were not over. Gibran also wanted to hug Julia, and she was fiercely stepped on her feet and had to stand on one side.

In theory, as long as there is enough Magic Crystal, Magician sets the magic array to cover the entire continent, even covering several times; a three-stream magic Legion, the combat power will be instantly upgraded to the first class, because they can be unscrupulous The more the release of magic; the Crown Tower of Holy Crown City can be changed from a dozen to a thousand, all continents to attack the Holy Crown City, Holy Crown City does not launch a counterattack, let the other side attack, can still support the land, of course, , Half-God Level powerhouse can’t join the battle, otherwise variables may appear.

Magic Crystal is the most precious strategic resource and the most important strategic resource, and here, all are Magic Crystal!

“So many Magic Crystals, how do we take them?” Sunier asked.

Everyone has a space ring. When they come, they also try to vacate their ring. When they find the shining shirt, they will take all the treasures away. Now, I know, They think too simple, even if they don’t care about the conflict of Magic Crystal’s surname, how much can they take away from the space ring?

“With the capabilities of the Morgan Business Group, can you accumulate so much wealth?” Gail, the chief of the Gail, took a breath: “This is the wealth of the rich enemy… I feel…” Gale’s mouth is the ‘national’ It doesn’t mean which lord, nor which duchy, but the big empire.

“Gail Uncle, what do you want to say?” Yalina asked.

“This treasure should have existed long time ago, and it was discovered by Morgan Business Group people, otherwise… it’s hard to imagine…”

“Right, Gail Uncle, you said… Will Keeley be a royal descendant of the Great Empire?” Yalina’s imagination is very rich.

“This…” Gail’s general manager, Yalina’s guess is quite reasonable.

“I agree with Gale’s judgment.” Gao Bin said slowly: “I went to Julia to see it. It is indeed the Magic Crystal of the darkness, the descendants of the great empire…hehe, the power of the great empire. It can’t be extended to the Abyss World. Where can they get so many Magic Crystals with dark surnames!!”

“Abyss World?” Gael, the general manager of Gael, immediately understood what Gao Bin meant: “Gao Bin, you mean… This treasure existed in the first World War era?”

“It should be right.” Gao Bin nodded said: “At that time, the power of the abyss race was firmly suppressed by the Holy See. The war Early-Stage, in addition to starting a completely unprepared ground race, does not take much advantage. The Middle-Stage of War, they can occupy more than 90% of the continent, because they found a way to fight against the Holy See, using the elements of the natural system to attack the Holy See, and then use the power of the dark surname to attack the Magician of the natural system, the Holy See and At that time, the Confucian Association of Confucianism refused to fight side by side. Even War God Abraham could not resolve the contradiction between them. Thus, in any battlefield, the abyss race can have an absolute advantage. Finally, it is faced with The danger of total destruction, the Holy See and the Magic Guild abandoned the prejudice, it’s sad…”

“Brother, are you saying that this treasure is an abyssal race?” Sunier asked in surprise.

“Yeah.” Gao Bindao said: “This is the most reasonable explanation.”

“That… why don’t they take the treasure back?”

“How many years ago, how can I know?” Gao Bin laughed: “At that time, a large-scale rebellion occurred in the Abyss World. The rulers of the Abyss World were eager to go back to suppress. As a result, they just left the ground and fell into the trap. The encirclement of the rebels, maybe… the guys who know the secrets are dead in the war.”

“These things haven’t been moving for many years. Since the Morgan Business Group discovered the treasure, why not ship it out?” Yalina asked.

“continent has been fighting for years, where is the safe place?” Gao Bin asked: “In fact, the Morgan Business Group people have been careful enough, what about it? Finally, it was not noticed by Dismark, the entire Business Group was destroyed? !”

“Yes, oh…” Yalina nodded, and suddenly thought of something: “Glorious shirt? Have you found it?”

“Everyone looks for it!” Sunier said.

Everyone spreads out again, so many Magic Crystals, they can’t take it away at once, even if it’s not enough to go back and forth dozens of times, the value of Guanghui’s shirt is undoubtedly the highest.

Soon, Kane found a hanging soft armor on a stone platform at the end of the storage room, but the soft armor and ‘glorious’ couldn’t be touched at all, it looked gray, but Kane felt the seal. The magic fluctuated and hurriedly called everyone over.

Yalina rushed up, grabbed the soft armor, then stayed and turned and said to Sunier: “Sunier, for you!”

“What to do for me?” Sunier said with a slight smile: “Who is not the same for him?” In fact, when she saw that Yalina was the first to take off the shining shirt, she felt more or less Comfortable, this has nothing to do with whether the mind is open or not, because she is a female surname, and because she and Yalina both like the same man, and the action of exploring the treasure is her advocacy, now Yalin takes the most important thing, The inner fluctuations are hard to avoid. However, now see Yalina want to give her a shining robes, and that point is not fast and disappeared. After all, Yalina made a mind, after all, Yalina always called her elder sister.

“I am always with him, it is you, often go out, or you can hand it over to him.” Yalina insisted that her subtext is obvious, you can’t do this, you should take the initiative to find opportunities to be close to him.

Sunier certainly heard the meaning of Yalina, and she took a moment to succumb, and then slowly took over the glorious shirt.

The eyes of Gael and Gao Bin involuntarily collided together, and then immediately avoided. The reality is such helplessness. From the inside, they all hope that their loved ones can become the only one of Han Jin. At their height, in-laws The relationship is enough to influence the strategic decision, but the twists and turns are telling them that they can only accept this result.

Gail’s main manager turned his head and saw a deep black gap. One could barely get in. He walked slowly to the front and observed carefully. The entire storage room was made of solid rock. It can be said that even if they Not here, one day, Han Jin also had a chance to discover the treasure, walked with the mantle, suddenly hit a big bag, and then Han Jin found out… Observing for a moment, Gail’s manager saw that This is only because the age is too long, the gap that naturally occurs, although the stone is firm, but compared with the power of the earth, it is still too fragile, and the Gaelese general turned slowly, just at this moment, a vague contract. The magical fluctuations came from the gap, and the figure of the Gaelic master became stiff.

Gao Bin and the others also sensed the magical fluctuations, rushed over, held their breath, watched carefully in the cracks, and there was magical fluctuations, which proved that there is life!

“You stay here, I will go and see.” Gael’s general manager whispered, and his heart was moved with great enthusiasm. If you didn’t stop Yalina at the beginning, let Yalina violently crack the magical enchantment of Thunderstorm, the other party must first sense it. The magic here is fluctuating!

“Be careful.” Gao Bin whispered.

“Well, you have to pay attention to it.” Gail’s general manager nodded, and his body shape disappeared into the air.

The gap is very narrow, barely able to pass a person, and there is no place to borrow, but it is hard to beat the Gaelic chief. If there is a strange eye, you can clearly see that a shadow of red is like a snake. It swims along the gap, very fast, not even inferior to a wild horse rushing on the plains.

The more you go forward, the more shocked the Gail manager is, because the magic is fluctuating more and more powerful, and it seems that it is more than just a wave!

Almost wearing out X, 800 meters, Gail Explorer finally saw the end of the gap, flashing faintly discernible red light outside, he slowed down the action, drilled a little bit, squatting on a rock, looking out the head All around.

His position is at the top of a mountain, below is a vast expanse of wilderness. A lava waterfall hanging from the mountainside in the distance becomes the light source here. The abyss of the Abyss World is so obvious that it is far more complicated than the ground World.

The eyes of Gail’s chief can no longer be turned on. He once thought that the most wonderful scorpion in his life had already gone. The rest was only in his later years. Who knows that today, he first discovered a large-scale Tibetan Treasure, then saw another unforgettable picture of eternal life.

The wilderness is full of creatures, and the eyes are full of strange red light. It is a vampire. Its shape is similar to that of sea otters. It is a evil eye. It has six arms and a long snake tail. It is Medusa and has a long The bull’s head and the burly figure are the Minotaur. In addition to these, there are countless Hells of the Hells, and even the giant dragon with a huge body and a bright black hair. It is a Black Dragon! Compared to other creatures, the number of Black Dragon is easy to calculate. Just look at it. Gael’s manager knows that there are 16 Black Dragons here!

These are not so much. What is shocking is that all the creatures in the wilderness are bowing in the same direction. Even the black dragons, which are known for their violent arrogance, are honestly closing their wings and motionless.

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