Fossa not at all is eager to join the battle group, only to stand on the sidelines, and Han Jin and Xavier can only avoid the attack of the Biangi giant beasts. Han Jin has nothing, he is almost from the bottom of World. A little bit of growth has been done more than this, but Xavier can’t stand it. He is the Elder of Dragon City. Whether it is in the Dragon City or in the outer continent, he is highly respected and is only a few. Warcraft bullying is unbearable!

Two bright lights ignited in Xavier’s eyes, and then a wave of volatility appeared, Xavier’s body swelled rapidly, turning into a giant giant dragon!

The body of Han Jin and Fossa is extraordinarily small compared to those of the giant beast, but at this moment, the biennial giant beast has become a group of dwarfs in front of Xavier, and the pair of giant wings spread out as if they could All the Biangi giant beast are covered under the wings, and the golden scales are scattered all over the body. Each piece is half a meter round, smooth and moist, with a jewel of Huaguang, the curve of the body is smooth, strong and proud. Exudes a noble atmosphere.

Next moment, Xavier has opened a huge mouth, and a dragon spurts out of his mouth.

The dragon’s interest was also affected by the gravity enchantment. The trajectory of the spurt showed an arc, but the one that caused Xavier’s anger was too close to the giant beast and was sprayed.

Xavier intended to burn the ugly face of the giant beast to the coke. As a result, the dragon’s breath was sprayed on the chest and abdomen of the giant beast. Although the position was different, it also constituted a huge injury, and it was unpleasant. The smell of coke came, and it was forcibly burned a deep hole about six meters wide than the giant beast. The hole was burnt and a dozen or so of the flames were emitting smoke. And the Biangi giant beast was pushed to the ground by the impact of the dragon.

The weakness of Bimeng’s giant beast is undoubted at this moment. However, the giant beast is more mad by the pain. It climbs up quickly and rushes to Xavier again with a roar sound. The sharp claws are pointed finger towards Xavier’s chest and abdomen, it also has a big hole there!

Xavier opened his mouth again, and it was a dragon spurting out. His fighting power was much stronger than that of the ordinary Golden Dragon. At least he didn’t have to wait, he could release the dragon’s breath continuously. And Xavier, like all the powerhouses of the same order, has a very rich combat experience, otherwise he will not be able to get this step, almost immediately grasp the deviation caused by Gravity Technique, make timely adjustments, and the second dragon is just spitting. That is only on the head of the giant beast.

The crystal eye mask that protects the eyes is shattered instantly, and the long hair on the head of the giant beast is swept away. Han Jin can clearly see that the muscles on the face of the giant beast are being quickly eroded and withered. Even seeing the process of melting and burning the eyes, only in an instant, the head of the giant beast has become a huge gimmick. No matter what kind of Warcraft, including the giant dragon itself, you have to rely on the nerves to make an action. Commanding the body, the head is burned like this, it is hard to imagine what kind of nerve center still exists, that the body of the giant beast becomes stiff, and then straight forward, slamming a loud bang, almost half of the body almost broke into In the earth.

However, the beast was a beast after all, and the remaining Bimen was not intimidated by not at all. The other two were also given up by Han Jin, and they went to Xavier with their companions.

Xavier’s dragon’s interest can still release a huge amount of damage in the gravity enchantment. Those golden dragons are somewhat unsatisfactory. Their breath can attack a lot of more than ten meters in front of them, and they can’t move themselves. There are more than a dozen giant beasts in Bianmen. They are surrounded by a circle. Each and everyone kills the Golden Dragon. As for the dead green dragons, they are unreasonable.

Every golden dragon that is trapped in the encirclement is desperately resisting, trying to spur the flames, but the giant beast is not a fool, at least they know how to hunt, and the positive biennial giant beast is responsible for attracting the attention of the dragon. And a deadly attack by a companion in the dead corner, of course, if Jinlong turned his head to spurt the dragon’s breath, then it must start attacking from the front.

Anyone can see that the nine superior golden dragons are killed only by the time, unless they can get help, but Xavier is self-sufficient, and Han Jin is affected by Gravity Technique, the combat power is sharply reduced, no People will help them.

Faced with a whole five Bibi giant beast, Xavier once again vomited the dragon’s breath and tried to turn his head, letting the dragon’s flame cover all five of the giant beast.

Bimon’s giant beast’s magic resistance is very weak, but it is not fake, but it is not too weak, but compared to other top-level Warcraft, under the cover of the dragon, five are appearing on the giant beast. The pieces were burnt black, and the long hairs on them were all burned out, as if they were shaved, but they were only a certain amount of damage to the skin, not at all lost their mobility, and continued to rush to Xavier.

Xavier immediately realized that he had made a mistake, and he opened his mouth again, and the raging flame shrouded the closest to the closest giant beast.

It was subconsciously hiding from the giant beast, but under the influence of gravity enchantment, its movements were not so sturdy, and then the dragon fell on its shoulders and burned.

The painful squeaking of the giant beast, the temperature of the terrifying flame erodes its muscles, revealing the bones inside, but its movements are not slow and fast, the body is straight, and the giant claw is opened. Head to Xavier’s heart.

Xavier tried to avoid it, but his reaction was not so fascinating. Bianjia beast sharp fingertips swept from his abdomen, bringing out four deep wounds, and there were more than a dozen dragon scales. Forcibly tore it down.

Xavier was sore and screamed, and another bitter violent diarrhea. Because of the distance, the only one can be counted as a single, and a deep yellow flame is poured from its head, spreading down its chest and back, and covering it all over the body. Fire sea.

Not to mention that it is a giant beast. Even the golden dragon with strong magic resistance can’t bear Xavier’s breath in such a short distance. It is only a hair removal beast, and it is turned into a hair removal beast. The cranium is not only charred, but there are also numerous cracks, like the ground cracked by prolonged drought. Then, its body, like the companion just now, falls straight down.

“Enough!!” Fossa suddenly screamed, and then his body swelled like a balloon full of balloons.

Unlike Xavier, Xavier regained his body almost instantly after the ultimate transformation, and Fossa’s expansion was much slower, and others could clearly see the changes he had made.

Han Jin has already learned about the innate talent of the Golden Blood family, and his expression has never changed. This is what he expected. Xavier was too lazy to observe Fossa. He had been retreating quickly, trying to open the distance between him and the giant beast. Then he opened his mouth and spurt a dragon. He learned the lesson. Each time, only one enemy was attacked by the dragon’s breath. While spitting out the dragon’s breath, he also took a side view and glanced back at the back. The nine upper golden dragons had already been knocked down by four, and only one of those than the giant beast. Only the giant beast lost his fighting power. Xavier knew that he was unable to save his companion. He had to leave the team before he was copied back. Otherwise, he only had a dead end, but he didn’t want to go to the market. Escape, in any case, even if it fails today, let Fossa pay the corresponding price!

The attacked Biangi giant beast hurried to one side and tried to avoid the dragon’s breath, but Xavier’s attack became more and more sophisticated, and the angle was getting more and more savvy, which proved that his adaptability is very powerful.

The dragon’s breath was sprayed on the waist of the giant beast. There was a crescent-shaped wound on the waist of the giant beast, which seemed to be bitten off by another giant beast. From the perspective of Han Jin, Even seeing the white scorpion’s bones that are still moving, and then the sorrowful sorrow of the giant beast, the body loses its balance and falls down, but it can’t be dying again, squatting on the ground, a low, low Howling.

“Let you see, the highest force of the blood family of gold!” Fossa coldly said, he has now become a talkative bimon giant beast, the difference is in his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial In the bowl, there are two curved giant fangs, and the body is shorter than other giant beasts, and the hair is different. The other hairs of the giant beast are gray black or taupe, and he is draped. A gorgeous silver hair.

Next moment, Fossa’s huge figure leaned forward, and suddenly there was a splash of sand behind him, flying directly to the height of more than ten meters, and he only took a step, then jumped out of the private ten meters far, approaching Ze Vail, as if it were not affected by gravity enchantment.

This kind of battle scene is somewhat unfair to Xavier, because Han Jin has become a okay person. It is useless to blame the people. Han Jin’s fighting style is no secret. If it is sensible, he will not fantasize to kill Han Jin. Because it doesn’t make sense, if you have to get rid of Han Jin, you must use tricks, volts, etc. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the goal, but will inflict endless troubles for yourself.

Han Jin’s eyebrows provoked an unobtrusive look, and Xavier turned pale with fright, and couldn’t take care of the few guys who were rushing to the front, and immediately opened their mouths and spewed a dragon at Fossa. interest. Xavier has just adapted to the slow and slow battle, and the quick silhouette of Fossa has had a huge impact on his psychology.

Fossa made a wrong step, leaped again, and rubbed the dragon’s breath and jumped behind Xavier. At the moment when the two giant figures were interlaced, Fossa waved his left paw and left four extremely deep on Xavier’s belly. The wound, the depth of the wound, can not be seen by the eyes, but the muscles turned out at the edge of the wound are almost half a meter thick, and the blood rushes out and flows down the Xavier’s belly like a small waterfall.

Xavier was sore all over, but his fighting spirit was still tenacious. His figure quickly changed direction and retreated. Then he turned his head and spit out at Fossa. As the Dragon City Elder, Xavier’s most powerful force is magic, but in the gravity enchantment, he can only rely on the original dragon to fight, which is itself a tragedy that has to be accepted.

How strong is the strength of Fossa, from his quick movements in the gravity enchantment, he was fully verified, his body swayed, then leaped forward, brushed from Xavier, and he extended his left paw again. Four equally deep wounds were left on Xavier’s back.

Xavier could hardly breathe, and the trembling had turned into a sway. He took a step to the side and his body seemed to have lost his balance. Hey, he was about to fall down.

“Death!” Fossa coldly said, then physique leaped, straight to Xavier, his right-handed half-bend, far pointed finger towards Zavier’s chest, the posture seems to be the heart of Xavier Live out and dig out.

Xavier showed a desperate expression in his eyes. He continued to squat, trying to keep himself from falling, and he never spit out his breath. His power should have been exhausted. The Dragon God’s heart is called Dragon Race. The sacred object is because the giant dragon can have unlimited resilience, and the uninterrupted, one-stop spurt of breath, with the power of Xavier, can not withstand such huge consumption.

With a slamming sound, Fossa’s sharp claw penetrated into Xavier’s chest deeply, and unexpected things happened. The despair in Xavier’s eyes turned into a strong madness at the same time. He opened his relatively short arms and died. The death of Fossa on his chest, like holding a small child, a sip of the dragon from the top cover, the Fossa and even Xavier’s own half body, shrouded in the fire sea.

Perhaps because Han Jin and Xavier had unscrupulous ridicule before the battle, it was impossible for Fossa to remain calm. Perhaps it was because the two attacks were easy to get, so that Fossa relied too much on the influence of gravity enchantment and despised a dragon city too much. Elder’s combat power, in short, he made a big mistake.

Fossa only thought that he was a real warrior who fearlessly and bravely went forward. As everyone knows, in any long-term historical reproduction, there is a lot of stories that can be heard. What’s more, Xavier has his own self-esteem and upholding. If his strength is not as good as people, he will go away alone, regardless of his companion’s life and death. Then what other aspects does he have to return to Longcheng, and what else to continue to do Elder? Of course, he will go, but before he leaves, he must let Fossa pay the price. Sometimes, for what, what must be done, it is a kind of madness, and the effect of the human race madness is equivalent.

Fossa made a painful roar, but his reaction was very fast. He immediately pulled out his left paw, clasped Xavier’s throat, and pushed Xavier’s head up. The unfinished dragon finally left. The body of Fossa spewed in the air, and then Fossa made all the power, twisted his body, and pulled out his right paw. His feet also stepped on Xavier’s lower abdomen, kicking hard, trying to break free. Go out.

Compared with Fossa, who became a giant beast, Xavier has a lot of pure power, and his chest is under the mad tear of Fresa, and there are more shocking wounds. Finally, he supports Can’t stop, the arms are helplessly loosened a little.

Fossa felt Xavier’s exhaustion, his feet at the same time, on Xavier’s belly, broke away from Xavier’s unwilling hug, and made a roll on the ground, Cangjie quit.

The hair of the whole body of Fresa was almost burned out, especially the head, and it became shiny. He closed one eye tightly and the other eye became a seam. The biggest weakness of the giant beast was the eye. Of course, Fossa is no exception. In that dragon’s breath, his eyes are hurt to varying degrees.

Those few than the giant beast saw Fusa injured, roaring and rushing to Xavier, they must avenge their king, and Xavier in the final kick of Fossa, the body finally lost balance, planted on the back On the ground, the huge body is like a hill that will be active. There are more than 20 deep wounds on his chest, and there is an unfathomable blood hole. It became a blood dragon.

“Raphael, save me!!” Xavier tried to get up and made a cry for help. By this time, he could no longer continue fighting. Although he still could not save his companion, he had at least achieved peace of mind and had a forgiveness. Your own reasons.

“Come on!” Han Jin, who had been watching for a long time, finally moved, and then roared: “Kill!!”

Han Jin’s right hand hoisted, and a deep purple light appeared in his hand, and immediately turned into a smashing thing, then Han Jin’s right hand was sent forward, and a condensed light column straight forward. The spurt came out and was stabbing a chest of a giant beast. From the figure of Han Jin and Bianmei’s giant beast, Han Jin is like a small insect grabbing a long and outrageous toothpick to challenge a giant, but the sharpness of the toothpick is far beyond imagination, the light column The other end of the body is as easy to cut into the body of Biangi giant beast.

“Kill…kill!” Han Jin has become radiant and imposing. If you come to the dusty sky, the light column in your hand will be stabbed one after another, leaving a dozen deep in the giant beast. In the wound, three wounds pierced the head of the giant beast of Bibi, and the Biangi giant beast couldn’t support it anymore. He swayed forward and took a few steps, and the figure fell.

Xavier was a glimpse first, then another joy. Although he had heard it early, he did not expect that Han Jin’s completely released combat power would be so sharp, and the magic props that were possessed were so magical that they might not have the hope of winning!

Han Jin’s figure has become a bit stiff, his face has risen red, his right arm has fallen softly, and then he fell to his knees on one knee.

“Go! Go!!” Han Jin raised his head and roared.

Xavier immediately realized that Han Jin could only improve his combat power in an instant, and the time for maintenance was very limited! He rushed to make up his strength, struggled to get up, turned and fled in the opposite direction. At this time, he saw that all the nine golden dragons had been killed, leaving only two giant beasts to continue slaughtering those unable. To move even a little bit of the green dragon, and the remaining Biangi giant beasts have already rushed over to them.

However, Xavier just missed it, and Han Jin was temporarily unable to take a shot. A Biangi giant beast had already grabbed behind Xavier and extended the giant claw. He grabbed the tail that was dragged behind, and the blood light splashed. Xavier’s tail was cut into two paragraphs by forcibly. The facts once again prove the wisdom of Biangi’s giant beast. If it is to seize Xavier’s tail, it is definitely a catastrophe for Xavier. It is also a big problem for Han Jin. The tail is cut off, but actually it is Helped Xavier, in the world-shaking roar sound, Xavier’s huge body even put out more than a hundred meter away, as if it was just like the former Fossa, it was not affected by gravity, and then he did not dare to return. Use long wings to maintain balance and desperately escape to the distance.

“Go…” Han Jin’s figure was once again straight, he was telling Xavier with action, I will stick to it until you escape safely!

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