Moon black killing night, high winds set fire…

Today’s moonlight is not black, the wind is not very big, just, now the city is turbulent, there are priests and believers everywhere, mixed in the messy crowd, what to do should be very easy, far better than nature provides Cover up.

Unfortunately, when people can see the opportunity, they can’t speculate on how long they have reserved for him. Han Jin responded immediately. Except for the magic Legion, the other Legion camped out and extinguished with lightning speed. Inciting, less than half an hour before and after, the situation in Holy Crown City has calmed down, what can I do in half an hour? Quietly observing the movements on the street, judging that the situation will be more and more chaotic, then convening the staff, simply set the plan, and then quietly go out and try to approach the destination as carefully as possible, which took a certain amount of time.

The so-called incompetence is not a book. If you can get a step early and see the arrows of Sunier and Gaobin, maybe they will quietly return. If they are late, the situation is completely stabilized. They will not act blindly without thinking, Holy Crown City. Each Legion is spread all over the city, and they are impossible to escape as long as they are a little bit leaky.

Now, it is not too late or too late.

The atmosphere of the military camp was very calm. The soldiers of the hundreds of mountain Legion were silently cleaning up the bodies of the priests and believers. Because they were temporarily uninhabited, the camps were hollow and only two or three camps were lit.

Suddenly, a faint magic wave fluctuated, and a silhouette was extremely abrupt in the moonlight. He knew that he had stepped into the magic detection trap, his body immediately rushed forward, one rolled over, and the back leaned against the wall. The backhand took out the dagger and watched all around with vigilance. The black and white eyes were a little scared and a little embarrassed. It seemed to warn the enemies that might appear, dare to provoke me, I will fight with you!

All around Quietly, no one noticed him. For a moment, the silhouette sighed and slowly straightened up, near the window with the light, and listened carefully to the sound inside.

After listening for a while, he extended the hand and pushed the window gently. He couldn’t push it open. Then he probed the dagger a little from the gap in the window and swayed up and down.

Just then, a low voice sounded: “The window is not plugged in, and it can be pushed away with some effort.”

The silhouette stunned and reached out to test the surname’s push-pull window. This time he used a little more strength than he had just now. Sure enough, the window was pushed open.

The silhouette of the silhouette was bright, and he looked carefully through the window slit. Then he smelled a thick drink and hurriedly turned his head. He was seeing a strange bearded man standing behind him. He was scared. Jumping, immediately put the dagger across the chest and made a defensive posture.

“And you are such a stupid thief?” The bearded man said hihe: “Let you explore the road? tsk tsk … you are not qualified to explore the road!”

The silhouette of the right hand slammed out, the sharp dagger in the air, a streamer, straight to the throat of Gaobin, but this is just his fake action, used to confuse Gaobin, his body shape is also oblique Falling back.

Gaobin was completely motionless, letting the other party retreat to the distance, and slowly slapped the jug with a jug: “Little Joseph, come, reveal a face.”

The window was opened, and Joseph was half-headed inside, curiously looking outward.

The silhouette has been withdrawn more than 20 meters away, and then his figure has become blurred. At this moment, a light curtain passed by him, and a long blood mark appeared in his throat. The muscles on the side quickly open, like a smiling mouth, and blood rushes out like a fountain.

Chituk’s figure appeared out of thin air. He didn’t bother to look at the thief. He wiped the dagger on his body and took it back. Then he returned to the threw away with a magic scroll. The magic scroll turned into a dazzling brilliance. To the sky, and the silhouette shook and softly fell.

If the little Joseph is a piece of fresh meat, then the people who are hidden in the dark are a hungry wolf, they immediately start and rushed over here.

Sunier’s silhouette slowly rises from the roof. There are several Magician wearing magical robes and the same Legion badge behind her. A path of magic detection aura blooms around, and several thieves show their way in the aura. But they did not back down and continued to rush forward.

“First, let people explore the road, now it is the turn of the bait to play, but it is cautious, but…” Gaobin frowned, I don’t know what to think of.

In the distance, two Magician slowly ascended into the air. In a fierce magical fluctuation, several meteorites roared down, wrapped in a thick fire, and slammed into Sunier.

For real powerhouses, meteorites can hardly pose a threat, and it takes too long from the release of magic to the meteorite hitting the target. If it is a two-person showdown, the electrician Magician’s attack is the sharpest and the most difficult to parry. This is also the reason why the electric system is a sub-system magic, but it shines completely, completely covering the main magic, but when it comes to the big Legion battle, Fire attribute Magician is the undisputed mainstay. The key is the ability to continue to damage. The electric magic is released and disappears. The fire attribute of the group is enough to make the ground of the severe dozen li into purgatory.

At the foot of the house where Keeley and the others live, Sunier can’t hide. She opens the longbow, her body reclines, and the pointed finger towards the sky. If Han Jin is here, I will definitely remember a TV series that is familiar with the extreme.

The meteorite from the magic summon is much faster than ordinary meteorites. It takes at most seven or eight seconds to fall from the height of 100 meters, but these seconds are enough for Sunier to perform archery.

The meteorites exploded one after another, turning into pieces of stone rain that covered the square of the sun. The Magician behind Sunier hurriedly opened the magic enchantment to cover the falling gravel.

Gao Bin took off the longbow, and Lazily’s aiming at the distant Magician, the two Magician sights immediately released the magic shield, and then they sang the incantation again. The mental lock is also transferred to Gao Bin.

Gaobin’s mouth is smiling, his fingers are lightly loose, and the arrow flies away. He instantly flies over the distance of 100 meters and hits a magician magic shield. The magic shield that flashes Huaguang is like tofu. It is generally broken, and then the arrow has hit the Magician’s throat.

There was a huge force in the thin arrow, and the Magician’s neck was smashed, and a skull rolled away from the body, and the horror on his face was completely solidified. Another Magician saw his companion instantly being spiked, turn pale with fright, and the singer in his mouth stopped.

Gao Bin has already shot the second arrow. The Magician eye smashed into a black light that was approaching quickly. He wanted to dodge, but his reaction was slower than a black light, and he had not waited to make it. Action, the black light has shattered his magic shield and penetrated his chest.

Blood light Cleft, the magician’s chest on the appears a small barrel of thick holes, almost smashed his body into two, and then, two bodies of different shapes have fallen from the air, heavily on the ground.

The Hell Aster flowers, which are open everywhere, lack the ability to unify the intelligence of each place, because it is not their work, nor the enemy in front of them is the two powerhouses of the Spirit Spirit, which can unlock the mark of God. This conflict will not happen at all.

Countless burning gravels hit the magic enchantment, swaying round and round ripple, like the lake in the rain, the impact of this gravel is very small, can not destroy the magic shield.

When the rain fell, Chitke walked out of the magic enchantment and waved to the four thieves who rushed over.

The four thieves couldn’t judge the scope and timeliness of the magic detection aura, but they knew that Chitke was also a thief. Seeing that Qi Keke was standing there, he subconsciously thought that stealth could not produce results, they separated one. The companion rushed to Gaobin, and the other three circled Qiqi.

A stream of light suddenly illuminates in the night. One of the thieves is completely unprepared, and the streamer pierces the neck. Then the streamer stabs another thief. The thief finds that his companion is attacked and hurries to writh the body. The dagger, who should have stabbed him in the back, made a long blood mark on his waist. He had a painful scream, and he screamed and sneaked back.

Gibran’s figure shunned to one side, the dagger in his hand spun out the knife flower, then the dagger went from bottom to top, and the thief’s jaw was deeply pierced, and the thief’s mouth was so big that he could clearly see it. The cold light that flashed deep in his throat.

The last two thieves yelled and immediately moved closer together and released the Invisibility Technique, but their figure has just become blurred, a green light is falling among them, countless vines grow out from the ground, in a blink of an eye Putting their bodies around, Gibran walked over and easily cut off a thief’s throat. When he was preparing for another thief, the thief slammed back and smashed. The vines made a series of cracks. He had a fist-sized blood hole in his forehead, and his eyes became dim. Obviously he could not live.

All the night attackers were killed in more than 20 seconds, Sunier once again opened the longbow, Gaobin frowned, just wanted to speak, see Sunier slowly put the longbow down, he only Relaxed.

Next moment, Sunier has jumped from the roof and landed next to Gaobin.

“It is always necessary to stay a few, or else the clue will be broken.” Gao Bin whispered.

“I know.” Sunier’s tone was slightly dissatisfied: “Brother, don’t think so stupid!”

“hehe ……” Gao Bin smiled, then indulged for a moment, looked up at the night sky, and saw War God being shot at this place at high speed: “Go and tell Raphael, it’s good to give it to me, no need to take care of him. ”

“Brother…” Sunier reveals the expression of expression, dignified the top leader of Spirit Race, personally chasing a few Assassin, a little self-defeating, but she also knows that Gaobin is good for her.

“Don’t let go here.” Gao Bin whispered: “Otherwise, if they have other people, it will be a bad thing.”

“I will stay here.” Sunier replied.


When Hiller set foot on the long-lost War God, the sky was already bright, everyone was gathering on the deck for breakfast, the atmosphere was very warm, and Moxinke’s voice was the biggest. He brag about the mightyness of his last night, but I don’t know. His nightmare is coming, when Yalina and Guevera absorb the electrical elements in the ‘Magic Lab’, when he enters Hell.

“Hilster, come, sit here.” Han Jin greeted.

Hillester took a long breath and walked slowly to Han Jin. He set foot on the War God and gave him a feeling of being a two generations. He overestimated the madness of the Holy See and underestimated his weight. Han Jin’s relationship with Jedisi, he thought that Han Jin was too late to save him, but today, he has embarked on the War God.

If he has Guevera’s vision, this scorpion will not be so tormented, and he will never change his mind with Han Jin. It is said that compromise is an art, but Han Jin is just a pseudo-artist. If he is just a game, he can respect art. If he really touches his bottom line, he will trample his so-called art at his feet.

Going to Han Jin, Hillett squatted down seriously and then slowly sat down opposite Han Jin.

“How are you feeling?” Han Jin said with a slight smile. *

“Feeling…” Hillester sighed. “Very good, adult, I thought I couldn’t see you anymore.”

“I don’t have any confidence in me?” Han Jin brows.

“No, adults…” Hillist realized that he had made a mistake and hurriedly explained.

Han Jin smiled and waved his hand: “You have to rest for a few days, then say, um… just rest here.”

“Adult, I have enough rest.” Hillett said with a bitter smile: “It’s too sad to be bored, you still let me go back to the night of bliss!”

“Listen to Schumann, there is nothing to do on the night of bliss, just turn around and look at the books.”

“What does he know?” Hillester screamed: “If you just want to keep the status quo, of course it’s easy, but I want to make the business better and better!”

“The business of bliss night is good, and it has its own limit.” Han Jin thought for a moment: “Hilster, the matter is still under your control, but you have to pick another thing, you first Take a break and I will introduce you to you at noon.”



Hillett’s mouth twitched and stammered and asked, “Which one…Haulman?”

“The City of Cliffs is the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Howman.”

“What?” Hillester couldn’t control his emotions, and put his hands together: “No, no, adults, you still let others go!”

“What? What did Kirk tell me, saying that you hooked up with his granddaughter, but didn’t you succeed?” Han Jin indifferently said.

“Adults, you don’t know, they almost killed me at the time.” Hillester’s face turned white: “And they passed the words of Howman, if I dare to appear…”

“What about that? Do you think you were the former Hiller?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“Ah…” Hillester was stunned, yeah, he was no longer the prodigal son who had nothing to do but could only eat soft.

“Your courage is really small.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Change to me, I will have a pleasure to retaliate, and I will tell Howman with my eyes, I will appear, you can How is Laozi?!”

“But… it was me…” Hillester muttered to himself.

“Is it your loss?”

“Yeah.” Hillester stumbled down his head.

“Well, knowing that you are losing money, you can prove that you have not forgotten the roots of being a man.” Han Jin said: “However, you will owe less debts in the future, lest you die in a woman’s bed someday.”

“Adult, since I went to the night of bliss, I can’t go out again!” Hillester Road, his strength is very weak, there is no source of life in the city of Lonely, and he can only make money by his own “color” He didn’t want to do that if he had other choices, so after Chitke found him, he immediately turned to Han Jin.

“Don’t say this, the prisoner’s food will definitely not be good.” Han Jin laughed: “Eat, eat more.”

“Yes, adults.” Hillester stabilized his emotions and slowly picked up the knife and fork.

Suddenly, one hand was heavily photographed on Hillist’s shoulder. Cessacioun laughed at Hehe and said: “Hilster, long time no see, I heard that it was locked up? How? Nothing!”

“Fortunately, okay.” Hillett accompanied with said with a smile, and he was grateful to Cessacioun for his condolences.

Cessacioun point nodded, walked away, Hillett just picked up the knife and fork, and another hand suddenly shot on his shoulder, the strength of this hand is much larger than Cessacioun, the face of Hillester I planted it in the plate and turned to look at it. It turned out to be Lei Zhe.

“Hilster, long time no see, I heard that it was locked up? How? Nothing!” Lei Zhe asked with concern.

Hiller’s eyes were swept away, and he was seeing Moxinke looking at him with a bad intention over there. He couldn’t help but sigh in the bottom of his heart, and the brothers began to use this set to torture people! He didn’t take care of Lei Zhe and said directly to Moxinke: “Moxinke, come on, hurry up, I am really hungry!!”

Moxinke laughed twice, as if he didn’t hear Hillist. What did it mean in the past?

“It looks like you are more boring than Hillester!” Han Jin shook his head and said, “Cessacioun, find something for you.”

“what’s up?”

“You are my messenger, visit Dip City, and see the Lord of Maring.”

“I? Be the messenger?? Go to the horsepower lord?” Cessacioun stared wide-eyed: “Where am I?”

“why not?”

“Okay, Cessacioun!” Lei Zhe couldn’t help but ecstasy: “Raphael, Cessacioun has always been very smart, I believe he can definitely complete the task of Perfection!”

Cessacioun was a little wrong, and immediately understood the meaning of Lei Zhe. His sight was swept away from Lorraine in the distance. He couldn’t help but be evil. “Raphael, I have no experience at all. Do you have to find someone to help me?”

“help you?”

“Yeah.” Cessacioun forced nodded: “I need a deputy.”

“Who do you want to help you?”

“Lei Zhe !!” Cessacioun’s fingers almost slammed into Lei Zhe’s nose.

“I won’t go!” Lei Zhe was shocked.

“You have to go!” Cessacioun screamed in a tit for tat.

“So… I will accompany you?” Moxinke said weakly. He wanted to get rid of Hilna’s poisonous hand, but he was reluctant, so he was full of hesitation in his tone.

“Roll, no you!” Cessacioun angered.

“Moxinke has something else.” Han Jin hammered it: “Then you both go.”

“hehe ……” Cessacioun’s face is full of perish together happiness, while Lei Zhe is like prepare for there funeral, and sure enough, it is ok, but not too forgetful.

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