“This is not a use.” Han Jin shrugged, “I just want to solve those surnamed flies that have their last name.”

Lei Zhe didn’t say anything after thinking about it, but when he left, he couldn’t help but look back and looked into the direction of the barracks.

Han Jin looked in his eyes and couldn’t help but chuckle. “What? You won’t be worried that I can’t protect them?”

Lei Zhe’s face passed a trace of twilight and quickly argued, “I haven’t said that…”

“Well, you don’t explain, there is Raphael, what are you worried about?” Cessacioun said on the side. “Let’s go back, there is an influential figure waiting on board.”

“What influential figure?” Lei Zhe asked strangely.

“Haulman, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, don’t tell me you haven’t heard of him.”

“When did he become an influential figure?” Lei Zhe is even more strange. If it was a few years ago, Howman was really an influential figure for Lei Zhe. But now who is talking to Lei Zhe about which city’s lord or celebrity, Lei Zhe will only say a word to that person: Dude, when you have been to the War God, you know who is the real influential figure. It is.

The War God is indeed a good place to at least open up the vision of Lei Zhe. The lord of a city is only one at best, and the number of powerhouses visited by War God can already be calculated using the group.

At this time, Han Jin, who had been walking in front of the two, turned back and said with a smile. “Lei Zhe, Holman is not a simple character. He is the innocent king of the lonely city, not only controls the Chamber of Commerce, but also Controlling the mercenary guild is only a low-key person, so many people don’t know his ability that’s all.”

Cessacioun said with a fluttering voice, “You are much more stupid than I thought, even this can’t be seen?”

Lei Zhe’s face was a bit stiff, and he was about to fight back against Cessacioun, but was interrupted by Chik, who was laughing.

“Adult, we will not give away.” Chitke said, a look like a smile yet not a smile in the eyes of Lei Zhe, exceptionally depressed.

“What’s the best thing to send.” Han Jin waved freely and took Lei Zhe and Cessacioun to the direction of War God.

Once something starts, it is very difficult to end. The back of the Han Jin trio has disappeared into the vision of Chitike and the others, but the quarrel continues.

“Cessacioun, even if Harman is the innocent king of the lonely city, can he compare with the high guest? Can it compare with the Xia Zuo of the Dragon Field? Compared with them, what is the integral figure of Haoman!” Looks like Lei Zhe doesn’t want to give up this topic easily, has gone far, and still blames unyielding.

Cessacioun’s exaggerated look up to sky and heave a deep sigh, “Lei Zhe, beg you, don’t say a few words, don’t let me put you and Moxinke equal.”

Han Jin almost laughed when he heard it, and Cessacioun said that it was really level.

Lei Zhe is angry with gnashing teeth, but can’t find the corresponding words to greet Cessacioun.

Han Jin smiled and said to Lei Zhe: “Where did the Magic Crystal guns on the War God come from, Lei Zhe, don’t you know?”

“What about that? It’s just a businessman.” Although Lei Zhe has always rejected the army that took over Father, the military-oriented view of the soldiers in the bones has been ingrained, even if you have more money, as long as I have the strength, then Yours is likely to become mine. In this confusing continent, with superb strength, it can be rampant, which is believed by many people.

Han Jin is sighed in the heart and knows that it is difficult to change the concept of Lei Zhe. Perhaps the reason why Lei Zhe’s father gave the army to Ronning was because he knew that Lei Zhe might be a qualified Assassin, but But definitely can not become a good commander.

“Haulman this person is not simple. He sent us the most needed things at the most critical time. There are no Magic Crystal guns. Although we don’t necessarily lose, we can be sure that winning will be very hard. The number of casualties will never be the same as it is now, including the rapids of Legion. Even if only one person is killed, I think we all have reasons to be grateful to him.”

Listening to Han Jin, Lei Zhe is also a bit moved. From this point of view, he really should be grateful to Howman.

Cessacioun escaped when Lei Zhe was angry. At this time, seeing Lei Zhe’s emotions was not so exciting, he came over again. “Haulman has money, and we are short of money. This is the case, so I Say he is an influential figure.”

Lei Zhe disdain curl one’s lip, “Is it worthwhile? That accorded to what you said, the lords of each city should be businessmen.”

Han Jin shook the head, “The rich may not be eligible to become the lord, but as the lord, there is no money but it is absolutely impossible.”

This time, even Cessacioun didn’t stand on the side of Han Jin. He said, “Isn’t that serious as you said? Actually, I feel that Raphael, you just have to say something, you want what Holman will not oppose, just I think that is not so good, or should give him some benefits.”

“Yes.” Lei Zhe was also helping. “You are the lord. I don’t believe him. A little Chamber of Commerce will dare to reject you.”

Looking at the two people who are plausible in front of him, Han Jin has some weird feelings. If Moxinke is present, then Lei Zhe and Cessacioun will definitely join forces to bully Moxinke, and when Moxinke is not there, they often bicker, and now, Actually, they united to refute themselves… However, I really enjoyed this feeling. Only when I was with my true friends could I get it. It was a kind of warmth, a kind of tacit understanding, and an unspeakable feeling.

Like Qi Qike, who is respectful to Han Jin, he can only be a subordinate. Once the seeds of awe are sowed in the heart, they will grow with the growth of Han Jin.

“Why must we force it to be strong? Is cooperation better? A war is going to be done. What is needed is not just the soldiers, weapons, armor and so on? From the human race, why do you want to expand? It is because they are poor, they will only plunder and not produce.” Han Jin explained as much as possible with simple statements, and can’t always tell them what is economic warfare?

Cessacioun and Lei Zhe are actually not stupid. After frowning for a moment, they understand the meaning of Han Jin’s words. There is a strong Chamber of Commerce support, and many material problems will be solved. However, the practice of many lords on the mainland is to obtain directly from the Chamber of Commerce, and these lords are also a natural way, I have protected your security, so you have the obligation to give me some property. Not giving? That’s great, the Chamber of Commerce is likely to become history, and the entire property of the Chamber of Commerce is naturally owned by the lord.

In fact, it is a very simple truth. Although the wool is on the sheep, there is absolutely no need to kill the sheep for the wool. I can’t even ask for a request, but a naked plunder.

In contrast, looting is clearly the lowest level, although it is the idea of ​​a mercenary Chamber of Commerce, but obviously, the cooperation of Han Jin not only makes Chamber of Commerce profitable, but more importantly The respect that Holman should have.

After thinking about this, Cessacioun and Lei Zhe no longer have any objections, and the topic has been transferred to other aspects. So he said that he has been walking under the War God.

Han Jin jumped onto the deck with a slight leap, and Cessacioun and Lei Zhe couldn’t do it. They could only climb up after the ramp was lowered.

“Right.” Lei Zhe suddenly remembered something and turned to ask Cessacioun. “Raphael is interested in that guy and is still in love. What are you following?”

“Because he has money.” Cessacioun’s answer was concise.

“Do you have so much money?”

“It’s useless to talk to you. You don’t even know how much money you need to build a perfect magic lab.” Cessacioun sighed.

“What do you want the lab to do? Is Yalina not lending her lab to you?” Lei Zhe asked strangely.

Cessacioun turned his head and stared at Lei Zhe. After a while, he was indifferently said, “How long can I borrow? Borrow a lifetime?”

Lei Zhe opened his mouth and couldn’t say anything. Cessacioun said yes, if anyone can own it, who would be willing to borrow?

On the deck, Howman and Guevera were sitting there chatting, seeing Han Jin coming up, Guevera smiled and waved, and Hausmann stood up and put on a respectful gesture, despite the performance of Han Jin. It has always been easygoing, but Howman is cautious all his life, naturally not willing to drop the handle on the etiquette.

Han Jin smiled and walked over, but when he got to the middle of the road, he paused. The slightly unrecognized frowned, even if nothing happened, went to the table and sat down.

With the deep benefits of Han Jin, the sensitivity of the senses has also made a qualitative leap. Although the distance is not close, the conversation between Cessacioun and Lei Zhe is still in the ears of Han Jin.

It seems… I really ignore the feelings of my friends. From the words of Cessacioun, Han Jin can hear the helplessness. It is not that Cessacioun does not work hard, but that some things can be successful without hard work. Especially the career of Magician is completely a career of burning money. For example, Yalina, without the support of the Grand Duke of Solomon, even if her innate talent is no better, it will definitely not reach the current height.

Of course, the most burning money is Han Jin, and the extravagant Magician will not take Magic Crystal for dinner. So from this point of view, Han Jin understands Cessacioun very much, and there are some apologies in my heart. Maybe… let Cessacioun enter the room… Han Jin thinks about his heart and smiles and says to Hausmann. “You shouldn’t be so polite. If you don’t say anything else, just because of your friendship with Mr. Guevera, it should be that I respect this Junior.”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.” Howman smiled his eyes and stunned. Whether Han Jin’s words were true or not, at least he had already taken him to a height. On the War God, Howard knows what Guevera has. Han Jin calls Guevera a gentleman, but there are no false elements. Han Jin is like a lord. Who would dare to disrespect Guevera? And Guevera’s personality is still very admirable. Otherwise, characters like thunderbolt Titando Minnie will not be respected by Guevera.

“Mr. Holman, I have long wanted to say something to you.” Han Jin put away a smile and solemnly said, “Thank you.”

“Raphael Lord, you are so polite, just like what you just said, just because of my friendship with Guevera, these little things are simply not enough.” Haulman is full of modesty, but his heart is somewhat proud, his own There is nothing wrong with it. It has long been thought that Han Jin is not a thing in the pool, but Han Jin can develop to such a huge degree today that it was unexpected for Hao Man. Otherwise, he will definitely increase his investment.

“It may be insignificant for you, but for me, it is an important thing. You must have a long way to go?” Han Jin’s tone is sincere.

When Holman just wanted to speak, he suddenly found out that his original good words were somewhat unsuitable. Because Han Jin has already mentioned his terms with him and Guevera, and it is unbelievable for a lord to take pride in himself. Before he came, Howman might have thought of it. It could be the case at the moment, so that Hausmann was completely unprepared and didn’t know what to say. Some of the conditions that I wanted to raise were obviously incompatible with the atmosphere at hand. As an elder, how can I open my mouth and talk to my Junior about such conditions? And after this Junior expressed his sincere gratitude?

Yes, Han Jin said that he would do something for him. The problem at hand is how to open, the less demanding, the less demanding, the more demanding, the need for Han Jin to say, the lone city’s mercenaries can kill him, this is not a 挟恩图Report it?

In the life of the Holman immersion silver shopping mall, in front of Han Jin, it became helpless and retreats. Because the atmosphere looks harmonious, but the two sides are not equal, Han Jin has already reached the alliance with Spirit Race and destroyed the human race. There was no difference for a moment, so Howman’s heart was a little bit afraid and a little nervous. This has nothing to do with Howman’s experience. The weak ones will instinctively feel inferior when faced with high-end power. Howman’s heart rises inexplicably. Single thought Head, am I really old?

Seeing that Holman was there, he didn’t talk for a long time, and Han Jin couldn’t help but ask, “What happened to you?”

“Nothing.” Howman shook his head with a wry smile, only to feel an unspeakable exhaustion filled the whole body.

In fact, in this matter, Howman smashed Han Jin, although Han Jin can’t be considered a kind-hearted person, but the thing that will be enemies will never be done, not to mention Han Jin to Howman’s offer. The help of timely help, Guevera is sitting there alone, Han Jin will definitely give Haoman enough face, even if Hausman puts forward some excessive demands, he will accept.

The words that Han Jin said are all from the heart. If you let him know the inner thoughts of Harman at this moment, he will definitely know what to cry or laugh.

Seeing that Holman was not very interested, Han Jin hesitated, but said, “Mr. Holman, I have an idea, don’t know what your opinion is?”

Howlman reluctantly raised his interest and asked, “Let’s talk about it.”

“Mr. Holman.” Han Jin carefully considered the following statement, slowly said, “The war in this area has been constant, Dismark, Zaganide and Wild Willow City, Dip City, often attack each other, against the Cliff City of Chamber of Commerce’s business poses a threat, but now, I mean, to open a trade route between the city of the city and the Holy Crown City. On this road, we will set up a station at every section of the road. To protect the caravan from being harassed. Of course, given your continued support, your Chamber of Commerce will have ownership of one third. And I think this road can even lead to Beitman. And Wild Willow City, I believe that Gao Bin will not object.”

what? ! This news shocked Holman, this is a piece of golden light shiny pie falling from the sky, and also accurately tied to himself. From the moment before the cutting off one’s means of retreat to the immediate surprise, Howman couldn’t adapt to such a huge change. Before he even said something, he was stunned by his own saliva and coughed up sharply.

This time, even Guevera couldn’t stand it anymore. He couldn’t help but say, “How old are you getting better and better? Isn’t it a business road, as you are excited?”

Howlman coughed his tears and came out. He finally sighed and swayed at Guevera. “You don’t understand.” In this chaotic era, the most feared business people did not make a loss business, but Suffering from looting, local lords are embarrassed to open their hands, but there are many ways to clean up Chamber of Commerce, for example, to disguise soldiers as thieves, or to kill a prisoner and throw it into a hotel where Chamber of Commerce stays, in the name of public security. It’s not difficult, the power is in the hands of others, the man is a knife, I am a fish, and I can’t resist at all. So the huge Morgan Business Group, isn’t it extinguished? Han Jin means to create a business road in his name. The Chamber of Commerce will be under the protection of Han Jin. With this banner, don’t say that it is in the city of Holy Crown City and Beitman. Even Dip City and Cold Shadow City dared to go, he did not believe, anyone who dared to attack Han Jin.

“I don’t understand?” Howman’s words made Guevera laugh. “Okay, well, you know, then you two have a good talk. What should I do if I don’t understand?”

“You can’t go.” Han Jin quickly reached out and stopped Guevera, who was leaving. “This is what you started from the beginning. You must be a witness here.”

Now, Halman completely understood that he had misunderstood the young lord who smiled very sunny, and the misunderstanding was still very serious. He remembered his own mentality, and an old face could not help but have a layer of slightly red.

When did you start to become so suspicious? It seems that since I sat in the position of the president, I haven’t really believed who I am, and Holman sighs in my heart.

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