The words ‘Raphael’ have become a curse, and they are enemies. Fierceness like Fossa will also cause a lot of headaches, and friends who are friends will become a guarantee of safety. Now, Jingpiri Race finally came out of the shadow of this spell.

The entire camp was full of festive atmosphere, because they knew a message, today Raphael will be rushed to the Fine Spirit Race!

Ever since the orcs turned their back on the covenant, the elves lived under heavy pressure. They could not see their future, only to see death and destruction. Raphael’s public visit, the bread has a great significance, can be friends with this powerful lord, they no longer need to fear the external threat, there are many elves resent the orcs, do not believe the orcs, so although the United Senate has The final decision was made, but Lydia also has a lot of room for activity, but no one doubts this powerful lord for a number of reasons, and most importantly, of course Sunier exists.

What’s more, Lydia confiscates the secret intentionally or unintentionally. Raphael has secretly visited the Fine Spirit Race and got along very well with Gao Bian. For the elves, the news is normal. Gao Bin is Sunier’s pro big brother. How can they get along without getting along?

Almost every elf is laughing. They or they know that the scorpion of suffering has passed. Only Gao Bin can’t smile. At this moment, he is looking anxiously in the camp. Of course, the anxiety here just means the mood. On the expression, he will not let anyone see the clue.

Lydia, Julia, and Constance came face to face and saw Gaobin hurriedly turn over. Lydia curiously asked: “Gao Bin, what are you doing?”

Gaobin looked around and saw no other elves. He whispered: “Have you seen Sunier?”

“See.” Lydia also whispered: “She went to the south of the camp. Her mood… It didn’t seem very good. They greeted her. She just ordered nodded from us, not even talking. Going over.”

“How is her mood so good?!” Julia sighed.

“I went to talk to her.” Gao Bin’s face became awkward: “Ridia, Raphael is coming, and you guys have found Branzi, let’s meet it first, I will get back as soon as possible.” Today’s At the banquet, no one can miss Sunier. Otherwise, there will be rumors inside the Spirit Race.

“Okay.” Lydia nodded.

On the hillside in the south of the camp, Sunier sat quietly, his slender body huddled, his hands wrapped around his knees, his backs squatting, his beautiful cheeks buried between his knees, and his solitary backs were particularly mournful. .

No matter how strong Sunier is, there is always its own limit. The rock is hard enough. However, if the external force is too strong, the rock will collapse and smash. There is no absolute thing in the world. Everything is relative.

Her heart is full of bitterness, but she can’t find anyone to tell her. Seeing her own big brother, this is certainly a happy event. Who knows not for a long time, her big brother will uncover a cruel, almost her heart. The shredded truth, Sunier has never been able to sleep for a few days. During the day, she tries to make herself behave normally. In the evening, she always hides in her camp, or goes outside to find a quiet place, alone. Thinking about your own thoughts.

She can’t talk to Gao Bin, one is because Gao Bin is her pro big brother, but she hasn’t seen it for decades. She feels strange in her feelings. She is not used to open up to a stranger, even though they exist. The blood relationship, the other is because Gaobin has become a religious and military leader. Every day from morning to night, Sunier is strong, or she keeps telling herself to be strong and not because of personal matters. Affects the overall plan of the fine Spirit Race.

Gao Bin’s eyes were sharp, and he found Sunier’s silhouette. He walked quickly to Sunier, and Sunier lost his vigilance and didn’t realize that someone was close.

At a distance of less than ten meters from Sunier, Gaobin wanted to say hello, and at this moment, Sunier’s back overlapped with another familiar back, and Gaobin felt his heart twitching. The tearing pain almost made him unable to breathe. When she left Wild Willow City, was she… is this the case?

History is always so similar. At the beginning, Gao Bing left because of the violent interference of the Senate, leaving the lonely and desperate Hailuer. Now? Will my only relatives indulge in pain? Is this the curse of Hailuer or the retribution of fate? !

Gao Bin stabilized his mood, opened the mouth and said : “Sunier !”

Sunier’s silhouette shook a bit, then paused for a while before slowly turning over, said with a smile : “big brother, how come you?”

Gao Bin can see that although Sunier’s smile is still so beautiful, it is impeccable, but her eyes are full of a faded gray, his heart is even more painful, slowly said: “He is coming.”

Sunier knows who the ‘he’ is in Gaobin’s mouth. She can’t help but close her eyes and whisper: “big brother, I am…somewhat uncomfortable today.”

“Sunier, listen to me.” Gao Bin sighed: “You don’t do anything at not at all, so there is no need to be afraid, if you must be afraid, that is also him…” Gao Bin said here, can’t say it anymore. Sunier is not wrong, can Han Jin be wrong?

“This is not afraid of fear.” Sunier’s eyes fell on Gaobin’s face, staring at Gaobin’s eyes: “big brother, must I go see him? For the sake of Spirit Race?!”

“No!” Sunier’s words were a bit sorrowful, and Gao Bin showed a bitter smile: “At least you have to give yourself and give him a chance.”

When Sunier and Gaobin talked, War God had landed next to the camp of Fine Spirit Race, and Lydia, Branchi, Julia, Constance, and Han Jin knew the elves and ushered in the camp. There are also patriarchs from various ministries and Elder from some joint nursing homes.

The War God is already huge in the air. After landing on the ground, the visual impact on the elves is even stronger. I have never seen the War Gods in the dark, clicking on one’s tongue in wonder, and knowing the elves from the War God. In the show of their own knowledge, very soon, most of the elves know, such a huge War God is actually a magic prop, and was made by the Raphael lord.

Han Jin first landed on the ground, Lidia first greeted a few steps, said with a slight smile: “You are here.”

Han Jin nodded, his eyes swept behind Lydia, and said with a smile: “So big a welcome scene? We are all family, you are too far out.”

Before the various Spirit Races and the veterans just heard that Han Jin and Gao Bin get along very well, Han Jin’s ‘family’ provides a clear evidence for the harmony, even some for the Anpudra and Pu Ludens and if the rabbit dies, the veterans of the fox grieves, are also fortunate in their hearts. They know that if Ampura and Prudence are here, the relationship between the two sides can never be so friendly.

“Julia, do you miss me?” A big slammed door rang, the second Moxinke to jump.

“Get out of the way!” Julia angered.

Some patriarchs and veterans couldn’t help but look at each other in dismay. They absolutely did not expect that there would be a bad sign on Julia. How can we swear the guests with dirty words? ! Although the other party’s words are not too good to listen to, there is a faint taste of meditation, but it’s time to endure it. Why? ! They don’t understand the relationship between Julia and Han Jin and the others. No matter whether it is Julia who is ‘tweaked’ or Moxinke who is ‘骂’, no one has taken this seriously.

“You are wrong, Julia will definitely think, but not think about us.” Lei Zhe said hehe.

“Who is that who?” asked Cessacioun later.

“Yeah, who do you want?” Moxinke asked aloud, but Cessacioun’s expression was just right, as if he really didn’t understand it, and Moxinke’s words were full of artificial flavors, and the wind could float 50 li.

Julia’s face is slightly red, she no longer cares about these guys, her eyes are above and looking for something.

“Don’t look for it, he didn’t come, hehe…” Moxinke hehe said with a smile.

“He didn’t come?” Julia stunned.

“Yeah.” Lei Zhe and Cessacioun said in unison.

Julia’s face changed a little, with a dissatisfied look look towards Han Jin, the size of the ship is so big, absolutely do not care to wear a person, if ‘he’ really did not come, it must be Han Jin deliberate!

“What?” Han Jin asked in surprise.

“You…” Julia was anxious and angry. She didn’t believe that Han Jin really didn’t understand it, but her anxiety and disappointment made her rationality and other factors drop. Julia’s surname was clearly stated. : “What about Gibran?!”

“He has something to do with the Holy Crown City.” Han Jin whispered.

Julia’s emotions suddenly fell down. She and Gibran were in a period of love. They were always inseparable. This time for clansman, she resolutely left Gibran and returned to the Spirit Race to fight. She was missing for dozens of days. Too many thoughts under the accumulation, knowing that Gibran did not come, the loss is imaginable.

“But…” Han Jin thought for a moment: “Julia, you know, I have a lot of magical magic. If you really want to see Gibran, I can release the magic and bring Gibran from the Holy Crown City summon. “”

“summon??” Julia is stunned, is Gibran a Warcraft? Can summon come over? ! Not only Julia, but the surrounding patriarchs and veterans also showed the expected expression. The things on World are so strange. If you know that Han Jin is going to release magic here, it will definitely run away. However, it is waiting with an attitude of watching.

“Do you really want to see Gibran?” Han Jin asked.

“Think!” I don’t know if I want to see Han Jin’s expression magic, or really want to see Gibran, Julia answered very quickly.

“Good.” Han Jin responded quickly, then took a long and deep breath.

The elves around them all widened their eyes, for fear that they would miss the show.

“Why, what about 呗 吽 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ”

Next moment, Gibran’s silhouette appeared on the side of the ship, his face was helpless, then turned over and jumped off the boat.

“Really strong big magic!” Julia sighed eyebrows, in a cynically tone: “Ji Bolun, just brought you from Holy Crown City summon?!” At this point, Julia certainly wakes up Was played, and was played collectively, the most unforgivable is that Gibran actually cooperated with them? !

“What kind of shit magic.” Gibran whispered a whisper, and watched Julia’s face with fear and fear: “Julia, don’t blame me, they caught me, don’t let me out, don’t let me talk.”

“Who caught you?!” Julia said with anger, she did not believe, because among the young people, in addition to Han Jin, Gibran’s strength is the strongest, Guevera is certainly better than Gibran, but Guevera Will you cooperate with the guys in front of you to play this low-level joke?

A tall silhouette appeared on the side of the ship, with a smile on it, it turned out to be Dominique!

Julia immediately lost her temper. The strength of a thunderbolt Titan is unquestionable. She does not hate Gibran now. Instead, in Poor Gibran, it is hard to be caught by such a giant hand.

Gibran has no choice but to spread his hands, that is very obvious, have you seen it? I can’t move!

Lydia has been laughing at watching young people fool around, and the other elves haven’t figured it out now, this is a joke or a magical effect, because the magic released by Han Jin is notoriously not fluctuating. Some say it is a joke, some say it is magic, and arbitrarily argue in the back.

Silhouette flashed, Guevera fell from the air and landed firmly on the ground. Lidia’s eyes shone: “Guevera, welcome you.” She and Guevera belong to the enemy, in the city of the cliff, she even Attacked Guevera, but I didn’t want to make things big, I couldn’t release the magic arrows, and I ended up missing.

“Thank you.” Guevera was faintly replied.

At this time, Branzi stepped forward and said seriously: “Raphael, thank you.” She is thanking Han Jin for the warning, otherwise they will not be able to stop the attack of the human race with their defense. Maybe Most of them are not killed by the orcs, they are the playthings of the orcs.

“hehe…you are too polite.” Han Jin laughed: “This road is coming, dry mouth…”

Branchi glimpses, Han Jin and the others are flying by the War God, and there are naturally a large amount of material reserves on board, can you talk about it? Her mind turned very fast, and she suddenly remembered that when she saw Han Jin for the first time, Han Jin asked her to talk about the water and drink it. She couldn’t help but cover her mouth. Lightly said with a smile: “Moon spring water? You can rest assured, lack Nothing for you.”

Dominique also jumped to the ground, followed by Steelberg and Mirien. Of course, they couldn’t jump from the boat, they would die alive, and they could only climb down the ladder.

Lydia waited for a moment, seeing no more movement on the boat, knowing that there were so many guests, and letting one let, said with a smile: “Please come with me.” Then she took the lead and walked to the camp.

Han Jin’s gaze followed Lydia’s body, his face suddenly became hesitant, whispered: “Moxinke, it’s all on you!” For this meeting, Han Jin planned for two days, and fine What did Spirit Race say, he didn’t care at all, and he was worried about how to deal with Sunier. For this reason, he thought a lot of ways and made preparations.

“You still don’t trust my acting skills?” Moxinke carefree said: “Isn’t it a stupid thing? It’s okay!”

“Yeah.” Lei Zhe said: “Moxinke doesn’t have to play at all, just keep your own color.”

Moxinke groaned and immediately became furious, gnashing teeth said: “Lei Zhe, you want to fight again?!”

“No, Moxinke, you are not right.” Lei Zhe said resolutely: “You should not understand me completely, smirk loudly, this is a stupid, understand?”

Usually, Moxinke is not the opponent of Lei Zhe and Cessacioun on the tongue. This time is no exception, and now it is not a place to escalate the contradiction. I can only look at Lei Zhe with a fiercely look.

Han Jin swept his eyes and fell on Steelberg and Melanie. He whispered: “Steelberg, Mellie, it’s all up to you!” Han Jin at the moment is like a normal young man with emotional confusion.

“Young Master, don’t worry.” Steelberg nodded heavily and his expression was a bit languid.

“Young Master, you can rest assured.” Mirien also said that her expression is even worse.

After receiving the task, Steelberg and Mirien had a long-term ‘talking’. This kind of conversation was very tempered. The content was nothing but swear, doubt, swear, and doubt, Mirien did not know the idea. And telling me how many future scenes, if Steelberg is doing anything, she will definitely be how.

As the saying goes, there is a servant who has his lord. This is purely nonsense. At least, Steelberg has his own insistence. Molly was born poorly and suddenly came to the War God. It was already Immortal Realm for her, but she didn’t lose herself at all. On the contrary, she was always working hard to prove the value of her existence, lest Being looked down upon by others, Han Jin and Steelberg, the master and servant, were taken care of by her, and Steelberg also tasted the bitter scorpion and suddenly found such a considerate wife, who simply fell asleep and dreamed of sleeping. What is delicious and fun, the first one is not to think of Han Jin is to think of Molien, he is absolutely impossible to have any other ideas.

This pair of young couples is completely tormenting themselves, a constant worry, fear, fear that their happiness suddenly disappears, and one can’t wait to show their hearts to the other side, but can’t really be embarrassed, so how I also don’t understand.

“Raphael, who are you by!” Moxinke said dissatisfied.

“hehe…” Han Jin smiled. “Let’s go.”

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