When Han Jin walked slowly into the handsome account of the rapids Legion Camp, Lang Ning was sitting under the main seat. He was sinking like water and his lips were close, as if brewing some sort of eruption. A row of Knight, they are the generals of the rapids Legion.

When Han Jin came in, Lang Ning hurriedly stood up, and the generals also retreated to both sides. Lang Ning waved his hand and made another look, indicating that the generals had retreated.

In the crisis again and again, in a bloody battle, Han Jin has created an absolute authority that belongs to him only. Those generals have dissatisfaction in their hearts and dare to argue with Lang Ning, but it is impossible to be in front of Han Jin. The faces were noisy, and they stooped out after they stooped.

“Adult, how come you?” Langing said with a smile, then turned to the side and let out his seat.

“Being bored, turning around.” Han Jin just sat casually on the side seat, said with a smile: “I wanted to go to Yalina, but she has been meditating deeply, not bothering her.”

“I am bored?hehe… In these people, you are the most lazy, and nothing is going on. If you go on like this, you will be burdened by Mr. Guevera.” Lang Ning sighed, of course, he was just joking. Han Jin is lazy, but every time he is in danger, he always stands at the forefront. If there is no Han Jin, how many powerhouses in the Holy Crown City group can live to this day? And his rapids Legion is also very likely to have been annihilated. It can be said that Han Jin used his shoulders to prop up the sky!

“Is there still you?” Han Jin said with a smile.

Lang Ning was dumbfounded and joked, but he wandered himself in. It was typical that nothing was going to be found, and Han Jin’s attitude towards power was too different. Other lords always tried to put various powers. Tightly held in the hands, Han Jin likes to be free, and all the military and political affairs must be rolled out and handed over to others. Guevera is a commander with no name, because he always co-ordinates the overall situation. If Guevera is ambitious, he can completely hang Han Jin, but then, if Guevera is that kind of person, Han Jin will not trust Guevera.

“Cough… How about Yalina? Nothing?” Lang Ning coughed and transferred the topic: “This time, thanks to Yalina, otherwise the consequences are really unimaginable.”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect that she would have such a strong fighting power.” Han Jin laughed.

“The power of magic is really amazing.” Lang Ning sighed: “Yalina is deeply meditating, you have not had the chance to find Sunier? Haven’t you found her?”

“She is very busy now, and… her surname is very strong, she can’t wait, she can only come slowly.” Han Jin said: “If you have a chance, you should help me to talk good things.”

“I have tried my best.” Lang Ning smiled and shook his head. “But I can’t be too explicit. If you are not careful, it will cause the opposite effect.”

“What did she say about me?” Han Jin asked.

“What you mean is… Does she still like you?” Lang Ning smiled: “Do you really think she will talk to me about this?”

“Forget it, don’t talk about this.” Han Jin shrugged: “Right, Lang Ning, are you talking to me… some opinions?”

“Opinions?” Lang Ning, he did not understand the meaning of Han Jin.

“I can start the war a few days in advance, maybe… we can save a lot of people.”

“Adult, I am not a fool!” Langing said with a bitter smile: “You waited for a few days, just waiting for Undying Bird Legion! The three parties together, and finally played so hard, if there is no Undying Bird Legion, we will how about it?”

“Oh…” Talking about the end of the battle, Han Jin also had a lot of sighs: “Your Knights, have come to you three times and five times, they want to go back and see?”


“Let them take a vacation.” Han Jin said.

“But, there is Holy Crown City…” Langing was a little surprised, the Holy See was a variable, and now several Crowne City Legion casualties are not small, and Adolf just rushed to Holy Crown City, this will change, this will not Let the people of the Holy See think that they have waited for a golden opportunity? So the rapids Legion can’t go at this time.

“It’s okay.” Han Jin indulged: “The Holy See, I am ready, try to solve it in a peaceful way.”

“The problem is that you want peace, they don’t necessarily want peace.” Lang Ning said: “In fact, it is useless to go back. Beit City is the best proof.”

“Whether their family members are still alive, they always have to look at themselves.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “You don’t want them to complain about your life?”

Lang Ning hesitated for a moment, and finally did not speak. In fact, he was under a lot of pressure. Up to now, there have been more than a dozen waves of Knights making his handsome accounts, and the demands of Knights are not excessive. They just want to go back. Take a trip.

“And, Lang Ning, you sent a few people to find Winston and Saxon, and said that I have something.” Han Jin said.

“Let them find here?”

“Yeah.” Han Jin paused: “There are people who are comanders, and they have their own guards around them. They can’t talk openly and honestly, let others hear them, and their reputation is not good.”

“It looks like they are doing something wrong.” Langing said with a smile.

“It’s normal, the mercenary is born, and naturally it’s almost in terms of discipline.”

“Discipline…” Hearing Han Jin’s talk about discipline, it’s true that Lang Ning feels helpless. Han Jin seems to be the most disdainful person. On the War God, everyone has no status to divide into high and low. Like a pure friend, he only used Lang Jin as a friend, but when he made a decision, he immediately changed his attitude. No matter what Han Jin did to him, he always took it with Han Jin. The words “Adult”, ‘You’ and so on, and Moxinke, who are used to Han Jin, do not take this etiquette seriously. To be frank, he always believes that the kind of respectable environment on the War God is extremely unfavorable for the development of discipline. Therefore, since the completion of War God, although Han Jin has talked with him many times, he also deliberately He reserved his room, but he never lived on the War God, and he was very dissatisfied with Winston and Saxon. He went to the military camp during the day and returned to the War God at night. If something happened, how to command the army? The commander must have the responsibility of the commander, you and Guevera can not compare! It was only Han Jin who appointed Winston and Saxon as the first Swordsman group and the second Swordsman group. He was not good at objection, not to mention that he was equal to Winston and Saxon, and there was no way to compare with Wins. Said, Saxon.

“What’s wrong?” Han Jin looked at Lang Ning with amazement. He didn’t seem to say anything at all, and Lang Ning’s expression suddenly became extremely rich.

Although Han Jin’s current status is the lord, he is a comprehension in the bones, so sometimes he seems to be very popular, not willing to restrain himself, and is not willing to restrain friends, he can accept Lang Ning’s respectful respect , can also accept Moxinke’s carefree, as long as it is not a fundamental error, he will not force interference.

“Nothing.” Langing said with a bitter smile, then went outside the account, called several guards, let them immediately go to Winston and Saxon, then walked back, hesitated for a moment, whispered: “Adult Some things… Should you ask?”

“what’s up?”

“For example, Mr. Guevera has just held a post-war meeting to assess the merits and rewards of each Legion. This kind of thing should be hosted by you.” Lang Ning said: “And, clean the battlefield, pay the spoils of war, You should have some questions about military discipline.”

“Is there not Guevera and you? Alexandre can also help, no need for me.”

“We are us, you are you!” Lang Ning said bitterly.

“hehe, I will only kill people and set fire.” Han Jin smiled: “These military affairs, I am completely a layman, you are an expert, if I don’t know how to understand, everywhere you are arrogant, you don’t say it in person, you must swear at me.” ”

Langing has nothing to do with sighed, in vain! In fact, his focus is not on understanding and not understanding, but on implying that Han Jin must always show his authority and consolidate his authority. Han Jin has questioned the military affairs. Of course, the person being asked must give an explanation. Form a habit, then the status barrier will be quietly formed.

A little child has just been born, and it is a finger-to-day, one-finger, one-of-a-kind, Only I Am Supreme. It is just a foolish story made by Buddhists. Even if he is really born, he will talk and throw him to nothing. People’s place, hungry for a few days, his slogan will definitely become ‘I want to eat milk’, in fact, everyone’s heart is constantly changing with the passage of time and the environment, the previous Lang Ning does not think so much, personally directs an army, fights the battlefield, and creates a world of his own and friends. This is his highest wish, but with the strength of Han Jin Powerful, more and more powerhouses, Langing’s ambition is also quietly expanding, especially after learning about Nikola’s things, the lord? Duke or Grand Duke? It is far from satisfying him. He hopes that Han Jin will become a stronger emperor than Nikola!

In the words of another World, this is called the heart of the dragon, so he hopes that Han Jin can have the majesty of the emperor. Unfortunately, the performance of Han Jin is not even comparable to the ordinary lord, let alone the emperor, he is watching In my eyes, I am in my heart, but I don’t know how to properly express my meaning.

Next, Han Jin and Lang Ning chatted about some gossips that were not related to the military. The time was short, and the footsteps sounded outside the door. Then Winston and Saxon walked in.

“Raphael, look, what is this?” Winston smiled and raised the bag in his hand.

“What?” Han Jin looked at the convex shape of the bag, said with a smile : “Magic Crystal?”

“Yeah, hehe… there are thunderbirds that are frozen everywhere!” Winston said: “There are almost tens of thousands!!”

“I have it here too.” Saxon also put a bag on the table: “Raphael, this time our harvest is too big, hahaha…” Saxon has been excited to the extreme, when he was a mercenary Occasionally, I can harvest a 9th or 10th Magic Crystal, which is enough for them to enjoy a month. Now I have harvested tens of thousands of Magic Crystals. It is really difference between heaven and earth, Winston and Saxon has tasted the sweetness of war.

Han Jin never collects gold and silver jewellery, but has a near-fanatic love for Magic Crystal. This is no longer a secret to the people of Holy Crown City, so Winston and Saxon both use Magic as a treasure. Crystal is on the table.

“Lang Ning, listen to your Legion’s Knight. You found a lot of thunderbirds that have lost their ability to fly in the city of Beit?” Winston asked.

“Yeah.” Lang Ning nodded.

“how many?”

“There is no detailed investigation, there are almost six or seven thousand.” Langing replied: “The two squares are full anyway.”

“What about Magic Crystal?”

“Those are living thunderbird, how to deal with it, but also adults to come up with ideas.” Lang Ning’s eyes fell on Han Jin.

“How to deal with it?” Han Jin is puzzled. There is usually only one way to deal with Warcraft. Kill it and take Magic Crystal!

“Adult, you and Shaman can control thunderbird.” Lang Ning said: “If you can control the thousands of thunderbirds, they will be a big boost for us!”

“That many thunderbird, how do we feed?” Han Jin shook the head.

“Of course, there will be difficulties, but we must find a way to overcome difficulties.” Lang Ning said.

“It’s useless.” Han Jin waved. He used the Spirit Beast material to control Little Jin Lei and other thunderbirds. The fundamental meaning of the Spirit Beast material is to use his own energy as a feed. , Thousands of thunderbird, how can he feed? And he has no time. There are more than one hundred thunderbirds, and it’s better to use a lot of time and energy on thunderbird than to help Yalina complete the breakthrough. He knows that Yalina’s super-level play means she’s already Close to the magician’s bottleneck.

“That…” Langing’s expression was somewhat disappointing.

“Raphael adults say it’s useless, they are definitely useless.” Saxon said: “Give it to me, I will take the Swordsman group to Beit.”

“Don’t worry,” Han Jin said: “Winston, Saxon, I will give you a morning time, take a rest, and replace Alexandre in the afternoon.”

“Replace Alexandre? Let’s take the corpse?!” Saxon stunned and then cried.

“What? Don’t you?”

“This… let others go, I am going to Beit City.” Saxon laughed at Hehe.

“You said, to whom?” Han Jin indifferently said.

Saxon looked around and his eyes turned: “Winston can.”

“Less this!” Winston dissatisfied and said: “I have to go to Beit City, to be honest, I have never been there!”

“You don’t want to?” Han Jin laughed: “The rapids of Legion are not working. I just promised Langing to give Knights a holiday and let them go home. The magic of Magician’s Magician is exhausted. They are expected to I can only recover after a full day of meditation; Alexandria has never had a rest, he is not an iron man, he always has to catch his breath, isn’t he?”

Winston and Saxon, look at me, I see you, Han Jin is right, then there are only two of them, who is going?

“That’s it, don’t bother you.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Let Alexandre Redt go to noon, then I will take over with Guevera, although we can’t do much, but it’s better than no one. It’s better.”

Winston and Saxon’s face changed at the same time. For a moment, Winston’s Ai’s said: “Raphael, we…we don’t mean that.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Han Jin smiled as if: “You can go out.”

Han Jin speaks correctly How can Winston and Saxon go at this time? Winston stunned for a moment, accompanied by said with a smile: “So, I will replace Alexandria.”

“I will go, you go to Beit City.” Saxon said.

“It’s so funny. I just let you go. You don’t want to go, but now you are fighting for it?”

Winston and Saxon’s face changed again. They didn’t know what to say, and they didn’t understand. How could Han Jin stare at this little thing, and who did they provoke?

“Winston, Saxon, we are friends, have experienced a lot together, I know you, you know me as well.” Han Jin slowly said: “But I want to remind you, here is the army, and your attitude I am reminded of bargaining with the dwarves in the weapons store. Are you doing business with me? Of course, I know that you are not deliberate, so I can not care, but you should not shirk each other in front of Mr. Guevera, Guevera’s words, Lang Ning will resolutely implement, Kane will resolutely implement, and Alexandria will be firmly implemented. Only two of you are unwilling, why? Just because you are my friend? But Langing, Kane and Alexandre Reiter It is my friend!”

Winston and Saxon look at each other in dismay.

“You are not a small child. I have said that this is enough. After you go back, think about it yourself.” Han Jin said: “If you don’t want to do business with me, then my order is, you rest until noon, then together. Going over Alexandria, well, you can go.”

Winston and Saxon barely smiled and then gently retreated.

After Winston and Saxon’s figure disappeared behind the curtain, Langing said slowly: “Adult, if you don’t change, this kind of thing will still happen in the future.”

“Oh?” Han Jin raised an eyebrow.

“Moxinke is your friend, Cessacioun and Lei Zhe are also your friends. They can’t hide on the War God forever. After all, they will come out to do things. At that time, they will rely on your relationship and specialize everywhere. Even rejecting the order of the Shangguan.” Langing said with a bitter smile: “I just wanted to take out the military discipline and let Winston and Saxon take a look at what kind of punishment is imposed against the order?!”

“I know what you mean.” Han Jin whispered: “But I don’t like that. Everyone is unfettered, so that I can feel like a home. I just found Winston and Saxon just to let them understand. Back home, how they do I will not interfere, but in the army, they must be a qualified soldier.”

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