After a lot of effort, it was finally settled by Jeddis. After Jeddy gradually fell asleep, Han Jin and Gail returned to the deck and smiled with the Guevera trio.

“How much did he drink?” Han Jin asked.

Guevera did a drink and then stretched out two fingers.

“Two cups?” Han Jin stared at the wine glasses left by Jeddes, for a blush with shame. The wines here are not very high. It is estimated that the two glasses of wine are not comparable to half a bottle of beer, so that the dignified generation can teach It’s a lot of self-control, it’s really a little don’t know whether to cry or laugh, don’t say the men on the War God, even Yalina, Lorraine, or even Molien, can drink a few cups. .

“I didn’t expect Jedice’s wine to be so bad. If I drink more, I say that there is no self-control.” Gail’s director said with a bitter smile: “I can’t let him drink in the future!”

Han Jin and Guevera are nodded again and again, saying that they are not afraid of it. It is a lie. Faced with the out of control Jedisi, the tube can’t control it, and it can’t be beaten. It is a headache.

“Gailber, did Jessie have just lied?” A crisp voice came.

“This…” Gail’s general manager glanced at it. Roland was flashing a pair of smart eyes and staring at him.

“Since he didn’t lie, how can you blame his character?” Lorraine’s crisp voice rang again: “You should apologize to him.”

The Gail manager is stunned and ridiculous! Want to rebel? ! He and Spencer are old friends. It can be said that he grew up watching Lorraine. How can he be so rude to his elders? !

“Lorraine, what’s wrong with you?!” Resley was in a hurry and extended the hand to go to Lorraine.

Everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Lorraine, including Han Jin and Guevera. Yalina also went to Lorraine and asked strangely: “Lorraine, you…”

Under the pressure of the eyes of all, Lorraine was slightly panicked and somewhat ashamed, lowered his head and avoided the gaze of Gail.

“Lorraine, are you drinking too much?” Han Jin snorted and said, “Resley, you send Lorraine below, pay attention to rest…” He can’t always watch everyone stiff here. The Gaelic chief suddenly suffered a rebuttal. He could neither vent his anger at Lorraine nor really admit his mistake. He had to wait for someone else to send a step.

“Yeah, yeah.” Resley looked like a chicken glutinous rice, then stretched out her tongue, accompanied by said with a smile: “Gail, unfortunate.” After that, she forced her From Loland, he quickly walked down. Lorraine began to resist, but she also understood that it was too rash. It was the best way to get rid of it by Resley. The surname was no longer resisted. Let Resley drag her down the stairs.

“Don’t be angry.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Let’s have a few drinks to go? Rest assured, my drink is much better than Jeddes.”

“Well, Gail Uncle!” Yalina smiled and greeted her, and intimately took the arm of Gail.

Gail’s general manager was depressed and spit out a long breath. In fact, he would not lower oneself to somebody’s level with the young man. As a senior, this measure he still has, even if he is really angry, he would rather go to Spencer. The trouble of the degree will not be directed at Lorraine. However, my heart is always uncomfortable. What is going on? Because he was unmarried in his life, he turned his friends’ children into his own children. Not only were the three brothers sisters Jared, Edison and Yalina taken care of by Gail, but they were the same. How come suddenly he was born with him?

Han Jin, Gail, Guevera, and Yalina are sitting at a table, young people try to spread out without notice. Don’t look at Moxinke and the others, dare to make a joke with Han Jin, and even dare to blame Han Jin, but In front of Guevera and Gail, they are always honest, at least not rude. At this moment, they know that Gail’s mood is not good, and of course they will not come up.

Yalina personally poured wine for three people. Gail took a few drinks. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, the brain was alive and aware of something, and his heart could not help but feel a sense of horror. When he looked up, he was watching. To Han Jin and Guevera, they kept gazing at each other.

“What are you doing?” Gael’s manager frowned.

“All said, what do you think is the biggest advantage of Jeddes?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“I am upright, bright and open, I can’t compare with him, Raphael, you can’t do it.” Guevera sighed: “And you, the dark left hand, you can’t compare.”

“Yeah, he is an idealist. He firmly believes that the darkness will be expelled. He firmly believes that people will stop killing each other and welcome peace. His beliefs have a sorrowful and gentle charm that people can not know. Unconsciously infected, don’t talk to others, even I like him very much.” Han Jin said: “And he is just over thirty, although not very big, but his experience is rich enough, mature, vicissitudes… It is a deadly temptation!”

“Raphael, what do you want to say?” asked Gail’s general manager, and his sense of horror grew stronger and stronger. He thought it was just his personal illusion, but listening to Han Jin’s words, the two people’s views seemed to coincide.

“I saw the shadow of Sunier on her.” Guevera indifferently said: “When I satirized you, Sunier’s reaction was equally fierce.”

“You guys… look like this too?” Gail kept a moment and suddenly jumped up: “This can’t be done! This is definitely not!!”

“But…” Guevera murmured.

“Guevera, Jeddis is the Pope! You don’t understand what it means?!” Gail manager took a long and deep breath: “I have to go to Lorraine to talk.”

“Lorra…Jedice?” Yalina only understood this time, surprised Zhang Dazui: “God! When did this happen?”

“It didn’t happen at all.” Han Jin shook his head. “Loland is just a little bit like Jedish. That’s all. Just after she stood up, she regretted it and didn’t see her look?”

“Raphael makes sense. We are just guessing, Gail, are you going to Lorraine? Have you thought about it, what did you say to her?” Guevera said.

“The child of this age has a strong rebellious mentality. If you don’t say it, maybe things will fade down. You say… but it may have the effect of fueling it.” Han Jin continued.

“child?” Yalina smiled again and grinned. “How old do you think you are?”

At this moment, Schumann looked suspiciously, whispered: “Adult, I…” According to the plan, he should continue to denounce the atrocities of the priests, then Han Jin angered the crown, and then everything happened, Can things get to the point where they are now, is it necessary to continue acting?

“You go back first, and send more people to stare at the point, always pay attention to the movements over there.” Han Jin slowly said.

“Understood, adults.” Schumann bent over and slid to the hanging ladder. Jeddy had already exposed him and Han Jin’s plan. This was undoubtedly giving him a slap in the face. There is a feeling of being stabbed by the spine, and of course the heart will not be comfortable.

Schumann came over and interrupted their conversation. Gail had a little buffer time and his mood gradually calmed down. Han Jin and Guevera made sense. The truth is still uncertain. He is now rushing to find Lorraine, telling Lorraine how can’t be, how funny it is, and the impact on Lorraine is not good, or wait a while, and he is staring here, nothing will happen.

Han Jin also did not mention how to suppress the believers. In this internal conflict, he must maintain a glorious image and let everyone believe that he is just, but he was so disturbed by Jedice. He really can’t say anything. At least, talk to Jessie after waking up and make a decision.

For a moment, the uneasy Gail manager left, and there were only three of them left at the table. Yalina suddenly sneaked into Han Jin’s ear and said, “Yes, I forgot to tell you, Branchi walked. It is.”

“Blanchi is gone? Where did she go?” Han Jin glanced.

“I don’t know, it seems… I am going to find that St. Knight.” Yalina is not sure.

Han Jin indulged for a moment: “They haven’t seen each other for a long time, don’t bother them, give them some freedom.”

Yalina’s eyes couldn’t help but float to the side of the Holy Crown City. The roll of smoke was still very thick. Obviously, the fire was not at all. She worried and asked, “What will happen? Now The city is so messy…”

“No, as St. Knight, can’t even protect my wife?” Han Jin said.

“Oh…” Yalina turned his eyes and whispered, “What about Sunier elder sister? Where have you been? Didn’t come back one night, you… wouldn’t it be a fight?”

Guevera coughed and stood up and walked toward the ship’s side. Yalina’s face suddenly appeared a blush, and she knew that Guevera was forced away because she and Han Jin looked too sloppy.

“No, do you think we are small children, quarreling?” Han Jin smiled: “It must be the two big mouths of Cessacioun and Lei Zhe, telling Sunier about my plan.”

“What plan?” Yalina asked in surprise.

“Those who attacked Keeley are very courageous and they won’t give up easily.” Han Jin slowly said: “When I left yesterday, I asked Chitke to spread the news of Keeley’s hiding in the army. Sunier was worried. Keeley’s security, so I just stayed behind to take care of Keeley.” Speaking of this, Han Jin raised a deep warmth, the former Sunier is like this, did it again, or did not say if there is no Sunier With the help, he absolutely can’t go today.

“That… I went to the Sunier elder sister, okay?” Yalina whispered: “I can help you too!”

“You can’t afford them too much.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Let an elf and a magister who opened the mark of God to shoot?”

“But I have nothing to do, it’s boring!”

“When I left in the morning, you have gone to the magic lab to meditate. It’s so hard, really boring?” Han Jin said with a smile : “Well, Yalina, I know you want to help me, but this one Things… There is enough Sunier, and you didn’t find it? Gaobin also disappeared.”

“Yeah.” Yalina looked around. She didn’t see Gaobin in a day. If Gaobin and Sunier were together, even if they suffered an unexpected attack, they should be able to support Han Jin.

At this time, several people from Moxinke came together and started their movements very slowly. When they arrived, Moxinke and Lei Zhe suddenly speeded up and seized their seats respectively. Cessacioun’s movement slowed down and waited for him to react. Come over, Moxinke and Lei Zhe are already sitting there.

“Your energy… is too strong.” Han Jin shook his head. What are the two chairs to grab? However, after thinking about it, these three boys have almost nothing to do except cultivation. They can only enjoy music in boring play, and they can’t blame them.

“Raphael, ask you something.” Moxinke said hehe.

“You say it.”

“Jedice said… is it true?” I just started to hear the priests besieging the lord’s house, and they felt extraordinarily angry. In the blink of an eye, they were dismantled by Jeddes. It turned out that everything was Han Jin’s trap, strong. The gap made them feel a disheartened feeling, but they still only believe in Han Jin, so they want to get an explanation in Han Jin.

“You mean those priests?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.


Han Jin was silent for a moment and said: “It is true.”

Moxinke sighed and scratched his head: “But…Raphael, if you want to teach them, just learn the lesson, why bother?”

“Too complicated, one sentence can’t be said.” Han Jin paused: “For example, I want to hit you now, you are generally refuse to accept?”

“Why do you want to hit me?” Moxinke narrowed his eyes. Although he did not answer directly, the answer was already obvious.

“So, then.” Han Jin grabbed Moxinke’s hand and reached for Lei Zhe.

Han Jin was meant to be touched by Lei Zhe. Even if Moxinke understood the intention of Han Jin, he secretly made some effort and sneaked on Lei Zhe. Lei Zhe was completely unprepared. Almost fell from the chair, he rushed to extend the hand, grabbed the table, and said: “Moxinke, what are you doing?!”

Moxinke smiled and said that he was referring to Han Jin. The meaning is obvious. Han Jin is holding his hand and has nothing to do with him.

Han Jin was speechless and coughed: “Now, Lei Zhe is my friend, do you dare to beat him? So I want to hit you, you refuse refuse to accept?”

“But I am also your friend!” Moxinke called.

噗chi… Yalina couldn’t help but laugh, and Han Jin’s facial expression was a bit stiff.

“Moxinke, are you really stupid or stupid?” Cessacioun said: “I don’t even understand this?”

“You are smart? Can you compare Raphael?” Moxinke laughed at hehe and said, “Let me say, we are over asking Raphael. He just made up his mind. Raphael, don’t blame me, they are two, not To figure out the inside story! Um… Yes, they just said that, insider!”

Cessacioun just wants to fight back, Han Jin waved: “I see it, you guys are very bored, are you? You should find something for you.”

“Let’s do what we do?” Moxinke showed a happy look.

“You will know when you get there.” Han Jin said: “Well, what to do, don’t bother me.”

Time passed quickly, and when I went to dinner, it was the time of the most concentrated and lively time on the boat. Suddenly, an invisible wave spread from the stairs and swept through the audience. Without him, Jeddis came out.

Everyone is watching Jedice. Everyone’s eyes are more or less weird, and Jedice’s face is very calm. He looks around and walks to the table of Han Jin. Yalina also wants to sit in Han. Jin, seeing that Jeddy took the lead, turned halfway to the tables of Resley and Lorraine.

“What happened?” Jeddy asked as he sat down and said, “Why do you look at me with that look?”

Guevera and Gail did not have time to answer, and they hurriedly removed all the hip flasks, wine glasses, etc., but the table was so big that it seemed to be unsafe, and they simply threw everything in the hand on the floor.

“You don’t remember?” Han Jin asked in amazement.

“Remember what?” Jeddy asked in the same way with horror.

Han Jin and Guevera and the others look at each other in dismay, drinking can also drink people to the point of amnesia?

“Do you still remember how you got to the War God?”


“and then?”

“And then…” Jedith’s brow wrinkled slightly, as if thinking about something, half-squatting and shook his head: “Some can’t remember.”

Guevera and Gael’s manager almost fell forever, because Jeddy never lie, he said that he couldn’t remember, it must be really hard to remember, but it’s too funny to knock down Jedice. Such a powerhouse would have only needed a few glasses of wine.

At this moment, there was a faintly sharp voice: “Adult, not good… not good…”

As long as you have seen the Jessian lost self-control, dumbstruck, that is the voice of Schumann, how come again? Back in time? !

Kane’s position was closest to the ship’s side, and he immediately released the float, flew out of the deck, sank, and only a few moments, he took Schumann back to the deck, and surprisingly, Schumann’s robe There were many breaks and many bloodstains. I don’t know if it was his or someone else. After seeing Han Jin, Schumann couldn’t wait to scream: “Out of control… Adults! Those priests are completely out of control!” !”

“Out of control? What is going on?” Han Jin raises the long body.

Schumann’s took a long and deep breath, let his own rapid breathing as smooth as possible, and then use a crying voice: “Adult, you bring the soldiers into the city, or it will be too late!!”

Han Jin paused, the sudden burst of cold glow in the eyes, Schumann did not say what happened, directly made a request, obviously things have reached a critical situation, he could not help look at Jedisi, since it is to bring troops into the city, definitely must and The priests have a conflict.

“I am not a pope anymore.” Jeddes whispered.

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