The newborn sun rises from the horizon a little, and the warm sun shines on World. Near a small village outside the Holy Crown City 40 li or so, a person slowly turns his cheeks, looks toward towards the sun, his face, forehead It is covered with wrinkles, and his wrinkles are not the same as the ordinary person. It is deep and dense. If you have a knife, you can even say that his face is full of an unbearable aging, but the weird thing is that His eyes are so young, sultry and glamorous.

Staring at the morning sun, he suddenly smiled. His smile was different from that of the ordinary person. He was mixed with a sense of satisfaction that was indescribable in language. Then he fell to the ground and leaned over to the gorgeous sun.

The farmers around were whispering. When they got the job yesterday, they saw this strange person standing under the tree. They came out to farm this morning and saw this strange person, as if they had not moved all night.

However, this geek should not care about the gaze of others. He took a moment and stood up a little, gently shaking off the dust. In fact, his clothes were so bad that even the beggar was not as good, but his movements seemed so succinct and elegant as if they were wearing the most expensive clothes on the World.

Just then, a carriaage came from a distance, a woman with fire red hair was desperately smashing the horse in front, and the horse pulling the car was twitched, even though it was too tired to spit. The foam is still desperately rushing, and this road is not flat. The red car is bouncing like a spring, and the naked eye can clearly see that the angle between the rut and the rut has been seriously distorted. It is worrying that this carriage will completely fall apart at the next moment.

Behind the carriage, there are about a dozen people chasing them. Their costumes are very mixed. They are wearing magical robes, wearing soft armor, and wearing strong clothes. They all look professional.

The farmers raised their heads and stopped the farm work for a while, and the geek looked at it intently.

A magical wave came, and one of the chasers sang the incantation, then the magic wand pointed forward, and a meteorite screaming in the air whizzed down from the air, and instantly the two horses in front of the carriage were won. The flesh and blood splashed, and the road was pulled out of a big pit. The two horses behind couldn’t hold the momentum and rushed straight into the pit. One of the horses crashed on the spot and the other horse was fine. Wherever I went, my neck rolled up like a snake. Obviously, its neck bone has been broken.

Then, the car was also trapped, but under the huge impact, the car suddenly turned over, and slowly turned two laps in the air, falling heavily on the ground, the red car was smashed, and two people were rolled out from the inside. Come, go straight down the road and go out for more than 20 meter away, then you can stabilize your body shape.

One of them was a woman, the other was a teenager. They all fell very badly. The boy had fallen bloodshed, and the woman could not see the injury, but she struggled but could not climb, obviously Also suffered.

The red-haired woman was much more fortunate than her companion. She turned a few heads in the air, just in the wheat field that had been ploughed by the farmer, and then climbed up very well. She pulled out the giant sword behind her back and screamed: “You are going, the old lady is blocking them! Go away!!”

The boy ran hard, and dragged and forced the woman from the ground, then swayed forward and screamed and yelled: “Help! Help! The robbers robbed…”

The boy was looking for someone to help, but his shouting played the opposite role. The farmers rushed away and desperately fled to their village. The ordinary person interfered with the battle between the professionals. This was purely courting. Death is a person who has a family, and no one wants to make fun of his life.

The people behind have already caught up, they have jumped off the horse, the other party has lost the carriage, and they can’t escape their palms.

“Come on!” The red-haired female Swordsman screamed at the enemy while she was roaring. Interestingly, the leather she wore was also fire red. It seemed that the whole person was like a fire, and it was amazing, but her The strength and her momentum are completely out of match. Going to the front of Swordsman pulls out the long sword, and the backhand rushes over to the ‘fire’. When the slamming sound, the giant sword in the hands of the red-haired female Swordsman has slashed into the air, then The Swordsman flew up and was kicking in the chest and abdomen of the red-haired female Swordsman. The red-haired female Swordsman made a sigh of sorrow, her feet off the ground, and her body shape flew out seven or eight meter away, stunned. .

Swordsman took a few steps forward and suddenly turned back and asked, “Is this useless?”

“Useless.” A Magician coldly said.

“Damn it, it’s too tight time, look at this figure, it’s hot enough, but it’s a pity.” The Swordsman shook the head, then raised the long sword.

The red-haired female Swordsman wanted to jump and continue to fight. She could be hit hard in the chest and abdomen. She was so painful that she could not breathe. The blood kept squirting out of her mouth and nostrils. Don’t speak of which fight, even move her body. Can’t do it.

The Swordsman’s long sword has been smashed. At this moment, he suddenly feels saw a flash, then sees a wrinkled old face. He is shocked and wants to step back and find himself. The wrist has been firmly grasped.

“God has given you a powerful arm, not to let you bully others, understand?” The old man said softly: “Now, confess your sins!”

The Swordsman complexion greatly changed, but he felt like his wrist was surrounded by a hoop. Anyway, he was completely motionless. He could hardly believe his eyes, so the thin arms would have So much power! And the harder he was, the stronger the pain on his wrist, and finally he couldn’t hold the long sword. The long sword fell off his hand and fell to the body of the red-haired female Swordsman.

The old man picks the toes and kicks the hilt of the long sword. The long sword emits a whistling sound that almost tears the human eardrum, spurting out, and is shining to the side of Magician.

The Magician just raised his magic wand, and suddenly the cold glow flashed, and the assaults the senses, he never saw it. The wind would have become so fierce, it was like being beaten by a man. Like, he couldn’t help but step back seven or eight steps. When he could open his eyes, he realized that the upper end of the magic wand had disappeared. He couldn’t help but make a sharp call. For Magician, The right magic wand with the handle is equal to half of their life. In the blink of an eye, he still doesn’t understand what is going on, half of his life is gone, and he can’t accept this result.

The rest of the people were dumbstruck. Just before the moment, they took out their weapons and prepared to kill the nosy people. Now everyone has become a statue, and even their fingers don’t dare to move. They know their companions. Strength, the 9th-order Magianian, will be universally respected in any place in the continent. As a result, only in an instant, people are destroyed by weapons, and what about them? Of course, their companions are too big to even release the magic shield, but can the magic shield be blocked to block the sword?

“Who is you?” asked one person with courage.

“I am just a traveler.” The old man softly said.

“Hello, they were originally the servants of our mercenary group. They colluded and stole our money. We arrested these criminals on the orders of the head of the group. I hope that you will not interfere with us.” The man slowly said.

“Oh…” The red-haired female Swordsman took a sip to express her contempt, but she spoke not saliva, but blood, she was Moxinke’s childhood playmate, Hilna, born to be stubborn at this moment. Bilu is undoubted, even if no one is helping her now, she will die under the enemy sword, and she will not yield.

The two people behind were naturally Keeley and Little Joseph. They saw that Hilna was knocked down and simply gave up and fled, and rushed to Hilna.

“Lie, this is also a sin. It seems that you need to seriously regret it.” The old man’s face became severe, then he leaned down, reached out and beckoned, and a white light curtain blew from the air. Shrouded in Hilna, Keeley and Joseph had already ran back at this time, and they did not act indiscriminately. After the white light disappeared, they were left and right, and Hilla was helped a little.

“You are a priest??” The Swordsman startled, he took a few more steps and slowly moved his wrist. He felt his wrist bones seem to have been crushed, and no strength could be made.

“I said, I am just a traveler.”

Those who look at each other in dismay don’t look like it. In their impressions, the priests are very instrumental and do not give a noble, holy impression. Who is willing to believe in them? In front of this old fellow, it is not even as good as beggar. It is impossible to say that he is a priest. However, the strength of this old fellow is obvious to all. It can be described as unfathomable, at least they can’t figure it out.

“Hello, you must interfere with us?” Magician, who was still sorrowful on his face, slowly asked: “How do you tell us your name? So we can go back to the head.” I have to explain that with your strength, don’t you dare to say?”

“My name is Adolf.” That old man indifferently said.

“Adolf? I remember!” said Magician hatefully, then swept through Keeley and the others with the hungry wolf-like sight, then waved his hand: “Go, let’s go back!”

The group of people turned and walked backwards, and they would succeed immediately, but they jumped out of a spoiled old fellow. They were all reluctant, but the situation was stronger than the people, facing the forces that could not be confronted, they could only give in.

When the group of people jumped on the horse and prepared to retreat from the road, the old man named Adolf suddenly began: “Wait a minute.”

“What else do you have?” The Magician turned and angered.

“You haven’t repented yet,” Adolf said softly. “I can see that your heart name is very tyrannical. You should have done a lot of wrong things before. Please believe me. Only sincere remorse will God save you. Otherwise, You will break into hell sooner or later.”

“I regret a fart!!” The Magician was so angry that she almost ruined her family and bought a Top Grade magic wand. It took less than half a month to be destroyed. He is now even suicidal. There are, wherever you can take care of anything else.

“You are blaspheming the gods?” Adolf’s face changed dramatically, and his temperament changed. Just now, his tone was always slow, soft, but now full of steel-like hardness, a kind of awkward The breath of trembling in fear emanates from his body, and the air is filled with an invisible pressure, or a repulsive force, including the Keeley trio, including those who are more than 20 meters away. There are a few steps back in the same direction.

“I…” The Magician face also changed. He absolutely did not expect that the reaction of the old man would be so intense.

Adolf’s backhand waved and a white ball of light spurt out. This is the magical, Holy Light bomb that most priests can freely release, but the Adolf’s release of the Holy Light is so fast that his hand is moving forward. At the same time, the Holy Light bomb crossed the distance of more than 20 meters, hit the Magician’s face, blood spatter, Holy Light bomb penetrated the skull, continued to spur forward, and flew to the number 100 Meters went out and disappeared into the air.

The Magician is still sitting on the horse, as if the attack had no effect on him. However, there was a sea bowl-sized blood hole in the center of his head. The eyebrows, eyes and nose disappeared, and the mouth disappeared halfway. The lips are still intact, and Magician’s companions can clearly see a row of white stalks’ lower teeth, and can see a group of soft, bloody things falling from the top of the circle. Then, the Magician slowly Going backwards, but his feet are still in the stables, and the body is so quietly lying on the horse, and the horse he crossed did not feel anything, still snoring.

The Swordsman who injured Hilna reacted very quickly. He didn’t try to escape, nor did he launch an attack. Instead, he jumped from the horse’s back with a roll of crawling, slamming his knees, kneeling down, right hand across the chest. Before, the eyes are slightly closed, the mouth is mutter incantations, and I don’t know what he is saying.

Others immediately woke up, scrambling to jump off the horse and smashing into a ball, but their postures seemed very confusing, some of them were clasped together, some simply came to the ground, their mouths were very exaggerated, maybe, They don’t know how to pray and confess, but the mouth must be clearly displayed.

Adolf did not shoot again, just standing on the side and watching quietly.

For the group of people, it can be regarded as a year of age, and some of them pretend for a long time. When they see no response, they sneak open their eyes and find that Adolf is looking at himself. At that time, they are scared of a cold sweat. The eyes closed tightly again, and the movement of the mouth became more intense.

Don’t say the co-defendants of the deceased, even Keeley and other three are absolute silence, and they don’t dare to move. Hilna’s surname is more carefree than Moxinke, but at this moment it was scared by Adolf’s thunderbolt.

Sometimes, time will be surprisingly slow, the sun will rise higher and higher, and the escaping farmers will return to the wheat field, curiously looking at it, pointing and pointing, and the pedestrians on the continent are gradually getting more. The force of the human race race contracted to Beitman. Some savvy Business Group felt the signal of peace and boldly restored the trade. When almost everyone passed by, they would curiously stop to look at the excitement and find that After lying on the dead body of the horse, he left in a hurry.

In the end, Hilna couldn’t stand it, even though the old man’s magic for her blessing was very effective, so that her pain was greatly reduced, but her body was still weak. She needed to sit down and rest, and the three people whispered a few words very carefully. Slowly scrape into the wheat field and sit on the field.

The warrior takes up a lot of money, but Magician can’t do it. If it’s not moving for half an hour, the bite will pass, and the long time is a torture, not to mention that they don’t know when it is the head, no specific The goal, their endurance collapsed very quickly, and finally a Magician couldn’t hold it, fell to the ground, then bounced like an electric shock, turned and looked towards Adolf, he suddenly found out that Adolf was smiling and looking towards him, maybe It was because Adolf’s smile was very kind, and he came to courage and stood up obliquely.

“Do you regret it?” Adolf asked softly.

That Magician put his head like a chicken and a glutinous rice. He didn’t forget it anyway.

“Don’t be discouraged, God doesn’t care about your past, only looks at your future, should start from now, understand?”

The Magician continued to madly nod.

“Okay, you can go.”

That Magician to be wild with joy, he walked to his horse and wanted to climb up, but his knees were already numb, and he worked hard for a long time and could not do so.

When others heard it, they also showed a happy color, and they stood up one after another.

“Do you regret it?” The doctrine is not allowed to be connected. Everyone is responsible for their actions, but they are not responsible for the actions of others, so Adolf does not want to hurt them.

A group of people stood there desperately, and the scene looked funny.

“You can go.”

The crowd slammed out and let the strength of the whole body rush to their horses, but their movements were very uncomfortable, like a group of zombies, it is not difficult to understand, the time spent on the ground is too long.

Hilna didn’t expect it to be such an ending. She was in a hurry and said something. Keeley reacted very quickly. She slammed her arm and shouted Hilna with her eyes. Don’t talk nonsense.

Adolf turned slowly and walked to Hilna: “Are your injuries better?” His tone still looked soft.

“Well, thank you,” Hilna said sincerely.

“Don’t thank me.” Adolf said with a slight smile: “It is God who shelters you, and I am but God’s most loyal servant.”

“Thanks to the great light god…” Keeley sighed with sorrow, then she hesitated: “Mr. Adolf, can you ask for one thing?”

“what’s up?”

“Can you send us to Holy Crown City?”

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