After withdrawing from the battlefield, several Legion of Holy Crown City were all bruised and bruised, but they also honed their paws and teeth in the bloody battle to deal with a group of unbelievable priests, and almost no effort was required. Han Jin issued an order to start. It’s still less than half an hour, and the chaos that has affected the entire city has subsided. In the square in front of the town hall, there are several military camps, two north-south and east-west main roads, and various sub-tracks. They are the bodies of priests and believers.

The priests were completely murdered, and they were smarter and desperate to escape to the seat of the Holy See. It was not only the pillar of their spirit but also their sanctuary.

However, hundreds of heavily armed, highly alert, bright Knights shattered the priests’ illusions, Amy and Yadunis, the old and the youngest, two St. Knight, coldly watching the crowd gathered from all directions, Let the priests plead pleading there, always motionless, and the bright Knights are behind them in rows of steel walls, and they are telling those priests who are eager to seek refuge in silent language.

The sound of the hooves came from afar, and the Knights of the Knights of the Rapids arrived. Their speed did not slow down. The Knight guns that fired exude a hearty cold glow under the moonlight, so there is no direction to the slightest hesitation. The priests who lost one’s head out of fear stabbed the past.

Here is the seat of the Holy See, replaced by other smart people, may consider carefully, is not to use such a fierce method?

Han Jin’s commanders of each Legion have their own defects, some of them are worse, some do not understand military affairs, but in the implementation of Han Jin command, they are more determined than one, Lang Ning and Yali Shanrui Special obedience to the military order is a vocation, and Winston and Saxon’s surnames have not disappeared. Han Jin is regarded as the boss. The boss is going to cut who is sure to slash in the dead. What if he cuts out the trouble? They won’t care about that many!

The bloody flowers bloomed, and the priests and believers were not stabbed by Knight, but they were washed down by the sturdy horses. Then they were trampled into a flesh by a screaming helpless struggle. mud.

The slaughter field is less than the thirty meters from the bright Knights. Watching the priests being slaughtered in front of their eyes, this has had a huge impact on the psychology of the bright Knights. I don’t know how many Knights hold the Knight gun tightly, but there is no Courage charge ahead to stop. Of course, this is also because they have not received orders. If Adunis is nodded, they have already charged ahead. Although the priests in front of them are doing something, they should be punished by the Holy See. Others have not interfered with the internal affairs of the Holy See. that power.

Some savage priests rushed to Amy and Adonis, but they ran halfway, and had been caught up by the Knights of the rapids Legion, one by one in a pool of blood, one of the fastest priests was approaching Amy Jie crossed the horse’s horse’s head. Just as he stretched out his arms and begged for Amy’s assistance, a Knight rushed up and smacked the Knight’s gun mercilessly. The splattered blood flower put Amy Jie. The boots were stained red.

A small incitement in the battle of Bright Knight, too much, is simply ignoring the existence of Amy Jie adults!

Amy’s face remained calm, not looking at the Knight who almost smashed him, only looked up and looked up at the sky.

The bright Knights suddenly felt a darkness in front of them, and a behemoth did not know when they came over them, blocking the bright moonlight and putting them in a shadow. Then, the rushing Legion’s rushing array stiffened. There were a lot of Knights who forced the horses to stand up and then erected their own Knight guns. The Knights usually used this movement to express their obedience and respect to the superiors.

A silhouette emerged from the rushing line of Legion and slowly approached the gate of the Holy See. When he saw the coming, Amy Jie made a sigh that was hard to detect by others, then slowly recovered the right arm and lifted the Knight gun on himself. side.

At the moment when the silhouette appeared, not only Amy Jie, but most of the bright Knights recognized the coming people. After the first conflict between Han Jin and Odd, in order to avoid a similar situation, Bright Knight and the bishops Do a lot of homework, at least to ensure that Han Jin can be recognized anytime, anywhere.

What’s more, the current Han Jin doesn’t want to cover up anything. Instead, he wears a dress, a tailored armor, and a heavy and invisible cloak. The most attractive thing is that Han Jin’s left arm exudes Huaguang. The Knight shield, the Knight shield is engraved with a bi-winged lion. In the rays of light, if you live, you can always throw it out from inside, and there is a pendant between Han Jin’s neck. A miniature version of the Angel statue hung from Han Jin’s chest, from which a hearty divine aura came out.

At the same time that Amy Jie erected the Knight gun, Adonis turned a little bit and stared deeply at Amy Jie, and Amy Jie did not seem to have touched the gaze of Adonis. His eyes were stunned, as if Looking at Han Jin, who is getting closer and closer, seems to have passed through the body of all people and through the city, and cast his gaze into nothingness.

In a few moments, Han Jin was less than ten meters from Amy and Adonis. Yaduni’s back was stretched with blue veins on his back, and his face was uncertain, as if he was struggling.

Only a few dozen bright Knights with Amy Jie erected the Knight gun. Most of the bright Knights were staring at the back of Adonis. At the beginning, Han Jin asked Amy Jie to lead a group of bright Knights along with the army. It was for Amy to establish his own prestige, but the plan did not change quickly. After the Dragon Field attacked the Holy See, the Knights immediately returned to the Holy See. Amy had no chance and no time to integrate his bright Knight.

Seeing Han Jin’s distance is getting closer and closer, such as the statue of Amy Jie suddenly moved, turned over headed towards Atunis, this old one less two St. Knight is very interesting, just now Yaduni is watching Amy Jie Amy Jie pretends to know nothing, and now it is silent to change to Adonis.

Finally, when the distance between the two sides narrowed to five meters, Adonis slowly erected the Knight gun, but his movements were very slow, as if the weight of the gun was hanging on the tip of the gun.

Han Jin did not look at Yadunis, nor did he look at Amy Jie, and walked directly between them.

Yadunis smiled and made a gesture, indicating that the bright Knights made a way. He didn’t care about Han Jin’s attitude toward him. He arrived here the first time after the chaos, of course, talking to the Holy See, and the entire Holy See except Jedith. In addition, only one person is qualified to talk to Han Jin.

The bright Knights let them go to the sides like water, and the cardinals behind them also gave way. From the main building of the Holy See to the gates, there are almost 100 meters. This road concentrates on the last elite power of the Holy See and the final inheritance. Han Jin has an illusion that he seems to have returned to the battlefield and confronted the Bimeng fighters who had fought back. He knew that as long as Adolf gave orders, the aggressors and madness released by these believers would never be worse than the orc warriors.

Han Jin’s body is not high, and there is no pretentious gesture when he walks. His footsteps are extremely light and light, light like a breeze, light like a passerby that can be ignored, but countless eyes are in one Staring at Han Jin with contempt, the eyes are full of awe, and every time Han Jin takes a step, the true believers feel a heavy heart.

Raphael, this young lord is not irritating!

This is the consensus of all believers, killing Blood Race’s distant ancestor Arquette, killing the Dragon City Elder Maxwell, reinventing St. Knight Ord, facing the siege of the Golden Blood family, and so on. How strong and decisive is this young man who is as sunny as the sun. Before Han Jin walked in, the believers always believed that the power of the cultivator Adolf must be above Han Jin and must be above Han Jin, so they don’t have to worry or fear, but now Han Jin reveals The kind of peaceful leisure, but their will has shaken, is it really ok? Can Adolf really contain this young man? If not, the chaos of the priests has caused great trouble, who will bear the terrifying anger? !

For a moment, Han Jin has already walked to the front of the main building. A few bright Knights in front of the door reveal a stunned color. They are not afraid of being hit by Han Jin like St. Knight Odd. Even if they are dead, they are not afraid. However, the contradictions are so sharp now. They may make some radical actions and they may make a fuss. Can’t be cleaned up.

If everyone can be responsible for their own actions and will not be involved in other things, the place where Han Jin has traveled has long since been ruined, because believers believe that Han Jin is coming to Adolf to settle accounts, but they cannot give supreme Supreme. The beliefs bring the harm of destroying the surname, compared with the inheritance of the Holy See, not only their lives, but also the life of the cultivator Adolf can be neglected.

Before several bright Knights reacted, Han Jin had slowly stepped onto the steps and gently pushed the door open.

The stars in the door are fascinating. The moonlight of the water blew down. In the battle of the Dragonfield attacking the Holy See, the roof of the main building collapsed almost completely. The slate that should have been smooth as a mirror was covered with dust, and there were countless large and small. Bricks, thick and thin beams, a mess, the giant statue of Angel Alpha in the center was also severely destroyed, and several pairs of wings became incomplete, leaving only half of the head.

I don’t know if it is the reason for the funds, or did not make any effort, the main building has not been repaired, or, Adolf deliberately saved this place as it is to warn future generations?

A thin back is standing in front of the collapsed main seat, looking up at the sky, like the attraction of the stars, far more than the uninvited guest behind him.

Han Jin walked slowly through the broken rubble, walked to the back of the back, raised his head, looked toward the starry sky, and the eyes of the two people flashed in unison.

The Half-God Level powerhouse is already the most powerful presence of the continent. Any two Half-God Level powerhouses will be a big book, but the parties have no such awareness. A smart wind, like a silent, waveless water, seems to be invisible to each other.

I don’t know how long it took, Han Jin laughed, slowly retracting the line of sight from the stars. At this moment, the statue not far from the front attracted his attention. He walked over and carved a line on the base of the statue. The previous sentence was ruined half, as if it was engraved from somewhere, but the latter sentence is very clear and goes to eternity!

“I like this sentence.” Han Jin indifferently said that his fingertips crossed a little bit on the line of characters, a slight burst of sound, and hard stones at Han Jin’s fingertips turned into a stock. The scattered smoke, soon, the line of characters was completely erased.

This is a provocation!

I like it, so others can’t like it? Or, I like it, so others don’t like it? Or, is the right Angel Alpha unworthy? Angel Angel, who is the head of Angel, why not? Because he is just a shit or something else? Han Jin’s movements are simple, but the meaning is indistinguishable. However, he obviously does not care what Adolf would think.

Adolf’s gaze shifted a little. He didn’t stop Han Jin’s rude action, just staring quietly at Han Jin’s back.

Han Jin’s fingertips suddenly stopped there, his heart was touched by an inexplicable thing, eternal… The original impulsive power of repairing, from the reluctance and attachment to life, but the reluctance and attachment is obviously not ‘eternal’ The meaning is profound, is it just to have an endless life? Han Jin’s thoughts exploded at this moment, and countless thoughts poured into his mind. Why? Why is the flesh carrying thoughts so fragile? ! Old and sick, earthquakes, landslides, floods, storms, and the killings and persecutions between the same kind, all kinds of natural disasters [***], can easily let a flower of even countless lives fade, even if there are thousands Joy, but how shallow moisturizing can be compared to suffering!

Han Jin seems to have caught something, and it seems to be a mystery. His figure is stale, like another statue, reflecting the image of Angel Alpha.

The light in Adolf’s eyes gradually dimmed, then he slowly closed his eyes: “Do you think… have you won?”

“I don’t want to do anything to the Holy See, so I can’t talk about winning or losing.” Han Jin wakes up, he takes back his fingertips, faintly replied.

“Yeah… why do you have to work so hard?” Adolf’s eyes were still closed, but he was too old, his brows and eyelashes almost fell, and his face and forehead were covered with a path of deep wrinkles. If someone cuts a lot of knives on his face, as a result, his closed eyes disappear in a path of wrinkles, making it impossible to accurately judge the position of his eyes. This scene is strange to the extreme, if you talk to him. It’s not Han Jin, but an ordinary girl, who is likely to be scared and sifted.

“I don’t feel very hard.” Han Jin laughed, it is stupid to deny Adolf’s actions in front of Adolf, not only to look down on Adolf, but also to look down on himself.

“Accurately, most of the people who died tonight are Holy Crown City. The same thing happened several times. The prosperous Holy Crown City is in your hands.” Adolf slowly said: “You really don’t regret it.” ?”

“If you can control your ambitions, it is worth paying a price.” Han Jin’s eyes were full of fun, and fell a little on Adolf’s bare feet. He heard Solomon say that Adolf had the boots of the saints. Is this the reason why Adolf always plays barefoot?

“The ambition? Hehe…” Adolf couldn’t help but whispered: “So, is it better to be thorough?”

Han Jin was asked. He knew Adolf’s meaning. Of course, there is no ambition for a dead person. The problem is that he does not want to completely face the Holy See. In the process of his struggle against the Abyss World, in the process of his expansion, They all need the help of the Holy See, and he appreciates Jedice. It is a heartfelt appreciation. It is a tragedy to hurt such a pure person, a pure believer, a jealousy or being hurt.

“I know, you gave Amy Jie some magical magic scrolls, so that he can improve his strength faster.” Adolf said softly.

“Yeah.” Han Jin screamed.

“You have also helped Jedice, and today it is so big, you not at all completely ruin the meaning of the Holy See, that is, you need help, need a more powerful Holy See?” Adolf gave a low laugh : “So, it is not me who is ambitious, it is you…”

“I?” Han Jin shrugged: “You still don’t know me, I am not interested in power.”

“You are deliberately confusing my problem. For you, a moderately powerful Holy See is a suitable weapon.” Adolf slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear and bright, he looked young, and even said Full of innocence, in stark contrast to his skin: “Otherwise, why don’t you give the magic scroll to Adonis and Ord?”

“Because I see Amy Jie is very pleasing to the eye.” Han Jin said with a smile: “My things, who I want to give to whom, this is not right?”

“Your voice… It sounds like a little child is mad.” Adolf whispered: “And if you really don’t care about power, why must you reject the glory of God?”

“I like to dominate myself. This is my habit.”

“This is not a good habit. A person without faith is terrifying. Do you know? You are neighboring the devil.” Adolf said with a slight smile.

“Sometimes, the paranoid belief is more terrifying than the devil.” Han Jin faintly replied: “For example, the former pope, Tuya!”

“What belief does he have?” Adolf said in a sardonic tone: “He is like you, only desire in his heart!”

“Resolutely to spread the glory of God throughout the continent, isn’t this a desire?” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “In fact, living under the glory of God does not seem to be so beautiful in the doctrine. ”

Adolf was silent for a moment: “That is because the will of God is to be done by man.”

“You mean…” Han Jin paused, laughing loudly: “It’s always because of improper use, so there will be problems. It has nothing to do with God. God is never wrong. Is it just people?”

Adolf did not answer, but his eyes gradually became awkward.

“Lord Adolf, as the owner of the Holy Crystal, you should know, where is your strength?” Han Jin’s mouth is full of free and easy smiles, but his eyes are sharp as a knife: “And, aloof and remote gods, really Do you only know the charity, but don’t ask for a return?!”

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