Rinner only noticed the injured Bimeng fighters. Although he heard the painful roar of the brothers before, he did not expect the situation to be so serious. Two Bimen soldiers lying on the ground were allowed to burn themselves. It’s obvious that they are already bode ill rather than well, and the rest are still struggling, and the flames released by Han Jin are terrifying to the extreme, no matter what they do, they can’t stop the spread of the flame. In this way, sooner or later, it will be swallowed up by the flames.

Rheinnell only felt a sharp pain in his heart, they are still a group of children! It is not even possible to release the complete ultimate madness. After being transformed into Biman, they can’t talk, can’t express their pain, and can’t ask for help from other brothers.

For a moment, Rheinnell said in a difficult tone: “Why?!” To this extent, he has completed understanding, Han Jin is not only to occupy his Beitman, but also want to destroy them all!

“No why.” Han Jin is faintly replied.

“I can’t think of when we planted such deep hatred!”

“Hate…” Han Jin smiled: “In fact, we don’t have hatred between us.”

Rheinn felt wrong and had to go back to the first question: “Why?!” Since there is no hatred, why kill to the last one? This question cannot be answered, such as the fish is so uncomfortable in the throat.

“When you slaughter others, have you explained it to others?” Han Jin’s eyes showed a sigh of relief: “In fact, you also understand that we can’t be true allies, and we are willing to form an alliance with me. You just want to temporarily recuperate that’s all ,hehe … If you have the power to kill me, have the power to destroy the coalition of Holy Crown City and Fine Spirit Race, you will honestly stay in Beitman? Really?!”

Han Jin speaks correctly, but it is a bit unfair to impose these on Rheinn. In the chaotic era, almost every lord will find ways to strengthen his strength. War, expansion, expansion, war, is a chaotic era. The theme song, not just Rheinel, almost every lord will choose this road!

The previous Guevera is like this, as is Zaganide and Dismark. Later, the fine Spirit Race also chose to expand, ambition, never will be lacking, lack of strength!

If ambition is also a crime, then all the lords should be punished.

Rinner’s huge double fists slowly gripped, and the sound of the crisp bones rang. He was angry, but he didn’t know how to counter Han Jin’s accusation.

The short-term calm was interrupted by a glaring arrow. Gao Bin finally got out of the hand, but the arrow he shot was not in direct proportion to his fame. The speed of his strength and the speed of flight seemed to be lacking. The attacking Bimeng warrior slammed his arm and slammed it toward the arrow.

If the arm of the Bimeng soldier is like a grinding disc, then the arrow of Gaobin is like a needle on the grinding disc. At the moment when the two are in contact, the needle suddenly turns into a burst of smoke, and the Bimeng warrior also It became a huge statue.

The fluff that flutters in the wind, the mouth that is dripping from the corner of the mouth, and the scornful eyes, the giant palm that is picked up, the Bianwen warrior completely condensed there, motionless, just a few meters away from him. The other Mongolian warriors did not suffer any influence. The fluff continued to flutter with the wind, and the mouth was dripping down, and the two formed a sharp contrast.

If they are the powerhouses of Gaobin’s contemporaries, they may have heard that Gaobin’s arrows can’t be touched. Gaobin’s people can’t touch them. Unfortunately, after Gaobin’s death, the powerhouses in this area. I have gradually forgotten that powerful elf.

Lydia and Gaobin have cooperated many times, and they can count on their hearts. When they see Gaobin, she immediately opens the longbow. After the arrow is off the string, it instantly turns into a fire dragon of baring fangs and brandishing claws. The Bimen warrior who turned into a sculpture flew away.

Lydia’s arrow is much faster than Gobin’s arrow, and Fire Dragon leaves a residual image of severe ten meters in the air, hitting the Bimeng warrior.

Amazing scenes appeared, Fire Dragon also inexplicably turned into a statue, thousands of flying flames stagnate at the same time, looking far away, like a very absurd image, a giant wild beast, spurting out with eyes The flames.

Another Bimeng warrior turned pale with fright, stepping out and grabbing the Fire Dragon, but his hand just touched the stiff Fire Dragon, and like his brother, turned into a statue, even more weird His posture is very unbalanced, stepping out one step, the soles of the feet have not yet landed on the ground, and the whole body is tilted forward and tilted forward, and it may fall down every moment.

Lydia kept pulling the longbow, and one Fire Dragon spurted out. No matter how fierce and fierce the Fire Dragon showed during the flight, as soon as it touched the target, it would immediately stagnate, only time, two There are more than a dozen Fire Dragons in front of the statue of the Bimeng Warrior.

The elves also launched a volley, and the raindrop-like arrows had shrouded all the Bimeng fighters. However, as long as the arrows were close to the two statues, they were as stagnate as the Fire Dragon, motionless.

Rheinner covered his head with his arms and stepped back. He didn’t care about the attacks of the elves, and the demon power was low, so they had powerful physical resistance, which was the compensation that the beast god gave them.

Suddenly, the two statues in front moved a bit, and at the same time, there were more than a dozen Fire Dragons, and thousands of arrows.

Bang… Fire Dragon’s explosions converge, and the blasting flames are joined together to form a giant Fireball with 100 meters.

The deafening roar came and the two Bianmen warriors rushed out of the Fireball. Although the flame’s adhesion was not terrifying with Three Smells True Fire, the damage of the Fire Dragon collective explosion could not be seen, two ratios. A path of thrilling scars has appeared on the soldiers, and they have all become blind. With Lydia’s experience and archery, of course, they will not pick the thicker parts of the warriors. A pupil of the size of a bucket is the best goal.

In normal times, if the Bimeng soldiers deliberately want to avoid, Lydia’s rocket is extremely difficult to shoot them, but the distance between the dozens of Fire Dragons and them is infinitely close to zero. When they return to normal, Fire Dragon also Explosion, let alone dodge, not even blinking, unless they can go beyond time, or escape time.

Hey… Rheinnell screamed and rushed to Han Jin, and the Beymon soldiers behind him were immediately divided into groups. Two Bimeng soldiers rushed to Lydia, and two Bimeng fighters rushed to Gaobin. The last one to follow behind Rheinnel, these Bimeng fighters, is already the last bloodline of the Golden Blood family.

Lydia whistle, with the elves quickly retreating, but they belong to the rider, regardless of whether the figure is moving forward or backward, it does not affect their release of the arrow.

Countless arrows fell on the two Bimeng fighters, and some were directly bounced out by the strong body of the Bimeng fighters. Some of them only stabbed in a little, and they were separated from the body with the quick running of the Bimeng soldiers. With the power of the elves, this is already their limit.

Lydia is now releasing the ice arrows. She also understands that it is difficult for the two elves to cause heavy damage to these two monsters. Therefore, her purpose is to drag and drop to Han Jin or Gaobin to solve the opponent.

Gao Bin didn’t move, his eyes became extra-focus, his eyes were always on his own arrow, his body motionless, his breathing stopped, as if he was brewing something, then the arrow screamed. Go out.

However, compared with the Mongolian warriors, they have already greatly increased the threat of Gaobin. The former Bimen warrior saw Gaobin attacking himself. The concentration of the arrow must be observed in the direction of the arrow. A big step, far away, and the Bemon warriors also avoided aside, for fear that they would suffer from the fish.

“It should have been like this long ago.” Han Jin smiled as if he was encouraging Rhinenell, then suddenly raised his right arm and struggled to survive.

While Han Jin raised his right arm, the purple light flourished, and the rays of light on the long sword stretched straight to more than a hundred meters away, and then the purple light slammed into the top of Rheinnel at an unimaginable speed.

Rheinnell’s soles were heavily on the ground, and the body deviated from the direction. Han Jin’s long sword fell from his side with a slight difference, and the splashing smoke was in a line, and a long and straight line appeared on the ground. Cracks, but because the cracks are very thin, there is no specific depth.

Rheinel has no time to think about the consequences of this sword falling on himself. At this point, fear, there is no meaning, he growls, once again with the soles of the feet on the ground, the shape is like lightning Han Jin.

Han Jin’s silhouette disappeared in situ, appearing on the side of Rheinn, the long sword swept out, and the purple light left a fan-like afterimage in the air, like a semi-circular mirror.

Although he has decided to die in the end, Rinner can’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness. In fact, not only him, many powerhouses feel powerless when facing Han Jin, and can hide in the arms of Mother Earth at any time. This is already a headache, but Han Jin also has the ability to teleport with the abyss demon, and can use magic to get a second life. How can such an opponent kill? ! What’s more, Han Jin’s attack power is far above the abyssal demon, the mass killing surname magic, the magical magic props and so on compared with the curse, and his Rheinnell is just fighting with bare hands!

Even though the heart is full of grief, he can’t help but admit that if there are other choices, he really does not want to carry on the battle.

Seeing the streamer of the purple plunged, Rheiner screamed, his body leaped up at a few ten meters high, and his direction changed as he changed, and Han Jin, who had changed his position, fell.

The silhouette of Han Jin disappeared again, and then appeared in the place where Rheinner jumped. Long sword swung in the sky, and Rheinel’s body had jumped into the air, nowhere to borrow, and could not change his direction. He could only roar. In the sound, I tighten my body and prepare to forcibly resist the gorgeous purple light.

Bang… sword light The unrelenting slap on Rheinnell’s body, from the back of Rheinell’s head to the tailbone, left a long blood mark, and the torn fluff fluttered like a snowflake.

Another Bimeng fighter arrived, waved a giant punch and slammed into Han Jin’s head, just because Han Jin’s body was too short, so he could only pick up his ass and bend down, posing a bit ridiculous.

Han Jin formed hand seals, smashed a Three Smells True Fire, and then the body once again disappeared from the place, appeared on the side of Rheinn, waved long sword, slanted to the Rhine Nell.

Rheinnell’s figure still did not fall to the ground, he did not understand at this moment, how dangerous it is to jump in the air, but regret it is too late, he can only tighten his muscles just as before.

With a bang, the sword light hit Rheinnell, bloody splash, from his right shoulder to the left waist, there was a long scar.

The Bimeng warrior, who was attacked by Three Smells True Fire, understood the flame’s formidable power. He was so busy that he couldn’t wait for the boxing ring, and even the roll-and-roll climbed away, and Rheinel had fallen heavily on the ground, the tearing pain. Let him involuntarily take a nap.

Han Jin moved like a ghost to Rheinner. Of course, this behind is the azimuth, and his straight distance from Rheinel is always around 100 meters. Then he swings the long sword and the swallowed sword light has been turned to the Rhine. Nell’s neck.

Rheinner turned around, raised his arm and guarded his side, then rushed to Han Jin.

Bang… sword light left a deep wound on Rennell’s arm, and a wound stretched from the earlobe of Rheinel to the chin, and Rheiner was shot in the direction of the sword light attack. In the small half circle, the figure is abruptly stopped. He does not understand that he has clearly protected his body with his arms. How can Han Jin’s magic props turn around? !

However, Han Jin obviously didn’t want to give Rinner a time to think. He once again released the curse, appeared in the back of Rheinn, and the sword light was unrelenting.

The attack power of the Bimeng fighter is extremely powerful, the speed of the charge is extremely fast, the reaction speed is not slow, and it is worthy of the title of the top creature, but only these are not enough, the attack power is strong, but he can’t hit Han Jin, charge. The speed is extremely fast, but he can’t get close to Han Jin. Han Jin’s figure is like a ghost, and it flickers around. He suddenly and then disappears. In this eight-door lock, he is the master of omnipotence!

A chill of wind came from afar, Undying Bird Legion’s Magician once again released a large-scale magic, blizzard enchantment!

In Undying Bird Legion, fire attribute Magician dominates, of which 70% is fire attribute Magician, but this does not mean that Undying Bird Legion lacks the magic power of other departments.

Faced with thousands of thunderbirds, fire attribute Magicians have been fighting on the front line, fighting for time for their companions. Human beings are smart creatures after all. They can’t fight like two fools. I hit you and punch me. Fighting with a punch, it’s too unworthy!

More than sixty Water Element Magician released blizzard enchantments, covering a wide range. On the ground, the white frost quickly filled the surrounding, turning the entire plain and hills into silver, in the air, countless snowflakes Colliding everywhere, flying, thunderbirds can’t see the scene in front, and they feel that the wings are getting heavier and heavier, a layer of extremely fine ice sticks sticking to their feathers, even the pointed ones The cockles and the sharp claws were also iced, their bodies became more and more bloated, and finally they couldn’t withstand gravity, flying lower and lower, and even falling straight.

The human Magician has released magic shields and magic shields, greatly reducing the impact of the cold current. To some extent, Warcraft is fragile because their dependence is very limited.

Several Legion, still struggling, gradually passed through the most difficult moments. The human race launched a fierce attack on the front line of more than 10 li. The consumption was too great. The total population of the human race reached several hundred thousand. How much can an elite blast wolf warrior have?

Each Legion was attacked by the human race and retired. It has already withdrawn from X, 800 meters, and even has approached the battle group of Han Jin, Gaobin and the others. In this seven, 800 meters wide strip, densely packed Piled up with corpses, human corpses are only a small part, most of them are orcs and blast wolves. What’s more, the new Grand Shaman Theodore used the central breakthrough tactics. In the central line, he reserved 50,000 of the most elite blast wolf warriors, but those fighters suffered a terrible baptism.

Starting with Yalina’s Nine Grays and Sunier’s whistling arrows, Han Jin’s Red Lotus Fire, Yalina’s Nine Grays and Thundering Overlays, and finally the Yalina Lightning Storm, these magics have The terrifying mass destruction has caused the most elite blast warriors to suffer a devastating name.

Although there are many blast warriors deployed in other directions, but the combat power is not comparable to the main force, and from beginning to end, the animal human race has been rushing with the blast wolf warrior, rushed to the present, and finally exhausted.

When the orcs with inferior weapons rushed up, when the female surnames and the little beasts yelled into the eight-door lock, the pressure that several Legion felt was greatly reduced, like a spring, when the pressure weakened. When the rebound, it becomes inevitable!

Each Legion has launched a counterattack. Although they are struggling at this moment, they are exhausted, but the orcs have just rushed out of the blizzard enchantment. Their body movements are as slow as zombie. If it is not an eight-door lock, it will effectively block the cold. Outside, it is estimated that no one is hands-on, the themselves will be frozen to death, in contrast, the former occupy the advantage of Danger Land, in any case, they are also regular fighters.

The War God has been flying along the front line. The gun cannon is always spraying with anger. When the War God flies in the direction, the other side of the gun can be used to make the two guns take turns to rest. As for the people on board, there is no way to rest. The Magician headed by Hogan has fallen into a mad state. They have consumed a large number of Magic Crystals. In the past, it was unimaginable when training, and the feeling of heavy artillery, Just one word, cool!

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