“Two adults, please sit down, please sit down.” Rinner made a smile, but the human race looks a bit special, because the two fangs are protruding, no matter how happy and sincere they laugh. It also does not make people feel warm.

Ampudra and Prudence looked at each other and slowly sat down. This is the town hall of Beit City. Although the orcs are not good at creating, they are good at preempting. Now, this town hall has become a Rhine. The place where Nell sent orders.

“Rhiniel, what do you want to do? Clearly speak out!” Prudence said coldly, this question has been in his heart for a long time.

Rheinnell was silent for a moment, said with a laugh: “We really should talk clearly and plainly.”

Ampudra and Prudence couldn’t help but look at each other again and tried to keep their own calm. Ampudra said: “Rheinel, what do you want to talk about?”

“These days, the two adults have not been wronged. I let clansman make an all-out effort to take care of you. Do you know why?” Rheinnell showed an interesting expression in his eyes.

“Why?” Prudence was extremely disgusted with Rinner’s attitude that he had control over everything, but he had to cooperate because his fate was indeed in the hands of the other.

“Because I don’t believe Raphael, I can’t believe it, he is too sinister!” Rinner said: “I have repeated it with the two times. It’s all planned by Raphael. Of course, I admit that I did get it. There are a lot of benefits, but… the human race has also paid a considerable price. His heart is deep and I have to be careful.”

“I can understand what you mean.” Ampudra indulged: “Your decision is wise, Raphael is this person… can’t believe it! He should be planning how to calculate you? But… if you really If you want to deal with Raphael, you should let me and Prudence return to the Spirit Race. As long as we trust each other and cooperate sincerely, we will certainly defeat any Raphael plot! And, you only see the insidious Raphael, but you can’t see it. Gaobin’s terrifying, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it is for us. When Gaobin can completely control the Spirit Race, even if we can go back, it makes no sense.”

“Adumpura, you and Raphael are really enemies.” Rheinner said with a smile: “Raphael always tells me the beauty of a peaceful future, but you are pushing the lurking crisis.”

“Rheinel, I am not kidding.” The expression of Ampudra is very serious.

“hehe… I know, this is actually the main reason why I left the two adults.”

Both Ampudra and Prudence’s faces became ugly, and the meaning of the ‘left behind’ notes was heavy and made them feel uneasy.

“However, I just saw the messenger of Holy Crown City. Raphael and Gaobin will arrive at Beitman tomorrow and start a three-party talk.” Rinner continued: “As you know, Raphael has a lot of incomprehensible magic, I I am very worried, he will find that you are still alive, which is very unfavorable to me, so… you are no longer useful.”

Prudence complexion greatly changed, just want to jump, Ampudra has grabbed his arm, shook the head slightly, and then transferred his eyes to Rinnel: “Rheinnell, you can judge them Did you come for peace? There really is no conspiracy inside?”

“Conspiracy? Ampudullah, it looks like… For you, this world seems to have hidden plots everywhere, you think too much, not tired?”

“You think too little!” Ampudullah said with a sneer: “We have been dealing with Raphael longer than you! Think of Zaganide, think about Dismark, how did they die?!”

“How did they die?” Rheinner looked very cooperative.

Ampullah glimpsed, he was only reminding Rinner that the young human lord was never a good thing. He killed Zaganide and Dismark. How can he know about the specific process?

“You don’t know?” Rinner sighed: “Actually… when it comes to Raphael, I have to do more than you, a few of you, and I will find Villar.”

Several orc warriors at the entrance of the hall turned and walked out. For a short time, they hurried into the hall, behind them, followed by a little silhouette, a dwarf, all said that the dwarf’s temper, reckless, fearing Nothing in Heaven or Earth, but not absolute. In this city completely controlled by the human race, the violent and reckless people will also pick up the tail and really anger the orcs. what.

“Villar, come over.” Rheinnell greeted him intimately.

The dwarf, who called Villar, walked to Rheinn with a smile on his face. He was almost step by step, nodded, and three steps, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

“This is the forged Master of the short human race, Villar, has helped me a lot.” Rheinner said with a smile: “It is coincidental that three years ago, Villar was in a school called Radon Town. The place has lived, hehe… Villar, tell the ones you know again.”

Villar secretly sighed in relief, although he is not good at telling stories, but he has mastered a lot of facts, Han Jin’s stumble at the time, Moxinke’s appearance, and Keeley, he knows, but at the time he absolutely did not expect Han Jin’s reputation will become louder and louder, and eventually it will become a dragon slayer.

Ampudra and Prudence listened at each other in dismay. They couldn’t believe it. When Han Jin was so stumbling, of course, a person’s name might be repeated, and the names of the two people would be repeated. The chances are very small, and when you hear the name of Moxinke, they are almost certain that Han Jin is coming out of Radon Town.

“When Raphael came to me to cooperate, I started investigating him. I don’t know his past. How can I believe him?” Rheinner said with a smile: “You also heard it. Raphael turned out to be just a broken noble. How do you say… He is lazy and lazy, has such a magical magic system, but does not like to work hard to cultivate, willing to be a beggar.”

“Is this lazy to explain?” Ampudra showed sneer again.

“Why can’t you explain?” Rheinnell asked: “Every time I think of Raphael’s past, I always have a complicated feeling, because I am too lazy and lazy, hehe… I am 嫡eldest son, the strength is better than a few The young brother is much more powerful, so I didn’t bother to work hard until one day, and one thing happened, completely changed me. I didn’t know before, the fear would turn into motivation! Ha… Raphael is also very similar to me in this respect. The soldiers under Dismark slaughtered the villagers of Radon Town and finally burned Radon Town. He is so awakened. In this chaotic World, you must have a strong force. To survive.”

Ampudra thinks that Rinner’s explanation is somewhat far-fetched, but Rheinel is immersed in the realm of heroes and cherished, and he can’t say anything, not to mention the sinisterness of Rheinel’s words. If they can’t find their use, Maybe I will turn my face down soon. Although Ampudra’s face was very calm, his heart was flustered and his brain was running fast, but after thinking for a long time, Ampudra finally found out that he was really useless. He left the Spirit Race that many days. Gao Bin must have completely controlled the situation. If he is forcibly stripped of the aura of his head, he is just an ordinary elf. Raphael and Gaobin are willing to negotiate in Beit City, which in itself represents a sincerity and allows Rhinenell to see the hope of peace, so he and Prudence have no use value.

Simply join Rheinnell? No! Although Rheinel said that Raphael is very similar to him, he actually took the plunge to Raphael. From the conversation he just knew that Raphael’s goal was to ask him and Prudence’s life, even if they were willing By relying on Rhein-Neil, Rheinner dared to risk the offense of Raphael to leave them? Moreover, he is the Great Elder of the United Senate, can be said to be the highest head of the elite Spirit Race Alliance, relying on Rheinnell? He will surely leave a thousand years of nickname.

When I think about it, Ampudra can’t help but feel like a gray mind. If he can return to the Spirit Race and regain control, he can make concessions in the face of the human race, but simply surrender the human race, he Really can’t do it.

“You have nothing to say?” Rheinnell’s sights were swept back in Ampudra and Prudence, and he threatened to use death in order to capture the secrets of the Spirit Race in order to negotiate I seized the initiative as much as possible, but it turned out that his threat seemed to be overdone. Ampudura’s face was gray and finally collapsed into silence. He had to remind him.

“Are you sure that Raphael and Gaobin are coming to negotiate with you?” Prudence said with a sneer, he didn’t know Han Jin, but he knew about Gaobin, in the process of working with the human race, Gaobin Always a radical, will he really negotiate with the human race? !

“What? You mean that Raphael and Gaobin want to start a war?” Rheinnell laughed loudly: “You are too small for the power of the human race! I have more than thirty than one giant beast, more than six hundred Hill giants, more than 3,000 shamans, 20,000 thunderbirds, and hundreds of thousands of elite warriors, why do they wage war?! I just said, I know Raphael better than you, the army he owned, However, it was driven out of Beitman’s rapids Legion, and later occupied Dark Raven City. In that place, he couldn’t develop and grow up, and then occupied Beitman, but within a few days, he was driven away by you. Now he is stubborn. The army that received Dismark, relying on the few Legion, wanted to fight against the human race? And your Spirit Race lost a lot, the elite shooters of the Southern Forest Tribe and the Jade Tribe almost lost half of their lives, and Wild Willow City’s luck is better. Even if they are united, can they really pose a threat to the human race? Can they afford the loss?!”

Referring to the Southern Forest Tribe, the muscles on Prudence’s face twitched, but he did not say anything.

“I admit that Raphael’s strength is really strong, and there are some powerhouses around, but this is a war! Just a few of them? My warriors are enough to drown them!” Rheinnell indifferently said: “The powerhouse under Solomon More than Raphael, what about it? Our human race has never been afraid!”

“I really want to know, how do you drown the War God?” Prudence said with a smirk: “And, you really are not afraid of Raphael? If you are really not afraid, there is no need to talk nonsense with us!”

This is the difference between the surname of the warrior and the politician. Ampudullah has been trying to find hope for life, and Prudence has already had a sense of death. He was willing to lay down his arms, mainly because he was taken by Ampudra. I was puzzled and thought that Rheinel was really not malicious. I would put them back, but I stayed in Beit for these days. Although the hospitality was quite thoughtful, Rinner’s attitude was extremely embarrassing. From the eyes of Rheinel, he Reading a scorn from the bones, he was ready for the final preparations.

Rinner looked coldly at Prudence, and Prudence’s words touched him, making him angry, but under his temptation, Prudence did not show the fear, but instead used the same cold His eyes and his eyes.

“Interesting.” Rheinel also showed a sneer: “You keep reminding me that Raphael is powerful and terrifying, but what are you going to attack Raphael’s territory? Hahaha… if you start Just choose to work with Raphael, no one is your opponent in this area!”

The body of Ampudra and Prudence shook a bit, and no matter how bad the situation was, they never showed a trace of remorse, but this is only to maintain their self-esteem. Prudence is still a little worse. He came from the southern forest. He didn’t understand the situation here, and Ampudura had already known Han Jin, but he mistakenly thought that it was just a young man and there was no need to pay attention.

Whenever I am lonely, every time I wake up from a nightmare, Ampudra will feel heart-wrenching. If I had promoted the marriage between Han Jin and Sunier, how can I fall into the present situation? ! He raised Sunier, Sunier wants to repay, will definitely contribute to him, Han Jin likes Sunier, of course, will fully help the Spirit Race, a little bit of operation, he may even turn Han Jin into a hand in his hand, the human race There is no chance to set foot on this land! It is a pity that there is no regrets on the World, and if it is wrong, it will be wrong.

Rheinner saw the pain of Empuda, and saw the helplessness of Prudence, the heart was really incomparable, then the palm of the pats, a heavy footstep came from the outer hall, and then a group of armed orc warriors Into the hall, surrounded by Ampudra and Prudence.

“Two adults, no need to work hard.” Rheinner said with a slight smile: “So you also have a lot less pain.”

Ampudullah’s face was more gray-faced. By contrast, Prudence was much calmer. He slowly stood up from his seat: “Rheinnell, dare to accept my challenge? If, you Also think that you are a brave!”

“You want to fight with me?” Rheinner groaned.

“hmph…” Prudence coldly snorted, quietly watching Rhinenell.

Rheinner touched his chin and indulged for a moment, and smiled and smiled: “Well, come and bring the longbow of Prudence.”

It was the turn of Prudence this time, and he did not expect Rheinner to promise such a childish request.

Soon, several orc warriors came in, one with a longbow of Prudence, and one with two quiver, which was filled with arrows and was indeed a weapon of Prudence. Then, The orc warriors spread out all around and gave up enough space.

Prudence’s heart was overjoyed, taking a long breath, grabbing the longbow with a slightly trembling hand, then hanging the two quiver on the waist side, walking a few steps to the field, looking at Rhinenell, he not at all Anxious to start, since Rheinel accepted his challenge so gracefully, he also wants to show his demeanor, although this kind of venue is very bad for the archers.

“I heard that you opened the mark of God a long time ago.” Rinner smiled: “I always wanted to see for myself how much your opponent might have.”

“Rheinnell, let the facts speak.” Prudence indifferently said that in the moment he got the longbow, his temperament has changed dramatically, and that Zhang Junmei’s face became a fascinating face. Flying, the body is quite straight, like a singularity that has been taken off the strings.

“I said, I want to see the formidable power of the mark of God.” Rinner said with a smile: “You can start.” His expression is very indifferent, even the scimitar is too lazy to pull out.

Prudence was furious, and Rheinel was so contemptuous of his fighting power that he couldn’t stand it, but it was also a good thing. He might kill Rinner on the spot, even if he couldn’t escape, it’s worth!

There was no more nonsense in Prudence, and the big, watery eyes were smashed into a line, and the light that shined was like the essence, and it was fixed on Rhinenell, then his left hand was put up, and the right hand had one more fingertip. The arrow is used to pull the longbow in a motion like a flowing stream. His momentum also surged with the action. Each time the longbow opened an inch, the momentum increased by one point. When he pulled the longbow into a full moon, the momentum also rose.

Suddenly, ka-cha, the longbow in Prudence’s hand was broken into two pieces for no reason. If the former Prudence was like a balloon, then the sudden occurrence was a steel needle, without mercy. The thorns on the balloon, the heavy pressure filled in the hall disappeared instantly, leaving only the stunned Prudence.

“haha…hahaha…” Rheiner laughed, smiled forward and leaned back, and kept slaps his hands with his hands. For a long while, he stopped laughing and said in a narrow tone: “Prudence Adult, your strength is too big…”

“You…” Prudence looked up suddenly.

“Without weapons, how can you fight with me?” Rheinnell looked a little embarrassed. Then, the backhand took a machete from the waist of an orc warrior and threw it to Prudence: “You can only use this, Come on!” Finished, Rheinner smiled at Hehe’s stand up and raised his fists and shook: “I don’t need weapons.”

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