Han Jin’s brow jumped and there was a bit of anger in his eyes. When Rinner took the brothers and rushed over to him again, Han Jin didn’t have a sword. Instead, he handed the sword to his left hand and then took a piece from the space ring. Talisman, backhand hit the air. Talisman rapidly expanded in the air, instantly turning into a long scroll full of more than ten meters, which was filled with various strange square characters, and then Han Jin backhanded, the whole long scroll turned into a giant electric light, lasing Out.

The speed of lightning is unparalleled. No one can surpass. Bimeng is no exception. The former Bimeng warrior was bombarded by electro-optical light. His figure was stopped, then he fell back and the huge body was in the air. After four or five laps, they flew straight out for more than three hundred meters, and they slammed on the ground. They were so dusty, but the Bimeng warrior was kneeling down there, and others could not see his injury. I can see that his body is constantly twitching, and the huge head is in the pit, without any signs of lifting or twisting.

The shape of Rhinenier and several Bimeng fighters came to an abrupt end, and Han Jin did not need to shift position. He once again took a talisman from the space ring and looked at Rheinel coldly.

In Han Jin’s personal collection, the high-end Magic Crystal is the most popular, so after he can capture the energy of the ninth-order Magic Crystal, he has been dominated by thunderbird Magic Crystal. In addition to providing energy, Magic Crystal can provide a large number of pure elements, and Han Jin is a comprehension. I don’t want to accumulate elements in my body. I always try to use up the elements. The best choice is of course to make talisman. .

Among the various talisman that Han Jin can make now, the formidable power of Honglianyehuo is the biggest, but apart from the legendary creation god, it seems that no one can convert the elements at will, even the other gods can’t do it, let alone Said Han Jin, the electrical elements can only be used to make the electrical system talisman, Han Jin wants to think about it, decided to make Tianyizhenglei.

Tianyi Zhenglei is a good assistant for demon slayers, and the ‘positive’ word of course refers to the Righteous Path, righteousness, attacking all kinds of monsters with Tianyizhenglei, which can cause the destruction of the surname.

Talisman made with pure elements, its formidable power will change greatly. When Han Jin first released the fire symbol, he has already learned it, but he did not expect that Tianyizheng will become so fierce. The ultimate sprint, the strength of the body shape can be described as Wan Hao, one day, a thunder can actually blast the Bimeng warrior, hit the number of 100 meters far away, see this scene, Han Jin is secretly afraid of the original When triggering thbulation thunder to refining the stars, if you try to use the power of the elements in order to save the meta-energy, the purple scorpion will also undergo mutation? In that case, perhaps he has been killed by his own tribulation thunder!

However, as your cultivation base gets higher and higher, and true Heavenly Tribulation will come sooner or later, can you use the ‘magic’ of mutation to resist Heavenly Tribulation and protect yourself?

Han Jin’s eyes were indifferent, but his thoughts were ups and downs, and he did not make an action for a while. He didn’t wake up until Rinner made another big grief and waved and waved the talisman.

A giant electric column crossed the plain. This time, Rhinenell and his brothers were ready to see Han Jin’s hand making action. Rheinner and his brothers jumped up in the air, and each and everyone was huge. The silhouette resembles a mountain that can fly. It is unstoppable to rush to Han Jin’s position. Although the mind is not very good, they have enough combat skills. If you wait for the light to appear, then it is too late, they are the only ones. The opportunity is to capture the actions of Han Jin in time.

Bang… The electric light has hit a Bimeng warrior, his brother, who was instantly bombarded by 100 meters, even further afield, just to survive the dozens of Holy Crown City Knights. Knight is under his body.

And Rhinenier and several other brothers are approaching Han Jin, but compared with them, Han Jin’s figure is too small, so small that they can’t launch a siege, only by a Bimeng fighter, reaching out to the giant Palm, taken to Han Jin.

Han Jin’s figure disappeared from the place and appeared behind the Bimeng warrior. He had another talisman in his hand.

Put it or not? The unexpected effect of Tianyizhenglei makes him feel a little distressed, because there are still many enemies. In contrast, the human race is just a disease of the mustard, and his energy can be used up. The method of adjusting the interest rate is restored, while the talisman loses one piece forever, the force of the element is non-renewable, but after thinking about it, he has already harvested more than 3,000 pieces of magic crystal of thunderbird. After World War I, there will be more gains, and too many electric elements are accumulated in the giant array. Yalina and Guevera consume less than their 10%, even if he puts all the elements in the great array. Let Yalina and Guevera, seven to ten thunderbird Magic Crystals, make a talisman that is a good day. How can he make more than 500 days of mine? This is the lowest estimate, enough for him to use. Now!

Han Jin did not hesitate, the backhand hit the talisman, and the Rhineer had just turned around, and an electric light had already rushed to the surface. It was still too late to make any reaction. A Bimeng warrior was smashed out.

Yalina on the War God can hardly believe his eyes, the magic released by Han Jin, the formidable power 恍 If the electric system is forbidden, but the external form is somewhat different, no matter how much Han Jin’s other magical formidable power Powerful, Yalina is happy to accept and be proud of it, but now Han Jin has reached out to her field and even surpassed her, and Yalina has a strange feeling in her heart.

Undying Bird Legion Magician’s silhouette is getting clearer and clearer. The two aspects of Legion are merged together. Of course, it means the destruction of the human race. At this moment, the residual human race has not been much, and the blizzard enchantment is still continuing, and Undying Bird Legion’s other Magician not at all are idle, they have been releasing magic with no magic.

The new Grand Shaman Theodore took a little bit on the chariot. The chariot was two stories high and was pulled by more than 20 mammoths. In fact, this is just a small chariot, symbolizing the chariot of the king. Being left in the city of Beit, Fossa’s car was too big. It took a lot of effort to move into the city. Now the family is playing, there is no time to move the chariot out, maybe, when they give up When the chariot was in the car, the ending of the human race was already revealed.

On the tower of the chariot, sitting on a woman wearing white clothed, may have been set off by some orc female surnames around her, the woman with a dazzling charm, she is definitely not like an orc But in front of Theodore, she can still sit still, proving that she is very well-positioned, and that the human and the Spirit Race’s female surnames are no matter how beautiful they are, but for the orcs, they are just the slaves for them to play. What position?

“Queen, we…” Theodore’s voice seemed a little choking, and a dozen high-level shamans followed, and after the Theodore, every shaman’s expression was at its peak.

“I know.” The seductive woman whispered.

“Do you know what?!” A high-level shaman coldly said, apparently, he is obeying Fossa, and after Rheinnell took office, because of the special cause of the death of Fossa, he does not need to carry out internal cleaning, which leaves Some hidden dangers, some shamans are very dissatisfied with what Rheinnell is doing.

“Shut up!” Theodore turned back and roared.

That shaman still wants to talk back, anyway, the human race has been a big disaster, he does not have to worry about anything, everyone will die together, can see the kind of sorrowful mixed with blood in the eyes of Theodore, he paused, and finally closed his mouth.

“Rheinnell often talks to me about that Raphael.” The seductive woman looks not at all angry, only indifferently said: “I can see that he is a little afraid of that Raphael, hehe… Of course, he won’t admit He just said that Raphael deserves our respect. At that time, I knew that if one day Rhinenell would fail, it would have been lost to the Raphael.”

“Rheinel is most feared, it should be the Grand Duke of Solomon.” The shaman who is faithful to Fossa can’t help it. His subtext is clear. Solomon is qualified to be the opponent of the human race. Raphael is not worthy. And they will lose, precisely because of the incompetence of Rheinel, if Fossa is still, except for Solomon, no one is the opponent of the human race.

“Not the same.” The white clothed woman smiled and her smile was very beautiful: “Not only Rheinel, we are afraid of Solomon, but we never forget to kill Solomon and avenge our dead clansman. Rinner also did not forget. But for the Raphael… Rheinnell did not have the idea of ​​winning, nor thought that he must surpass Raphael, he tried to be friends with Raphael, so he lost long ago, one is no longer A warrior who is brave enough to go forward, a king who has lost his domineering, is shameful! Compared with Fossa, he is too much.”

“Yes, he is wrong! We can’t be friends with humans at all! Rheinel has forgotten the teachings of the ancestors!!” The shaman who is faithful to Fossa sees the white clothed woman as if he is acknowledging the power of Fossa. Can’t help it: “But why do you support Rheinnell?!”

Solomon told Han Jin that not at all wrong, the human race is actually a low-lying nation, but the simple minds of the orcs and the extremely fierce surnames make them unable to accept their own inferiority. Instead, they turn inferiority into inferiority. The extreme arrogance, the human race from the male surname to the female surname, from the old to the child, including relatively kind, and extremely cruel, are unwaveringly believe that the human race should become the master of the continent, they do not There may be friends, because all races can only be their slaves, so that they will no longer be inferior. Self-esteem comes from trampling against other races. Therefore, the orcs are always moving towards their ultimate goal, and sacrifice is for faith, forbearance, and for faith.

The white clothed woman did not respond to the shaman’s question and sighed: “In the beginning, the Spirit Race was really going to be allied with us. We betrayed them. Now, Rheinel really wants to form an alliance with Raphael, but Raphael betrayed us. ……”

Theodore sighed, speechless, and for a moment his gaze turned to a large pillar.

The white clothed woman was watching Theodore, and then followed the eyes of Theodore, and saw the thick pillar.

“Queen, we have to say goodbye to you.” Theodore bent down slightly.

“Do you really want to do this?” The white clothed woman showed a helpless smile: “You know, the beast God Totem has not responded for thousands of years.”

“Besides this, what else can I do?” Theodore is also laughed, then walks slowly and gently strokes the thick column. The time of this pillar is definitely not short, and it looks extraordinarily rough in appearance. But it feels smooth and smooth, as if it has been subjected to thousands of absolutely touches.

“haha…hahaha…” Theodore suddenly burst into laughter, like a madman, followed by a hoarse and low humming sound.

Great beast, great father…

Why are we struggling like this…

Theodore patted the pillar with both hands. Maybe he used too much power. Maybe the pillar itself was too hard. He only patted a few times. His fingertips had broken and bleeding.

You created us…

You ignore us…

Maybe all the suffering is your will…

The power of Theodore is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more blood is flowing from the palm of his hand, leaving a bloody handprint on the thick column.

In the moment before this destruction…

I beg you…

Listen to the desperate cry of the children…

Theodore’s status became more and more mad, and suddenly, a shaman’s face turned pale, and then his body fell softly.

Awaken… Awaken…

Theodore is roar, and the shamans behind him fall one by one, and the sacrifice of life! The collective sacrifice of the high-level shaman! ! *However, the pillar did not react, as the white clothed woman said, the beast god Totem has not responded to the call of the orcs for thousands of years, and it is the same at the moment.

There was a touch of gray in the eyes of Theodore, and then the gray was magnified at a very fast speed, and his face was exposed with a ridiculous expression, and he did not know whether he was laughing at himself or laughing at the beast in the dark. Then his figure slipped down the pillar a little.

“You also go to fight.” The white clothed woman whispered to the orc maids: “Don’t forget, you are also fighters, I hope that you can raise your head high at the last minute!”

About a dozen orc beavers stumbled to the ground neatly, did not say goodbye, they all took out their weapons, and then rushed down the stairs.

Suddenly, a strange wave of volatility fluctuated between heaven and earth. The eight-door lock array set by Han Jin was considered to be wind and rain. The blizzard enchantment released by Undying Bird Legion Magician could not penetrate into the battle. Otherwise, The soldiers of each Legion will also be severely affected. The battles inside the eight-door locks will fluctuate, but they will be able to pass outside. The external battles will fluctuate and will be blocked by the eight-door lock. Han Jin has the same vision, so it can clearly sense the outside world, but the strange fluctuations that have just been produced, but unimpeded sweeping through the eight-door locks, are far-reaching between heaven and earth.

Tobias and Spencer’s face changed at the same time. The volatility is not very strong, it can contain the power of Supreme, and it is also a violent rush of assaults the senses! Quirky, very weird!

Tobias quickly glanced at the following, suddenly saw a battle wheel in front of a thousand human race, a path of blood red glow spread out from the chariot, and saw a The shape of the quaint thick column, Tobias screamed in amazement: “What is that? Is it the beast God Totem?”

“Goddess Totem?” Spenced looked down on Tobias’s line of sight: “Is the orc still not forgetting to bring that broken thing at this time?”

Suddenly, Tobias saw an unbelievable picture, a Bianmei beast that had died in battle, and somehow moved, and then the action gradually enlarged, as if struggling to get up.

Because of Solomon’s influence, the Magician of the elements is much higher than the Magician of other places. Tobias and Spengthe are the well-know figures. When he sees this picture, he suddenly remembers A long-standing legend: “The soul of the soul is recovering!! God…”

Spencer also saw that his face had become iron blue, and then roared: “Destroy the beast God Totem! Quick!!!”

Undying Bird Legion Magician’s quality is very high. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of meteorites fell from the sky and slammed into the chariot. A path of fire exploded around the chariot, and the meteorite could not break through the bloody red light curtain.

“Chongruo!” Tobias yelled: “Crash inside! Fast!!” After that, his flight speed suddenly increased and he rushed to the chariot. Undying Bird Legion is a magical Legion, but has The tradition of the warrior, no one will call me, only tell everyone with action, come with me! Including serious threats, including the Grand Duke of Solomon, will lead by example.

Undying Bird Legion collective growth, but the power of magic and mental power determines their basic speed, Tobias and Spenger have been far from the battle.

In the eight-door lock, Rinner and the rest of the brothers also screamed at the same time. They were also affected by the light curtain. The body had been reddish by its own blood dyed, and it was changed at the moment. The whole body is red blood.

Han Jin’s eyes were stunned by the Bimeng fighter who had just been blasted by Tianyi. He slowly climbed up from the ground and his face changed dramatically. He immediately reacted. It was the influence of the volatility. At this moment, he could not care. A lot of it, the body shape flashed away, and immediately appeared on the edge of the eight-door lock sky array, stepping out of the line.

400 meters …… Three 100 meters …… The tobys and Spencer are getting closer and closer to the orc chariot. At this moment, a silver bell-like laugh comes forward, and Spencer suddenly Feeling a heart, I couldn’t help but yell: “It’s a fox!!” The experience of the two great magisters is very rich, and they can immediately judge what kind of enemy they are facing, but this can’t change anything, the spiritual impact of the fox people. There is no lethality, but it can cause mental shocks, so that they temporarily lose the ability to release magic, they do not even dare to approach, otherwise, they must fall from the sky.

How could this be? ! Tobias and Spencer are extremely anxious. If those who have recovered from the monsters are definitely a catastrophe, Undying Bird Legion is no problem, they can fly away, the army of Holy Crown City and the fine Spirit Race. The army must be completely finished!

A silhouette suddenly came out in the underground in front of the chariot, rolled over and jumped into the chariot, and the silver bell-like laughter rushed to the face, and Han Jin’s figure was also paused. He stood in front of him and stood very beautiful. Woman, that looks and looks far more than Yalina and Sunier, but it is only paused, Han Jin’s mouth reveals a sneer, and the cultivation of the first heart, this Illusion Technique is useless to him.

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