Yalina stood on the promenade, looked very carefully before and after, and then quickly ran into the wall, next moment, her silhouette has disappeared disappear without a trace.

At the other end of the wall is Han Jin’s ‘Magic Lab’. Within half an hour, this is the fifth time Yalina has come in. She must find Han Jin because of the major event!

This time, Yalina was finally empty, and Han Jin stood in the endless sky, thinking about what God was thinking.

“Raphael, how come you come back?!” Yalina anxiously said: “There is something wrong! A major event!”

“What?” Han Jin asked naturally, but his tone was full of absent-minded taste.

“The Holy See was attacked! It was the dragon dragon of the Dragon Field!! The Holy Crystal was taken away by the giant dragon!!!” Yalina said more and more excited: “Jedice is going to be mad, knowing for so long, I never imagined that his face would become terrifying, Guevera took the Knights and Jedice back to Holy Crown City, and Kane, they…”

Yalina has a lot to say, but after Han Jin made an action, she immediately became stunned, watching the huge flash of crystal in the center, she could hardly believe her eyes. ,what is that? what is that? ! Yalina swallowed the saliva very hard, extending the hand to the crystal, but like the electric shock, one finger of the head of the fear was shrunk back: “Raphael, you…you…”

“For this day, I have been waiting for a long time…” Han Jin answered the sigh that he asked, his sighs mixed with many complicated emotions.

“Raphael!” Yalina couldn’t control herself anymore. She rushed forward and grabbed Han Jin’s arm: “You…you are united with Long Domain…”

“No, how can I unite with the Dragonfield?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“I understand!” Yalina breathed a sigh of relief. She even had a feeling of wanting to collapse. It turned out to be a misunderstanding: “You found the giant dragon of the dragon domain, and then grabbed the crystal from their hands. How about this?!”

“No, they took the initiative to give me the crystal.”

“How could it be…” Yalina once again stunned, how could she not figure out, Long Tian suddenly attacked the Holy See, snatched the Holy Crystal, but gave the Holy Crystal to Han Jin, is this not a problem? For a long while, Yalina asked with enthusiasm: “Why?”

“Because I let them go.”

Hearing this sentence, Yalina has not thought about it, only shook his head desperately, and the action is very large, as if to take Han Jin’s words away from his mind: “No, no, definitely not, you Don’t make a joke!”

“Hey, don’t talk, give me some time.” Han Jin reached out and held Yalina’s face, then bowed his head and kissed him gently on Yalina’s lips: “I will give you a reasonable explanation for a while, ok? You also know that I have been setting magic arcs in the magic lab a few days ago, all for the present!”

Yalina stared at Han Jin, for a moment, nodded, and she retired to the side. At the moment, Yalina’s heart was up and down. She didn’t believe that Han Jin could do this. I hope that Han Jin can give her a moment. Explain, but Han Jin’s expression is very dignified. She can only choose to give in if she does not know what Han Jin is doing and so on.

Han Jin narrowed his eyes and took a long breath, which proves that Han Jin is also very excited!

“Zhou Tianhao…” Han Jin suddenly spoke. At the same time as his former hand seals, all around, the headlights and the starlight at the foot began to tremble. “乾坤Perfection!” Han Jin’s voice was loud and loud, in Yalina. In the eyes, Han Jin suddenly turned into a strange man with thousands of arms. At almost every moment, Han Jin would play more than a dozen different laws, and around Han Jin, thousands of talisman had already been distributed. The dazzling light, the glare of the glare is far more than the noon of the noon, Yalina still dare not release the magic to protect himself, so as not to cause elemental conflict, he has to close his eyes and observe the situation from the eye.

The huge flash of crystals seemed to be held by an invisible force, slowly rising to the air, and began to center on itself, a little bit of rotation, Yalina suddenly found that the whole room became a giant vortex Everything, including the shackles of Han Jin, the grotesque rune, and the starlight that has become extremely faint around, are spinning to the sacred crystal.

Perhaps because the surrounding scenery turned too much, Yalina had a dizzy feeling, and she couldn’t help but step back a few steps until she leaned against the wall, which was more comfortable.

Han Jin has released his full strength and kept running the law. At first, he still wants to motivate the great array, but now, the vortex autonomously draws his in the body’s energy and makes him feel inside. Fortunately, he had already made sufficient preparations beforehand. Otherwise, his end should not be stronger than the shaman who released the big Gravity Technique.

Yalina had already closed her eyes completely, only waiting silently. I don’t know how long it took. She felt that the light in front of her eyes was quickly fading away, and she carefully opened her eyes, which suddenly revealed that the room had become a group. Weird black.

All starlight and talisman are completely gone, all around is very deep, she can’t see anything, but can see Han Jin, Han Jin doesn’t know how much sweat is flowing, so that the hair is tightly attached to the forehead, it looks very Wolverine, and Han Jin’s face is pale and his body is shaking slightly, as if he will be unable to support it. What is even more strange is the sacred crystal. At this moment, the sacred crystal has condensed into a disc size, and the gloss is dimmed. Many, and still continue to rotate, continue to condense.

Yalina still didn’t dare to interrupt Han Jin. Watching the crystal, carefully, the crystal became a pearl, but it continued to condense. For a moment, the crystal shimmered into a small star, flashing. After a while, it finally disappeared.

While the stars disappeared, Yalina’s eyes lost all functions. She couldn’t see Han Jin anymore, and she couldn’t see herself. The heavy darkness made her breathless.

Then, a light flashed out in the place where the crystal disappeared, and all the shady scenes were quickly removed. Yalina immediately closed her eyes as a conditional reflection.

“Fortunately, okay…” Han Jin’s voice came over, but his voice sounded weak.

When Yalina opened her eyes again, she found that everything was back to normal. The crystal was still so huge, still spinning slowly, and the surrounding starlight was still flashing, as if it was just her illusion.

“Raphael!” Yalina rushed to the first few steps and held Han Jin’s arm. He laughed and asked, “Your magic array… succeeded?”

“Yeah.” Han Jin’s face was full of smiles.

“…” Yalina couldn’t smile, and there was nothing to say. Obviously, the magic array set by Han Jin borrowed the power of the Holy Crystal. One party is private and one is axiom. This makes Yalin feel very contradictory and painful. .

“Let me sit for a while.” Han Jin whispered.

Yalina helped Han Jin to sit on the floor a little and watched Han Jin close his eyes and enter meditation. Her expression was a bit stunned. What should I do?

Help Jedice speak? That must not work, Han Jin will be angry, help Han Jin… Are they too sorry for Jedisi? What Jedice did, everyone saw it, so treating Jedice like this is… “Yalina, what are you thinking?” Han Jin’s voice made Yalina startled, she panicked and replied: “No. … didn’t think about anything.”

Han Jin just adjusted for a moment, he could not sit here and wait for his own energy to recover, not to mention that at this moment, Jedice and Guevera should have discovered the bodies of those giant dragons, and the effect of collecting dragon blood is far more than himself. It’s better to meditate here, Kane is there, he should know how to deal with those giant dragons.

Han Jin found that Yalina was always deliberately avoiding her own sight. He knew why this was a smile, and his eyes fell on the crystal and bowed his head.

“Raphael, what are you thinking?” Yalina whispered.

“I was thinking, what should I explain to Jedice in the future.” Han Jin smiled and replied.

“Don’t! Don’t!” Yalina immediately turned pale with fright: “He will fight with you!!”

“Not necessarily.”

“You…you didn’t see what Jedice was like at the time!” Speaking of Jedith’s reaction at the time, Yalina still had a lingering moment.

“Yalina, do you know what I am most afraid of?” Han Jin asked slowly.

“What are you most afraid of?”


“Heart knot??” Yalina can’t figure out, what’s so scary?

“Yeah, so I will tell him sooner or later, and…” Han Jin couldn’t help but think of Sunier at the moment, but in front of Yalina, he can’t mention the name for the time being.

“He can’t forgive you!” Yalina was really anxious. She was still thinking about whether she should help Jedice a few words, but now there is no such thought at all, because Han Jin’s decision is stupid, she Just want to try to maintain the unity and stability of the group: “Raphael, don’t be stupid, Jedice will definitely fight you for a dead life!”

“I just said, not necessarily.” Han Jin said while taking out a Magic Crystal, which was a spoils of war a year ago when they hunted large groups of thunderbirds.

Later, Han Jin placed the Magic Crystal on the floor, formed hand seals, and then Yalina saw a visible arc of visible eyes drifting out of the Magic Crystal and wandering around the room.

“This is…” Yalina sensed the fluctuation of an electrical element.

“Is it sensed?” Han Jin laughed, and took out a few thunderbird Magic Crystals, all on the floor.

There is a misty thing floating above the Magic Crystal. In fact, it is a very small arc. As time goes by, several Magic Crystals quickly become bleak, and finally become one after another. Han Jin and Yalina have also changed at the same time. Their clothes and hair seem to be attracted by an invisible force, and they are constantly floating and flying.

“Good pure elemental tide…” Yalina exclaimed.

“Yalina, if you meditate here every day, is the effect surprisingly good?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

Yalina didn’t start to realize what this pure element meant to her. When she heard Han Jin’s words, she stayed, and then the whole person jumped up and screamed, “Meditate here?!”

“Of course.” Han Jin slowly said: “I have spent so much effort, that is, let me, let you, let everyone improve their strength quickly.”

Han Jin set up the spirit of the array, he had this idea for a long time, but unfortunately, the right genius treasure is too difficult to find, and as the core of the spirit of the array, the requirements for the traits are extremely demanding, Han Jin I have lived here for more than three years, and I have never found a suitable material treasure. In fact, if there are other options, Han Jin will never go to the Holy See.

The composition of Magic Crystal is special. In addition to providing energy, it also has pure elements. Han Jin is not very interested in elements because he has already passed the magnification of the formidable power to protect his stage. In the final analysis, energy It is everything about him! But the elements should not be wasted. When I went to hunt thunderbird last time, Yalina must meditate in the Thunder Valley, saying that the elements of the Thunder Valley are rich in content. Since then, he has had this idea in his heart, energy is his own, And the elements are friends, everyone will benefit.

After so long, the idea was finally realized, so Han Jin was excited. In contrast, after he defeated Zaganide and defeated Dismark and the others, he remained calm because the latter belonged to the secular, while the former meant He spent a level and solved a big problem.

He has already left a lot of dragon crystals of the giant dragon in his hand. At the beginning, he was very disappointed, because even if the base point is improved, he can’t take the energy of the dragon crystal. Now, he can use the spirit of the array, slow. Slowly stripping the energy of the dragon crystal, this success is not a few wins can be compared!

“God… my God…” Yalina has fallen into dementia, and she finally realized that Han Jin had just set up the magic array, which caused a subversion of the current magic system of continent! Her father, the Duke of Solomon, opened the magic Academy and taught the students personally. This kind of physical practice promoted the development of magic, which made the elements of the city a lot of excellent Magician. She once thought that father made a huge magical civilization for human beings. The contribution, and the impact of this magic array on the composition of magical civilization can be described as unparalleled!

The elements in the room are thousands of times stronger than the outside world. After all, the room size is not very large, and Han Jin stripped off the energy of several ninth-order Magic Crystals. Yalina knows that it is a day to meditate for a few days, equal to dozens of days outside. what does this mean? Increase human lifespan by dozens of times! If this magical array is popularized, one day, human beings will have the power to face the gods and even knock down the gods!

“I know that Jedith is very angry, but if I tell him, I can give the Holy See more than a dozen Cardinals and a few St. Knights in a few years…” Han Jin whispered: “Is he still angry?” ”

Yalina didn’t hear what Han Jin was saying. Her big eyes seemed to be staring at Han Jin, and it seemed to be through the body of Han Jin and into the stars.

“Yalina?” Seeing Yalina did not answer, Han Jin had to raise his voice.

“What?” Yalina asked in a dull moment.

Han Jin smiled at the head and then changed the subject: “The elements can’t be confused. The elements stripped from the Magic Crystal are too thick. The various elements are confused and unexpected things can happen. So, use them for the time being. Thunderbird’s Magic Crystal, um… If Guevera is also practicing here, is it as good as you?” “Yeah.” Yalina nodded hard: “Guevera is practicing lightning, right, and Little Brat, if it can stay here for a few days, its power will become even stronger. “You can only consider you first.” Han Jin said: “Then we have to consider the fire element, Kane, Wen Ston, Saxon, they all need to cultivate in the fire element, and, Undying Bird, which signed a contract with you, can you wake up faster?”

“Yeah.” Yalina nodded’s action is even harder. After Undying Bird Nirvana, it takes a few years or ten years to wake up. If you use the power of the magic array, you may wake up in a few months, which makes her Very happy.

“Moxinke and Gibran…” Han Jin looked a little hesitant: “I will talk about it after talking to them.”

“However, the influence of the elements on the warriors is not very large, at least not compared with Magician.” Yalina said: “The Star River fighting skills that Moxinke masters are among the five major types of fighting skills, only one after another, without the help of elemental forces. Skills, I feel… it won’t work for him, Gibran should be similar to Moxinke.”

“It’s a bit unfair to them.” Han Jin frowned. “And Cessacioun. After becoming a warlock, he should have chosen his future direction, but he has not made a decision.”

“Why didn’t you make a decision?” Yalina said: “I talked to him, he wanted to specialize in Earth Element magic.”

“Earth Element? Why is Earth Element?” Han Jin, in the top of the various Magic Crystal, Earth Element Magic Crystal is the most valuable, which also proves the status of Earth Element magic, so Han Jin feels very strange.

“Kane and Lorraine majored in fire attribute magic, Resley majored in Water Element magic, I am a gas magician, then Cessacioun had to practice Earth Element magic.” Yalina majored in electrical engineering Magic, but the electric system is a branch of the gas system. Because of the fierce and swift attack power, it can shine a lot, and it can almost read the power. However, on the magic badge, it is still classified into four categories.

“Well, they are back, let’s go out and see.” Han Jin suddenly stood up. He was always worried about the bodies of the giant dragons, but nothing could be done. Because of various restrictions, he can only meet in the area near Holy Crown City and the giant dragons in the Dragon Field. Jedice is not difficult to find the battlefield. If you find that several giant dragons have been sucked blood, what will happen? Therefore, he can only put his hopes on Kane, and he hopes that Kane can guarantee in time.

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